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Welcome to the Environmental Health Network

What’s New?

EHN Members Speak at Partners in Preparedness Summit Series

Dear Friends,

As you may know, the Environmental Health Network (EHN) is one mighty little organization that provides all kinds of services to the MCS/EMF community in a myriad of ways. Since 1988, we have offered resources and referrals via the Support and Information Line (voicemail support), the monthly support group, picnics, online chat groups, and our website. We have organized clothing exchanges, holiday dinners, film screenings, and even salsa and swing dance lessons.

As if that isn’t enough, we have tabled at many an Earth Day Festival and Ecofest, educating the public about health and the environment. We’ve also tabled at All Things Organic (Austin and Chicago), local schools, the Marin County Fair, the Petaluma Progressive Festival, and countless more. We have worked in coalition with other groups to fight Smart Meters, the Light Brown Apple Moth spraying, pesticide spraying in general, and to improve perfume labeling. EHN has worked successfully to include toxicity issues in state guidelines for accessible building codes and with many groups for sustainable and nontoxic building.

One of our founders, Susan Molloy, initiated and coordinated the building of Ecology House, the first HUD sponsored apartment complex built specifically for MCS/EMF people, in 1994. For many years it stood as the only building of its kind in this country, which is no small accomplishment.

We warmly invite you to join EHN as a paid member so that our vital work may continue. Membership starts at $15/year for low income, or $25/year in general. We would greatly appreciate your support, and will put your monies to good use. All of our services are available to any member, whether paid or not.

Please send remittance to:
PO Box 1155, Larkspur, CA 94977-1155

Or you can pay with a credit card at: http://ehnca.org/membership-donations/

EHN is currently not a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Thank you for your support!


Louise Yost, Events Director
Connie Barker, Board President
Cyndi Norwitz, Board Vice President
Emily Earhart, Board Historian

In honor of our past president and dear friend, Barbara Wilkie (1938-2011), EHN hosted a memorial service, August 7, 2011 in Berkeley, California.  For more details, please CLICK HERE.

To share memories of Barb, please CLICK HERE.

Wilkie Wages War

Writings by Barbara Wilkie on fighting kidney disease, mainstream medicine and petrochemicals.
Table of Contents


Looking for our classic website by Barb Wilkie? (With all the alphabet topics?) CLICK HERE.

Environmental Health Network’s Mailing Lists

EHN-Announce. A no discussion, low volume list for meetings, events, and activism opportunities.

EHN-Chat. A medium volume list that extends the discussions at the EHN meetings and allows members to socialize online.

EHN Facebook Page. Open to members and interested parties from around the world.

One Comment »

  • Shari Withrow said:


    I have heard you are a great group and I’d like to join. How do I do that? (is my brain fog showing?)
    Look fwd to hearing from you,