Tyrone Hayes
17 May 2008
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UC Berkeley Biologist who found Atrazine linked to deformed sexual organs of frogs
- Atrazine-Induced Hermaphroditism at 0.1 PPB in American Frogs (Rana pipiens): Laboratory and Field Evidence Environmental Health Perspectives; Volume 111, Number 4;April 2003
http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/members/2003/5932/5932.html - Hermaphrodite Frogs Caused By Popular Weed Killer?
By Bijal P. Trivedi; National Geographic Today
“April 16, 2002 Atrazine, a top selling weed killer in the United States and the world, has
been found to dramatically affect the sexual development of male frogs, turning them
into hermaphroditesãcreatures with both male and female organsãat concentrations
30 times lower than those deemed safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). …”
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/04/0416_020416_TVfrog.html - Minnesota Center for Environment Advocacy
http://www.mncenter.org/p.asp?WebPage_ID=7- Popular Pesticide Faulted for Frogs’ Sexual Abnormalities
6/18/2003 Jennifer Lee The New York Times Ý Scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency say there is “sufficient evidence” to conclude that the country’s most widely used pesticide, atrazine, causes sexual abnormality in frogs. http://www.mncenter.org/p.asp?WebPage_ID=24&Profile_ID=258
- Popular Pesticide Faulted for Frogs’ Sexual Abnormalities
- Profile: Hopping Mad
A frog biologist battles an agrichemical giant
by Kerry Tremain; Sierra Club
http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200407/profile.asp - New Study Finds Very Low Levels of Exposure to Common Herbicide Causes
Sex Reversal, Hermaphroditism in Frogs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brandon Adams (919-541-5466); 23 October 2002
http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/press/atrazine.html - The Story of Syngenta & Tyrone Hayes at UC Berkeley: The Price of Research
A Berkeley Scientist Says a Corporate Sponsor Tried to
Bury his Unwelcome Findings and Then Buy His SilenceÝ
By GOLDIE BLUMENSTYK / The Chronicle of Higher Education v.50, i.10, 31oct03