Facts and Protection for Rescue Workers and Residents Thanks to the efforts of Cyndi Norman. -- barb http://www.immuneweb.org/911/
While on vacation, I saw news items that EPA air quality tests showed no discernable levels of toxins in the plumes. I'd like to remind the world of the EPA's own words regarding air quality tests on indoor air: "Contaminant concentration levels rarely exceed existing standards and guidelines ..." (http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/sbs.html) It won't be too long into the future but what we start learning of the chemical injuries suffered by the firefighters, police, the public as a result of being misled by the EPA. And when we start hearing of their chemical poisonings, we will also learn that they cannot stand being around modern fragrance products. Makes perfect sense to the perspicacious among us: Modern scents are concocted using inadequately tested petrochemical derivatives. What is our assurance that these products are "throughly tested" before marketing? The industry's very own sayso! There is no government oversight; there is government OVERL@@K.
See EHN's FDA Petition 99P-1340 . . . Perfume analyses, complementary information and FDA petition contact information are provided for your perusal. Write today, to the FDA.
Remember the adage: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
-- barb |
S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
- Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal
http://www.normanrosenthal.com/ - It's Wintertime: Lighten up!
When winter falls, many find themselves in need of more light !
http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/sadlight.htm - SAD scientists get enlightened; MSNBC
- S.A.F.E.'s MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Safe 2 Use -- See Jen-Par Enterprises
Environmental and People Safe Products
- Info on Sevin and other pesticides
Lice R Gone®
"Faster, Easier, Safer, More Economical, FDA Registered U.S. Patent Protected Process"
Safely treat the entire family with one bottle! - Over 16 shampoos.
Lice and Nits can be removed in 10 minutes. No pesticides. No chemicals.
- Nits and Lice®
Excerpts from the book "The Best Control" and comments by Stephen Tvedten
http://www.LiceRGone.com/nit.htmSafe Solutions, Inc.'s Lice R Gone® - Site Map
Patented Process: U.S. # 6663860
"[S]afe and wholesome fragrances and fragrance ingredients"
Fragrance Materials Association of the United States
- Frankly, I don't know how the fragrance industry defines safe or wholesome, but according to my American Heritage Dictionary the definitions are:
1. Secure from danger, harm, or evil.
2. Free from danger or injury; unhurt.
3. Free from risk; sure.
4. Affording protection.
1. Conducive to sound health or well-being; salutary.
2. Promoting mental, moral, or social health.
3. Enjoying or marked by physical, mental, or moral soundness; healthy.
Now see some excerpts from the National Academy of Science presentation before the 99th US Congress, way back in 1986, regarding the neurotoxicity of fragrance chemicals. Neurotoxins: At Home and the Workplace
SAFE-HOMES - Environmental Consultants
Safe Schools, Irene Ruth Wilkenfeld
- Problem Classroom Contaminants
http://www.head-gear.com/SafeSchools/contaminants.html - Sick School Syndrome: In the News
http://www.head-gear.com/SafeSchools/news.html - Sick School Syndrome: News Archives
http://www.head-gear.com/SafeSchools/oldnews.html - Sick School Syndrome: Open Letters
Letters on pesticides, construction materials and perfume
http://www.head-gear.com/SafeSchools/open.html- Open Letter: Perfumes Contaminate Our Classrooms
- Open Letter: Perfumes Contaminate Our Classrooms
Safer Products
I rely on baking soda, vinegar, club soda, salt, lemon juice, BonAmi, hydrogen peroxide,
and, yes, good ol' sunshine. -- barb
- 20 ways to cut out chemicals
Saturday May 8, 2004, The Guardian
http://www.guardian.co.uk/chemicalworld/story/0,14534,1210242,00.html - Nova Scotia Allergy & Environmental Health Association
Guide to Less Toxic Products
Remember, listen to YOUR body. For example, I have not been able to use some shampoos and
conditioners. While they carry the label for organic, they are far too scented for my body.
Others also labeled organic but use scented waters, are OK for my body. -- barb
San Francisco Bay Area
Website is new, under construction, but has photos of a rental property in San Rafael. -- barb 3/05
- Search this site for "Formaldehyde" . . . You'll get a good 10 links out to more info.-- barb
- Contractor How -to Guides
Travel Accommodation Guide for the Chemically Sensitive Person
(Languages: Danish, Deutsch, English, Espanol, Finnish,
FranÁais, Italiano, nederland, Nihongo, Svenska)
Recent News and Alerts
- Cosmetic & Hygiene Recalls
- Drugs 'n Medicine Recalls
http://www.safetyalerts.com/rcls/category/drug.htm - Food Recalls
The Army Link
Starting point for St. Louis websites
Saline Breast Implants
Also see Silicone Breast Implants, below.
- FDA Advisary Committee On Saline Filled Breast Implants -
Hearings Of March 1-3, 2000
P. Blais, INNOVAL, 496 Westminster Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 2V1 Canada
http://implants.clic.net/tony/Blais/037.html - Statement of Jae Hong Lee, MD, MPH at the meeting of the
General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel, July 9, 2002
"Two years after the FDA¼s controversial approval of saline breast implants, the FDA
Advisory Committee on breast implants held an unusual meeting to review the latest
research on implant complication rates on July 9, 2002.
In 2000, saline breast implants were approved by the FDA despite a 70% rate of serious
complications among breast cancer reconstruction patients during the first three
years and 40% among augmentation patients. The Advisory Committee expressed
strong concerns about the high complication rate but recommended approval on the
condition that the manufacturers conduct long-term safety studies. ..."
http://www.cpr4womenandfamilies.org/bi070902jl.html - Statement of Diana Zuckerman, Ph.D., President
National Center for Policy Research for Women & Families
At the July 9, 2002 Meeting of
The FDA Advisory Committee on Saline Breast Implants
Each month, San Diego Earth Times On-Line presents articles covering a wide variety of
local, national and international environmental topics.
- Home Safe Home
This article includes recipes for safer cleaning. -- barb
http://www.sdearthtimes.com/et0496/et0496s2.html - Organic Gardening Tips from Don Trotter
- ASSAULT BY SCENT! OR: Keeping Smelly Students at Bay
Aired February 1, 1998 - 1:45 p.m. ET
CNN EARTH MATTERS; Anne McDermott explains.
Even from antagonists, we can gather information. In this case, a CNN interview
is brought to us by FORCES - The Theatre of the Absurd -- barb
http://www.forces.org/absurd/files/scent.htm - Citizens for A Safe Learning Environment
"At Culver High School, Judy Sanderson, a chemically sensitive biology teacher, reported
having been the victim of "fragrance assaults" by some of her students on more than
90 occasions from 1993-1997. In November 1997, she won some precedent-setting
accommodations after a collective bargaining agreement was issued by arbitrator, Ronald
Hoh (California State Mediation and Conciliation Service Case # 96-3-740). In this
landmark decision, student pranksters caught dousing the teacher or her classroom with
fragrance-based products will be punished as they would be for any other physical
assault on an instructor. And the school was directed to install oscillating surveillance
cameras both inside and outside of Ms. Sanderson's classroom to deter students from
engaging in further assaults. - Irene Wilkenfeld, Safe Schools.
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Education/CASLE/examples.html - Education Intelligence Agency
January 19, 1998
Near the bottom of the page. -- barb
- "Three thousand miles away, the Culver City Federation of Teachers (an AFT
affiliate) is supporting the installation of video cameras in a teacher¼s classroom.
The reason? They want to catch the students who have been assaulting her... by wearing
perfume. Judith Sanderson has a severe chemical intolerance that is aggravated by
fragrances. She alleged that students would deliberately spray her classroom with
perfumes to harass her. The surveillance cameras are actually a compromise. Sanderson
had demanded a security guard, a campus-wide ban on perfumes and colognes and
the emptying of a 100-locker security zone around her classroom. The union stands
behind Sanderson. 'If kids find out they can harass a teacher with impunity, they will,'
said local president David Mielke."
http://home.earthlink.net/~mantonucci/archives/19980119.htm - Fragrant door - BLISTERED!
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/doorjudy.htm - JAN -- Job Accommodation Network
ADAM NEWSLETTER-Bureau of National Affairs
July 9, 1998, Vol. 7, No. 13
Vol. 7, No. 13 July 9, 1998
Scroll to bottom to read:
Teacher With Chemical Sensitivity
"A school district is not required to institute a fragrance-free policy to accommodate a
chemically sensitive high school teacher, nor is it required to station a security guard
near her classroom door or discontinue the use of student lockers surrounding her
classroom, a labor arbitrator decided (Culver City Unified School District and California
Federation of Teachers, Arb. Ronald Hoh, CSMCS Case No. 96-3-740, 11/25/97)."Judith Sanderson, who has been diagnosed as 'chemically injured,' experiences nausea,
feverishness, and chest pain when exposed to personal fragrance products such as
perfume, hairspray, and scented body lotions. Severe exposure can result in a respiratory
infection."The Culver City School District made several accommodations for Sanderson, including
changing internal doors from wood to metal, not fumigating for termites, sealing
vents and other openings between her classroom and adjoining rooms, altering the
cleaning schedule and cleaning supplies used in her classroom, and purchasing an air
purifier for her classroom."Although the accommodations have helped Sanderson perform her job more efficiently,
she testified that her exposure to fragrance 'assaults' --conscious actions by students
in spraying cologne or perfume into her classroom, onto her door, or on other
students in her classes--had continued."Establishing a fragrance-free campus is not a reasonable remedy, arbitrator Ronald Hoh
decided, noting that neither the ADA nor the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 would
require such an action. A fragrance-free policy would be 'extremely difficult to enforce'
and could raise potential Fourth Amendment issues regarding unreasonable search
and seizure, he wrote."Hoh acknowledged the 'extensive frustration' caused by the 'fragrance assaults,' which
was 'due largely to difficulties in identifying suspects.' However, stationing a security
guard near Sanderson's classroom between class periods and during lunch would
impose an undue hardship on the district, he said, noting that the high school has only
three full-time security guards for the entire campus and its 1,900 students."But the installation of oscillating surveillance cameras in and outside Sanderson's
classroom would 'effectively deter students from engaging in the vast majority of such
'assaults,' ' Hoh decided, adding that the cost to the school district would be minimal."Sanderson's request for discontinued use of the student lockers surrounding her
classroom is unreasonable, Hoh ruled, given an existing shortage of lockers and high
replacement costs. However, "because the source of [Sanderson's] concern is the students
who occupy the lockers . . . I believe it is reasonable to allow [Sanderson] input on the
subject of which students may occupy those lockers,' Hoh said. He ordered the district
to allow Sanderson to compile a list of 'acceptable students,' who are 'aware of
and concerned about' her condition, to occupy those lockers."
OR, via the Wayback Machine
http://web.archive.org/web/19990922081136/http://janweb.icdi.wvu.edu/english/pubs/OtherPubs/fragrance.html - Some say a popular perfume is a health danger!!
WSFA Ch 12
Irene Ruth Wilkenfeld's Safe Schools
Environmental Medicine
"The following letter is eloquently written by Irene Wilkenfeld to the National
Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC). It addresses many of the issues which
confront those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (a.k.a. MCS or Environmental Illness)."
http://breakoutwebsolutions.com/NEWAH3EM/Irenepg.htm - SAFE SCHOOLS
by Irene Ruth Wilkenfeld; January 7, 1998
"Judy Sanderson, chemically sensitive Culver City high school biology teacher who has
taught at the school since 1970, and who has been the victim of 'fragrance assaults'
by some of her students on more than 90 occasions (since 1993), has won some
predecent-setting accommodations after a collective bargaining agreement was issued
by arbitrator, Ronald Hoh, signed on November 25, 1997 (California State Mediation
and Conciliation Service Case # 96-3-740). In a landmark decision by a state arbitrator
released in late November, student pranksters caught dousing the teacher or her
classroom with fragrance-based products will be punished as they would be for any
other physical assault on an instructor. ... "
Via the Wayback Machine:
http://web.archive.org/web/20000420170010/http://members.aol.com/ECHOMCSCT/home4.html - Sick School Syndrome in the News
Irene Wilkenfeld's Safe Schools site
From: The Culver City Chronicle (CA) - December 17, 1997 http://www.head-gear.com/SafeSchools/news.html
Via the Wayback Machine:
- Woman wins over 'chemical terrorism'
The Ragged Edge
- Biography
- Collected Papers of William Sanjour
"After 28 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and being close to
retirement, I decided to try to gather all the things I have written about EPA and my
experience as a whistleblower in one place. I will continue to add to these pages until
they are complete or I die, whichever comes first. I welcome your comments. - William Sanjour "
http://pwp.lincs.net/sanjour/Default.htm - INTRODUCTORY REMARKS FOR UNDECLARED WHISTLEBLOWERS*
http://www.whistleblowers.org/Sanjour.htm - Memo to Hon. Carol M. Browner Administrator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding Westinghouse Corporation
http://www.mcni.net/~copa/rifs/sanjun97.htm - Sanjour William v. EPA
Paul Lynn, M.D., Medical Director
Joel Lopez, M.D., N.D., Associate Medical Director
I'm being seen by Dr. Lopez in an effort to safely detox and hopefully spare my kidneys
further stress. -- barb
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Just started this in April . . . can only afford two times a week treatments. I'm hopeful!
In any case, it is an easy enough hour to spend, and only slightly annoying as the ears pop.
http://www.sfpmg.com/hyperbaric-oxygen.html - Massage Therapy
- MediSpa Menu
Jeffery D. Sapoznik, CMT, RMT, NCTMB
- Jeffery Sapoznik -- Graduate of The Soma Institute Class of 2003
"Jeffery Sapoznik credits his education from The Soma Institute for enabling him to land
his dream job at the renowned San Francisco Preventive Medical Group, an
internationally recognized preventative health facility. "
- Jeffery Sapoznik -- Graduate of The Soma Institute Class of 2003
- MediSpa Menu
- Treatments Offered at SFPMG
Dr. Saputo
Health Medicine Forum
Len Saputo, M.D. - Director HMF, 1776 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Suite 105
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone (925) 934-7311 - Fax (925) 937-9552
E-mail -- hmf@healthmedicine.org
Robin Rowland, CBC News Online | May 23, 2003
Contains Civet Cat info -- used to be a source of musk. Now they use synthetics. Great for the
animals, but how about for 'fume users? Synthetic musks are found in breasts and mother's milk. -- barb
Also see EHN's links out to info on Hoaxes and Viruses. -- barb
Hoaxes - http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/h.htm#Hoaxes
Viruses - http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/v.htm#Viruses
- Consumer Information
Anti-Phishing Working Group
Info on Phishing and Pharming. -- barb
http://www.antiphishing.org/index.html- Excerpted from Anti-Phishing Working Group's home page. -- barb
" What is Phishing and Pharming?
"Phishing attacks use 'spoofed' e-mails and fraudulent websites designed to fool
recipients into divulging personal financial data such as credit card numbers,
account usernames and passwords, social security numbers, etc. Pharming uses
the same kind of spoofed sites, but uses malware/spyware to redirect users from
real websites to the fraudulent sites (typically DNS hijacking). By hijacking the
trusted brands of well-known banks, online retailers and credit card companies,
phishers are able to convince recipients to respond to them. ..." - Consumer Advice: How to Avoid Phishing Scams
Excerpted from a long list of info. -- barb
" ... Don't use the links in an email to get to any web page, if you suspect the message
might not be authentic instead, call the company on the telephone, or log onto the
website directly by typing in the Web adress [sic] in your browser ..."
http://www.antiphishing.org/consumer_recs.html - Consumer Advice:
What To Do If You've Given Out Your Personal Financial Information
- Excerpted from Anti-Phishing Working Group's home page. -- barb
- Scam Alerts by DeLuca & DeLuca
- ScamBusters
- SCAMS: On the Net
Also, see Fragrances at
Also see Smell and Taste, below.
Also see
Phthalates -- they are more than just plasticizers!
but also because I believe it is preposterous. Sources: Fragrance Tips, USA
and an ad by Canada's version of the Fragrance Foundation at
By the bye, I first saw this Canadian ad in response to the efforts of Nova Scotia Allergy
and Environmental Health Association (NSAEHA), Environmental Illness Society of
Canada (EISC ), Fragrance Products Information Network, and MCS Referral and
Resources in Halifax Nova Scotia. Our own friend, Betty Bridges, RN, was an invited
speaker. For more on that June 20, 2000 press conference, please turn to EHN's page,
Then there is the Scent Reduction Policies and the Workplace -
Important Considerations site, which is part of the Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and
Fragrance Association at http://www.cctfa.ca/scented/workplacefacts.htm
And you'll have to trust me on this one, but the comments given here are the same ones
the US industry gave when it sent out its troops to fight the idea of a REQUEST for
fragrance-free attendance at civic meetings. The industry has been regurgitating the same
info for years, and yet "body burden" studies are showing phthalates in blood . . . and
phthalates are not found only in plastics or nail polish. Phthalates are a very important
part of fragrance manufacture as its the phthalates that help give scent the lingring,
lasting forever characteristic.
The US states:
Canada states: "Stay Inside Your Scent Circle
"Everyone has a personal "scent circle" about an arm's length away from their body.
Ask that employees modify their use of scent so that no one outside their "scent circle"
is aware of it."
Canadian Cosmetic. Toiletry and Fragrance Association
Nov. 2005 . . . it's been a little while since I've visited this CCTFA site and it has changed.
Health Canada's Cosmetics and Personal Care can be accessed at
Ad : Common Scents About Scents
Of course, it's a prevarication to say "Fragrance formulations do not contain toxic
ingredients such as carcinogens or neurotoxins," which this ad states. But IF you don't inform
yourself, you can sure be convinced that fragrances are safe for everyone. They are not! Fragrances
are not substantiated for safety before marketing. Fragrances can adversely affect many people of
all ages, races and genders. Fragrances effects can be immediate or long-term. -- barb
Barb's opinion:
What I find a highly amusing (irony) is that this unregulated industry came up with this bit
of advice: "Scent is one of the most personal messages you can send, so no one outside your
circle should be aware of your fragrance," yet they manufacture scents that cannot possibly
remain within one's arm's length. And it's the phthalates that are showing up in blood and it's
the phthalates that help make scent last. Phthalates are connected with fetal male genitalia problems
During the last 30 years or so, synthetic fragrances have been formulated to waft further and last
longer, and they have been added to an ever increasing array of personal care and household
and janitorial cleaning and maintenance products. Through advertising, the industry has
enticed more people to use and wear more scents more places than ever before. Then the industry
has developed a public relations campaign and suggests people should observe their industry-
determined "'scent circle' ... approximately an arm's length from the body." Beautiful!
To point out the OBVIOUS, fragrances are volatile organic compounds and it's the nature of this
beast to NOT observe any "scent circle." Notice when you step into an elevator, and no one is
in sight but you know an odorovector had used that car before you because you are assaulted
by the invisible, noxious vapor trail left lingering. The toxic fragrance chemicals have become
one with the air you must breathe. And, they could be there from deodorant, or hair care
products, etc., the likes of which aren't included in the industry's "scent circle."
Secondly, try to gain an arm's length when you are in your healthcare facility and the scented
nurse is drawing your blood, or your scented doctor is examing you, or at work, in school, in a
crowded elevator, on crowded public transit ... in the theater . . . on a long plane flight . . . in a
restaurant, where it's bad enough to try to dodge other patrons, but too often you must
dodge the host or hostess and servers, too. Restaurants should understand that dining is an
olfactory pleasure and that synthetic scents annihilate the scrumptious aromas from food and
beverage; AND, can cause a patron a death-defying (one hopes it's no more than that!) asthmatic attack.
"Scent circle." Is that a clever ploy to off-load blame from the industry and put it squarely
on the shoulders of the very people to whom they sell their products? How long will the
people hold still for being blamed for wearing too much of a product that won't respect "scent
circle" boundaries? If I were an unvalued customer, I'd switch to fragrance-free products . . .
of course, there can be a problem trying to find truly fragrance-free or unscented products
because the industry can add synthetic scents to products to mask other objectionable odors
and then label these scented products "Fragrance-FREE" or "UNscented." But, there are
Source: FDA'sCosmetic Safety: More Complex Than at First Blush
by Dori Stehlin"
* fragrance-free - products so labeled may still contain small amounts of
fragrances to mask the fatty odor of soap or other unpleasant odors"
industry from "rip-off" scents being manufactured and sold. Trade secret status does shield
the industry very nicely from an informed consumership, astute doctors, lawyers AND
government regulation! I firmly believe the public has a right to know about the chemicals
they are putting on their bodies, in their bodies, on and in the bodies of others including their
infants and children, in the air, in the water downstream, ... Yes, fragrance chemicals are now
found in breast tissue, mother's milk and in waste water downstream, affecting fish and
wildlife. (Toledo Blade, "Synthetic musk linked to environmental risks," by Michael Woods,
March 24, 1999.) Also see EHN's POPs
Also see Danish Environment's "Children should keep away from perfume,"
which is a section of their article, "Perfume Causes Allergies."
So, how discouraging is all of this to those now requiring cleaner, safer air for access? Can we
scramble up out of yet another abyss?
Let's give this idea of a "scent circle" a 180 degree flip. If users of scented products have
an industry-declared "scent circle" that they are not supposed to exceed, then by George we
have our own arm's length of distance that their chemical outgassings should not penetrate.
If you react to the toxic chemical scent concoctions used or worn by folks further away than
your arm's length, be sure to claim your legitimate space of cleaner air. Of course,
try to claim your arm's length while being examined by a scented doctor, or while having blood
drawn by a scented nurse, while regestering for health care, attending a conference, at
work, in school, in a crowded elevator, on a public transit conveyance, etc. Ad nauseam.
For my money, having to proclaim our "NO-scent circle" in the workplace, in school, in
healthcare settings, in places of worship, on public transit, in meetings, et al., can't hold a
candle to our space -- our "NO-scent circle," if you please -- being invaded by all of the industry-
installed fragrance and pesticide emitting devices. One comes in contact with these decided
air polluters upon entering hotels, restaurants and who knows what all public venues. I have
even been in a hotel lobby whose staff proudly proclaimed they dispense fragrance throughout
the hotel. I contacted management, rest assured. Lest you think this is just too far fetched, see:
Chemical Market Reporter; Nov 29, 1999
Fragrance Foundation and Analysts Outline Lasting Growth Strategies.
(Statistical Data Included); Author/s: Peter Landau
But some of the worst offenders healthwise are those bathroom dispensers that spritz as one leaves
the cubicle. That way, people get blasted on their person as well as in their lungs. Dangerous!
And, of course, those pollutants are released to the general air so someone just wanting to wash
hands is also subjected to that blast of pollutants released when another person left the cubicle.
In my opinion, these modern scent and pesticide dispensing devices, especially those that
send this poison out through the HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning) system
are an assault on public health -- our health --AND an invasion of our rights to breathe safer air,
unpolluted by gratuitously added synthetic scents, which are petrochemical distillates. And,
what pray tell, happens to our "NO-scent circle of an arm's length under such circumstances?
If YOU think the industry has its way with our government, our health, and our "NO-scent
circle," please write to the US agencies such as the FDA, the EPA, and the CPSC. Strange as
it may seem, their mission is to protect public health.
And, if all of this doesn't seem ludicrous enough, the industry has admitted to having
just begun its first study of effects upon fragrance inhalation. See
Scents and sensitivities
What to know before buying a Valentine's Day perfume
By Francesca Lyman; Feb. 6, 2002; MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR
Now mirrored by permission at
Another article worth your time is Scents are InTOXICating by Sue Williams,
who has written it for The Healthy Planet (http://thehealthyplanet.com/InTOXICating.htm).
You may wonder about the industry prescribed SCENT CIRCLE as you read, "I bank at a
credit union and for over a year we have been at war. Not because of any discrepancy in my
account, but because of the overwhelming, breathtaking fragrance inside. This odor permeates
even the drive-up tubes and this toxic air comes inside the vehicle whenever I open one to
retrieve my deposit slip. ..."
Want more info? Read "Scents & Sensitivity" by Brandy E. Fisher in the Environmental
Health Perspectives;
You may also wish to ask yourself this question before you next use one of "your" --
manufactured, synthetically derived from petrochemicals -- signature scents or favorite
scented product: Do Environmental Chemicals Harm Humans? by Dr. Mercola
By the way, when you read this article, and learn of chemicals in breast milk, think MUSK
. Synthetic musks are commonly used in the manufacture of fragrances. They are not only found
stored in breast tissue and downstream in breast milk, but they are also found in the water
downstream where they are also affecting fish and wildlife. By looking for safer products without
petrochemical derived scents, you may be protecting your health and the health of fellow
creatures on this planet.
Also, a "must read" is an article that was published in the International Flavours and
Fragrance Journal: Fragrance: Emerging Health and Environmental Concerns
by Betty Bridges, RN at http://www.fpinva.org/FragranceReview.htm
And now, it is March 2004 . . . and we learn:
Due To Indoor Sources, Cancer Health Risk Significantly Underestimated by
EPA's Ambient Model Estimates
"The cancer risk from exposure to VOCs is vastly underestimated by current models that
rely solely on ambient emissions. The cancer risk figures based on actual measured exposure
were as much as three-fold greater than estimates given by models."
By the way, if you think you are buying GREEN products, they are not allowed to contain
"petrochemical-derived scent." Make sure that you do not see "fragrance" on the label.
See US DOI http://www.doi.gov/greening/sustain/trad.html.
We, the already chemically injured have been trying to inform -- for years! -- consumers, the
mainstream medical industry, our government agencies charged with protecting public health
and mainstream media. Our valid information is based upon the work of reputable doctors and
researchers. The information about the toxic effects of fragrances is available . . . one just has to
know where and how to find it. Why are you not getting warnings from government agencies
charged with protecting public health? I don't know. But until such time, take matters into your
own hands. Learn all you can. EHN's site is a place to begin your research.
Remember the counsel you received as a child? STOP, LOOK and LISTEN. Well, I suggest we
revisit that advice in reverse order. It is up to you to LISTEN, LOOK and STOP. Listen to
us, the already chemically injured. Look at the labels of products; if it states "fragrance,"
look for a product that is safer for you and your family, friends, colleagues . . . and for the wildlife
downstream. Stop purchasing scented products on the blind faith that the industry
" thoroughly" tests before marketing. It hasn't been. Let's see proof that the carcinogens, hormone
disrupters, irritants, neurotoxins, sensitizers and teratogens in fragrance products do not harm
developing fetuses, infants,children, elderly, the already ill, and other creatures with whom we share
this planet . . . and you, the wearer, who cannot yet recognize the illnesses to strike your body.
As it is, I'm not convinced that a user of fragrances is safe just because it has been tested on the
skin of primary users. Where are the tests for effects upon inhalation, for effects upon blood
pressure and the heart? Where are the tests for effects upon the digestive system? Where are the
tests for effects upon the brain and nervous systems? Where, praytell are the tests for systemic
effects? Where are the tests for effects upon the nonuser who becomes a user through inhalation
and absorption of these toxins? Where are the tests on products whose formulations changed
from mainly plant and animal essences preceding the 1970s to become about 95 percent
petrochemically derived? Where is government regulation? Where the heck is Congress? Congress
was informed as far back as 1986 about the neurotoxins. One thing for sure, industry is raking
in a lot of money . . . and we the people are a lot poorer for it. in a variety of ways.
We all are stakeholders when it comes to breathing.
-- barb
- Some EHN links to check:
- Air Fresheners
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/a.htm#Fresheners- Automatic dispensing units
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/a.htm#Automatic - Spritzing Fragrance and Pesticide dispensers -- Air Polluters
- Automatic dispensing units
- Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC)
E-Mail comments to "Information Center" Info@cpsc.gov
http://www.cpsc.gov - Cosmetics and breast cancer
by James W. Coleman, Ph.D.
Cancer Research Center of America, Inc.
http://www.cancerresearchamerica.org/cosmetics.html - EPA
- FDA - See FDA Petition, Docket Number 99P - 1340
Contact info near bottom of green block of information.
E-mail fdadockets@oc.fda.gov with Docket Number: 99P-1340 on Subject line.
http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm - Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association
420 Britannia Road East, Suite 102, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 3L5.
e-mail: cctfa@cctfa.ca.
http://www.cctfa.ca/enjyfrag.html - Fragrance Foundation®, Inc.
It's almost like in one breath fragrance users are told not to exceed their "scent circle" and
in the next, told how to most definitely exceed it. Who's fooling whom? -- barb
Tip #1: "Everyone has a personal 'scent circle': approximately an arm's length from
the body. No one should be aware of your fragrance unless he or she steps
inside your 'circle.' Fragrance should be one of the most subtle, personal
messages you send to those with whom you come in contact. "
Tip #2: "For a long-lasting effect, fragrance should be layered all over the body,
starting with toilet water or eau de parfum, next in strength to perfume, to
build the fragrance foundation. Because fragrance rises, spray or smooth
fragrance onto skin from the feet to the shoulders. If fragrance is applied only
behind the ears, it will eventually rise and disappear. ..."
http://www.fragrance.org/feature_tip_content.html - Scent lasts in part due to PHTHALATES, which industry assures us are safe.
Want to make up your own mind? Read the information on the site of Not Too Pretty, and, of
course, visit EHN's petition which is the formal means for informing the FDA about your
concerns regarding the toxins you are putting onto and into your body, the bodies of your
children, the bodies of all who come in contact with your scents' noxious vapor and the fish and
wildlife downstream . . . Our modern fragrances are petrochemical products! -- barb
Phthalates: - Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (SPEIAC)
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/Mandate.htm- Scent Reduction Policies and the Workplace - Important Considerations
about RIFM (Research Institute for Fragrance Materials), that it was their spokesperson, Glenn Roberts, who said in a Feb. 2002 article by
Francesca Lyman, Scents and sensitivities ..., "that his industry group has begun
the first study to examine fragrance inhalation. 'We¼re spending a lot of money on this,' he
says, 'to understand the systemic effects of fragrances on organs and nervous system, what
happens when fragrances are inhaled.' " The economic whine is not lost on me. He'd be staggered
by the costs to those already chemically injured. See Scents and sensitivities at:
http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/flscents.htmAnd to see what all our US FDA cannot do regarding fragrance regulation, visit
FDA Authority Over Cosmetics (http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-206.html) -- barb
- Fragrance Ingredient Safety & Regulation
http://www.scentedproducts.ca/fragreg.htm - Fragrance Fact Sheet
http://www.scentedproducts.ca/factsh.htmI'd like to see all fragrances analyzed, MSDS checked, an official look at all the chemicals that
are used about which not enough is known; a look at the chemicals used about which it is known
that they are irritants and sensitizers; and a further look at the chemicals that are known or
suspected carcinogens (capable of causing cancer), teratogens (adversely affecting embryo and
fetal development), neurotoxins (affecting your brain and nervous systems) and hormone
disrupters (affecting males and females of all ages and our wildlife downstream). Yes, fragrances
have been used for time out of mind, but not PETROCHEMICALLY derived fragrances. Even
those who used to "LOVE THEIR FRAGRANCES" 30 years ago can no longer tolerate being
around modern synthetic scents. Let's see some REAL science, and let's see some REAL
results of REAL tests. Tests that search beyond what happens to the skin of the primary user.
Let's include data on airborne contact dermatitis, effects upon inhalation, effects upon absorption
via skin and eye, let's have some REAL studies about adverse effect following long-term
exposure, let's learn what systemic effects are, let's explore the neurotoxic effects of fragrances.
Then, let us see a real fragrnce fact sheet. It can only help the industry. -- barb
Canada's Food and Drug Act - Cosmetics
Notice, that just as in the USA, there is absolutely no concern for those who encounter
adverse health effects and events at secondary and tertiary levels of exposure. Nonetheless,
if the industry cannot prove that coumarin, musks, phthaltes, and all the other 3,000 to 5,000
chemicals in their repertorire are safe for users and nonusers, for developing fetuses and our
elderly, for the already chemically injured, aren't the Food and Drug Acts of Canada and the
USA being flaunted at best and violated at worst? -- barb
16. "No person shall sell any cosmetic that
(a) has in or on it any substance that may cause injury to the
health of the user when the cosmetic is used,
(i) according to the directions on the label
or accompanying the cosmetic, or
(ii) for such purposes and by such methods
of use as are customary or usual therefor; ..."
USA's Cosmetic Handbook
Where is the concern for those who are harmed at the secondary and tertiary levels of exposure?
But also where is the concern for those harmed as primary users? Our public health agencies
are supposed to protect public health; prevent illness and injury. Not help one facet of the
chemical industry assure I&I so another facet -- pharmaceuticals -- can benefit greatly. -- barb
"1. Regulatory Requirements for Marketing Cosmetics in the United States
"A cosmetic is considered adulterated if it contains a substance which may make the
product harmful to consumers under customary conditions of use; ...""...A cosmetic is misbranded if its labeling is false or misleading, if it does not bear the
required labeling information, ..."2. Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-hdb2.html"The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act prohibits the introduction or delivery
for introduction into interstate commerce of cosmetics that are adulterated or
misbranded (Sec. 301). "A cosmetic may be deemed adulterated (Sec. 601) for
essentially four reasons, namely:
"1. It may be injurious to users under conditions of customary use
because it contains, or its container is composed of, a potentially harmful substance. . . ." - Visit SPEIAC's ad -- "COMMON SENSE ABOUT SCENTS" -- published following their press
conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 20, 2000. They, too, refer to the "Scent Circle."
or http://web.archive.org/web/20000918034156/http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/hdnad.jpg2006, ad now available through http://www.cctfa.ca/scented/NewspaperAD1.JPG
Their ad also states: "The composition of perfumes hasn't changed much in hundreds
of years. They contain primarily water and alcohol - of the same type and purity
we drink in beverages -- as well as essential fragrance oils."-
Notice that line about alcohol! Now, let's visit National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- Perfumers World and their "Materials Used In Perfumery"
http://www.perfumersworld.com/chems/material.htmNow, you tell me how these toxic chemical products can respect an industry-defined
"scent circle." It puts the onus of polluting on the user, not on the product. NICE! -- barb
and their Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/pgdstart.html) -- and look up:
Ethyl alcohol
Synonyms & Trade Names: Alcohol, Cologne spirit, Ethanol, EtOH, Grain alcohol
Exposure Routes: inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
Symptoms: irritation eyes, skin, nose; headache, drowsiness, fatigue, narcosis;
cough; liver damage; anemia; reproductive, teratogenic effectsTarget Organs: Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous system,
liver, blood, reproductive system"
Then visit the FDA Petition, specifically Product Label
for information about alcohol . . .
Also, visit:
- Perfumers World and their "Materials Used In Perfumery"
- Enjoying Your Fragrance [Includes DOs and DON'Ts and Fragrance Tips
(with the "scent circle" information).]
- Scent Reduction Policies and the Workplace - Important Considerations
Scent Circle for puppies
by Prof. Sean Reidy
Ah, ha! Perhaps the industry got the idea of a "scent circle" from puppy training techniques! -- barb
by K. Robinson; CASLE - Citizens for A Safe Learning Environment
Scent Strips
Also see EHN's Postal Information
- Inhalation challenge effects of perfume scent strips in patients with asthma.
Kumar P, Caradonna-Graham VM, Gupta S, Cai X, Rao PN, Thompson J.
Department of Medicine, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, USA.
"...CONCLUSIONS: Perfume-scented strips in magazines can cause exacerbations of
symptoms and airway obstruction in asthmatic patients. Severe and atopic asthma
increases risk of adverse respiratory reactions to perfumes."
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7583865&dopt=Abstract - From Julia Kendall's Making Sense of Scents
Postal Regulations, Domestic Mail Manual, 124.395 and California AB 2709
http://ehnca.org/ehnmsofs.htm#Postal - Leaking scent strips and the US Mail
Pub. 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail (Text)
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail
Publication 52 July 1999
Transmittal Letter
A. Filing Instructions. This issue of Publication 52 replaces the April 1990 edition, which must be recycled.
B. Explanation. This publication is revised in accordance with current standards in Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) C020-C024. It is designed for use by postal employees in business mail entry, retail, and marketing who are involved in providing mailability information to postal customers regarding hazardous materials, restricted matter, and perishable matter.
C. Distribution. Order copies from the material distribution center (MDC) using PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition.
D. Comments and Questions. Direct comments or questions concerning the content of Publication 52 to:
E. Effective Date. This edition of Publication 52 is effective July 1999.
WASHINGTON DC 20260-6808
Anita J. Bizzotto
492.22 Restricted or Improperly Prepared Items
Vice President
Marketing Systems
Other types of unsolicited samples may be nonmailable for other reasons,
including the following:-
a. The sample is an otherwise restricted item such as a toxic substance or poison subject to the hazardous materials requirements in Chapter 3 and DMM C023.
b. The sample is improperly prepared for mailing, such as an inadequately packaged razor blade or a household substance that does not comply with the child-resistant packaging required in DMM C024.13.0.
c. The sample is a pesticide subject to the restrictions in DMM C024.14.0 or a fragrance advertising sample subject to the restrictions in DMM C024.15.0. [ see below]
d. The sample is an odd-shaped item in a letter-size envelope that is prohibited under DMM C024.18.0.
493 Customer Objection to Unsolicited Matter
Customers who object to receiving unsolicited matter should be advised that the Postal Service must accept any lawfully mailable matter that is properly prepared for mailing and bears appropriate postage. [But, sez barb, LEAKING SCENT STRIPS are NOT "lawfully mailable matter that is properly prepared for mailing" -- that's a HUGE difference!]These customers may be directed to contact the mailer or manufacturer to have their names removed from the mailing list. Customers also may be advised they may refuse any piece of mail, either at the time it is offered for delivery or after it is delivered (if unopened), as provided in DMM D042 and POM 611. [But, sez barb, by that time ALL of our mail is contaminated.]494 Rulings
In the category of promotional samples, rulings sometimes can be provided based on the trade name of an item. However, this is not always possible. A generic description, such as razor blade, cleaner, aerosol product, or drug, is insufficient information for determining mailability. To request a ruling on the mailability of restricted matter, furnish the information in 215.3 to the local postmaster.If the matter for which the ruling is being requested has the physical characteristics of a toxic substance, flammable liquid, compressed gas, or other hazardous material, a ruling should be requested under the conditions in 215.2.
Now, what I'd like to know is, has the US Postal Service ever sent back a bunch of mail with
leaking scent strips? Their regulations, 39 USC 3001(g) following, show that they are to dispose of "nonmailable matter," but they do not. What if the Postal Service returned nonmailable matter to the publisher? If publishers had to pay through the nose on this one, I'll bet our mail would not be contaminated as frequently as it is! -- barb
- DMM C024.15.0.
- 15.0 Fragrance Advertising Sample
"A fragrance advertising sample (39 USC 3001(g)) [see below], i.e., any matter normally acceptable in the mail but containing a fragrance advertising sample, is permitted in the mail only if it is sealed, wrapped, treated, or otherwise prepared in a manner reasonably designed to prevent individuals from being unknowingly or involuntarily exposed to the sample. A sample meets this requirement if it uses paper stocks with a maximum porosity of 20 Sheffield units or 172 Gurley-Hill units treated exclusively with microencapsulated oils, and if the sample is produced so that it cannot be activated except by opening a glued flap or binder or by removing an overlying ply of paper."
http://pe.usps.gov/text/dmm/c024.htm#R02425168 - 39 USC 3001(g)
(1) Matter otherwise legally acceptable in the mails which contains or includes a fragrance advertising sample is nonmailable matter, shall not be carried or delivered by mail, and shall be disposed of as the Postal Service directs, unless the sample is sealed, wrapped, treated, or otherwise prepared in a manner reasonably designed to prevent individuals from being unknowingly or involuntarily exposed to the sample.(2) The Postal Service shall by regulation establish the standards or requirements which a
fragrance advertising sample must satisfy in order for the mail matter involved not to
be considered nonmailable under this subsection.
- 15.0 Fragrance Advertising Sample
SECTION 110390-110420
SECTION 110390-110420; 110420.
Go to California Law
Click on "Health and Safety Code" in the left hand column, key in the word
"fragrance" and click the search button. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
110420. (a) Any fragrance advertising insert contained in a
newspaper, magazine, mailing, or other periodically printed material
shall contain only microencapsulated oils. Glue tabs or binders
shall be used to prevent premature activation of the fragrance
advertising insert.
"Fragrance advertising insert" means a printed piece with
encapsulated fragrance applied to it that is activated by opening a
flap or removing an overlying ply of paper.
Paperstocks employed in the manufacture of fragrance advertising
inserts shall have a maximum porosity of 20 Sheffield units or 172
Gurley-Hill units.
(b) Any person who distributes fragrance advertising inserts in
violation of this section, is guilty of an infraction and shall, if
convicted, be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars ($100) for
each distribution. The fine shall apply to each mass mailing or
distribution, and to each mass publication of a magazine or newspaper
in violation of this section. The fine shall not apply, however, to
each individual letter, magazine, newspaper, or fragrance
advertising insert so distributed. Section 111825 is not applicable
to violations of this section.
(c) This section shall become operative on January 1, 1992.
MACY'S stinking scented ads
I've complained time and again over time. Macy's will do nothing about their ongoing toxic
chemical assault of us in our homes unless they hear from you, too. Sooner or later, if they hear
from enough folks that we cannot read any of their ads -- nor any of the ads from conscientious
companies who don't use polluting perfumed ads -- because of the toxins emanating from one ad.
Most recently Giorgio Armani in the San Francisco Chronicle, Sunday, June 6, 2004 -- barb
Macy's East
Visitor Services
Phone: 212-494-3827
Fax: 212-494-2118
Macy's West
Visitor Services
Phone: 415-954-6271
Fax: 415-984-7946
Or call toll-free
from Mexico & Canada:
You can email us at
Magazine scent strips getting nosed out
"After 17 years, magazine "stink" might be a thing of the past soon, thanks to new
technology designed to replace those ubiquitous scent strips that now assault our
olfactory senses. ..."
Respiratory and Asthmatic Effects of Perfumes and Fragranced Products; Abstracts
- Behold this Dreamer:
What Happened to Marie ... at a Southern Baptist University
by K. Robinson
Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (SPEIAC) - Home Page
- Common Sense About Scents
Ad built for industry-called conference, Halifax, June 2000 -- barb
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/hdnad.jpg - Enjoying Your Fragrance [Includes DOs and DON'Ts and Tips]
http://www.cctfa.ca/enjyfrag.html - Follow the Directions !!!
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/directions.htm - Fragrance Fact Sheet
"... For thousands of years, fragrances have been enjoyed and have contributed to
people¼s individuality, self-esteem and personal hygiene. ..."
But NOT modern fragrances! There IS a difference. See Perfumers World. -- barb
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/factsh.htm - Fragrance Materials & Uses
"... In a perfume, ethyl alcohol (of the same grade and purity as in alcoholic beverages)
composes 50-90% of the product, purified water may constitute 5-20% of the product,
with the fragrance component accounting from 10-30% of the finished product. Also
present are UV inhibitors (to prevent degradation in the bottle) and any additional
colouring agents. ..."
See NIOSH info on Ethyl Alcohol Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
(http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/pgdstart.html)-- barb
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/fragmat.htm - A Perspective On Scent Reduction Policies
Note: they do not have their facts straight regarding the "... Marin County, California ...
apartment building ..." For the REAL story, see Ecology House
(http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/e.htm#House). -- barb
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/perspective.htm - Position On Scented Products and Public Policy
It is important to note that fragrances in scented products are regulated by
Health Canada which has the authority to protect the public if any product or
ingredient is determined to be unsafe.
Self-regulation works ONLY if YOU believe the fox can guard the henhouse.
See IFRA Code and Guidelines at http://www.ifraorg.org/GuideLines.asp-- barb
- Press Releases
- Remember FACTS as interpreted by the industry have a certain odor to them!
- April 24, 2000 "The Facts About Perfumes and Scent Bans"
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/pr042400.htm - June 20, 2000 "Anti-Scent Policies Are Not Based On Facts"
- June/July 2000 Halifax Ad Campaign - a graphic image
barb's theorem: The energy expended serving vested interest causes "the odor of mendacity."
Big Daddy in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." For the REAL FACTS, see Halifax
t http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/aaprbb.htm-- barb
- April 24, 2000 "The Facts About Perfumes and Scent Bans"
- Scented Products and Public Health
- Questions and Answers About MCS and Scent-Reduction Policies
- What is MCS/EI???? (barb's editorial opinion: This article isHOGWASH! )
Scents and Sensitivity
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 106,
December 12, November 1998
"Scents and Sensitivity "
Sick-building syndrome can cause some serious workplace woes
By Julyne Derrick
SchoolNet - Canada
- The Progress of Canada's Children
by Chris Brown, Allergy and Environmental Health Association
http://www.schoolnet.ca/sne/e/snenews/volume1/issue8/section2.html#b - SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCES
Susan Polis Schutz and illustrator Stephen Schutz
- Blue Mountain Cards
http://www.bluemountain.com - One World, One Heart
http://www.sps.com/b/oneworld/order/world1.htm - We Need To
Poem by Susan Polis Schutz
Science is one thing . . . but when I hear or read the phrase, "sound science", I smell perfidy. -- barb
Conflicted Science: How Industry Corrupts Research
by Judy Brady
Breast Cancer Action; Newsletter #79‚November/December 2003
"It¼s worse than you thought. Most of us who have been paying attention in recent years
are aware that science is often manipulated to serve the interests of whoever is paying
for it. But a first-of-its-kind conference last summer in Washington, D.C., laid it out. ..."
Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health (SciPICH)
The Science and Environmental Health Network
Science, Action and Ethics in the Public Interest
Dr. Ted Schettler, Science Director
- Science in the courts
"During the last ten years, the courts, especially the federal court system and tort law,
have undergone a quiet revolution. Few people outside the legal community are aware
of the impact of these changes, but they affect everyone. Because of changes in the
way courts treat science and evidence, the courts can no longer be counted on to provide
justice for those who have been injured by products and technologies. People are
losing their right to sue, and when cases do reach the courts, plaintiffs find the deck
stacked against them. ..."
http://www.sehn.org/law.html#new - About The Networker Index for SEHN's newsletter
http://www.sehn.org/thenet.html - Article II. Phthalates: Asking The Right Questions
By Nancy Myers
"[Dr.] Schettler's informed guess is that the gravest new concern may be about
phthalates used in cosmetics, personal care products, and fragrances."
http://www.sehn.org/Volume_5-4_2.html - Beyond Democratization Of Risk Assessment: An Alternative To Risk Assessment
By Mary H. O'Brien
I must admit I've at least two red flags that outdo any that any bull has ever charged . . .
"'Sound' science" and "Risk Assessment." barb sez, This is a MUST read!
http://www.sehn.org/conbiorisk.html - Contemplating Impluse and Acting on Navels
By Mary O'Brien
"... [A]all of the children on Earth are drowning. They're drowning in toxics; they're drowning in automobile exhaust and noise; they're drowning in 6 billion humans; they're drowning in the unleashed buying and selling of the world called "development", "business" and "free trade." It's human children, and salmon children, native grasses, frogs, ants that are drowning. ..." http://www.sehn.org/conbioimpulse.html - Ecosystem Health Papers
http://www.sehn.org/conbiop.html - Pollution is Personal
http://www.sehn.org/ppfactsh.html - The Precautionary Principle
"The Science and Environmental Health Network is working to implement the
precautionary principle as a basis for environmental and public health policy. The
principle and the main components of its implementation are stated this way in the
1998 Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principle:
'When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the
environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect
relationships are not fully established scientifically. In this context the proponent of an
activity, rather than the public, should bear the burden of proof. The process of applying
the precautionary principle must be open, informed and democratic and must
include potentially affected parties. It must also involve an examination of the full
range of alternatives, including no action.'- Wingspread Statement on the
Precautionary Principle, Jan. 1998 - The Precautionary Principle - FAQs
- Everyday Exposure to Toxic Pollutants
- Everyday Exposure to Toxic Pollutants, Scientific American
"Environmental regulations have improved the quality of outdoor air. But
problems that persist indoors have received too little attention."
by Wayne R. Ott and John W. Roberts
Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. (SIS)
The #1 Source for Mass Spectrometery, Gas Chromatography, and Liquid Chromatography
- The Analysis of Perfumes and their Effect on Indoor Air Pollution
This document is included in the FDA Petition, which as of June 2001 is still open and
accepting comments from the public about adverse reactions to synthetic scents. -- barb
- The Internet Science Room
"The Scientific Method can be used to solve any problem, even to find a date for Friday Night! Here's how to do it: ..." http://pc65.frontier.osrhe.edu/hs/science/hsimeth.htm - Prof Frank Wofls (http://teacher.nsrl.rochester.edu/)
"I. The scientific method has four steps
"1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.
"2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis
often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation."3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict
quantitatively the results of new observations."4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent
experimenters and properly performed experiments."If the experiments bear out the hypothesis it may come to be regarded as a theory
or law of nature (more on the concepts of hypothesis, model, theory and law below).
If the experiments do not bear out the hypothesis, it must be rejected or modified.
What is key in the description of the scientific method just given is the predictive power
(the ability to get more out of the theory than you put in; see Barrow, 1991) of the
hypothesis or theory, as tested by experiment. It is often said in science that theories
can never be proved, only disproved. There is always the possibility that a new
observation or a new experiment will conflict with a long-standing theory. "
- Prof Jose Wudka (http://cnas.ucr.edu/~physics/People/Home/wudka.html)
The scientific method
"Science is best defined as a careful, disciplined, logical search for knowledge about any
and all aspects of the universe, obtained by examination of the best available evidence and
always subject to correction and improvement upon discovery of better evidence. What's left
is magic. And it doesn't work. -- James Randi"
"What is the 'scientific method'?
"The scientific method is the best way yet discovered for winnowing the truth from lies
and delusion. The simple version looks something like this:-
"1. Observe some aspect of the universe.
" 2. Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis, that is consistent with
what you have observed."3. Use the hypothesis to make predictions.
"4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the
hypothesis in the light of your results."5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until there are no discrepancies between theory and
experiment and/or observation.
coherent set of propositions which explain a class of phenomena. A theory is then a
framework within which observations are explained and predictions are made. "http://phyun5.ucr.edu/~wudka/Physics7/Notes_www/node5.html
To proponents of "Sound Science" and "Risk Assessment" I point out the obvious: Step #4,
states "modify the hypothesis in the light of your results." That does not mean, modify
the results in the light of your hypothesis! Or, industry pressure. See "Sound Science" below. -- barb
Scorecard - Environmental Defense
"Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) are chemicals which can cause adverse effects to
human health or the environment. Almost 200 of these chemicals have been identifed,
including chemicals that can cause cancer or birth defects."
- Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
- An Endangered World! - Man and Ocean
- Ocean Pilot - Welcome to the Ocean Pilot, your new source for
Ocean-related websites from all over the world!
- An Endangered World! - Man and Ocean
- Safe, Sustainable Seafood
Seafood Watch - Monterey Bay Aquarium
http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/efc/efc_oc/dngr_food_watch.asp - Sea Turtles
The Wild Ones Science Network
http://www.thewildones.org/Animals/seaturtl.htmlSearch Engines -- a few of barb's favorites
- abebooks.com
"A network of over 8000 independent booksellers, abebooks.com is a private company,
registered in Victoria, B.C., Canada. It is owned and operated by its founders, Keith
Waters and Rick Pura. Since its launch in 1996, abebooks.com has provided its
members with the online capability of selling their books to customers worldwide.
"Abebooks.com offers the most complete collection of rare, antiquarian, used and out-of-
print books on the Internet, with over 27 million books listed. By combining the
inventories of our member booksellers into a common database and coupling it with
advanced search capabilities and e-commerce facilities, abebooks.com has become a
dominant player in the Internet book market."
http://www.abebooks.com - Alltheweb
http://www.alltheweb.com - BestoftheWeb
http://www.bestoftheweb.com - Environmental Defense
Scorecard provides detailed information on more than 6,900 chemicals, including
all the chemicals used in large amounts in the United States or Canada and all the
chemicals regulated under major environmental laws.
- FastHealth
Be mindful as this site is brought to you by the American College of Physicians-American
Society of Internal Medicine . . . and they recommend DEET. As in this article, "Mosquitoes
and Mosquito Repellents: A Clinician's Guide" - Annals of Internal Medicine, 1 June 1998.
128:931-940. By Mark S. Fradin, MD -- "... N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) is the
most effective, and best studied, insect repellent currently on the market. This substance has
a remarkable safety profile after 40 years of worldwide use, but toxic reactions can occur (usually
when the product is misused). ..." But we aren't surprised by that parenthetical thought are
we? Once again, the onus is put on the user of consumer products for our adverse reactions
caused by the chemicals -- known and mostly UNknown -- within. -- barb
http://search.fasthealth.com/cgi-bin/texis/webinator/search - Findarticles.com
http://www.findarticles.com - Google
http://www.google.com/ - Lycos
http://www.lycos.com/ - Search for the News - Journalism Search Engines
from JournalismNet
http://journalismnet.com/news/ - Wayback Machine
This is great for finding those URLs that seem to have disappeared. -- barb
- abebooks.com
- SeaWeb
"SeaWeb is a multimedia public education project designed to raise awareness
of the world ocean and the life within it. We aim to provide information and
opinion from a broad spectrum of sources to help us all become more
connected and involved in the life of the sea."
- http://www.seaweb.org/
A series of articles by Dr. Gloria Gilbere
- 'Walk Around The Block' Can Mean 'Symptoms Around the Clock'
By: Dr. Gloria Gilbere
EHN web-posted by permission of Dr. Gilbere
Kootenai Valley Times, October 13, 2000
"Second Nature is a nonprofit organization that helps colleges and universities expand
their efforts to make environmentally sustainable and just action a foundation of
learning and practice. Education for Sustainability (EFS) is a lifelong learning process that
leads to an informed and involved citizenry having the creative problem-solving
skills, scientific and social literacy, and commitment to engage in responsible individual
and cooperative actions. Second Nature focuses on colleges and universities because they
educate our future teachers, leaders, managers, policymakers and other professionals."
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
Drugs like Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft
See: SSRIs and Sexual Desire: You Don¼t Have to Choose
By Amy Wilensky; drkoop.com Health Correspondent
H. Kabir, Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
http://www.aiha.org/abs99/9toxic.html - Adverse reactions to fragrances. A clinical review.
By de Groot AC, Frosch PJ.; Department of Dermatology, Carolus-Liduina Hospital, The Netherlands.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9062742&dopt=Abstract - Common contact sensitizers in Chandigarh, India.
A study of 200 patients with the European standard series.
By Sharma VK, Chakrabarti A.; Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology,
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India; PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9536402&dopt=Abstract - Contact allergens in patients with leg ulcers.
By Katsarou-Katsari A, Armenaka M, Katsenis K, Papageorgiou M, Katsambas A, Bareltzides A.
Centre of Occupational Skin Diseases, Department of Dermatology, University of Athens, A. Sygros Hospital, Greece.
- Contact allergy to popular perfumes; assessed by patch test,
use test and chemical analysis.
By Johansen JD, Rastogi SC, Menne T.; Department of Dermatology,
University of Copenhagen, Hellerup, Denmark; PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8949436&dopt=Abstract - Effects of chiral fragrances on human autonomic nervous system parameters
and self-evaluation.
By Heuberger E, Hongratanaworakit T, Bohm C, Weber R, Buchbauer G.
Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Center of Pharmacy, University of Vienna,
Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11287388&dopt=Abstract - Experimental study of terpinyl acetate toxicity and its hygienic standards
in the air at the workplace [Article in Russian]
By Rumiantsev GI, Novikov SM, Melnikova NN, Murkova MV, Semenovykh LN.
"Terpinyl acetate is slightly toxic for animals and slightly accumulates in the body.
Chronic inhalation causes changes of the CNS, blood, liver. MAC in working zone is
10 mg/m3 (3d class of danger)." PMID: 8163224 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Terpinyl acetat is a fragrance ingredient. -- barb
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8163224&dopt=Abstract - Fragrances are "sensitizers" and "chemical irritants"
Inform your healthcare practitioners!, your school administration, your workplace management
. . . OSHA! See OSHA's info on MCS . . . from a worker's viewpoint that is INCONCEIVABLE. -- barb
- Definition [IRRITANT]
- An irritant is defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
according to Appendix A as: a chemical, which is not corrosive, but which causes a
reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. A
chemical is a skin irritant if, when tested on the intact skin of albino rabbits by the
methods of 16 CFR 1500.41 for four hours exposure or by other appropriate techniques,
it results in an empirical score of five or more. A chemical is an eye irritant if so
determined under the procedure listed in 16 CFR 1500.42 or other appropriate
techniques." - A more general definition is a substance which on immediate, prolonged, or
repeated contact with normal living tissue will induce a local inflammatory reaction.
http://www.ilpi.com/msds/ref/irritant.html Definition [SENSITIZER] - A sensitizer is defined by OSHA as "a chemical that causes a substantial proportion
of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after
repeated exposure to the chemical."
- The condition of being sensitized to a chemical is also called chemical hypersensitivity.
http://www.ilpi.com/msds/ref/sensitizer.htmlExperiencing an Adverse Immune Response
Chemicals and Adverse Immune Response
Theresa L. Pedersen, UCD EXTOXNET FAQ Team. August 1997.
- An irritant is defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
- Fragrance compounds and essential oils with sedative effects upon inhalation.
Buchbauer G, Jirovetz L, Jager W, Plank C, Dietrich H.; Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
University of Vienna, Austria. PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8331544&dopt=Abstract - Functional imaging of effects of fragrances on the human brain after prolonged inhalation.
Nasel C, Nasel B, Samec P, Schindler E, Buchbauer G.
Department of Radiology, University of Vienna, AKH-Wien, Austria; PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7812728&dopt=Abstract - Inhalation challenge effects of perfume scent strips in patients with asthma.
Kumar P, Caradonna-Graham VM, Gupta S, Cai X, Rao PN, Thompson J.
Department of Medicine, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans, USA.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7583865&dopt=Abstract - Investigations of animal blood samples after fragrance drug inhalation by gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry with chemical ionization and selected ion monitoring.
By Jirovetz L, Jager W, Buchbauer G, Nikiforov A, Raverdino V.
Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria. Pub Med
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1812991&dopt=Abstract - Is it really fragrance-free?
By Scheinman PL.; Department of Medical and Surgical Dermatology,
New England Medical Center Hospital, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
"Finally, manufacturers need to be more forthright in the labeling of their products." http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9358119&dopt=Abstract - Olfactory stimuli provoke diffuse esophageal spasm: reversal by ipratropium bromide.
Triadafilopoulos G, Tsang HP.
Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, California, USA; PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=8855754&dopt=Abstract - Reactions to fragrances and textiles. [Article in German]
Hausen BM.; Universitats-Hautklinik Hamburg; PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=3326311&dopt=Abstract - Respiratory Sensitizers
Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety
http://www.ccohs.ca/headlines/text76.html - Subchronic inhalation studies of complex fragrance mixtures in rats and hamsters.
Fukayama MY, Easterday OD, Serafino PA, Renskers KJ, North-Root H, Schrankel KR.
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc., Union Beach, NJ 07735-3597, USA. mark.fukayama@iff.com
A little testing by the industry . . . Toxicol Lett 1999 Dec 20;111(1-2):175-87. -- barb
Septic Tanks
EHN does not recommend products . . . and I am not on a septic tank system. -- barb
"... [O]ur product is 100% environmentally safe, and in no way can harm you,
your children, pets or your septic system. ..."
Federal Laws and Regulations Governing Access
Also see EHN's section on Dogs, General Links, page D.
212 Battery Street Suite A
Burlington, VT 05401-5281
phone 802.658.3773; fax 802.658.1771
"If every household in the U.S. replaced just one bottle of 28 oz. petroleum based
dishwashing liquid with our vegetable based product, we could save 82,000 barrels of oil,
enough to drive a car for over 86 million miles."
- About Non-Toxic Cleaning
http://www.seventhgen.com/html/index.html - Facts About Chlorine
http://www.seventhgen.com/html/facts_about_chlorine___dioxin.htm - Non-Toxic Cleaning Tips
"Despite growing evidence of the damages from pesticides, Gov. Davis of California signs
multi-million dollar bill to spray pesticides for the benefit of wine grower.
Also see EHN's page on Pesticide Info
SBS: Not to be confused with sick building syndrome.
Is it all about shaking or can there be other causes, misdiagnosed, such as adverse events
following shots? Mainstream doctors weren't any too quick on the uptake of Asthma as
recently as 40 years ago . . . and they still just don't get IT when it comes to MCS. Am I going to
believe that Shaken Baby Syndrome is due only to shaken babies? I don't think so. Do NOT
shake a baby. Do NOT shake a child. And, I'd go so far as to say, boxers should wear protective
head gear. But I also say, look more closely at adverse events following administration of "hot"
vaccines. I am not a doctor, I am not an "expert" . . . I do have plenty of questions, though. -- barb
- Free Yurko Project
http://www.freeyurko.bizland.com/- " ... [H]is infant son was killed by an adverse reaction to vaccinations and by
iatrogenic complications in the hospital following that crisis. ..."
- " ... [H]is infant son was killed by an adverse reaction to vaccinations and by
- The National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome
http://www.dontshake.com/- DTP Vaccination or SBS?
The Role of Irresponsible Medical Expert Testimony in Creating a False Causal Connection
David L. Chadwick, M.D. 1
Rob Parrish, J.D. 2
"In recent years, a disturbing defense has surfaced in criminal cases involving
shaken baby syndrome. This defense alleges that the child (who usually has typical
SBS pathology) was, in fact, injured by an injection of DTP (diphtheria, tetanus
toxoids and pertussis) vaccine rather than by an abusive act by another person. ..."
http://www.dontshake.com/sbsfall00dtp.html - Why is crying a trigger for Shaken Baby Syndrome?
http://www.dontshake.com/sbsquestions.html#Why is crying the most common trigger for shaking?
- DTP Vaccination or SBS?
- NINDS Shaken Baby Syndrome Information Page
http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/shakenbaby.htm - Shaken Baby Syndrome
http://www.sbstruth.com/ - Shaken Baby Syndrome Defense
" 'The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie - deliberate, contrived, and
dishonest - but the myth - persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.' John F. Kennedy"
http://www.sbsdefense.com/- Shaken Baby Syndrome or Diagnostic Myth?
http://www.sbsdefense.com/sbs-overdiagnosed.htm - Vaccines Bibliography
- Shaken Baby Syndrome or Diagnostic Myth?
- Shaken Baby Syndrome - the vaccination link -
Many infants who suffer the so-called 'shaken baby syndrome' may be victims of
undiagnosed vaccine damage.
http://www.nexusmagazine.com/ShakenBaby2.htmlShaken-Baby Syndrome & Vaccines
http://www.dstc.edu.au/ListArchives/oi/archive/2001/03/msg00002.html - VACCINES, VITAMIN C DEPLETION AND SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME
General commentary on a case report
By Harold E Buttram, MD
Also see EHN's Consumer Info at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/c.htm#Consumer
Again, no recommendations are implied . . . I'm providing this info as a service. YOUR body
should determine what you use. Here are just a few examples of shampoos. Your most
important step should be get to know the difference between ORGANIC and a shampoo that
simply uses the word "organic" as an advertising ploy.
Brands listed here -- to the best of my knowledge -- contain no DEA, nor Sodium Lauryl Sulfate,
nor Sodium Laureth Sulfate, nor dyes of whatever number. I especially hope that products
labeled "natural" and those labeled "organic" carry NO synthetic fragrances, which simply
appears on labels as: FRAGRANCE. For more on the subject of fragrance see EHN's
FDA Petition and also Cosmetic Info.
The bad news about shampoo follows. . . and it's just beginning!
The reason we don't know is that our commonly used consumer products -- including those we put on our bodies -- are released to market without substantiation of safety. Furthermore, their ingredients are trade-secret-protected. That's fine for industry, but I believe that protection has led to the tanking of public health. And to those who claim that line to be hysteria, please start giving answers to all of the UNEXPLAINED skyrocketing rates of various chronic illnesses that can be and are caused by the chemicals used to make our consumer products. -- barb
- Hair Color . . .Organic!
Tints of Nature -- "Permanent Hair Colors" http://www.tintsofnature.com - Shampoo Ingredient Kills Rats' Brain Cells
By Steven Reinberg; HealthDay Reporter; Mon Dec 6,11:47 PM ET
"MONDAY, Dec. 6 (HealthDayNews) -- Experiments with the brain cells of rats show
that contact with an ingredient found in shampoos, hand lotions and paint causes
neurons to die.
"The chemical, methylisothiazolinone (MIT), belongs to a class of compounds called
biocides. These are used in the manufacture of many common household products
and industrial water cooling systems to prevent bacteria from developing.
"According to the National Institutes of Health (news - web sites), brands containing MIT
include the shampoos Head and Shoulders, Suave, and Clairol, as well as Pantene hair
conditioner and Revlon hair color.
" 'As far as I can tell, no neurodevelopmental testing has been done on MIT,' said lead
researcher Elias Aizenman, a professor of neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine. ..."
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=97&ncid=97&e=8&u=/hsn/20041207/hl_hsn/shampooingredientkillsratsbraincellsPrinter friendly: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=97&u=/hsn/20041207/hl_hsn/shampooingredientkillsratsbraincells&printer=1
- The good news:
- Fragrance-Free
- Magick Botanicals
"Magick Botanicals is the leader in natural fragrance free products for the chemically
sensitive and the environmentally ill. ... No Animal Testing, No Animal By-Products"
You may see products with "DEA" on the label, but this firm uses MEA; they chose not
to waste the old labels. -- barb
- Magick Botanicals
- Natural Shampoos
- Aubrey Organics®
- Uncle Harry's Natural Products, Shampoos
http://www.uncleharrys.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=uhnp&Category_Code=HP-31 - Warning: What your shampoo' s label won't tell you...
by Uncle Harry
"Long before "natural" became a marketing buzz word, Aubrey Organics®
was a natural company." http://www.aubrey-organics.com/ - Uncle Harry's Natural Products, Shampoos
- Organic Shampoos
Please check with Organic Consumers Association regarding companies that claim to sell
organic products, but have used floral waters to increase their percentage of organics to
California's 70% mark. EHN and I are not endorsing any products, just showing you that
products are avaialbe. -- barb
http://www.organicconsumers.org/bodycare/- Abundant Earth Organics Shampoo
"No Other Shampoo Compares!
"Please take a look at all the other shampoos and conditioners on the market,
including the ones at your co-op or health food store. Ingredients such as Sodium
Laureth Sulfate, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, DEA, TEA, PEG, Quaternium-15,
Propylene Glycol and a variety of other unseemly chemicals abound (even in the
so-called "healthy" brands), all mixed up into a potentially toxic soup. Now take a look
at the brands that use the word "Organic" or "Organics" in their name or in their
ingredient list. Companies using the word organic are usually using it in one of two
ways. For marketing purposes, they've added a few organically grown ingredients
to an otherwise toxic mixture, or they are referring to the chemical term "organic," as in
"organic chemistry," which has little to do with organically grown ingredients, but once
again, makes a great marketing ploy. ..."
This brand carries UNscented shampoo, without "fragrant organic & wildcrafted essential oils." -- barb
http://www.abundantearth.com/store/aeshampoo.htmlAubrey Organics®
Enter a keyword in their search engine, such as SHAMPOO, to bring up a product, then select. -- barb
http://www.aubrey-organics.com/- 10 SYNTHETIC COSMETIC INGREDIENTS TO AVOID
By Aubrey Hampton
http://www.aubrey-organics.com/about/treat_10synth.cfm - A NATURAL TRADITION FOR OVER 30 YEARS
Long before "natural" became a marketing buzz word, Aubrey Organics®
was a natural company. Our labels have always carried the message loud and
clear. No chemical additives. No mineral oils. No artificial ingredients of
any kind. Our hair, skin and bodycare products are made with herbals from
around the world, natural vitamins and minerals. We use liquid coconut oil in
our soaps and shampoos and coconut fatty acids and essential fatty acids in
our creams and lotions, and Aubrey's own natural preservative of citrus
seed extract and vitamins A, C and E.More than 30 years later, natural is still the practical philosophy behind our company,
with more than 150 hair, skin and bodycare products that carry the Aubrey
Organics® guarantee -- 100% synthetic-free and never tested on animals.
http://www.organicanews.com/news/aubrey.html - Camomile Luxurious Herbal Shampoo
"Natural shampoo made with golden camomile oil from France and sulfur-rich
herbals in a coconut-olive oil castile soap blend. Brings out natural highlights and
leaves hair clean and bouncy.
INGREDIENTS: Deionized Water, Coconut Oil Soap, Liquid Protein, Organic
Aloe Vera*, Roman Camomile Oil, Extracts of Camomile, Horsetail, Coltsfoot,
Fennel, Hops, Balm-mint, Mistletoe and Yarrow, Allantoin, Nicotinic Acid (Niacin),
Inositol, Carrot Oil, Aubrey's Preservative (Citrus Seed Extract, Vitamins A, C and E).
*Organically grown and processed in accordance with the California Organic Foods Act of 1990. http://www.aubrey-organics.com/product1.cfm?product_id=009
- Earth Essence Holistic Organic Shampoo
"Holistic - organic - super concentrated shampoos. Especially good for
chemically sensitive adults - children - everybody! ...
" ... Ordinary shampoos containing Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLF) and other chemical
additives damage the hair shafts, stripping them of their natural oils, making the hair
brittle and dry, and causing split ends. Synthetic shampoo scalp and follicle openings.
Over time, these chemical additives, which are often carcinogenic in nature, seep down
into the hair roots and brain cells, often causing premature thinning and eventual
significant hair loss. ... "
http://www.morroccomethod.com/info.html- Morrocco Method Elemental Shampoos
" ... Whatever of our products is absorbed by the skin and enters into the body's
tissues, glands, and cells is in no way harmful to the natural functioning of the body. ..."
- Morrocco Method Elemental Shampoos
- Tikvah Organic Shampoo
"... Ingredients: Filtered water, saponified certified organic olive oil, saponified certified
organic coconut oil, saponified castor bean oil, certified organic almond oil, d-Panthenol
(vitamin B-5), certified organic jojoba oil. ..."
http://consultclarity.com/tikvah/soap/shampoo.html- TIKVAH at OTA's All Things Organic trade show - Pictures
Cyndi Norman and EHN are members of OTA. Here are pictures of the booth, Cyndi
and Connie Barker, EHN Board Chair, at the OTA trade show, May 2002 -- barb
- TIKVAH at OTA's All Things Organic trade show - Pictures
- Uncle Harry's Natural Products, Shampoos
Organic Tea Tree (8 oz)
- Abundant Earth Organics Shampoo
- Share, Care and Prayer
(A nonprofit, Christian organization encouraging, educating and equipping
the environmentally sensitive ...)
- E.I. Bare Basics/Resources
- E.I. Bare Basics/Resources
- Shell Oil Refinery, Wood River, Illinois
I have a memory of my mother claiming there was a "mishap" at Shell Oil in Wood River
when my brother was an infant and I was about five. I've not found proof of that, but if anyone
knows for sure that there was a problem at Wood River circa 1943, I'd like to know. Cousins who
lived near that area are younger than I and don't know and their fathers are dead so they
cannot be asked. If there was a release from Shell in 1943, it settled as a chemical pall over south
St. Louis. Obviously, that refinery has had modern problems.What I have learned is that St. Louis had a severe "flu" outbreak at about that time. But I ask,
was that a true, viral flu, or a major flu-like reaction to the toxins that flowed down the
Mississippi River Valley to butt up against the Ozarks, which start to rise just south of St. Louis.
Until I learn more about the refinery in 1943, I'll put my buck on it having been a chemical-
induced flu, not viral.In any case, I remember my mother, infant brother and I being very sick with a severe bronchial
cough -- I don't remember my father being affected, but then, he had a smoker's hack and so
he always had a strong cough. I do know he was not as ill as my mother. And for me, that
marked the beginning of what later -- around my forties -- was finally diagnosed: Chemical-
induced asthma. One can just imagine, with that as a background, how my body then reacted to perfumes that went from being made largely with plants and animal parts to being derived from petrochemicals . . . think HYDROCARBONS! -- barb
Shelter Ecology
Products catalog
- Janette D. Sherman, M.D.
Physician Author Activist Mom
http://www.janettesherman.org/- More on Mammograms
"Thursday, March 7, 2002, Letters to the Editor, The Washington Post, Page A20
" In regard to the Feb. 22 front-page article about mammograms:
First, a mammogram does not prevent cancer; it can only find an existing cancer.
"Second, safer methods of diagnosis (without X-rays) are available, including thorough
physical examinations, ultrasound, MRI and thermography. The last takes a heat picture
showing the physiological function breast tissue. Thermography is available in
France, Australia and some centers in the United States. Given that every mammogram,
indeed every X-ray procedure, carries an increased risk of causing cancer,
development of this safe, non-radiation technique should be a priority. ..."
Alexandria, Virginia
Radiation and Public Health Project
"... Currently Dr. Sherman is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Environmental
Sciences at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, and Research Associate and
Lecturer with the Radiation and Public Health Project.
"Dr. Sherman's primary interest is the prevention of illness through public education and
patient awareness.
http://www.radiation.org/- Links To groups working on nuclear issues
http://www.radiation.org/rphplinks.htmlBooks by Dr. Sherman:
- Life's Delicate Balance - Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer
"[D]efines and documents known causes of breast cancer, and emphasizes the
means of prevention.
The Professional and Layperson¼s Guide to Understanding Cause and Effect
"Chemical Exposure and Disease is a must for all activists, whether lay or
professional, who want to prevent disease. "
http://www.janettesherman.org/order.html - Dr. Sherman's books also available from Safe2Use. -- barb
- Life's Delicate Balance - Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer
- Health Issue Alert -
Genetically engineered Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH/BST)
in your milk: Why is BGH is banned in Europe and Canada?
Mad Cows Disesase Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
"Both the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) and the Consumer's Union,
publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, have warned of the potential hazards to
human health caused by consuming products derived from rBGH-treated cows.
http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/1158/Bgh.htm - Holistic Animal Health - Chemicals in Your Home and Your Pet's Health
(Also see Vaccines at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/v.htm)
Mercury too high in shots given infants, experts warn
Vaccine additive may accumulate, harm brain, pediatricians caution
By Lauran Neergaard / Associated Press
http://detnews.com/1999/health/9907/08/07080158.htm- Also, mentioned on website ofMercury in Toothousand
Mercury too high in shots given Infants, experts warn. (Scroll down to story.)
"Associated Press release read 7/8/99 in the Detroit News pg 6A."
SIC Codes
SIC Code: Standard Industrial Classification code: a number developed by the
U.S. Office of Management and Budget to identify industrial sectors. The first two
digits identify the broad industrial sector (such as SIC code 20, Food and Kindred
Products) and the last two digits represent a facility's specialty within this broad
sector (such as SIC code 2047, dog and cat food).
http://www.deq.state.la.us/evaluation/tri/glossary.htmSick Building Syndrome (SBS)
Too often, when looking at causes of sick buildings, synthetic fragrances in personal
care and cleaning/maintenance products are overlooked. Synthetic fragrances are
volatile organic compounds and are known sources of indoor and outdoor air
pollutants. For more information on the toxic chemicals in modern synthetic fragrances,
please visit EHN's page, Fragrance Info
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/f.htm#FragranceInterested in information regarding fragrance-free accommodation? See EHN's Take Heart!
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/takheart.htmAlso visit EHN's pages covering safer ways so you can PREVENT SBS! . . .
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/s.htm#SustainabilityAnd, for the astute: You may wish to check out EHN's section on Housing. I ask: WHEN will
we get safe housing for the already chemically injured? Ecology House WORKS! We need
more throughout the U.S. . . . and the world. When will the world and the US see the chemically
injured as a viable market? Only then will changes be made. Pretty sad commentary on public
consciousness and awareness, but that's how I see it. However, not only do the already
chemically poisoned desparately need safe housing, but the nation better put its collective mind to
safe housing and safe cleaning and "pest" control practices for all, are the numbers of people
living with chronic illnesses, including asthma, cancer, ... and MCS, will rise higher and faster
than all of our "experts" predict. That's my prediction. -- barb
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/h.htm#Housing- Anderson Labs: SBS Causes
- Arbetslivsbiblioteket
- A prevalence study of the sick building syndrome (SBS)
and facial skin symptoms in office workers
In California alone, 15.9 percent of the population is sensitive to chemicals, while
6.3 percent have been diagnosed MCS. California's population, 1999 = 33,145,121.
That's over 2 million in just the state of California diagnosed MCS by astute doctors. -- barb
American Journal of Epidemiology
http://aje.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/150/1/1?maxtoshow=&HITS=1 - Facial skin symptoms in office workers : a five year follow-up study - 1997
http://www.niwl.se/WAIS/30208/30208400.htm- " Indoor Air
" Vol. 14 Issue 2 Page 137 April 2004
"Comparison of risk factor profiles concerning self-reported skin complaints and
objectively determined skin symptoms in German office workers
S. Brasche, M. Bullinger, R. Schwab, H. Gebhardt, V. Herzog, W. Bischof "
" An online subscription or single article purchase is required to access this article"
- Eye- and skin symptoms in German office workers --
subjective perception vs. objective medical screening
S. Brasche, M. Bullinger, R. Schwab, H. Gebhardt, V. Herzog, W. Bischof "
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Annecdotal, but true: The first obvious problem I had was "adult onset acne" at an age
when I should not have had a thought in the world about acne. Interestingly, a medical doctor's
advice was that I stop drinking soda and eatting chips. When I told him, I couldn't stand soda and
rarely ate chips, he told me, "That's what my wife always says and yet every night she's sitting
on the couch with her soda and her chips." And, I replied, I am NOT your wife . . . and my
mental note was: I am no longer your patient. My chiropractor, on the other hand, said, Barb,
these outbreaks are a sign that something horrible is going on inside your body. You best get out
of that workplace. I didn't. Until my body said enough is enough, beyond MCS. Fortunately,
for me, that meant a benign tumor, not an ovarian mass as origianlly diagnosed. But, I left the
workplace before I knew I didn't need surgery. Hence my volunteer efforts for EHN. -- barb
PDF: http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/intjhyg/content/2000/issue4/4410042a.pdf.
HTML: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Jq-UnyEFzPwJ:www.urbanfischer.de/journals/intjhyg/content/2000/issue4/4410042a.pdf+Facial+skin+symptoms+in+office+workers+&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
- " Indoor Air
- A prevalence study of the sick building syndrome (SBS)
- Business Week
Is Your Office Killing You?
Sick buildings are seething with molds, monoxide--and worse
Somehow or other, they manage to ignore the role of toxic synthetic fragrance chemicals.
But otherwise, you'll find this article worth reading and considering. -- barb
http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_23/b3684001.htm - EPA Indoor Air Facts No. 4 (revised) - Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/sbs.html - EPA creates their own SBS!
Employee illness from sick building syndrome or toxic ai
http://www.counsel.net/chatboards/emp-law/topic274/ - NASA Clean Air Study
- "Scents and Sensitivity "
Sick-building syndrome can cause some serious workplace woes
By Julyne Derrick
- Rising breast cancer rate fuels environmental concerns
Health advocates urge more research on role of pollutants
By Francesca Lyman; MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR; October 23, 2002
http://www.msnbc.com/news/824495.asp - Scents and sensitivities
What to know before buying a Valentine¼s Day perfume
By Francesca Lyman; MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR; Feb. 6, 2002
Notice, the industry says it tests its products . . . and then states it has BEGUN testing.
Can't have it both ways, me thinks! -- barb
Mirrored by EHN through kind permission of Ms. Francesca Lyman and MSNBC
http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/flscents.htmFormerly at http://www.msnbc.com/news/702445.asp
- SF Gate -- Articles
- Sick Building Syndrome Part 1
Victims Of Mysterious Illness Suffer From Public Ignorance -
By David Bragi, Special to SF Gate
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2001/02/05/healthwatch.DTL - Sick Building Syndrome Part 2
Tips For Keeping Your Home Healthy
By David Bragi, Special to SF Gate
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2001/02/19/healthwatch.DTL - Sick Building Syndrome Part 3
Sufferers Start To Raise Voices, Take Action
By David Bragi, Special to SF Gate
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2001/03/05/healthwatch.DTL - Supervisors Tackle Mold Issue At Hunters Point Apartments
Two call for cleanup of subsidized housing
By Anastasia Hendrix, [San Francisco]Chronicle Staff Writer
- Sick Building Syndrome Part 1
- Sick Building: Finding Proof
- Sick building survivors open window on bad air
http://novanewsnet.ukings.ns.ca/stories/99-00/000218/camphill.htm - Sick Building Syndrome
"The Phantom Phog"
http://www.presenting.net/sbs/sbs.html - Sick Buildings
"... This list was begun in an attempt to network indoor air specialists, occupational
medical personnel, government agencies, legal resources and injured workers so this
hidden epidemic will cease to be another "cost of doing business." It serves as an archive
for information on sick building syndrome, toxic molds and any contaminate that can
be found in the indoor air of our schools, offices and homes. "
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sickbuildings - Sick Buildings: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
By Stuart Watson; WRAL News Investigates; March 2, 1996
- Sick Buildings - Review of the PBS NOVA Show
http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/~randy/design.dir/chair.dir/sickbldg.htm - Something in the air
"Between 1989 and 1993, 800 workers at Halifax's Camp Hill Medical Centre fell sick because of
chemically contaminated air. More than 100 are still off work--and a fight is raging over the reasons
why. Kim Pittaway explores the modern fears and slippery truths behind the environmental illness debate
First published in Chatelaine's November 1995 issue.
© Kim Pittaway
http://www.chatelaine.com/read/health/air.html - Toxic Mold
http://www.toxicmold.org/documents/0212.html - Warning Signs of Sick Building Syndrome and MCS
From MCS Referral & Resources
- What is Sick Building Syndrome
3458 Goodspeed Road
Davidsonville, Maryland 21035
or e-mail mail to: zone10@zone10.com
- More on Mammograms
SIDS refers to a sudden and most unexpected death of an infant from unkonown causes.
IF our government and medical researchers are not thoroughly investigating a possible role
played in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome by highly scented personal care products and
cleaning and maintenance products, including highly scented detergents and fabric softeners,
I'd like to hear their explanations.
I've had two different experiences with synthetic scents, one of which was with fabric softeners,
that lead me to my very serious concerns. Our researchers should investigate our modern
scents and the chemicals used to concoct them for a possible role played in SIDS. See FDA Petition
Analyses at http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm#Analyses
It's not as if the fragrance industry is thoroughly regulated, fergoodnesssakes. See FDA's
[NON-]Authority Over Cosmetics at http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-206.html
My sister-in-law tried unsuccessfully to wash out her detergent and fabric softener before my
using their sheets. She got enough of the contaminants out that when on my back, I could breathe
and sleep, but on my side breathing was impossible. Fortunately, if I inadvertently rolled to
my side I was able to wake up and move out of what was for me a suddenly hazardous
environment. An infant's body is more receptive to toxins -- that knowledge has become available
regarding synthetic pesticides. Add to that the facts that if scented laundry products are used,
an infant
- is likely to be in clothing and on bedding impregnated by fragrances, which
volatilize chemicals that include neurotoxins;
- may not have the motor skills to move to a healthier breathing position; and
- is pretty much trapped by the crib.
chiropractor's or acupuncturist's office, I cannot breathe when encountering the toxins left
by a previous person's perfume. However, while on my back I can breathe fine.
I have informed the FDA, the EPA and the CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission) to no
avail. Heavens, I've not even gotten a response! One would think our government agencies,
charged with protecting public health, would be eager to explore suggestions for possible
causes of SIDS. The non-response leads me to think that our government researchers have no
information to prove that fragrances cannot cause SIDS. Michael Crichton has said it best:
"Absence of proof is not proof of absence." So, let's have some meaningful research.
I can understand not wanting to make parents feel guilty about a devastating loss to SIDS of
their precious child, but IF there is even a remote connection between our modern synthetic
chemical consumer products and SIDS isn't there an obligation to make information available?
IF parents, grandparents, caregivers, et al., were allowed to readily learn of the chemicals used
to formulate pesticides and fragrances, would they continue to use them when pregnant or
around other pregnant women?Would they continue to use them around infants and young
children, ... around other people whose health and well-being may be severely compromised?
Would they use these products around their beloved pets? (Our fragrance-free and pesticide-
free pets have lived healthily to remarkably old ages.)
Can we help prevent crib death by eliminating highly scented detergents and fabric softeners
from laundry, avoid wearing fragrances, avoid using air "fresheners," avoid using disinfectants?
How many people know that air "fresheners" can cause ear infections, headaches, depression?
How many people know that disinfectants are classified as pesticides? If they were advertised
that way, how many people would be rushing to buy sponges, wipes, sprays, etc to pesticide
surfaces we always come into contact with? (I have always used baking soda, salt, vinegar and
lemon juice successfully.) What if people knew of the chemicals used to make synthetic scents . . .
Maybe, if folks knew the truth . . . Isn't there supposed to be truth in advertising????
I'm not saying synthetically scented products are the only cause of SIDS, but for our government
agencies to not even consider this source of constant toxins is an aberration. And while the
Back-to-Sleep program is credited with saving lives, it is also seen as the cause of poor upper
body musculature and flat heads.
During the past couple of decades, fragrance formulations were changed to waft further (see
phthalates at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/p.htm#Phthalates) and last longer.
Synthetic scents were added to more products and advertised highly so more people used them
more places, more times of the day than ever before. Fragrances are made by an unregulated
industry, which is further protected by trade secret laws. As hard to believe as it may be, the US
Food and Drug Administration is in effect spineless and toothless when it comes to the
fragrance industry. The FDA cannot even demand an accounting from the fragrance industry
of all products people complain about . . . that is strictly a voluntary procedure.
To me, seeing all of the illnesses assocated with modern synthetically fragranced products is
akin to the phenomenon recognized with drugs once they've gone from limited testing to the
wider market . . . you start seeing adverse reactions, even premature deaths. Well, fragrances
don't go through any testing like drugs do, but they've certainly hit that "wider market" during
the past couple of decades and we are seeing millions upon millions of people sickened and
disabled and prematurely dead by the chemicals used to manufacture our modern scents. So
parents, start your research with EHN's FDA Petition . . . and then decide for yourselves if you
wish to load up your family with these chemical products. If you choose not to, you can further
check EHN's site for safer products under the headings, "Clean" and "Consumer Products."
You'll not only be helping your family, but also untold others who have adverse reactions to
synthetically scented products with whom you come in contact everyday . . . and you'll be
saving our fish and wildlife downstream. And, if you are concerned about the inadequately tested
chemicals used to create synthetic scents, start writing your FDA, EPA, CPSC.
Synthetic chemical household, janitorial and personal care products are assumed to be safe.They
are advertised as safe. Synthetic fragrances in them are not tested by any government agency
before marketing. Fragrances do not carry the FDA prescribed warning label. For
more on synthetic fragrances, see the FDA Petition.
There are safer cleaning and personal care consumer products to use. Try them! You may save
your infants, young children and even adults, many rounds of colds and ear infections . . . and you
may save their lives. Until all of our consumer products can be proved safe BEFORE marketing,
Caveat Emptor! -- barb
CPSC, EPA and FDA contact info
FDA Petition, Docket Number 99P - 1340
(Includes contact information regarding the petition requesting that the FDA follow its
regulations already on its books to require warning labels on products released to market
without adequate testing. You'll see that there is not enough info about individual
chemicals . . . where is the proof that these chemicals are safe when used in combination?)
(Info and links to safer products)
Consumer Products
(Info and links to safer products)
- A Simple Explanation for SIDS (Crib Deaths)
By Dr. Denton Davis
http://www.mercola.com/1999/dec/19/crib_death_explanation_treatment.htm - AIRTECH INTERNATIONAL GROUP
- American Academy of Pediatrics
Changing Concepts of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Implications for Infant Sleeping
Environment and Sleep Position (RE9946)
http://www.aap.org/policy/re9946.html - American SIDS Institute
http://www.sids.org- Resources in the USA
http://www.sids.org/findresources.htm - Resources around the World
- Resources in the USA
- Back to Sleep Campaign
Page of resources; National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
See Flat head babies at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/f.htm#Flat - Coastal Post
http://www.coastalpost.com- See other articles by Carol Sterritt, below, or search the Coastal Post for Sterritt. -- barb
- Do Fabric Softeners Cause Crib Death?
By Carol Sterritt; May 1999
http://www.coastalpost.com/99/5/4.htm - Do Vaccinations Lead To Sudden Infant Deaths?
"All truth goes through three stages. First it is revealed. Then it is violently opposed.
Finally it is accepted as self-evident." -Schoepenhouer
By Carol Sterritt; February 2000
- Do Fabric Softeners Cause Crib Death?
- Cot Death: A Single Primary Cause
by Dr Jim Sprott
http://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/newsl/cd-gas.htmlEHN's links on Fabric Softener information
Note: I am not a scientist. I am someone whose body -- including central nervous system -- is
adversely and seriously affected by fabric softeners. That generates questions. I've asked
authorities. I've not heard satisfying answers . . . usually, it's been something like, "It is not so
simple, Barbara." I've found that the doctors Anderson have tested fabric softeners for
respiratory toxicity and they do to mice what they do to my respiratory system. But, I also suffer
neurological effects. See Fabric softeners
http://www.andersonlaboratories.com/alweb23e.htmIn the early 90s I didn't know to protect myself from the very lightest hints of fabric softener on
the ambient air. Once I learned that it wasn't only the neighbor's blast of pollutants from
which I had to protect myself, but also those travelling on the air for who-knows-what-distance,
then and only then did I stop having an "UNEXPLAINED" numbness from temple to
jawbone, and only then did I stop crashing to the pavement. IF that can happen to my not-tiny-
body, what in the world happens to some infants? I'm hoping someone knows the answer.-- barb
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/f.htm#Softeners - Fabric Softeners = Health Risks From Dryer Exhaust and Treated Fabrics
by Ju.lia Kendall
- Georgia Back to Sleep Newsletter
http://www.ph.dhr.state.ga.us/programs/sids/pdfs/btsjan00.pdf - HealthyChild
Has The Cause of Crib Death (SIDS) Been Found? Parents Denied Crucial Findings By Jane Sheppard
It's about toxic gases coming off the mattress. Frankly, I'd also be concerned about the toxic
gases coming off of our petrochemical-laden detergents and fabric softeners. I've had adverse
experiences to scented pillows, sheets, when on my stomach, which I was spared when lying on
my back. I've shared the info w/our government agencies and have been ignored. -- barb
http://www.healthychild.com/cribdeathcause.htm - Making Sense of Scents
by Ju.lia Kendall
- National Institute of Child Health & Human Development
- Back to Sleep Campaign
"Finally, efforts in Sudden Infant Death Syndome are expanding, the first five-year
research plan submitted to the United States Congress in 1989 has been completed, and
the Branch is beginning the implementation of a second five-year plan. A public
health compaign entitled "Back to Sleep" is underway and the Branch is assessing its
impact. This campaign is directed to families and mothers of small infants, to
professionals responsible for their care, and to the public in general.
(What I find amazing is there is not a hint that one should avoid fragrances and fragrance
products. Yet just three years before their plan was submitted to Congress, the National Academy
of Sciences recommended to the 99th Congress that fragrances be tested for neurotoxicity. -- barb) - SIDS Fact Sheet
NICHD Public Information and Communiations Branch
Notice, no mention of synthetic fragrances in personal care and cleaning/maintenance products,
yet there is ample evidence that these synthetic, superfluous toxins can adversely affect
breathing. Have they ever studied the effects of outgassing highly scented detergents and
fabric softeners? Synthetic fragrances are known irritants and sensitizers. -- barb - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Infant Death Syndrome- What about highly scented detergents and fabric softeners as a trigger?
See Julia Kendall's work -- barb
- Back to Sleep Campaign
- National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Resource Center
- Trying to Understand the Mystery
- Sids and Kids
http://www.sidsandkids.org/ - SIDS . . . Tummy Sleeping? or Fragrance Products?
by Barb Wilkie; New Reactor, Jul - Aug 1999
http://ehnca.org/www/newreact/sidstumy.htm - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance
http://www.sidsalliance.org/index/default.asp - Vaccination Debate: Do Vaccines Cause Cot Deaths?
Harris L. Coulter, PhD,
http://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr/coulter/vacc-deb.html- Red Nose Day - The Controversy Deepens
by John Lesso
- Red Nose Day - The Controversy Deepens
The Sierra Club
Chapters by state
- California Chapters
http://tamalpais.sierraclub.org/chapters/ca/ - [Against] Excessive Use of Fragrance Products in Public Places
(December 1998, Conservation Committee's Resolution 98.12.01)
Also up on EHN's site:
- Indoor Air Pollution Policy
- "Exposure to indoor air pollutants such as carcinogens, combustion products, irritants, and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), contributes significantly to an individual's total pollutant exposure and is a major source of health problems and preventable deaths. As part of the continuing effort to improve overall air quality, the Sierra Club supports programs of regulation and incentives, education, and research to control indoor air pollution ..."
- Noise Pollution Policy
- Toxic Air Pollutants Policy
- http://tamalpais.sierraclub.org/chapters/
Conservation Policies Index
- Environmental Disruptors: Where Are They?
- North Star Chapter of Sierra Club
"... We are Sierrans in and around Minnesota who enjoy outdoor activities and who
work to preserve and protect our environment. Please join us! The Sierra Club is the
largest and oldest grassroots environmental organization in the U.S. ..."
http://www.northstar.sierraclub.org/- EARTH & HEART Committee presents Welcome to ALTERNATIVE LIVING
http://www.northstar.sierraclub.org/Air_Toxics_Alternative_Living.htm - Pesticide Fact Sheet
http://www.northstar.sierraclub.org/Air_Toxics_pesticide_fact_sheet.htm - Toxics Campaign
- Book Store
6014 College Av. (near Claremont), Oakland, CA 94618-1414, USA
Telephone: 1-510-658-7470 ... Fax: 1-510-658-9671
Public Transit: Rockridge Bart, AC Transit #7, #17, #51, #64.
Bookstore hours: Monday through Saturday, 11 am - 6 pm; Sunday, 12 noon - 4 pm
Phone and mail orders welcome.
Visit the Bookstore's Web Site at: http://www.sierraclubbookstore.com - Conservation Office, SF Bay Chapter
- 2530 San Pablo Av. (near Dwight Way), Suite I
- Excessive Use of Fragrance Products in Public Places, a resolution passed 12/01/98
On EHN's page: http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/sfbaccff.htm
- SFBA Chapter Resolutions by Subject
- Toxics Subcommittee
Please note: You may reach
The Sierra Club's Toxics Subcommittee
through e-mail via Blake Brown, Chair:
Berkeley, CA 94702-2000, USA
Telephone: 1-510-848-0800 ... Fax: 1-510-848-3383
Public Transit: AC Transit #65, #72, #73, #G, #H.
Office Hours: 10 am - 5 pm, Monday - Thursday (closed Fridays & Weekends).
E-mail: san-francisco-bay.chapter@sierraclub.org
- Excessive Use of Fragrance Products in Public Places, a resolution passed 12/01/98
Search Sierra Club
- Search for "endocrine disruptors"
Sierra Club Canada
Moratorium on the Cosmetic Use of Chemical Pesticides
Sierra Club's Student Coalition
Sierra Magazine
- EARTH & HEART Committee presents Welcome to ALTERNATIVE LIVING
- "Where do we find endocrine disruptors, chemicals that can disrupt living systems?
"A wide range of chemicals, including some in common, often unregulated, undisclosed use are now associated with affecting the health, reproduction, and behavior of animals. George Lucier, director of the Environmental Toxicology Program of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, describes the problem: 'Although trends in hormonally related diseases have not been clearly linked to environmental chemicals, it is probable that endocrine disruptors are contributing to human diseases and dysfunction The question then becomes how much they are contributing.' " http://www.sierraclub.org/misc/envirodisruptors.html
How to Become an Activist
Human Rights
Loma Prieta Chapter
- Note: The Loma Prieta Chapter's Conservation Committee also passed a resolution against the excessive use of frgrances in public places, but thus far have not uploaded the resolution to their site. In the meantime, do visit the SF Bay Chapters at
Silent Spring Institute
Researching the environment and women's health
- Associations Between Selected Risk Factors and Breast Cancer
But there is no hint of the carcinogenic properties of synthetic fragrances. -- barb
http://www.silentspring.org/newweb/projects/cape/index.html - Household Exposure Study
Maybe this study will also give a clue as to why women are more likely to have MCS.
Like it's the abundance of chemicals on our bodies and in our air, not a fertile imagination! -- barb
http://www.silentspring.org/newweb/projects/hes/index.html - Selected Publications by Silent Spring Institute's Staff
Includes PDF file for "Cape Cod Breast Cancer and Environment Study" and
"Social Differences in Women's Use of Personal Care Products ..." -- barb
- Social Differences in Women's Use of Personal Care Products:
A Study of Magazine Advertisements
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC)
- Exporting Techno-Trash - Clean Computer Campaign
- NEWS FLASH- Oct. 30, 2001
European Public Access to Environmental Information Enacted.
http://www.svtc.org/icrt/index.html - Health & Environmental Justice
Also see Saline Implants, above
- Dr Egilman, Breast Implants & Disease aprox.
http://implants.clic.net/tony/USA/Egilman/01.html - FDA's Breast Implant page
http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/breastimplants/- Breast Implant Risks
Brochure, with pictures; November 2000
http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/breastimplants/breast_implant_risks_brochure.html - Photographs and or Illustrations of Breast Implant Complications
- Breast Implant Risks
- David A. Kessler, M.D
- Remarks by David A. Kessler, M.D.
Commissioner of Food and Drugs
Hastings Lecture; Washington, D.C.; December 10, 1993
"Let me go on to postmarket surveillance because no premarket review program,
no matter how well executed, can assure device safety and effectiveness without
an equally strong program of postmarket surveillance."
I dare say, the same is very true for synthetic pesticides and fragrances released to market. -- barb
http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/SPEECH/SPE00045.htm - Statement on Silicone Gel Breast Implants
by David A. Kessler, M.D., Commissioner of Food and Drugs
Washington, D.C., January 6, 1992
"Good day.
"Today, I am requesting a moratorium on the further use of all silicone gel
breast implants until our advisory panel of outside experts can reconvene to
consider new information on the safety of these devices. The moratorium
will remain in effect until the FDA can review the advisory panel's new
recommendation and make a final decision. ..."
- Remarks by David A. Kessler, M.D.
http://www.info-implants.com/Canada/allan.html- FDA SALINE IMPLANTS 2000 "PIERRE BLAIS Ph.D."
http://implants.clic.net/tony/Video/03.html - ARTICLES "PIERRE BLAIS Ph.D. - Index
"What The Breast Implant Makers Don't Want You To Know
"Despite spending millions of dollars to portray themselves as defenseless
"victims," the breast implant makers cannot deny that the real victims here
are the thousands of women with implants who were deliberately lied to and
who are now suffering debilitating illnesses.The facts are:
- the manufacturers' own documents reveal a calculated coverup
and campaign of deceit on the safety of silicone implants; - they have refused to comply with the law requiring them to prove
that implants are safe and effective; - women were told that this product would last a lifetime, but the
rupture rate is extraordinarily high; - about 100,000 women have manifested illnesses, with the common
link being that they all have silicone breast implants; and - two recent studies could not disprove the link between silicone implants
and diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. The studies failed to ask
women uniform questions and failed to employ standard laboratory testing.
- PubMed
Silicone gel breast implant adverse event reports to the
Food and Drug Administration, 1984-1995.
Brown SL, Parmentier CM, Woo EK, Vishnuvajjala RL, Headrick ML.
Office of Surveillance and Biometrics, Center for Devices and Radiological Health,
Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD 20850, USA. syb@cdrh.fda.gov
PMID: 9847926 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
" ... CONCLUSIONS: The numbers of mandatory and voluntary reports
of SGBI-related adverse events increased exponentially, as did the complexity
of the reports, following publicity over the lack of safety data on breast implants
and a short voluntary moratorium on their sale. A significant proportion of reports
lacked information on specific medical symptoms or diagnoses. "
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9847926&dopt=Abstract- Silicone gel breast implant adverse event reports to the Food and Drug Administration
1984-1995. Pub. Health Reporter
A Flood of Litigation?
Predicting the Consequences of Changing Legal Remedies Available to
ERISA Beneficiaries
Carole Roan Gresenz, Deborah R. Hensler, David M. Studdert,
Bonnie Dombey-Moore, Nicholas M. Pace
http://www.rand.org/publications/IP/IP184/ - Silicone gel breast implant adverse event reports to the Food and Drug Administration
- Silicone Gel B reast Implants
The Report of the Independent Review Group
http://www.silicone-review.gov.uk/- History: The assessment of health effects attributed to silicone gel breast implants
- History: The assessment of health effects attributed to silicone gel breast implants

Shula Edelkind
Progress in Medicine
Medical Defense Fund
PO Box 1565
Fontana, CA 92334
- http://web.archive.org/web/20031205033138/treatmentchoice.com/sinaiko.html
- In defense of Dr. Sinaiko
http://web.archive.org/web/20030820065621/http://treatmentchoice.com/defense_index.html - UAPD ( Union of American Physicians & Dentists) DEFENDS UNION DOCTOR
http://web.archive.org/web/20030820065621/http://treatmentchoice.com/defense_index.html - Amicus Brief - CMA
http://web.archive.org/web/20030820065621/http://treatmentchoice.com/defense_index.html - Amicus Brief - Center for Public Interest Lawhttp://web.archive.org/web/20030820065621/http://treatmentchoice.com/defense_index.html
- UAPD - Petition for Rulemaking
http://web.archive.org/web/20030820065621/http://treatmentchoice.com/defense_index.html - Sacromento Bee article
http://web.archive.org/web/20030820065621/http://treatmentchoice.com/news.html - Senate Bill 1045
Be at the Capitol Building, Room 3191, Sacramento on
Monday, April 26, 1999 at 1:30 p.m. to support Dr. Sinaiko
http://www.treatmentchoice.com/cma_concerns.html - Uncle Sam Now America's No. 1 Drug Pusher
by Jarret Wollstein
"In California, Dr. Robert Sinaiko had his medical license revoked and was fined $99,000 by an
administrative law judge for taking a boy off Ritalin and prescribing alternative treatment. "
- http://members.aol.com/neurosite/
- Biography
- Neuropsychological Evaluation of Bystander Exposure to Pesticides
- American Academy of Family Physicians
Caring for Acute Sinusitis
http://www.aafp.org/patientinfo/981115a.html - Americans and Sinus Pain
- MedLIne Plus
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/sinusitis.html - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Sinusitis Fact Sheet
http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/sinusitis.htm - Sinusitis: A Treatment Plan That Works for asthma and allergies too
Wellington S. Tichenor, M. D.; New York, New York
- Frequently Asked Questions
"Why is sinusitis increasing?
"Since the Spring of 1990, we have noticed a significant increase in the number of
people who have sinus infections. The reason for this is not clear at the present, but
it is most likely due to increasing amounts of pollution and ozone. There have been
similar increases in other major cities in the United States.
- Frequently Asked Questions
Also see Rheumatoid Arthritis at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/r.htm#Rheumatoid
- Bone and Joint Source; University of Washington
"Sjogren's syndrome is a chronic (lifelong) disorder that causes dry eyes and a dry mouth.
It is named after the Swedish eye doctor, Dr. Henrik Sjogren, who first described it. "
- Sjogren syndrome: a CHORUS notecard document about Sjogren syndrome
Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians & Clinics, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- SS-L (Sjogren's Syndrome)
Purpose: To discuss/share experiences, problems, ideas & solutions for persons suffering from
Sjogren's Syndrome (an auto-immune disease).
just how wrong the doctors were who thought of the skin as a barrier to chemicals. The
pharmaceutical industry uses the skin to get drugs into your body -- they call them "patches."
The fragrance industry makes products that get through your skin and into your body.
And while the industry and its apologists, including mainstream medical doctors, are quick to
dismiss the various diseases and illnesses associated with the chemicals used to make our modern
perfume products, it is acknowledged that fragrances do cause of skin problems.
Fragrances adversely affect the bodies of nonusers! I did not use fragrances, but my skin would
break out in acne so quickly from some perfume assaults, it was nearly unbelieveable. Except
it happened. Repeatedly. I kept a diary of the fragrance assaults, although, I was not often told
the name of the offending product. When I learned the name, cause and effect were listed.
Rather than taking medicines for your skin, try going as fragrance-free as possible. Of course,
that will take the cooperation of others, so you might find yourself in the same bind as those
of us with MCS. You are told to avoid the very toxic chemicals that are made to waft, to prevade,
to last on the ambiant air, to be breathed in and absorbed by the bodies of all within respiratory
range. But if you have acne, eczema, hives, rashes, burning and itching skin, try your
best to stay away from fragrances used by others, and for you sake, give up all of your products
that bear the benign-sounding word, "fragrance." It is worth a try. -- barb
Also see
Beauty Salons - http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/b.htm#Beauty
Nails - http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/n.htm#Nails
- Natural Solutions for Acne
Dr. Mercola
Hmmmm, I didn't notice advice to avoid fragrances, but do give that a try. But, that means
everyone in your family must avoid using petrochemical-derived fragrance products also. Dealing
with the public, whether at school, work, healthcare facilities, theaters, etc., of course, makes the
goal of being fragrance-free problematic. But perhaps you can begin to educate others about
the harmful effects of fragrances. There are alternatives. People with MCS, like me, use them! -- barb
- Skin and reactions to fragrances and other chemicals
- Clinician's Photo Guide To Recognizing and Treating Skin Diseases in Women
Part 1. Dermatoses Not Linked to Pregnancy
Author: Chee Leok Goh, MD, MRCP, FRCP, FAMS, University of Singapore, National Skin Centre
Medscape search - If the URL below doesn't work, go to www.medscape.com -- barb
http://www.medscape.com/home/templates/confirmGeneric.html - Deodorants: a clinical provocation study in fragrance-sensitive individuals.
Johansen JD, Rastogi SC, Bruze M, Andersen KE, Frosch P, Dreier B, Lepoittevin JP, White I, Menne T.
Department of Dermatology, Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. PubMed
"...12/20 (60%) deodorants elicited eczema on use testing in the axilla. 8/12 deodorants
were positive in the axilla on day (D) 7 and 4 both in the axilla and on the upper arm. 2
of the 4 developed a reaction in the axilla before it developed on the upper arm. ..."
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9817220&dopt=Abstract - Eye- and skin symptoms in German office workers --
subjective perception vs. objective medical screening
S. Brasche, M. Bullinger, R. Schwab, H. Gebhardt, V. Herzog, W. Bischof "
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Annecdotal, but true: The first obvious problem I had was "adult onset acne" at an age
when I should not have had a thought in the world about acne. Interestingly, a medical doctor's
advice was that I stop drinking soda and eatting chips. When I told him, I couldn't stand soda and
rarely ate chips, he told me, "That's what my wife always says and yet every night she's sitting
on the couch with her soda and her chips." And, I replied, I am NOT your wife . . . and my
mental note was: I am no longer your patient. My chiropractor, on the other hand, said, Barb,
these outbreaks are a sign that something horrible is going on inside your body. You best get out
of that workplace. I didn't. Until my body said enough is enough, beyond MCS. Fortunately,
for me, that meant a benign tumor, not an ovarian mass as origianlly diagnosed. But, I left the
workplace before I knew I didn't need surgery. Hence my volunteer efforts for EHN. -- barb
PDF: http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/intjhyg/content/2000/issue4/4410042a.pdf.
HTML: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Jq-UnyEFzPwJ:www.urbanfischer.de/journals/intjhyg/content/2000/issue4/4410042a.pdf+Facial+skin+symptoms+in+office+workers+&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 - The Effect of Indoor Foliage Plants on Health and Discomfort Symptoms among Office Workers
Tove Fjeld, Bo Veiersted, Leiv Sandvik, Geir Riise, Finn Levy
http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=ShowAbstract&ProduktNr=224157&Ausgabe=226063&ArtikelNr=24583 - More Formaldehyde Facts
FORMALDEHYDE EFFECTS - "Skin reactions: ...chemical can be both irritating and
allergy-causing...(EPA). A slight sensation of tiny insects crawling over the eyes, nose
and pharynx (formication) is felt at 2-3 ppm. (Zurlo N, via OSH, NZ.) Contact with the
vapour or solution causes skin to become white, rough, hard and anaesthetic due to
superficial coagulation necrosis. With long exposure, dermatitis and hypersensitivity
frequently result. "
- Psoriasis Cafe web directory
"Welcome to the most comprehensive psoriasis related web directory in the world. ..."
http://www.psoriasiscafe.org/ - Psoriasis -- National Psoriasis Foundation
- Psoriasis Cafe web directory
- Skin's a Sensitive Topic
By St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Scripps Howard News Service
Overall, this article is well worth reading. That said, I have my common comment: There is not
a clue that one can suffer "sensitive skin" as a result of fragrancesused BY OTHERS.
Fragrances include perfume, cologne, toilet water, aftershave and those in personal care products
such as lotions, hair care products, deodorants; as well as fragrances found in cleaning and
maintenance products. Even passing a store or laundromat that has scents flowing (volatilizing)
out to the ambient outdoor air can set off a skin flare-up, as easily as they can trigger asthma.
Alas, no one listening to or reading industry advertising gets a clue about the hundreds of
untested chemicals combined to make "fragrance." Nor is there any reference to the fact that the
chemicals leaving the perfume products used by one, can adversely affect the air for all. But,
that is the nature of the beast!Good points in this article . . . Dr. Jacquelyn Dilworth stated:
"Many irritants are as close as the kitchen pantry or linen closet and are found in fragrances, nail
polishes, soaps, fabric softeners and even nickel-based watches, chains and belt buckles.
Chemicals found in food preservatives, antibiotic ointments and adhesives can also cause problems."
To that I'd like to add: Remember, the flavor and fragrance industry's products find their way to
pharmaceuticals. IF your body is adversely reacting to prescribed or over-the-counter medicine,
the hidden chemicals benignly called "flavor" or "fragrance" may be the culprit. Too often doctors
don't give this a passing thought, but then, they've had remarkably poor training in the
subject of environmental health.My question is: When will we elect legislators who will listen to the public rather than just to the
industry? Industry lobbying has done much to keep the public from having the right to know
via labeling and truth in advertising, while convincing public and officials that fragrance products
are safe and wholesome. I'd like to see their dictionary!!!!!! -- barb
http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/living/senskin1020/index.html - Spring Wind Skin Care Products
I can use their lip balm, but the product I've relied upon to help heal my instant acne -- pops as
soon as I've been assaulted by perfumed products -- is the Spring Wind Ointment 2 oz -
100% Natural ... jar of soothing ointment. It also heals the grandkids diaper rashes. -- barb
http://www.springwind.com/Merchant/index.htm - Sweet Poison: What Your Nose Can't Tell You About The Dangers of Perfume
Introduction written by Andrea DesJardins
Look for info on airborne agents causing dermatitis. -- barb
http://members.aol.com/chemxpose/perfume.html - What Goes On the Skin, Goes Through the Skin
By Richard H. Conrad, PhD, Biochemist
This is an extremely important document, written by Dr. Conrad to the FDA. -- barb
SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation)
One of the most famous SLAPP suits was against Oprah . . . Beef. -- barb
- Mad Cowboys
The Beef Industry Takes Aim at "Food Disparagement"
Quoting the leading paragraph, found through search of E-Magazine's archives:
"You said [mad cow disease] could make AIDS look like the common cold?" asked TV talk
show host Oprah Winfrey. "Absolutely," said her guest, Howard Lyman of the
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS). "That's an extreme statement, you know,"
Winfrey said. "Absolutely," Lyman said again. "A hundred thousand cows per year in
the United States are fine at night, dead in the morning. The majority of those cows
are rounded up, ground up, fed back to other cows. If only one of them has mad cow
disease, it has the potential to affect thousands."
- Industry Attacks on Dissent: From Rachel Carson to Oprah
"Forty years after the publication of Silent Spring, corporations are still producing
poisonsãand still trying to keep critics from fighting back."
BY LAURA ORLANDO; Dollars & Sense magazine; Issue # 240, March-April 2002
A paragraph I find important in this article is:
"Trying to Silence Silent Spring
" Before World War I, about half of the industrial products in the United States were made
from renewable resources, such as plant-, wood-, and animal-based materials. In the
1920s and 1930s, oil and chemical companies like Union Carbide, Shell, and Dow
expanded their interest in petrochemical manufacturing. The petrochemical industry,
strengthened immensely by World War II, replaced renewable materials with synthetic
organic compounds made from the by-products of oil and natural gas: for instance,
synthetic rubber replaced natural rubber, chemical detergents replaced animal-based
soaps, and polyester replaced cotton. In the 1950s and 1960s, the thriving plastics
industry accelerated the shift even more. Today, 92% of the materials used for U.S.
products and production processes are nonrenewable."
And while fragrances aren't included, they definitely have moved from being made mainly
from animal and plants to being concocted from petrochemical derivatives. -- barb
http://www.dollarsandsense.org/archives/2002/0302orlando.html - SLAPP - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
California Anti-SLAPP Project - Dedicated to First Amendment Rights
http://www.casp.net/- Report a SLAPP
http://www.casp.net/feedback.html - California Statutes and Cases
http://www.casp.net/mencal.htmlOther States: Statutes and Cases
http://www.casp.net/menstate.html"A Legislative History of the Oregon Experience in Limiting SLAPPS
may be helpful to those in states without an anti-SLAPP statute."
The URL given via CASP no longer worked, but I found these three PDF files through a
search of Oregon's site -- http://search.oregon.gov/. I've not looked at them. -- barb
1. How to Keep the People in Planning
How to Keep the People in Planning A Legislative History of the Oregon Experience in
Limiting SLAPPs Table of Contents: Chapter 1 ..
Page 1 An Introduction to SLAPPs Suits, February 20, 1998 Statement of the Problem in ...
http://egov.oregon.gov/LCD/docs/publications/hkpptoc.pdf - March 09, 2001 - 3.1KB2. A Legislative History of the Oregon Experience in Limiting SLAPPs
Editorials and OP/ED Pieces on SLAPPS Includes editorials supporting anti-SLAPP
legislation from The Oregonian, Statesman Journal,
Register-Guard, Democrat-Herald and Gazette-Times Prepared in May 1999143 of 179144 of ...
http://egov.oregon.gov/LCD/docs/publications/hkppch5.1.pdf - March 09, 2001 - 2224.8KB3. A Legislative History of the Oregon Experience in Limiting SLAPPs
News Articles on SLAPPs Prepared in May 1999158 of 179159 of 179160 of 179161 of
179162 of 179163 of 179164 of 179165 of 179166 of 179167
of 179168 of 179169 of 179170 of 179 171 of 179172 of 179173 of 179
http://egov.oregon.gov/LCD/docs/publications/hkppch5.2.pdf - March 09, 2001 - 2056.2KB
- Report a SLAPP
- Clinician's Photo Guide To Recognizing and Treating Skin Diseases in Women
- Slide Ranch
On the coast, north of San Francisco, Marin County California -- a great program . . . -- barb
- Campaign to Renew Slide Ranch
Also see EHN's section on Fertilizers
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/f.htm#Fertilizers- Cornell University
Cornell Waste Management Institute
Sewage Sludge
http://www.cfe.cornell.edu/wmi/Sludge.html- The Case For Caution, a 1999 working paper published as
"Land Application of Sewage Sludge: An Appraisal of the US Regulations"
http://www.cfe.cornell.edu/wmi/PDFS/LandApp.pdf - Sludge Incidents
BY LOCALITY" (revised 02/10/03
And, with the requisite disclaimer:
"It has not been confirmed by scientific investigation that these persons became ill due to
land application of sludges."
- The Case For Caution, a 1999 working paper published as
- Pennsylvania Environmental Network's Sludge Leadership Team - PEN Sludge
http://www.penweb.org/issues/sludge/index.html- National Sludge Alliance factsheets
- EPA Overcomes Federal Prohibition Against Open Dumps
NSA Fact Sheet #100 - January 25, 1997
http://www.penweb.org/issues/sludge/100.htm - Media reports THE NEW PLAGUES are here
National Sludge Alliance Fact Sheet # 134 - 2-22-2003
A couple of examples . . .
- EPA Overcomes Federal Prohibition Against Open Dumps
- Sewage Sludge Homepage
http://www.ejnet.org/sludge/ - SLUDGE VICTIMS
http://www.sludgevictims.net/ - Toxic Sludge Is Good For You!
Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
by John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton
Publisher: Common
Courage Press, Monroe, Maine
Bookstore price: $16.95
ISBN 1-56751-060-4
Ya gotta read this! -- barb
- Campaign to Renew Slide Ranch
- Bruce M. Small, P.Eng.
http://www.lovepsychics.com/Global_Life_Symposium/bruce_small.htmSmell and Taste
Also see Odors at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/o.htm#Odors
A former colleague, who generally was "fragrance-free" wore a lightly scented lotion containing
pheromones to help her feel better about reaching 40. Well, she may have felt better, but she
got me at 30 paces, as soon as she opened the door to my office -- and my back was to the door as
she entered. -- barb http://www.realmfragrances.com/Shopping/the_science2.asp - AGING AND THE SENSE OF SMELL
How to Cope with Reduced Sense of Smell
by the staff of UCSD's Health Science Communications department
- The Chemistry of Smell
http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/content/5/chemistry/smells/smellsch2pg1.html - Garlic bread adds a breath of fresh air to dinner conversation
By Jerry Zezima / Special to the Stamford Advocate
The Detroit News http://detnews.com/1998/food/9805/16/05120055.htm - Intrinsic Signal Imaging (ISI) - Mapping the Sense of Smell
Dr. Bruce's Week of September 6, 1999 Topic
http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/brucda/990906.htm - Monell Chemical Senses Center
"The Monell Chemical Senses Center was established in 1968 as the world's first scientific
institute for multidisciplinary research on taste, smell, and chemosensory irritation. "
- Olfactory Research Fund
http://www.olfactory.org/- Olfactory Research Fund To Become Sense Of Smell Institute
- Olfactory Research Fund To Become Sense Of Smell Institute
- New applications for old technology [Scent as evidence]
By Bill Clede
http://www.clede.com/Articles/Police/scent.htm - Primer on Smell , A
By Elise Hancock
- The Science of Sniff and Smell: Watching the Brain Detect an Odor
- Scientists Can Now See Sense Of Smell
Source: Duke University (http://www.duke.edu); Date: Posted 7/22/1999
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/07/990722064252.htm - Sense of Smell Institute
Annette Green
President, The Fragrance Foundation
http://www.senseofsmell.org/home.asp- AROMA-CHOLOGYÆ
http://www.senseofsmell.org/resources/aromachology.asp - 9th Annual National Sense of Smell Day
This year on April 27, 2002, 10 children's museums and science centers
across the nation participated in a one-day salute to the olfactory sense,
sponsored by the Sense of Smell Institute.
Over the years, no amount of information could persude Lawrence Hall of Science,
Berkeley, CA to withdraw. One year the Smell Day was written up in the local paper and kids
were quoted as saying they felt dizzy or sick to their stomachs. That's when I tried launching my
own little educational campaign, even taking the time and energy to meet with a member of
the museum. Obviously to little or no avail . . . -- barb
- Smell (Olfaction)
Neuroscience for Kids; Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D.
http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chsmell.html - Smell and Taste
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
National Institutes of Health
http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/pubs_st/smltaste.htm - Smell and Taste Disorders (Chemosensory Disorders)
http://www.srhs.com/clinical/ent/smell.html - Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago
Dr. Alan Hirsch, M.D. F.A.C.P
This link seems to function properly. -- barb
http://www.smellandtaste.org/- Other sites featuring Alan Hirsch, M.D --
http://www.medsupport.org/brainscents.htm -
Human Male Sexual Response to Olfactory Stimuli
Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., F.A.C.P., and Jason J. Gruss
Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation, Chicago, Illinois
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
http://www.aanos.org/jrl_an_article.htmMaking Sense of Scents.
Author/s: John Travis Issue: April 10, 1999
Scientists begin to decipher the alphabet of odors
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1200/15_155/54492441/p1/article.jhtml - References on Smell ...
http://www.media.mit.edu/~jofish/projects/smellcourse/all.refs.on.smell.public.1.0.htm - Smell Disorders
with Brooke Gladstone and with Dr. Alan Hirsch
http://onhealth.webmd.com/home/live/ohlive/archive/item,51406.asp - Snack food personalities
Smell & Taste Treatment Research Foundation; July 22, 2000
http://table.mpr.org/souptonuts/science_smelltaste.html - Sniff, What¼s that Odor?
Researchers Watch the Brain Smell
Different concentrations of a chemical can trigger very different responses
in the brain. Click to see how that can happen. (ABCNEWS.com)
http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/smell990823.html - Sniffing Scientists Probe Odors for Science
This Research Stinks
By Meki Cox; The Associated Press - 1999
http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/smells990607.html - Taste Disorders
with Brooke Gladstone and Dr. Alan Hirsch
http://onhealth.webmd.com/home/live/ohlive/archive/item%2C79796.asp - You Don¼t Need No Stinking Fragrance
The Nose Knows
By Dan Savage; Special to ABCNEWS.com http://abcnews.go.com/sections/living/DearDan/deardan_150.html
Note: opens new page, close it and you'll return to this spot on this page of EHN's site. -- barb
http://www.fingertek.com/smilies.htm- California Air Resources Board (CARB)
http://www.arb.ca.gov/- Anti-Smog Standards for More Household Products
Press Release, January 9,1992
http://www.arb.ca.gov/newsrel/nr010992.htm - Cleaning Up the Air
"The Air Resources Board (ARB) is California's air pollution control agency. Our job
is to clean up the state's air. The ARB provides funding for research projects, sets air
quality standards, monitors levels of various air pollutants, and sets and enforces
regulations to reduce air pollution. The ARB focuses on reducing air pollution
emissions from cars and trucks, fuels, and consumer products; and emissions of
toxic air contaminants. The ARB also works with the local air pollution control
districts (APCDs) to reduce air pollution from stationary sources such as factories
and power plants."
- Anti-Smog Standards for More Household Products
- Chemicals in Home a Big Smog Source
GARY POLAKOVIC / LA Times 9mar03
"Cleansers, cosmetics and other products pump 100 tons of pollutants daily into
the Southland's air, ranking second to tailpipe emissions, studies show."Ordinary household products such as cleansers, cosmetics and paints are now the
Los Angeles region's second-leading source of air pollution, after auto tailpipe
emissions, air quality officials say. ..."
http://www.mindfully.org/Air/2003/Home-Chemicals-Smog9mar03.htm - Consumer Products, VOCs, Ozone and Smog
By Barb Wilkie
Information appearing in The New Reactor, Vol 10, No. 0: Jan.-Feb. 2000
Also see EHN's section on Tobacco
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/t.htm#TobaccoMy father had his lower jaw removed, along with 2/3 of his tongue, the glands in his neck and his
top rib due to cancer at age 60, in 1962. He had been a handsome man. He lived with the effects
of that dreadful surgery for seven years, during which time he taught himself to speak again and
returned to his practice of chiropractic. Dad died in August 1969 three weeks before his
67th birthday from the effects of a stroke . . . also a smoking-related risk.
My father-in-law, also a smoker, also developed cancer of the jaw -- the side opposite my father's.
He underwent his surgery nearly five years after my father had his. My father-in-law's cancer
spread to his lungs and he died in August 1968, 11 months following surgery. If you take time
zones into consideration, it was to become a year to the day before my father died.
My mother developed cancer of the larynx, coming on with a sudden and then lasting case of
laryngitis in May 1975. In January 1976 she had a biopsy taken, which confirmed her illness. She
refused surgery having experienced my father's plight with him. She did take cobalt treatments
and continued working until the day after Labor Day, 1976. She died Sept. 30, three weeks
before her 63rd birthday.
My mother-in-law never really smoked, although in the early years used to fancy herself an
after dinner smoker. She never inhaled, and blinked at the smoke a lot -- the effect of her smoking
was not fancy in the least, but it may have saved her. She finally gave up that activity upon the
death of her husband. She lived a rather long, relatively healthy life, dying just five days before
her 98th birthday in 1998. She suffered a broken hip in October 1998 and, while she survived
the surgery, she could not win the battle against congestive heart failure and pneumonia.
Between my hubby and me, one out of four parents lived a rather long, healthy life. That one out of
four was never a real smoker. Surgery for oral cancers are disfiguring, to say the very least.
Think twice before putting that tobacco product in your mouth.The health,
looks and life you save, may be your own. -- barb
- American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation
Secondhand smoke in Apartments and Condominiums
A Guide for Owners and Managers - June 2004
HTML: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Fav5abQBVsMJ:www.no-smoke.org/apts2.pdf+Berkeley,+smoking+policies+in+apartments&hl=en&ie=UTF-8 PDF file http://www.no-smoke.org/apts2.pdf
A Guide to Understanding California's Statewide Law for a Smoke-Free Workplace
Youth Media Network
http://ymn.org/ab13.shtml - BREATH - The California Smoke-Free Bar Program
http://www.breath-ala.org/- Law Enforcement
Mostly PDF files. -- barb
http://www.breath-ala.org/frames.htm?enforce.htm - Where to report a violation
- Law Enforcement
- Handbook for Creating Local Clean Indoor Air Policies & Ordinances
as HTML: http://www.dhss.mo.gov/SmokingAndTobacco/CIAHandbook.pdf
- Dr Stanton A Glantz, Division of Cardiology, UCSF
Tobacco industry efforts subverting International Agency for
Research on Cancer's second-hand smoke study.
Elisa K Ong, Stanton A Glantz ; Lancet 2000; 355: 1253‚59
http://www.electric-words.com/junk/glantz/glantz.html- TOBACCO, LAWYERS, AND PUBLIC HEALTH
Constructing "Sound Science" and "Good Epidemiology":
Tobacco, Lawyers, and Public Relations Firms
Elisa K. Ong, MD, MS and Stanton A. Glantz, PhD
http://www3.state.id.us/oasis/S1169.html - smoke free
- San Francisco Bars Smoking in Its Parks
By Adam Tanner ; Tue Jan 25, 8:15 PM ET
"SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Legislators in San Francisco city voted to ban smoking
in public parks on Tuesday, becoming the first major American city to embrace such an
expansive ban on tobacco use. ..."
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20050126/hl_nm/health_california_smoking_dcPrinter friendly: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=571&u=/nm/20050126/hl_nm/health_california_smoking_dc&printer=1
- smoke free california
A listing of local smokefree dining and entertainment venues.
"California is one of the more nonsmoker-friendly states in the U.S. ..."
http://www.smokefreeworld.com/calif.shtml- smoke free berkeley
- smoke free berkeley
- smoke free usa
http://www.smokefreeworld.com/usa.shtml - smoke free world®
"Welcome! Here is your guide to smokefree dining, entertainment and travel. If you
are a nonsmoker, have nonsmoking guests, or just need a break from smoking, this
directory aims to serve you. ..."
In several languages, but this link is in English. -- barb
- San Francisco Bars Smoking in Its Parks
- Smokefree Air For Everyone, S.A.F.E.
- Stop Smoking Tips.com
http://www.stop-smoking-tips.com/- Stop Smoking Tips.com -- ABOUT US
http://www.stop-smoking-tips.com/aboutus.html - Stop Smoking Tips.com -- SITE MAP
http://www.stop-smoking-tips.com/sitemap.html - Stop Smoking Tips.com -- STATISTICS
"Every time you puff on a cigarette, your blood pressure shoots up like smoke through
a chimney. Two cigarettes can raise your readings by about 10 mm Hg systolic and
8 mm Hg diastolic. ... If you smoke throughout the day, your blood pressure readings
can spike higher than normal hour after hour after hour."Now, folks, compare that with fragrance encounters, which also can spike blood pressure.
Only, try to get a doctor or the ALA to understrand THAT. Besides, IF your body is anything like
mine, once raised because of an encounter with someone's fragranced products, it doesn't drop
again inside 15 minutes. It can take hours or days. Imagine working or seeking healthcare or
trying to gain an education while poisoned by petrochemically derived fragrance. And
remember, a lot of the chemicals you are warned about with cigarettes, come from the FLAVORS!
-- barb
American Lung Association Smoking Statistics
http://www.stop-smoking-tips.com/smoking-statistics.html - Stop Smoking Tips.com -- ABOUT US
SNIFF (Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act)
with her representative, Jan Schakowsky (D IL). Bless Representative Schakowsky
for she is very interested in accurately labeling consumer products. It's a matter of
consuer awareness and health. Don'tcha know.SNIFF was first introduced in the 106th Congress, second session, as H. R. 5238. It seeks
correct labeling on fragrances released to market, to wit:
- "To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that
fragrances containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly."
You can find its history by a title search of the 106th and 107 Congresses via Thomas. http://thomas.loc.gov/
SNIFF bills as they appear on Thomas.
106th CONGRESS, 2d Session: H. R. 5238 To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances containing
known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 21, 2000
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY introduced the following bill; which was referred to the
Committee on Commerce
A BILL To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances containing
known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act' .
Section 602 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 362) is amended by
adding at the end the following:`(g) If it is a fragrance that contains a known toxic substance, unless it bears labeling
stating that fact and the common or usual name of such substance.`(h) If it is a fragrance that contains a known allergen, unless it bears labeling stating
that fact and the common or usual name of such allergen, or the name specified in any
definition and standard of identity for the allergen under section 401, as applicable.'.COSPONSORS(1), ...
Rep Berkley, Shelley [NV-1] - 10/5/2000
Ms. SCHAKOWSKY introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee
on Commerce107th Congress, H. R. 1947 --
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances containing
known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.
May 22, 2001Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, and Ms. BERKLEY) introduced the following bill; which
was referred to the Committee on Energy and CommerceA BILL
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances containing
known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly. ...
[ My eyes tell me it is the same as above text for HR 5238. But please, don't take
my word for it. Check it out for yourself via Thomas.]H.R.1947
Title: To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that
fragrances containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.
Sponsor: Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] (introduced 5/22/2001) Cosponsors (2)
Latest Major Action: 6/1/2001 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred
to the Subcommittee on Health.
Rep Berkley, Shelley [NV-1] - 5/22/2001
Rep Fattah, Chaka [PA-2] - 7/18/2001
Please try to work with your representative in support of this bill
-- perhaps becoming a co-sponsor. Also, contact your state's senators to get a similar bill
introduced in the Senate.
Nov. 2002 -- SNIFF awaiting re-introduction into the 108th Congress following January 2003. Well, that did not come to pass, but then our current Congress isn't all that interested in consumers' rights and health. At least to my observations.
But when SNIFF is reintroduced -- hope as well as efforts to allow consumers the right to know continue -- please encourage your representative to support and even co-sponsor this bill. As time goes on, the people surviving the devastating events of September 11, 2001 will begin to realize they are suffering adverse reactions when in the presence of fragrances. They will not think of perfume and other scented products as petrochemical concoctions, but that is what they are. And because they are hydrocarbons, they adversely affect health. Of users and nonusers. Eventually leading to other devastating health conditions. IF only the medical industry were not so tied up with the pharmaceutical industry who also often makes fragrances. IF only.
It is past time due for clearer labeling of fragrances and cosmetics. EHN's FDA Citizens' Petition is an attempt to get the FDA to examine the adverse effects of fragrances upon not only users, but others who encounter the noxious vapor trails. The idea behind the petition is to get the FDA to do the one thing in its power as an "authority" over cosmetics -- at a minimum, require its warning message on all fragrances released to market without adequate testing.
But the FDA continues to ignore Citizens' Petition 99P-1340. It seems it will take an "act of Congress" to make changes to the FDA labeling requirements to protect public health, not the petrochemical/pharmaceutical/flavors and fragrance industry. Something must be done in an attempt -- if not to protect public health, then to at the very least -- to allow the consumer the right to make informed decisions BEFORE making their purchases.
SNIFF is too important for you and your representatives to ignore. Please write! And while in the writing mood, let the FDA know about your adverse reactions to synthetic scents and why they should require their warning. -- barb (
end July . . . early September 2003. . . Still waiting Fall 2005)When the bill is reintroduced, please spend a little extra energy to write to your representative and ask her/him to co-sponsor Rep. Jan Schakowsky's bill HR xxxx, Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act (SNIFF), first introduced in the House, May 22, 2001. (SNIFF has been co-sponsored by Rep. Shelley Berkley (D NV) and by Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA).) Remember: Ask your state's senators to introduce a similar bill in the Senate.
Rep. Shelley Berkley (D NV):
http://www.house.gov/berkley/Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA):
http://www.house.gov/fattah/SNIFF seeks correct labeling on fragrances released to market --
"To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly."You can read the bill and follow its progress through
THOMAS Legislative Information on the Internet
at http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.html. For the 107th Congress, key in HR 1947 in the box labeled "By Bill Number" and click the search button.To get contact info for your representative or senators, visit EHN's Write Now at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/writenow.htm#Government, or the House at http://www.house.gov/ and the Senate at http://www.senate.gov/
It was considered better to write your representatives via snail mail ... too much spam on the net. Their mailing addresses can be found via the links above. However, as a result of anthrax-contaminated mail, you may wish to write to your representative's local office, or fax your letter encouraging their support. Of course, you can always try to contact them via email.
To find historical information on Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act (SNIFF), go into Thomas and the info on the 106th Congress at http://thomas.loc.gov/bss/d106query.html Then, under "word/phrase," you can key in "fragrance" -- without quotes and click search OR at "Bill/Amendment No.:" enter "hr 5238" or "H.R. 5238" --
again, without quotes -- and click search.More info on SNIFF available from the sites of Betty Bridges, RN and Lynn Lawson
- Fragranced Products Information Network
http://www.fpinva.org/Activist/activist__advocacy.HR1947.htm - MCS: Health & Environment
To see chemicals in a popular scent that appear on the EPA's Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Inventory and on the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS), go to the Analysis Summary of Calvin Klein's Eternity and look at the right-hand column. http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/analysis.htm
July 10, 2002 -- Not Too Pretty report that analyzed perfumes and other cosmetics for phthatlates which are commonly found in synthetic fragrances. This is a MUST read! http://www.NotTooPretty.org
Aug. 15, 2002 -- Labeling Cosmetics May Help Prevent Cancers
"CHICAGO, Illinois, August 15, 2002 (ENS) - It's a right to know issue. Women who are sensitive to chemicals should have the benefit of warning labels on their cosmetics identifying those chemicals, say six environmental groups and Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition."One of the groups, the Environmental Health Network of California, is petitioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration asking for warning labels on cosmetics [fragrances] to identify allergens and hazardous substances contained in the hair spray, deodorant, nail polish and perfume that many women use every day. ..."
http://ens-news.com/ens/aug2002/2002-08-15-01.aspAlso see Dr. Epstein's press release:
Groups Call for Labeling of Cosmetics and Toiletries,
Citing Cancer and Other Health Risks
http://www.preventcancer.com/press/aug16,02.htmlHealth Care Without Harm's The Issue
"Despite their role as places that promote health and
healing, hospitals and other health care institutions use a
surprising number of highly toxic chemicals on their
premises, including pesticides, cleaners and disinfectants,
and fragrance chemicals. These volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) contribute to poor overall indoor air quality (IAQ)
and are associated with a host of health problems. ..."
NOTE: Several people are working together as members of the Health Affected Workers (HAW) group. Our energies are directed toward the issues of lessening pesticide and fragrance pollution in hospitals and healthcare facilities. To support our efforts, which
includes conference calls, and plans for report publishing, please donate by sending your checks marked, HAW: Pesticides, Fragrances & Cleaners to:
Health Care Without Harm
1755 "S" St., NW, Suite 6B
Washington, DC 20009
Just remember: Every little bit helps. Thank you! -- barb
Sniff, What¼s that Odor? Researchers Watch the Brain Smell
Snopes.com - Urban Legends and Quotes
Soap some of us can use.
- Clearly Natural
http://www.clearlynaturalsoaps.com/products.html - Dr. Bronner's Pure-Castile Soaps
http://www.borntolove.com/catlog12d.htmlSoap Garden Natural handmade soaps
Recommended by Debra Lynn Dadd (http://www.dld123.com/). -- barb
http://www.soapworks.com/- SCENTED v. FRAGRANCE-FREE
http://www.soapworks.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv? - Soapworks in the news
http://www.soapworks.com/news.html - A Special Line of Soapworks Products
- Sungold Soap
"Specializing in low odor, unscented soap with a minimum of ingredients.
Extremely well tolerated."
PO BOX 17342
TUCSON, ARIZONA 85731-7342
(520) 245-1883
- Tikvah
Organic Soaps by Cyndi Norman
http://consultclarity.com/tikvah/- Tikvah and EHN at the Organic Trade Association
- Tikvah and EHN at the Organic Trade Association
- Tom's of Maine
"Tom's of Maine's Natural Bar Soap
... Our premium natural bar soaps are gentle, 100% vegetable-based soaps containing
no animal fat, artificial detergents, fragrances, or dyes. They are effective without using
artificial bactericides such as Triclosan." are undoubtedly a lot more soaps out there, safe for MCSers, but you are your own best
judge. I give you these as suggestions, and to let you know that there is something available. -- barb
- Soap and Detergent Association
"Representing North American manufacturers of household, industrial and institutional
cleaning products, their ingredients and finished packaging "
The industry's point of view . . . -- barb
http://www.sdahq.org/- Cleaning and the Allergy/Asthma Sufferer
Now HERE is a "bottom line" worth reading: "Some cleaning
products have no scent or are perfume free. People who are
bothered by fragrances may want to try these products. " -- barb
http://www.sdahq.org/new1198/allergens/page08.html - Environmental Topics
http://www.cleaning101.com/environment/ - Health and Safety
- Cleaning and the Allergy/Asthma Sufferer
YOU are your own best judge of products safe for you. -- barb
- 2002 Dr. Sam Epstein's Explanation to the Hazards of SLS - Sodium Laurel Sulfate
Shelley Kramer, Healthy Ccommunications
http://www.healthy-communications.com/epsteinslsexplanation.html - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate
http://www.healthy-communications.com/slsmostdangerousirritant.html - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Shampoo
"... regulated as a pesticide."
http://www.care2.com/channels/solutions/self/192 - The Healthmall.com
http://www.the-american-dream.com/sls.htm - Tom's of Maine's Ingredient Fact Sheet: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
I was quite surprised to find that Tom's uses it in shampoo and toothpaste. -- barb
I cringe when I hear "sound science" as much as I cringe when I hear air "freshener."
Sound science means you are having the wool pulled over your eyes. That isn't how it should be,
but it is. The phrase has been corupted by the corporations. -- barb-
Beware 'Sound Science.' It's Doublespeak for Trouble
By Chris Mooney; Washington Post; Sunday, February 29, 2004; Page B02
- Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)
Non-Profit Organizations with Ties to Industry
printer friendly: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A13994-2004Feb27?language=printer
- Because we're worth it! Men's Corner
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
"Many products that men use everyday, including deodorant, shampoo, sun
tan cremes, and aftershave lotion, contain toxic chemicals linked to health
problems in males. Lead acetate, a known carcinogen and reproductive toxin,
can be purchased at the local drugstore in Grecian Formula 16. Phthalates, a set
of industrial chemicals used in many products, are particularly toxic for males. ..."
http://www.safecosmetics.org/menscorner/ - Defective Sperm, Pesticide Tie Found
MARLA CONE / LA Times 18jun03
http://www.mindfully.org/Pesticide/2003/Sperm-Pesticide-Tie18jun03.htm - FDA Petition Docket 99P-1340, Analysis Summary
Hydrocinnamaldehyde, p-tert-butyl-.alpha.-methyl-, CAS # 80-54-6, is 11.6 percent of
fragrance portion of the formula. The following taken from the MSDS for this chemical:
I'd have thought men would sit up and take notice. They haven't. -- barb http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/analysis.htm - Nail Polish and Other Cosmetics May Cause Infertility
By Dr. Mercola
http://www.mercola.com/2000/dec/31/cosmetics.htm - New Questions About Common Chemicals
By David Kohn, a freelance writer; Newsday,4 March 2003
http://www.ourstolenfuture.org/Commentary/News/2003/2003-0304-Newsday-phthalates.htm - Sperm Count Variability: A Fertile Subject for Study
By Timothy Gower
Freelance writer Timothy Gower can be reached by e-mail at tgower@attbi.com January 14, 2003
http://www.newsday.com/news/health/ny-dsochs3087362jan14,0,4624216.story - Not Too Pretty
- Chemical Used in Perfumes Can Damage Sperm
http://www.NotTooPretty.org/ms_fr_spermdamage.htm - More about Phthalates
http://www.nottoopretty.org/more.htm - SPERM DAMAGE LINKED TO PHTHALATE USED IN FRAGRANCES,
December 9, 2002 - Contact: Stacy Malkan 202-234-0091
or as it first went up . . .
http://web.archive.org/web/20021211201014/http://nottoopretty.org/pa_12_09_02.htm - Sperm Study - a one-page PDF file
http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2003/5756/abstract.pdf- Other Not Too Pretty Press Releases
- Chemical Used in Perfumes Can Damage Sperm
- Brown Recluse Spider
- BRS Bite Site
http://www.brownreclusespider.net/ - Spider Envenomations, Brown Recluse
picture: http://www.emedicine.com/EMERG/topic547.htm#target1
- BRS Bite Site
- Hobo spider
http://critpath.org/~tracy/spot.html- FAQs
- Pulling The Plug On The Sanitary Protection Industry
By KAREN HOUPPERT; Village Voice
http://critpath.org/~tracy/village.html - RESEARCH REGARDING RISKS POSED BY DIOXIN, SYNTHETIC FIBERS,
Go into Thomas, enter "hr 360" [do not use quotes] and click on "search" button. -- barb
Stanford Online
New evidence connects nausea to sense of smell "Based on data from a pilot study, Stanford researchers
hypothesize that the "morning sickness" many women experience
during pregnancy may be connected to a heightened sense of smell.
http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/report/news/september20/Nausea-920.htmlTaste and Smell Center at the University of Connecticut Health Center
"There are actually three 'chemosensory' systems in the nose and mouth. The first, olfaction, is the ability to detect and identify odors. The second is gustation or taste. Taste function is limited to detection and identification of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter substances in the mouth. The third sense, the 'common chemical sense', is the ability to detect the irritating properties of substances in the mouth and odors in the nose. Through the common chemical sense, we perceive the burn of chili pepper and the tingle of ammonia. " http://www3.uchc.edu/~taste/-- end Smell --
- Social Security Disability Insurance: Frequently Asked Questions
By Douglas M. Smith, Attorney at Law
Disability Workbook for Social Security Applicants
Pds [Physicians' Disability Services] Disability Facts Newsletter
- http://www.disabilityfacts.com/
Social Security Site Map (gov't)
http://www.ssa.gov/sitemap.htmSSI / SSDI Applications
How to help clients apply for Federal Disability Benefits
(from Marin CIL)
Soil Ecology- Dr. Ingham ...
"...President of Soil Foodweb Inc. and a professor at Oregon State University.
Dr. Ingham earned her B.S. with honors in Biology and Chemistry from St. Olaf College
in Northfield, MN. Her Master's degree was performed at Texas A&M University,
in the area of Marine Microbiology.
http://www.unisun.org/artists/ingham/biography.html - Dr. Ingham Puts Soil Life to Work
By Peter Downs
http://www.wordarchive.com/articles/607 - Soil Ecology Seminar - Oregon State University
"Seminer over and everyone was very happy they came . If you ever get a chance to
hear Dr. Elaine Ingham go!"
http://www.rain.org/~sals/jan.html - Sustainable Soil Management Resources on the Internet:
Web Links to Make Your Worms Happy! By Steve Diver
http://ncatark.uark.edu/~steved/soil-links.html - Sustainable Soil Management Resources on the Web
- Cooking
"...[T]he world's leading manufacturer of concentrating photovoltaic (PV) systems..."
- Solar energy solutions
- ASES web site
www.ases.org - Solar Organizations and Resources
http://www.azsolarcenter.com/solorg.html- Scottsdale - Solar Organizations and Resources
For more information on the City of Scottsdale Green Building
Program, contact Anthony Floyd at the City of Scottsdale:
Tel: (480) 312-4202
- Scottsdale - Solar Organizations and Resources
- ASES web site
The Expanding World of Solar Box Cookers
Copyright © 1991 by Barbara Prosser Kerr
- Adverse Reproductive and Developmental Health Effects Where Used ...
Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility
PDF file -- view with Adobe Acrobat. -- barb
- Agilent Technologies
http://www.chem.agilent.com/cag/cabu/cgram-s.htm - ChemTech
March 1997; CHEMTECH 1997, 27(3), 58-62. Copyright © 1997 by the American Chemical Society. - Flavors and fragrances: The chemistry challenges
A truly multidisciplinary approach is needed to provide consumers with the performance
they expect while continuing to meet the regulatory challenges of the industry.
William L. Schreiber; Lewis G. Scharpf, Jr.; Ira Katz
http://pubs.acs.org/hotartcl/chemtech/97/mar/flav.html - Children's Environmental Health Project
Spontaneous Abortion, Stillbirth Rates
"It is difficult to link spontaneous abortion and stillbirths directly
to a specific environmental exposure since women often may
not realize they are pregnant at critical developmental periods
when they might be exposed.
http://children.cape.ca/repro4.html - Eastman
Eastman produces a variety of raw materials that may be used as solvents in the fragrance industry.
http://www.eastman.com/Markets/Cosmetic_PersonalCare/Cosmetic_intro.asp- Agilent Technologies
http://www.chem.agilent.com/cag/cabu/cgram-s.htm - Solvents for Fragrances - Products
http://www.eastman.com/Markets/Cosmetic_PersonalCare/Fragrance_Solvents/FragSolvent_Products.asp- MAA (Methyl Acetoacetate)
- MAA (Methyl Acetoacetate)
- Agilent Technologies
- The Lebermuth Company's Q&A section
Q: Do the dyes on the decorative botanicals bleed when fragrances are added to them?
A: Most fragrances when applied onto Lebermuth dyed decorative botanicals will not cause the dyes to bleed or run. However, some fragrances are formulated with very strong solvents. Fragrances that use these solvents can cause dyes to bleed. We strongly recommend you test every potpourri blend you create. Apply the fragrance chosen for your blend, onto the botanicals, to be certain no dye bleeding occurs.
http://www.lebermuth.com/faq.html - Health Effects of Selected Solvents: Questions & Answers
(Courtesy, for the most part, of the New Jersey Dept. of Health and Senior Services)
http://www.gorillapvc.com/solvents.html - Motherisk - PREGNANCY OUTCOME FOLLOWING MATERNAL ORGANIC SOLVENT EXPOSURE
Canadian Health Network
http://www.motherisk.org/updates/Spring99.php3#3 - National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
"... SOLV-DB, your one-stop source for solvents data" http://solvdb.ncms.org/ - THE SOLVENT CONNECTION
"NIOSH (USA) stated in 1987 in their Current Intelligence Bulletin that aldehydes are solvents: „Common organic solvents are classified as aliphatic hydrocarbons, cyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, ketones, amines, alcohols, aldehydes, and ethers¾. "In correspondence with New Zealand¼s Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) Professor Gorman, Health Science Centre, University of Auckland, accepts that glutaraldehyde is a solvent under Axelson and Hogstedt¼s definition. Dr Monigatti (ACC Workwise, NZ) states: „We accept glutaraldehyde has solvent-like properties. If chronic solvent exposure can cause these sorts of things then we accept that glutaraldehyde can cause [solvent toxicity] as well....(Safeguard Update, No 96, 20 April, 1998). "NIOSH (1987) states: 'Epidemiologic studies of various groups of
solvent-exposed workers have demonstrated statistically significant
chronic changes in peripheral nerve function (sensory and motor nerve
conduction velocities and electromyographicabnormalities) that persisted
for months to years following cessation of exposure. Epidemiologic studies
have also shown statistically significant increases in neurobehavioural effects
in workers chronically exposed to organic solvents. These effects include
disorders characterised by reversible subjective symptoms (fatigability,
irritability, and memory impairment), sustained changes in personality or
mind (emotional instability and diminished impulse control and motivation),
and impaired intellectual function (decreased concentration ability, memory,
and learning ability). Among organic solvent abusers, the most severe disorders
reported are characterised by irreversible deterioration in intellect and memory...
accompanied by structural CNS damage.' ..."
http://www.whis.nzl.org/snftaas/pt17.html"...Solvent extraction"
From The Sense of Smell
"The most important extraction technique nowadays is simple solvent extraction. A
variety of solvents are suitable; for example: petroleum ether, propanone, hexane and
ethyl ethanoate. The odorous chemicals are more soluble in these solvents than in the
watery material of the plant source. The product of solvent extraction is called a concrete
or resinoid. An absolute is produced when materials are extracted further from a
concrete using ethanol. The concrete can also be distilled to give an essential oil. ...:
http://www.schoolscience.co.uk/content/5/chemistry/smells/smellsch4pg1.html - SOLVENTS IN TOILETRIES AND PAINTS.
Nirvana Safe Haven
http://www.nontoxic.com/nontoxic/solvents.html - Solvents: health effects
Total Environment Centre
http://www.nccnsw.org.au/member/tec/projects/tcye/detail/Household/Solv_healt_42.html - Support Network for the Aldehyde and Solvent Affected - SNFTAAS
- EarthSongs
- Kim Palmer Singer - Songwriter
"Songs From A Porcelain Trailer" CD Review, HEAL
"Allergic to the 20th Century".... Slide Show
Photo Page
Kim's MCS Story
http://www.angelfire.com/az/ox/index.html - NIEHS Kids Pages
- Holiday Music & Other Sound Resources!
http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/musiclinks.htm - Movies and Musicals!
http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/musicmovies.htm - Patriotic Songs
http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/musicpatriot.htm - Young & Old Favorites!
http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/musicold.htm - Young and Young at Heart!
- Holiday Music & Other Sound Resources!
http://www.sonoma.edu/- Project Censored
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia (SED) and Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia (SMD)
http://www.idiom.com/~cecilie/- Little People of America, Inc.
- SPAM - Fight Spam on the Internet
http://spam.abuse.net/Spritzing Fragrance and Pesticide dispensers -- Air Polluters!
See EHN's --
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/a.htm#ANTIBACTERIALAutomatic dispensing units
- EHN's Alert! -- Spritzing Air Polluters
These devices are used in public restrooms. If you encounter such a device, immediately tell the
store manager that these devices are damaging to health of everyone, and especially those already
living with respiratory distress. It's better to remove the device than to risk a life. -- barb
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/alert.htm#Spritzing - Illnesses Associated With Use of Automatic Insecticide Dispenser Units ---
Selected States and United States, 1986--1999; June 09, 2000 / 49(22);492-5
http://www.cdc.gov/epo/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm4922a3.htm - Illnesses Associated With the Use of Automatic Insecticide
Dispenser Units ã California, 1995; Florida, 1999; and United States, 1986‚1999
http://www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/mmwrnews/n2k0609.htm#mmwr3 - Illnesses Associated With Use of Automatic Insecticide Dispenser Units
Selected States and United States, 1986-1999 -- JAMA
http://jama.ama-assn.org/issues/v284n4/ffull/jwr0726-2.html - Illnesses Associated With Use of Automatic Insecticide Dispenser
Units --- Selected States and United States, 1986--1999 - MedScape
Let me caution you . . . Many government sites that publish information with recent upload
dates, use old data as if it were the latest available at the time of publishing. And they often bury
the true dates. For instance, I've found too many cases of supposedly well-researched
documents in which asthma is stated as affecting 14.5 million Americans. That was a figure from
sometime back in the mid 1990s! Today's figures are over 17 million Americans and I've often
seen 17.3 million. (Spring 2000)My guess is that until the Powers That Be start recognizing the fact that synthetic fragrances are
not benign products, that they are at the very least irritants and sensitizers, and even contain
known or suspected neurotoxins, carcinogens and teratogens (adversely affect fetal
development), asthma and other environmental illness rates are going to continue to soar.
Of course, the chemical industry is in a position to make one sick and then provide medicine so
one can cope with chronic illness . . . but only for just so long. Once you go into Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), you'll find that very often your body also reacts to drugs . . .
some of the very ones that at one time had made you feel somewhat better. And then you will
find that you will do much better leading as "drug free" and fragrance-free existance as possible.
However, you could get cancer . . . there's bigger money to be made in treatment than prevention.
This is not just the wisdom of the barb, but recognized by The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF
ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE in the U.S., Canada, Australia and England
CANADA leads the way on recognizing MCS as a disability!
Government and Medical Science Finally Recognize Crippling Effects of MCS
By Helke Ferrie; Vitality Magazine; October 2003
"... In 2001 the Ottawa based Environmental Illness Society of Canada commissioned the
first socio-economic study of MCS. This showed that about four million Canadians
are chemically sensitive, about 500,000 severely so. Some 5,000 are relatively disabled as
a result and roughly 50 to 60 people are forced to seek assistance such as federal pension
benefits. Among the most severe cases about 60% attempt suicide. This illness costs
$10 billion in lost productivity, about $1 billion in lost taxes and another $1 billion in
avoidable health costs. ..."
- The chemcial industry can lead the song and dance against those with MCS for only so long
and then the public AND THE ECONOMY begins paying the piper. -- barb
National Center for Health Ststistics
FastStats A to Z
As of August 2002, there figures now reflect stats from 1998 - 2000. -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/default.htm1999 - 2000: Not only do too many of their stats relate 1996 figures (we are now at the end of Y2K!),
they don't even realize ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH is an indoor problem, too.
In fact, they have a link to the EPA, but don't inform that the EPA declares that indoor air
is more polluted than outdoor air AND we spend upwards of 90 percent of our time indoors.
August 2002, they now have an EI category! Of course, they still look out of doors for the cause
of Environmental Illness . . . guess they haven't heard that the EPA states we spend about
90 percent of our time indoors. When, oh when, will our government agencies start working
TOGETHER? Of course, the fragmentation benefits industry, already protected by trade secret
laws and self regulation. Another thought, am I the only one taken by the fact that the CDC
conveniently leaves out the important word in its title? PREVENTION! It really is the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/environ.htm- AAAAI - Highlights of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Allergy Asthma and Immmunology
Philip S. Norman, M.D.
"Asthma/rhinicis patients frequently complain of symptoms following exposure to
ftagrances. This study assessed respiratory symptoms in subjects who report sensitivity
to fragrance. A preliminary questionnaire was administered to 145 arergiclasthmafic
adults to assess asthma status, fragrance-induced symptoms, and identification of
fragrance brands which elicit symptoms. 125/145 (86%) individuals were asthmatic
(81% female and 19% male); 87% reported symptoms upon fragrance exposure. Upper
respiratory symptoms were the most frequently reported (81 %), followed by
shortness of breath with wheezing (77%), conjunctivitis (62%), eczema (30%), and hives
(22%). Fifty- eight percent indicated they were allergic to fragrance; the top eight
reported fragrances by asthmatics were White Diamonds, Red, Giorgio, Old Spice,
Charlie, Poison, Navy and Red Door. Fifteen asthmatics (14 females and I male) were
challenged in an inhalation chamber with White Diamonds (IOx - 50,000x odor threshold
atmosphere) for up to 120 minutes. The % change in FEV, at maximal fragrance
concentration ranged from +12.1 to -11.5. The mean decrease in FEV, (from baseline)
was 4.8%. No subject had a positive (20% or greater decline in FEVI) challenge. During
exposure, subjective symptoms were scored every 30 minutes (from none to severe)
by the subject; a two-step or greater increase from baseline was considered significant.
For the 7/15 subjects challenged at the 50,000 concentration, 5/7 (71.4%) subjects
reported a significant increase to one or more symptoms: odor (57.1%), nasal (28.6%),
ocular (42.9%), throat (42.9%), chest (42.9%), annoyance (71.4%), and overall acceptability
(42.9%).These results suggest that symptoms reported by asthmatics following
exposure to fragrances are more likely due to their effect on the upper airways.
http://www.hopkins-allergy.org/news/articles/1999/aaaai/aaaai99_abstract26-27.html - Acute toxic effects of fragrance products.
Author/s: Rosalind C. Anderson, Julius H. Anderson
Issue: March-April, 1998
http://www.zeal.com/exit.jhtml?cid=991790&wid=60362997&so=&xr=/website/profile.jhtml%3Fcid%3D991790%26wid%3D60362997- More information on Anderson Labs
http://www.andersonlaboratories.com/ - Allergy Statistics - January 2002
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
NIAID is a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/allergystat.htm - Asthma
As the flavors and fragrance industry is highly protected by trade secret laws, self regulation
and fragmentation of what little government authority may exist, I suggest people start doing
their own research. Notice if you come in contact with scented products, do you find your throat
becoming soar, you get a headache, your voice changes, you get the telltale signs of an asthma
attack, or you go immediately into a dangerous, life-threatening asthmatic attack. IF any of
those symptoms are one with your body, stop using scented products. FRAGRANCE-FREE
alternatives do exist. And then, try to get your workplace to go fragrance free. Ask your store
manager to carry more fragrance-free products. Do something! No one else can do it for you! -- barb
- Asthma "crisis" for Black Americans
Janice Hopkins Tanne / British Medical Journal 11aug01
Note, there is not a word about triggers, just the staggering statistics. http://www.mindfully.org/Air/Asthma-Crisis-Black-Americans.htm - Asthma is highest in peoples TARGETED by fragrance industry
Why don't our government agencies and major health organizations explore the Fragrance
Connection? In the meantime, any person in any household can simply try to eliminate the use of
synthetic fragrances from his/her daily life. Of course, one is always subjected to the
outgassing (volatilizing) of synthetic scents used by others. Please notice if your child has an
asthmatic attack if you use your perfume, hair gel, or other scented products. Start keeping a
journal. Of course, asthma can also be "delayed onset." I used to awaken with asthma at 4 or so
in the morning, feeling as if I were drowning. Not because of dustmites . . . believe me, my
dustmites still live. But I was subjected to fragrances used by others and that would cause the
the inflamation, mucous build up, and eventually, the asthma. Of course, I also suffered immediate
and severe asthmatic reactions to some fragrances and scented products used by others.
I know asthma both ways. I am no longer gainfully employed, but not having a pay check also
means I don't have asthma. And therein lies the fact that to wear fragrances and to use
fragrance in a pupblic venue, means it is a public health issue, not one of just "personal" choice. -- barb
- African-American Women
Business & Industry Database
"Study finds African-American women as a group are more than twice as likely as
women of other races to buy fragrances Original Title: Ethnic Fragrance Market
Source: Chemical Marketing Reporter, VOL:251, ISS:22, PG:25, June 02, 1997.
ISSN: 0090-0907
http://chemweb.com/ - Hispanic Women
"Business & Industry Database
"Survey finds US Hispanic women spend 43% more on fragrance products and 27% more
on makeup than the average American woman Original Title: COSMETICS MAKERS
TARGETING HISPANIC MARKET Source: Miami Herald (FL), PG:N/A, March 03, 1997.
ISSN: 0898-865X Document Type: Regional NewspaperPublication Country:
United States Language: EnglishRecord Type: Fulltext, Abstract Word Count: 849
http://www.envirolink.org/pubs/rachel/rhwn218.htm - Asthma Statistics - ASTHMA AT A GLANCE
Resource list brought to you by AANMA
"20.3 million Americans reported having asthma in 2001" . . . CDC
http://www.aanma.org/headquarters/hq_asthmastatistics.htm - In Pursuit of Pretty: Teen Girls Going Wild For Cosmetics
Liz Doup / Sun-Sentinel (South Florida) 3dec00
If you think children and teens aren't targeted by the industry, read this. Would it were I
could address a comment to "Robert Butterworth, a child psychologist who consults for TEEN
magazine's Ask a Guy column," regarding the last line in this article: " 'The bottom line is,
parents went through this themselves,' says Butterworth, the father of a teen. 'And they know
this, too, shall pass.'" Most parents didn't have the onsluaght of all the toxins that are now in
products used by their children. What lies ahead when their children want to have children? -- barb
http://www.mindfully.org/Health/Cosmetics-Should-Be-Avoided.htm - Revlon reviving Charlie fragrance in United Kingdom
" NEW YORK - May 21 - Charlie is back. The Revlon fragrance, first introduced in
the 1970s, is being revived in the United Kingdom, the company announced. But
this time, it will target teens. ..." -- DrugStore News
http://www.drugstorenews.com/cosfrag/cosfrag.cfm - THINK TANK #5í "CHILDREN'S SCENTS: A NEW PROFIT CENTER"
Wednesday, March 14
8:30 a.m. Breakfast Buffet
9:00 a.m. Presentation
Conference Centre at The Fragrance Foundation
http://www.fragrance.org/cgi/fetch_outer_events.cgi?thing=1831359 - 'Making Scents of Teens & Fragrance'
http://www.fragrance.org/cgi/fetch_outer_news.cgi?thing=5035091Danish Environment's "Perfume Causes Allergies"
See sections: "Children should keep away from perfume" and
"Increasing frequency of perfume allergy among eczema patients"
- African-American Women
- African-American Women
Business & Industry Database
"Study finds African-American women as a group are more than twice as likely as
women of other races to buy fragrances Original Title: Ethnic Fragrance Market
Source: Chemical Marketing Reporter, VOL:251, ISS:22, PG:25, June 02, 1997.
ISSN: 0090-0907
http://chemweb.com/ - ALA - American Lung Association
" More than 17 million Americans suffer from asthma, which is the seventh-ranking
chronic condition in America. " © 2000 American Lung Association.
http://www.lungusa.org/asthma/ - Asthma and Allergy Statistics
"In 1994, the estimated number of people with self-reported asthma in the United States
was 14.6 million. The estimate for 1998 has risen to 17 million.[1,2,3] " -NIAID
"NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases], a component of
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), supports research on AIDS, tuberculosis and
other infectious diseases as well as allergies and immunology. NIH is an agency of
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services."
http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/allergystat.htm - Asthma Cases on the Rise
Experts Think the Growing Problem Has Many Causes
By Jeanie Davis; WebMD Medical News
But ther's no mention of the toxins in fragrances in commonly used personal care and
cleaning/maintenance products! It is past time due to look at that blinding flash of the obvious-- barb
http://www.dna.com/newsArticle/1,1673,Jmd1aWQ9d2VibWQ6Ly9hcnRpY2xlOi8vNTMyNQ==,00.html - Asthma, get the Triggers out of your Home and School
"Asthma is the most common lung disease associated with indoor pollutants. ..."
http://www.aerias.org/cached_document_130.htm - BRONCHIAL ASTHMA -- The Scale of the Problem
WHO -- World Health Organization
- Children - Asthma¼s Impact on Children And Adolescents
http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/airpollution/asthma/children.htm - Hispanic Women
"Business & Industry Database
"Survey finds US Hispanic women spend 43% more on fragrance products and 27% more
on makeup than the average American woman Original Title: COSMETICS MAKERS
TARGETING HISPANIC MARKET Source: Miami Herald (FL), PG:N/A, March 03, 1997.
ISSN: 0898-865X Document Type: Regional NewspaperPublication Country:
United States Language: EnglishRecord Type: Fulltext, Abstract Word Count: 849
- Asthma "crisis" for Black Americans
- Cancer: survival rates - U.K.
BBC - Friday, 17 March, 2000, 21:10 GMT
http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/medical_notes/c-d/newsid_655000/655809.stm - Candles
For more info, see EHN's Candles at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/c.htm#Candles- Candle Sales Burning Bright
"Sparked by an expanded product line and increased consumer
demand for candles, sales of industry leader Blyth Industries rose
29 percent from a year ago. (Data: Blyth Industries; Graph: ABCNEWS.com)
- Candle Sales Burning Bright
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
I find it exceedingly frustrating that CDC does not put up more current figures. Why are they
showing as much as five year lags? Because the cases have skyrocketed? Thinking people may
wonder if superfluous toxins in commonly and unwittingly used synthetic fragrances and
pesticides (which are scented so you don't object to inhaling the couple of toxins you are allowed to
know about ... others being hidden in the fragrances and by the misleading word, "inert." -- barb
- Fast Stats - home
- Allergies/Hay Fever
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/allergies.htm - Arthritis (All figures are for U.S.)
"Over 33 million Americans have Arthritis (1996)"
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/arthrits.htm - Asthma (All figures are for U.S.)
"There were 5,438 deaths from Asthma (1998)
"Source: National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 48, No.11
" Nearly 14.5 million Americans have Asthma (1996)"
2/01: Folks, this number is up to at least 17.3 million ... check American Lung Association. -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/asthma.htm - Bronchitis (All figures are for U.S.)
"There are approximately 3,000 deaths from Bronchitis in the U.S. each year (1998)
" Source: NVSR Vol. 48, Number 11
"Over 14 million cases of Chronic Bronchitis are reported annually (1996)"
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/brnchtis.htm - Cancer (All figures are for U.S.)
"Deaths Annually: 541,532 (1998)"
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/cancer.htm - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (All figures are for U.S.)
"Deaths Annually: 112,584 (1998)
"Cases of Bronchitis Reported Annually: 14 .2 million (1996)
"Cases of Emphysema Reported Annually: 2 million (1996)
"Cases of Asthma Reported Annually: 14.5 million (1996)
"Source: Vital and Health Statistics Series 10, No. 200"
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/copd.htm - Chronic Sinusitis (All figures are for U.S.)
" Number of Cases of Chronic Sinusitis Reported Annually: 33 million (1996)"
Five, count 'em, FIVE YEAES ago, folks. I'll bet there are many more cases in 2001. -- barb
From: NCHSED nchsed@cdc.gov
To: "'wilworks@lmi.net'" wilworks@lmi.net
Subject: FW: Data posted to form 1 of http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/mail/mail.htm
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 14:48:40 -0500
Thank you for your inquiry. At the present time, the 1996 data on
prevalence of chronic conditions is the latest we have. We anticipate
releasing the 1997 data sometime in late spring to early summer.
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/sinuses.htm - Disabilities/Impairments (All figures are for U.S.)
" Approximately 7.4 million Americans use Assistive Technology Devices
"(ATDs) to accommodate mobility impairments (1994)
"Approximately 4.6 million Americans use ATDs to accommodate orthopedic impairments (1994)
"Approximately 4.5 million Americans use ATDs to accommodate hearing impairments (1994)
" Approximately 500,000 Americans use ATDs to accommodate vision impairments (1994)
"Source: Advance Data 292
"Over 8 million Americans have visual impairments (1996)
"Nearly 3 million Americans are color blind (1996)
"Over 700,000 Americans have Cataracts (1996)
"Nearly 3 million Americans have Glaucoma (1996)
"Approximately 22 million Americans are hearing-impaired (1996)
"Almost 2.7 million Americans have speech impairments (1996)
"Source: Vital and Health Statistics Series 10, No. 200"
To put this in perspective, in California alone, 15.9 percent of the population is sensitive to
chemicals, while 6.3 percent have been diagnosed MCS. California's population,
1999 = 33,145,121. That's over 2 million in just the state of California diagnosed MCS by astute doctors. -- barb
http://www.census.gov/population/estimates/state/st-99-1.txt -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/disable.htm- National Center for Health Statistics
New Report on Disability Available from NCHS
Perfume Causes Allergy
http://www.mst.dk/magazine/issue2/perfume/Default.htm - National Center for Health Statistics
- Emphysema (All figures are for U.S.)
There are over 17,555 deaths from Emphysema in the United States each year (1998)
" Source: National Vital Statistics Reports, Vo1. 48, No. 11
"Over 1 million Americans have Emphysema (1996)"
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/emphsema.htm - Environmental Health (All figures are for U.S.)
"Percent of Persons in Counties Meeting Air Quality Standards, All Pollutants: 81.3% (1996)"
All of the stats given under Environmental Health are for outdoors, even though the US EPA
has determined that INDOOR air is 2 - 5 times worse than outdoor air, and can be as much as
1,000 times worse depending upon the project. I believe that CDC better take into account the
superfluous toxins in synthetic fragrances and pesticides which are polluting our INDOOR
air. NIEHS acknowledges them as volatile organic compounds. -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/environ.htm - Occupational Health (All figures are for U.S.)
Number of Work-Loss Days Related to Acute Conditions: 358 million (1996)
- Fast Stats - home
- Chemical Market Reporter
On the positive side with cationic surfactants.
(includes related articles)(Focus: Soaps & Detergents 98)
Author/s: Dan Scheraga; Jan 26, 1998
" ... Fabric softeners are the largest use for cationic surfactants, accounting for 23 percent
of global cationic consumption ..."
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0FVP/n4_v253/20215390/print.jhtml - Children Targeted! by Fragrance Industry
For other fragrance industry targeted populations, see Asthma is highest in peoples
TARGETED by fragrance industry, above. -- barb
12/2/00 -- Now there's proof positive that our children are being targeted by the fragrance
- The Spring/Summer 2001 Trends Forecast
NEW YORK ‚ „If a guy tells you, you smell good ‚ you are definitely going to wear
that fragrance again¾ said Sarah, a New York City teenager and one of the teen
panelists. Sarah was one of 5 teenage panelists to share quite candid remarks
about fragrance, their preferences, and how it is marketed to them at The
Fragrance Foundation¼s bi-annual Spring/Summer 2001 Trends Forecast Seminar.
http://www.fragrance.org/cgi/fetch_outer_events.cgi?thing=1831359Now back "Think Tank #5 . . ." -- barb
Wednesday, March 14
8:30 a.m. Breakfast Buffet
9:00 a.m. Presentation
Conference Centre at The Fragrance Foundation
- The Cosmetics Category: Talking to Teens
Reprinted from American Demographics magazine,November, 1995 Copyright 1995.
Courtesy of Intertec Publishing Corp., Stamford Connecticut.All Rights Reserved.
by Peter Zollo
1. Teens Have Real Spending Power.
2. Teens Spend Family Money.
3. Teens influence Household Spending.
4. Teens Are Trendsetters.
5. Teens Are Future Spenders.
6. Teens Are a Growing Market.
- Baby Steps... into Scents
And who might all these clean-smelling fragrances in their pretty little pastel bottles
be for? Thanks to Moms and the inventiveness of certain perfume creators, infants
can enter the refined world of perfume without leaving their cradles!
By Muriel Picard
Information presented that leads me to wonder WHY put any synthetic fragrance on precious baby? -- barb
- Baby Steps... into Scents
- perfumania.com
Kids Fragrances
http://www.perfumania.com/perfumania/dept.asp?sourceid=&dept%5Fid=30&sid=376HPR8H2CS92LPG00A3H14MS9NE0WC4Sun Sentinel
- In Pursuit of Pretty: Teen Girls Going Wild For Cosmetics
Liz Doup / Sun-Sentinel (South Florida) 3dec00
If you think children and teens aren't targeted by the industry, read this. Would it were I
could address a comment to "Robert Butterworth, a child psychologist who consults for TEEN
magazine's Ask a Guy column," regarding the last line in this article: " 'The bottom line is,
parents went through this themselves,' says Butterworth, the father of a teen. 'And they know
this, too, shall pass.'" Most parents didn't have the onsluaght of all the toxins that are now in
products used by their children. What lies ahead when their children want to have children? -- barb
industry. See Fragrance Foundation's Events for 2000-2001. Scroll down to
March 2001.
This site is set up in frames. It is likely to beam up on, "Holiday '99: Malicious Lies &
Tantalizing Truths - The Fragrance Foundation and the New York Times invite you
to the first meeting of the New Millennium," so click on "Back to Events" and then
click on "Fragrance Foundation's Events for 2000-2001."
By the way, if you ever have wondered why the truth about the toxicity of fragrances is not
readily available through the mainstream media, this should give you a clue: TheNY Times
joined The Fragrance Foundation in hosting "Malicious Lies..."
"Malicious Lies:" Are they referring to the advertising? The REAL truth is far from tantalizing.
For the REAL TRUTH, visit the Citizens' Petition currently before the US FDA at
The Fragrance Foundation writes, in its Think Tank 2000 Series:
"The first Think Tank of the series, „Getting/Keeping the Teen Market," was held on
September 29 at the new Conference Centre at The Fragrance Foundation. . . ."
- The Spring/Summer 2001 Trends Forecast
- Clearing the Air
"Asthma-related hospitalizations and deaths have increased 75 percent
since 1980, with the disease now afflicting some 17.3 million
Americans. It is the most common chronic disease among children in
the United States. High death rates among African Americans with
asthma and in poor urban areas with substantial minority populations
are of particular concern."Researchers trying to explain the increased incidence of asthma have
been looking indoors for answers. People spend most of their day
inside the home, school, or workplace, so scientists naturally began
searching there for clues as to how indoor air quality may contribute to
the disease. "
http://www.airtechgroup.com/indoorairquality.htm#3 - Drugs Kill! Folks, that is: PRESCRIPTION durgs. Take heed.
- "Doctors Kill More People Than Guns and Traffic Accidents Combined"
By Don Harkins; The Idaho Observer - April, 1999 -- 5-29-99
http://www.sightings.com/politics2/doctors.htm - For other information on drugs, see EHN's
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/d.htm#Drugs - For information on vaccines, see EHN's
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/v.htm#Vaccines - Have you read too much Stephen Barrett? Need an antidote? May I suggest:
http://www.castle.net/~mystic/pages/watquack.html#quackbusterPersonal note: Had it not been for my wise GYN who worked with me so I could
explore alternatives to exploratory surgery -- after getting a very low score on a CA125
cancer marker test -- who knows if I'd be alive today and thriving, not just surviving . . . or
one of medical science's prematurely dead???
Through acupuncture and Chinese herbs, we learned that sonograms can and do lie.
After two months of treatments, and within 18 hours of one, the third sonogram
proved I had a common, benign tumor masking as an ovarian mass. And now the
tumor has stopped growing and the pain is all but gone. I count my many blessings!-- barb
- "Doctors Kill More People Than Guns and Traffic Accidents Combined"
- FedStats
"The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies."
http://www.fedstats.gov/ - Fragrance allergy - a major problem
Why are consumers (including children) not protected?
By Heidi Soested, The Danish Consumer Council
Chemical Awareness
Includes some fragrance allergy stats from late '80s and early to mid '90s. -- barb
http://www.fbr.dk/chemaware/newslet/issue02/article8.html - Global Cosmetic Industry
Behind UK perfume trends; Dec, 1999
Author/s: Karen Douthwaite
Just like in the States: More perfume worn more places by more people than ever before. -- barb
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0HLW/6_165/58266327/print.jhtml - Gulf War . . .
- Gulf War and Health: Volume 1. Depleted Uranium, Pyridostigmine Bromide,
Sarin, and Vaccines (2000)
http://books.nap.edu/books/030907178X/html/358.html#pagetop - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome -Iowa
Symptom Prevalence and Risk Factors in a Military Population
- Gulf War and Health: Volume 1. Depleted Uranium, Pyridostigmine Bromide,
- Infectious Diseases ã New and Ancient Threats to World Health
Health Burden of IPDs (Infectious and parasitic diseases)
http://www.prb.org/pubs/population_bulletin/bu52-2/burden.htm - Institute of Medicine
Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures (2000)
Executive Summary, pg 9 - http://books.nap.edu/books/0309064961/html/9.html
Indoor Chemical Exposures: Fragrances - see pages 247-250
http://books.nap.edu/books/0309064961/html/247.html - JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
NOTE: This is 1994 data, in a document copyrighted 1998 by JAMA. It is based on information
from our Public Health Service; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; June 1996.
This information is woefully outdated. http://www.ama-assn.org/special/asthma/support/alerstat.htmBUT, if you check Asthma and Allergy Statistics, you'll get up-dated to 1998 statistics. -- barb 12/2000
- Leading causes of death and disease
- CDC's Fact Sheets - Leading Causes of Death
(All figures are for U.S.) Preliminary 2000 data
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lcod.htm - CDC's Leading Causes of Death Reports
You generate the report . . .
http://webapp.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/leadcaus.html - LifeMatters - page of stats
- CDC's Fact Sheets - Leading Causes of Death
- Leffingwell & Associates
- 1998/1999 Flavor & Fragrance Industry Leaders
1998/1999 Sales Volume in Millions (Updated on October 18, 2000)
- 1998/1999 Flavor & Fragrance Industry Leaders
- Liver cancer rates jump 70 percent in 20 years - March 10, 1999
Cable News Network
" Rise in hepatitis B and C cases led to increase, researchers say
... Death rates from other liver cancers were increasing at a similar pace, they found. "
The liver is responsible for processing all toxins, including superfluous toxins found
in synthetic pesticides and synthetic fragrances used in personal care and cleaning/
maintenance products. -- barb
http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9903/10/liver.cancer/ - Low Birth Weight: Analysis and Recommendations
The Future of Children Vol. 5 No. 1 Spring 1995
http://www.futureofchildren.org/LBW/02LBWANA.htm - MCS
- American Journal of Epidemiology
- PREVALENCE DATA (Use your browser's find command)
ECHO's letter RE: Predecisional Draft on MCS
Ecological Health Organization
Phone/Fax 860/228-2693
PO Box 0119 Hebron CT 06248-0119
http://members.aol.com/enviroknow/ATSDR/echo.htm - Prevalence of People Reporting Sensitivities to Chemicals in a Population-based Survey
Richard Kreutzer, Raymond R. Neutra, and Nan Lashuay; Volume 150 Number 1 - July 1, 1999
- PrevalenceAbstract
http://aje.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/150/1/1 - or in French (Go Translator)
- PrevalenceAbstract
- Studies of the Prevalence of Chemical Sensitivity and MCS
Compiled by Albert Donnay, MCS Referral & Resources, 410-362-6400, December 1997
- PREVALENCE DATA (Use your browser's find command)
- Prevalence stats through PubMed
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Link&db=PubMed&dbFrom=PubMed&from_uid=10400546- Increased sensitivity to balsams and fragrances among our patients
by Katona M, Egyud K. [Article in Hungarian]
- Prevalence and nature of allergy and chemical sensitivity in a general population.
Meggs WJ, Dunn KA, Bloch RM, Goodman PE, Davidoff AL.
Department of Emergency Medicine, East Carolina University School of Medicine,
Greenville, North Carolina 27858, USA.
- Increased sensitivity to balsams and fragrances among our patients
by Katona M, Egyud K. [Article in Hungarian]
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A 1999 Consensus
Stats are included. -- barb
- American Journal of Epidemiology
- NPD BeautyTrendsÆ Reports Annual Department Store Beauty Sales
Reach Close To $7 Billion
"PORT WASHINGTON, NY, February 15, 2001 Last year was a beautiful year for
department store cosmetics as annual sales topped $6.8 billion, up 5% from 1999.
According to NPD BeautyTrends³ , the skincare, makeup and fragrance retail tracking
unit of leading marketing information provider The NPD Group, Inc., growth was seen
in all categories. Makeup and skincare experienced the most growth, up 6%, while
fragrances, once again hit the hardest, showed an increase of only 4%.
- National Center for Health Ststistics
- FastStats A to Z
Woefully out-of-date statistics, and they don't include Parkinson's; let alone MCS. Or ADD. Or autism. -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/default.htm- ANTIENT DATA -- barb
- Asthma (All figures are for U.S.)
Nearly 14.5 million Americans have Asthma (1996)
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/asthma.htm - Sinusitis, Chronic (All figures are for U.S.)
Number of Cases of Chronic Sinusitis Reported Annually: 33 million (1996)
- Asthma (All figures are for U.S.)
- Highlights
- FastStats A to Z
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute( NHLBI)
New NHLBI Study to Identify Best Treatment for People With Mild Persistent Asthma
EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE; Thursday, June 8, 2000; Contacts: NHLBI Communications Office (301) 496-4236
NOTE: This report uses NHLBI's 1995 data for asthma statistics and 1998 data for health care costs.
And this is a June 2000 press release! Asthma now affects more than 17 million people.
This information is woefully outdated! -- barb 12/6/2000
http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/new/press/jun08-00.htm - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- Chemical Safety and MSDSs
http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/chemsfpg.html - Worker Health Chartbook; September 2000 -- this is a PDF file
- Chemical Safety and MSDSs
- Perfumes cause allergies - News from Cosmetics Unmasked
"...The study concluded that the number of eczema patients with perfume allergy has
doubled since 1979 from one in twenty eczema patients to one in ten in 1995. ..."
"Tests by the perfume/cosmetics industry "The majority of studies have been undertaken by the perfume/cosmetics industry, and
only a minor part are publicly available. Jeanne Duus Johansen suggests that when
the results are made public, they are likely to show better results than those of the
studies she has been involved with. This is because the industry tests perfumes on healthy
persons and so the number of allergic eczema reactions will always be lower than in
the studies at Gentofte University Hospital, where the substances are tested on eczema
patients. This means that the industry's research will not show how the
products affect people with allergy problems. ..."
Folks, this is just skin reactions -- of the primary user, at that. What about effects over time from
absorption? What about effects over time from inhaling? Remember scents are made to be
inhaled (smelled), yet the industry doesn't openly test for effects upon inhalation . . . inhalation by
user nor for effects upon inhalation by nonusers. Buyer BEWARE! Look for organic products,
free of petrochemical-derived fragrances for personal care and for cleaning and maintenance -- barb
http://www.gina.antczak.btinternet.co.uk/CU/CUNEWS.HTM#article1 - Perfumery Timeline
American Society of Perfumers
http://www.perfumers.org/timeline.html - Pub Med publications
- National prevalence of asthma and chemical hypersensitivity: an examination of potential overlap.
Caress SM, Steinemann AC.
State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia, USA. scaress@westga.edu
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the linkage between
asthma and chemical hypersensitivity. METHODS: The authors conducted a
population study with a random sample of 1057 geographically weighted
cases to determine the prevalence of both asthma and chemical
hypersensitivity in the American population and to explore their co-occurrence.
RESULTS: A total of 14.1% of the respondents reported being diagnosed with
asthma and 11.2% reported a hypersensitivity to chemicals. Of those with
asthma, 27.2% also reported being hypersensitive to chemicals and 7.4%
reported also being diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). Of
those diagnosed with MCS, 42% reported also being diagnosed with asthma.
Additionally, 29.7% of those with asthma said air fresheners caused breathing
difficulties, and 37.2% found scented products irritating. CONCLUSIONS: The
results indicate that there is significant overlap between some forms of
asthma and chemical hypersensitivity.
PMID: 15891531 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
- National prevalence of asthma and chemical hypersensitivity: an examination of potential overlap.
- Put an End to the Prescription Party
"The Journal of the American Medical Association Admits Prescription Errors and
Side Effects Cost $76 Billion a Year "
http://www.alternativemedicine.com/digest/issue18/18077.shtml - RACHEL'S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY #220
http://www.monitor.net/rachel/r220.html - Students with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness:
An Accommodation Challenge
"According to reports from campuses and recent conferences, disability support
service providers and institutional administrators have seen an increase in requests
foraccommodations for students with a diagnosis of Multiple Chemical
Sensitivity/Environmental Illness, or MCS/EI. ..."
http://www.acenet.edu/programs/heath/MCS.cfm - STUDY: MORE U.S. KIDS ON PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS THAN EVER BEFORE
"Let's REMEMBER that nearly EVERY single person of ANY age responsible for
perpetrating incidents of mass violence--almost always by use of a firearm--and mass
murder in this country in the past several years has been found to have been a constant
user of prescribed, mind-altering psychotropic drugs."
http://www.freeworldalliance.com/newsflash132.htm - VA RESEARCH FINALLY DOCUMENTS NOT ONE GULF WAR SYNDROME BUT THREE:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia & Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/6028/donnay1.htm - VINYL CHLORIDE MONOMER.(Brief Article) - DEMAND
Chemical Market Reporter; August 28, 2000
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0FVP/9_258/65462830/print.jhtml - WHO (World Health Organization)
WHO Fact Sheet Nƒ 206 - Revised January 2000
"The Scale of the Problem: Between 100 and 150 million people around the
globe -- roughly the equivalent of the population of the Russian Federation --
suffer from asthma and this number is rising. World-wide, deaths from this
condition have reached over 180,000 annually."
Folks, asthma has skyrocketed during the past 20 years! The SAME period of time that
fragrances made with petrochemicals have become ubiquitous! Wake up, FDA!!! -- barb
-- end Statistics --
Air "Fresheners" / Fabric Softeners
- Fragranced consumer products and undisclosed ingredients
Anne C. Steinemann
http://www.ce.washington.edu/people/faculty/bios/documents/Steinemann2008.pdf - Toxic Chemicals Found in Laundry Products, Air Fresheners - July 2008
- Toxic chemicals found in common scented laundry products, air fresheners
http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/toxic-chemicals-found-common-scented-laundry-products-air-fresheners-16960.html - Some scented household products contain chemicals clasified as toxic, UW study finds
http://awRRLWRIMWA.NQAOUEXW.XOM/HRML/LOXlnhwqa/2008067309_toxicsmell23m0.html - Toxic Chemicals Found in Common Scented Laundry Products, Air Fresheners
Regardless of the industry's claims of safety, fragrance products volatilize and adversely affect
the health of millions of people -- users and non users who are really sceondhand users.There is NO consumer protection by any government agency. The "authority" is fragmented, at
best. The fragmentation exists because the Food and Drug Administration is only
known as the "Authority Over Cosmetics" -- but isn't THE authority because the industry
is self-regulated! The FDA is so much NOT an authority, it can't even demand its
required warning be affixed to labels of fragrances released to market without full
substantiation of safety. What a joke . . . and the industry laughs all the way to the bank!The fact that the public isn't even clued in by the FDA led to EHN's FDA petition, 99P-1340,
which was filed with the FDA on May 11, 1999. The FDA's silence, I may say, has been deafening!But to revisit my statement about "fragmentation" . . . IF fragrances or flavors are found
in fabric softeners or in bleaches or air "fresheners" or deodorizers, in various cleaners,
or in detergents for dishes or laundry or in pesticides, or in candles -- wherever, other
than for cosmetic purposes -- the FDA has no say in those fragrances. So, try to find an
agency that does.
I've had the personal frustration of turning to the EPA . . . they sent me back to the FDA
who assured me they have nothing to do with fragrances except for those in cosmetics
or personal care products and used as colognes, perfumes, toilet water, aftershaves, in
body deodorants, lotions, soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products, etc.
Failing with that government agency, I turned to the Consumer Products Safety
Commission. Admitedly, it's been a while since I last set myself up for that level of
frustration, but there were years there that whenever I'd contact them to complain about
being poisoned by scented fabric softeners, laundry detergents, various cleaners, air
"fresheners," etc., they hadn't had any complaints before mine. After the first several
comments like that, I got to saying, Wait A MINUTE! What about my previous
complaints? To which I was told time and again, that they had had a database problem,
or a computer malfunction or ... In other words, they kept no records so everytime
became a first time they heard anything about fabric softeners or what have you.
However, because I was part of a campaign to complain to the CPSC, I knew it to be false
statements. Eventually I did get a printout of a list of complaints, but whether they
have managed to maintain that database or not, I don't know.
During my entire ordeal with chemical injury, I begged our government agencies and also
nonprofits to begin keeping a log of times fragrances (or flavors) triggered
asthma or other upper or lower respiratory problems including sinus infections, lung
infections and laryngitis, migraines or other neurological problems, acne and other skin
problems, etc. Just keep a list of diseases -- including the above, plus cancers and
reproductive problems and fetal development problems, SIDS, etc., -- where fragrances
had been in use. If the public isn't polled, we'll never know the full extent of the harm
these chemicals can do.
To my body, it matters not the source of the petrochemically derived fragrance (or
flavor), if it is man-made it is poison to my body. And I didn't get that way easily. It was
after many years of exposure in a highly scented workplace where I battled on behalf
of cleaner air for everyone. I eventually had to retire and that's when I turned my
efforts to helping people worldwide through my volunteer efforts for the Environmental
Health Network.The truth is, the flavors and fragrance industry is self-regulated and further protected by
trade-secret laws. Those laws do nothing to protect the industry from rip-off scents.
Obviously. But trade secret laws do a fine job of shielding the industry from an informed
Once you become sensitized by arftificial fragrances, it is too late to save your health. The
time to protect your health is BEFORE you become chemically injured and the only
way you can even try to accomplish that now is to look at the labels. IF you see either
the word "flavor" or "fragrance" on the label, leave the product on the shelf. Look for
safer products that contain NO artificial flavors or fragrances. And, IF you work, or go
to school, or a healthcare center or a doctor's office and you encounter synthetically
scented products, begin educating them by directing them to the work of Prof.
Steinemann or to the document developed to help people with fragrance sensitivity issues.
The industry's response to Dr. Steinemann is posted on Medical News Today. -- barb
Fragrance Materials Association Assures Safety Of Fragrqance Ingredients -
No Contrary Evidence in Contested University Of Washington Study
Stephanie's Accommodation Plan
- Jefferson City News Tribune
"Environmental Ills Typically Misdiagnosed, doctor says"
- Middle school completes first year as model for indoor air quality
by David Fults
- Capitol Caroling concernt to be presented Tuesday [fragrance-free!]
- But it helps the singers, too! Good choral groups require fragrance-free attendance.
Read a related article from the perspective of actors. -- barb
"Success Smells Sweet to 'Phantom's' Vroman "
JERRY CARROLL, SF Chronicle Staff Writer; Thursday, December 12, 1996
- But it helps the singers, too! Good choral groups require fragrance-free attendance.
- School administrators seek 'fragrance free' attendance at meeting
Jefferson City News Tribune; Monday, May 8, 2000
- Stephanie's Story
(MCS From a Child's Perspective)
I was subjected to the fumes of sterno in my former workplace. It took a member of one of its
committees to complain about the adverse effects upon her health to get the agency to stop the use
of sterno in its cafeteria. Sterno was just one of the many problems I faced and stuggled to change. -- barb
- Toxicity, Carbon Monoxide
"... Sterno stoves all emit CO. ..."
http://www.emedicine.com/EMERG/topic817.htm - Oakland Army Base - Basewide Environmental Baseline Survey
An interesting list of chemicals ... including Sterno -- barb
http://www.spk.usace.army.mil/cespk-ed/mil/oakland/documents/ebs/appd/appd.html - CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING
The Internet Journal of Emergency & Intensive Care Medicine ISSN 1092-4051
http://www.ispub.com/journals/IJEICM/Vol1N2/CO.htm - MSDS for Sterno
"Medical Cond Aggravated By Exposure: PERSONS WITH PRE-EXISTING SKIN
http://hazard.com/msds2/f/94/bwlcw.html - COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO -- 4008, STERNO BRAND CANNED HEAT COOKING (SUPDA
CALLING (908) 878-7468.
"Medical Cond Aggravated By Exposure: NONE SPECIFIED BY MANUFACTURER.
[Get that! That's the thing about MSDS ... you rely on what the mft tells you or wants you
to know. What about those living with respiratory and skin diseases, with MCS? -- barb]
http://hazard.com/msds2/f/93/chnlv.html - COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO -- 4028, STERNO BRAND CANNED HEAT COOKING (SUPDA
This one takes you to the same info above ... notice the URL. -- barb
http://hazard.com/msds2/f/93/chnlw.html - COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO -- STERNO CANNED HEAT COOKING FUEL
EYES, LIVER, KIDNEY. Explanation Of Carcinogenicity: NONE Signs And Symptions
Medical Cond Aggravated By Exposure: NONE KNOWN
[HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT? Surely anyone with respiratory diseases or MCS should count! -- barb]
- Safety Committee Meeting Announcements FY98/99 - June 1999
Dept. of Occupational Health and Safety, U of Delaware
http://www.udel.edu/OHS/safetycomm/meetnotes9899.htmlThis section introduces psychology's approach to consciousness by noting the
elusiveness of its definition and the consequent difficulty of investigating it.
" ... People in various cultures sniff, snort, smoke, and/or swallow substances like fungus, nutmeg, morning glory seeds, glue, oven spray, Sterno, Aqua Velva, and gasoline. ..."
This files saves as rich text format, so you can open w/word processing program. -- barb
zzzzzz Coastal Post (http://www.coastalpost.com/)
- Carol Sterritt is a prolific writer; please search the Coastal Post
- Do Fabric Softeners Cause Crib Death? - May 1999
http://www.coastalpost.com/99/5/4.htm - Do Vaccinations Lead To Sudden Infant Deaths? - February 2000
"All truth goes through three stages. First it is revealed. Then it is violently opposed.
Finally it is accepted as self-evident." -Schoepenhouer;
http://www.coastalpost.com/00/2/04.htm - Not Worrying About EMFs Is A Cause For Concern
http://www.coastalpost.com/98/4/7.htm - Can Cell Phones Kill?
By Carol Sterritt; January 2001
http://www.coastalpost.com/01/1/04.htm - HAARP, Chemtrails, and New War Technologies
HAARP, (High Frequency Active Aural Research Project)
By Carol Sterritt; March, 2003
http://www.coastalpost.com/03/03/12.htm - Malathion Causes New Health Concerns; January 2000
http://www.coastalpost.com/00/1/03.htm - Monsanto Terminates the Terminator; November 1999
http://www.coastalpost.com/99/11/02.htm - Monsanto's Terminator Technology Could Lead To World Famine; August 1999
http://www.coastalpost.com/99/8/1.htm - Not Worrying About EMFs Is A Cause For Concern; April, 1998
http://www.coastalpost.com/98/4/7.htm - RoundUp Could Be A Very Bad Thing; October 1999
http://www.coastalpost.com/99/10/03.htm - They're Still Spraying Pesticides In Marin Schools; November 1999
http://www.coastalpost.com/99/12/04.htm - Water Horror Grows With MTBE In Gas; February, 1999
for "Sterritt" for the rest of her articles. -- barb
http://askwaltstollmd.com/- Bulletin Board
http://askwaltstollmd.com/wwwboard/wwwboard.html - Bulletin Board archives
- EHN's Alert! -- Spritzing Air Polluters
- StopCancer.org
http://www.stopcancer.org/index.html - Stop Cancer Where it Starts!
- Stop Toxic Trespass
- Stop Waste - Alameda County, California
http://www.stopwaste.org/fsrecycle.html- Alameda County's Waste management program
- Complete [Recyclable] Materials List
http://recycle.stopwaste.org/group.asp?groupcode=ALLFree Resources
Straw Building in California and Beyond
- FAQs About Straw Building
What I'd like to know is: How much stress is caused when our bodies encounter the
superfluous toxins in synthetic fragrances that have been added to an increasing array of
personal care, as well as household and janitorial cleaning and maintenance products? Scented
products include pesticides and the pesticide category includes disinfectants! How many realize that?Notice the TV ads . . . how many times have you seen an ad for a scented product followed by
an ad for some over-the-counter or prescribed drug? What you aren't told is your symptoms such
as colds, flu, stress, asthma, overactive bladder, gastro-intestinal upset, migraines and other
headaches, joint pain and muscle aches, eczema, adult onset acne, rashes, hives, exhaustion,
dark circles under the eyes, trembling, heart pounding, ... all can be chemically induced by
the chemicals used to make our modern synthetically scented products. Remember the ads tell
you to tell YOUR doctor if you have liver problems or kidney troubles, ... Isn't
YOUR doctor supposed to know if you have liver or kidney problems?
Of course, these symptoms can also be brought on by pesticide applications (outdoors or in,
applied by self or professional, and even when "following label directions"), by a refinery
catastrophy or other horrific event such as Sept. 11 and the WTC and Pentagon, diesel exhaust,
the installation of new carpet with their adhesives especially those that have high-emitting
VOCs (volatile organic compounds), the use of high-emitting VOC paint, anesthesia, . . .However, it's the synthetic scents hat have become ubiquitous since the 1980s.
And, really getting going in the '70s, the industry started switching from essences made with
squished plants and animal parts to essences derived from petrochemicals. Our bodies know the
difference, even if our doctors and government experts don't. Our doctors tell us to AVOID
fragrances without giving a notion to the fact that they are volatile. Indeed, they are made to
be volatile -- it's the nature of the beast. Several factors were brought into play: scent
formulations changed to being largely petrochemical; synthesized scents were cheaper so
scents were added to an ever-increasing array of products; and then, through an increase in
advertising, people were encouraged to use and wear more fragrances and more scented products
for not only personal care, but household and janitorial cleaning and maintenance than ever
before. Heavens, graphic artists were even told to incorporate scent strips in their productions
to really "capture" the attention of the consumer. (I announced that scent strips really gave
one something to remember them by ... asthma, migraines and various other debilitating and
disabling health events -- you can only imagine how well that info went over!) Fact is, when it
comes to fragrances, we cannot avoid that which is in the air all around us!Now, back to stress. How many of you, think as I do, that that diagnosis is just a great way of
ignoring chemical injury and is a vehicle for prescribing more drugs? Dr. Randolp believed in
not giving drugs, but in listening to his patient! Maybe doctors should listen more and patients wouldn't be so "stressed."We are all -- even doctors -- stakeholders when it comes to breathing. -- barb
- Abnormal Stress for Normal People - How to Cope
Michael Rosenbaum, MD, and Betty Kamen share their views on coping with stress
http://www.BettyKamen.com/stress/stressindex.html - Distress Symptoms Input Form
- American Heart Association's Heart and Stroke Guide
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/childstu.htmStudy Types - Definitions
Instead of dismissing those living with GWS, MCS, EMS, CFIDS, FM, et al., as being merely
"anecdotal," why not think of us as "Human, Observational" . . . which points the way to
greater study by scientists? -- barb
http://www.glycoscience.com/glycoscience/studytype_about.wmStuff Happens!
The damning and damaging negative press used against those already chemically injured. -- barb
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/stufhaps.htmstumps R us
"A Whimsical Support Group of Cheerful Cripples
Who Can Answer almost ANY question you might have about life
without one, two or three limbs"
- http://www.stumps.org/
- The Joke Board
"... The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified styrene oxide
as a Group 2A, a probable human carcinogen. ..."
"Styrene oxide is used in the production of styrene glycol and its derivatives, as a
reactive diluent for epoxy resins; as a chemical intermediate for cosmetics, surface
coatings, and agricultural and biological chemicals; as a raw material for the production
of phenylethyl alcohol used in perfumes; and in the treatment of fibers and textiles. ..."
See SIDS, above, http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/s.htm#SIDSSugar-free (none added) Recipes (can contain natural fruit sugars)
Sully's Living Without!!!
A resource page. -- barb
http://www.redjellyfish.com/nh-defaulthub.html?nh-mcs_links.html~mainDr. Tipu Sultan, St. Louis, Missouri area
Sun Sentinel, South Florida
"Scented products at hospitals have power to harm"
by BOB LaMENDOLA Health Writer
Sunshine Sentinel Press
Sun -- Good ol' Sol My mother used to use the sun to bleach stains out of fabrics, especially whites. Her trick
for rust -- as I recall -- was to put lemon juice and salt on the spot and then place the item on the
grass in the sun. Also, mom used to rub a raw apple on my face and arms to help protect against sunburn. I've never been one for using loads of sunscreens. When I was younger, I didn't like the smell. I tried some when fragrance-free became available and I was going to be at the beach all day. But then, I hadn't heard of Dr. Zane Kime. -- barb
The benefits far, far outweigh the hazards
- Dr. Zane Kime
"Sunshine Could Save Your Life"
by Dr. Zine R. Kime -World Health
Publishing, Box Number 400, Penryn, CA 95663. Complete Price $18.50.
Excellent on sunshine but needs new research on unsaturated oils.
On StopCancer Book List. For more titles, visit their page: http://stopcancer.com/book.htm - The Tomato Effect
A film in the works by daughter, Faun Kime
"Sunshine Could Save Your Life"
By Dr. Bernarr, D.C. D.D.
http://www.healself.org/sun.html - Soil And Health Library
Health begins in the soil; Healing begins with hygiene; Liberty begins with freedom.
"This is a free public library offering full-text books about holistic agriculture, holistic
health, self-sufficient homestead living, and personal development. Most of the titles in
this library are out of print. Some of these books can be quite hard to find; many of
them are old enough to be public domain materials. The library also offers a collection
about why globalised society is resistant to changing its food and health systems.
The titles in this library, when comprehended as an inter-related whole, constitute a
self-guided course of study or curriculum that connects agricultural methods to the
consequent health of animals and humans, shows how to prevent and heal disease and
increase longevity. "
http://www.soilandhealth.org/index.html- NATURAL LIGHT AND HEALTH - CHAPTER EIGHTEEN
About our sun and how important it is for health of plants and animals. -- barb
by Michael Lofton
http://www.atlantisrising.com/issue11/ar11ultraviolet.html - NATURAL LIGHT AND HEALTH - CHAPTER EIGHTEEN
- Melissa Kaplan's Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases
Surgery, Anesthesia and CFS/FM/MCS
First and foremost you should know that the Department of the Interior states under its Sustainable Practices guidelines, then we return to an alpha order . . .
"Guidance and Training on Greening Your Janitorial Business
CHAPTER 2: Traditional Versus "Green" Cleaning Products" -- subhead:
"A Sampling of Environmental Attributes for Cleaning Products"
"Must not contain petrochemical-derived fragrances."
- Alameda County's Waste management program
- Bau-biologieTMUSA!
International Institute for Bau-biologie & Ecology (IBE)
http://www.bau-biologieusa.com/- Bau-biologie
"The German term "Bau-biologie" means "building biology" or "the relationship between
buildings and life" and could be defined as:
- "The impact of the building environment on human health, and the application of
this knowledge to the construction, or modification, of homes and workplaces, and - The holistic interaction between human life and other life-forms with our
- "The impact of the building environment on human health, and the application of
- Baubiologie Environmental Inspectors
http://www.bau-biologieusa.com/bbinsp.html - Baubiologie USA Store
Take your time scrolling and learning through this page . . . -- barb
http://www.bau-biologieusa.com/store.html- Locate a field expert in your area
http://www.bau-biologieusa.com/building-biology/findexpert.html - Michael Aroner, BBEI (Berkeley)
"Onsite inspections, sampling and phone consultations, individually tailored to
address general quality of life or specific concerns. Allergies, mold, formaldehyde,
chemical sensitivities, pesticides, EMF detection and reduction, etc. Non toxic
materials/systems specification, review and management.
- Locate a field expert in your area
Second Nature
Education for Sustainability
http://www.secondnature.org/Suspected Health Hazards
Environmental Defense's Project
http://www.scorecard.org/health-effects/gen/sushazid.htmlSustain - The Environmental Information Group
http://www.sustainusa.org/- About Sustain
Also see EHN's General Links, page G, Green
- Air Force
"The USAF has implemented a variety of energy saving and pollution prevention
strategies in the planning, design and construction of many facilities. By addressing
these issues simultaneously the USAF will gain the synergy of realizing each of these
goals contributing to the whole.
"Sustainable design is an integrated systems approach to creating the built environment.
In order to realize sustainability goals, the A-E must coordinate the design of the
following in an iterative manner to create a cost effective, durable, and energy efficient
facility . . ."
http://www.denix.osd.mil/denix/Public/Library/Eprfguide/eprf5.htmlBoston - Sustainable Boston http://www.architects.org/portals/index.cfm?doc_id=123
- CAFF (Community Alliance with Family Farmers)
- FAQs About Sustainable Agriculture
- Ag Web Sites and Resource Groups, Sustainable
http://www.caff.org/sustain/resource_groups.html - Sustainable Ag Information
- FAQs About Sustainable Agriculture
- Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development - US DOE
http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/ - Eco-Efficiency and Cleaner Production: Charting the Course to Sustainability
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development
United Nations Development Programme
http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/consume/unep.html - Environment & Economics: Partners in Progress
Environmental Health Perspectives -- Volume 103, Number 1, January 1995
- Global Ecolabelling Network
"The Global Ecolabeling Network is a voluntary nonprofit association of national
environmental labeling programs from around the world who work together to
identify environmentally responsible products. To date GEN has 21 members including
Spain, the United States (Green Seal), Canada, Sweden, Norway, Taiwan, Japan,
New Zealand, Korea, Germany, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Israel, Croatia, Austria,
Brazil and Greece. Through GEN these countries share information with each other,
industry, and the public, set product standards and promote ecolabeling world wide."
http://www.gen.gr.jp/ - Green Seal
http://www.greenseal.org/- Environmentally Preferable Paints Minimize Harm, Maximize Savings study available - PDF
- Environmentally Preferable Paints Minimize Harm, Maximize Savings study available - PDF
- The Lowell Center for Sustainable Production
http://www.uml.edu/centers/LCSP/ - Moving Toward Sustainable Development, B. Hack -- a PDF document
A HREF="http://www.palantir.ca/PEC/research.html">http://www.palantir.ca/PEC/research.html - Palo Alto, CA
Strategic Environmental Management
http://www.stanford.edu/~uri2003/Intranet2/sustainability.html - San Francisco's Air Quality Plan
Sustainability Plan for San Francisco - October 1996
Note: SF looks at air quality INdoors and out! -- barb
http://www.sustainable-sf.org/Plan/Air/intro.htm - Solar Organizations and Resources
http://www.azsolarcenter.com/solorg.html- Scottsdale - Solar Organizations and Resources
For more information on the City of Scottsdale Green Building
Program, contact Anthony Floyd at the City of Scottsdale:
Tel: (480) 312-4202
- Scottsdale - Solar Organizations and Resources
- Selecting Healthy Building Materials and Furnishings for Indoor Environments
by Marilyn S. Black, Ph.D. -- article w/tables of info
http://www.greendesign.net/bcnews/JULAUG97/bldgmtrl.htm - The Sustainable Business Alliance: Berkeley
http://www.sustbusalliance.org/ - Sustainable Hospitals
http://www.sustainablehospitals.org/cgi-bin/DB_Index.cgi - Sustainable National Centre for Sustainability
Victoria BC Canada
- Sustainable Oakland,
- Planning for Sustainability
- See Oakland's Green Plan link
- Planning for Sustainability
- "Precautionary Principle"
"Adoption of the Precautionary Principle related to sustainable development emerged in several treaties:
conference of Montreal (1987), conference of Rio (1992), Maastricht treaty (1992)...
(See Precautionary Principle's presentation, below. -- barb)
- Protecting Public Health and the Environment
Implementing the Precautionary Principle
- Precautionary Principle's presentation
- Protecting Public Health and the Environment
- Second Nature
"Second Nature is a nonprofit organization that helps colleges and universities expand
their efforts to make environmentally sustainable and just action a foundation of
learning and practice. Education for Sustainability (EFS) is a lifelong learning process that
leads to an informed and involved citizenry having the creative problem-solving
skills, scientific and social literacy, and commitment to engage in responsible individual
and cooperative actions. Second Nature focuses on colleges and universities because they
educate our future teachers, leaders, managers, policymakers and other professionals."
- Sustainability Education Project
http://www.iwla.org/sep/elf/coming.html - Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Sources
http://www.greenbuilder.com/- Sustainable Building Sourcebook
- Paints, Finishes and Adhesives
- Sustainable Building Sourcebook
- Plants and Sustainable Agriculture
- Sustainable Germany
(From Oakland's site. -- barb)
- Sustainable Cities Programme -- United Nations
- Sustainable Development and the Nature Conservancy
- Sustainable Oakland
http://www.oaklandnet.com/business/industry/industry_sust.html - Sustainable San Francisco
http://www.sustainable-city.org/- Introduction
http://www.sustainable-city.org/Plan/Intro/intro.htm - Air Quality
Because the URL for this information has changed numerous times over the years,
I'm making the text I think is so very important available to you here. -- barb
"... Many complex and interrelated factors affect indoor air quality. These factors involve
the emission of odors, particulates, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), microbial
volatile organic compounds (MVOCs), and radon into the air. Examples of such factors
include the outdoor air quality; emissions from construction, building materials, indoor
occupant activities, building maintenance products, cleaning products, personal care
products, and equipment (computers, copy machines, etc.); molds and mildew;
building ventilation systems; radon emissions from below-grade rock; and environmental
tobacco smoke."Research is increasingly showing links between these factors and human health.
Particulates, VOCs, MVOCs and radon can have a negative impact on human health.
Some of these impacts have short-term and reversible health effects, while others cause
more serious, long-lasting and even life-threatening health effects. Health problems
that may result from indoor air quality are classified as follows:- Sick Building Syndrome describes a collection of symptoms
experienced by building occupants that are generally short-term and
disappear after the individual has left the building. Examples of such
symptoms include sore throat, fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, lack of
concentration, respiratory tract irritation, headache, eye irritation and
other cold- and allergy-like symptoms. - Building-Related Illnesses are more serious than sick building
condition ailments and are clinically verifiable diseases that can be
attributed to a specific source or pollutant within a building. Examples
of such conditions include cancer, Legionnaire's disease, and carbon
monoxide poisoning. - Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: While much more research is needed
to understand multiple chemical sensitivities, it appears that for some
people, exposure to low levels of a variety of chemicals can produce
many diverse symptoms in more than one body-organ system.
productivity when employees are affected by sick building syndrome are significant
to local companies. Furthermore, when building occupants experience sick building
syndrome or building-related illness, the building owners and responsible design
professionals may be exposed to increased liability. Moreover, when poor air quality has
a negative impact on the health of residents, there are increased demands on the
health care system, which ultimately translates into increased health care costs for all
businesses and residents.
"Finally, when cities begin to implement standards for good indoor air quality, the
global effect will be to reduce ozone depletion and to minimize climate changes. These
effects are difficult to quantify, but are ultimately some of the more important goals
of a sustainable world.
http://www.sustainable-city.org/Plan/Air/intro.htm - Sick Building Syndrome describes a collection of symptoms
- Introduction
- Sustainable San Mateo County
- Town Hall for a Sustainable San Mateo County -- May 5, 1999
Begins with intro at 8:30 a.m.; wraps up with a reception 5 - 7 p.m.
- Town Hall for a Sustainable San Mateo County -- May 5, 1999
- Sustainable Soil Management Resources on the Internet:
Web Links to Make Your Worms Happy! By Steve Diver
http://ncatark.uark.edu/~steved/soil-links.html - Sustainable Soil Management Resources on the Web
http://www.ibiblio.org/intergarden/soil-links.html - Sustainable Sources
- Sustanable Sources Online
- Sustanable Sources Online
- Sustainable Weed Management for Croplands
Agronomy Systems Guide, Principles of
http://www.attra.org/attra-pub/weed.html#integratedManagement - Tools for a Sustainable Community -- One stop shop for local governments
- Whole Building Design Guide
NIBS - National Institute of Building Sciences
http://www.wbdg.org - World Summit on Sustainable Development!
IISD's Linkages Portal
Sutro Tower Community Perspectives (EMR)
Sweat Bathing quotes of Dr. Andrew Weil
Sweatshops- Sweatshop Watch
- As You Sow
- Bau-biologie
"The German term "Bau-biologie" means "building biology" or "the relationship between
- Swimming Pools
Following or suggestions only. YOU explore options, but do try to reduce your need for chlorine. -- barb
- Finally, Reduced Chemical Exposure For Swimming Pools & Spas
"... The oxidizing agents formed by the NOGSYS system are the Hydroxyl Radical (OH),
Nascent Oxygen (0), Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) and Oxygen (02). The hydroxyl
radical is known to break the hydrocarbon bond so often associated with toxic chemicals. ..."
- Hanovia
"Pool water sparkles in Staines
"Hanovia has installed two Photon UV disinfection units at Spelthorne Leisure Centre in
Knowle Green, Staines. The improved quality of the pool water and atmosphere has
already attracted favourable comments from customers. Maintenance manager Alan
Webb reports: åThe water is much lighter and clearer. You can no longer smell
chlorine or feel it in your eyes when you enter the pool areas.¼"
http://www.hanovia.co.uk/press-releases/press7.htm - Swimming Pool Ionizer
http://www.redtagsales.com/swimming-pool-supplies/ - The Swimming Pool Operators and Owners Resources Pages
http://www.caromal.co.uk/Resource%20Page%201.htm - TESTS SHOW SILVER BEST "Swimming Pool" WATER PURIFIER
But, is it good for the already chemically injured? If YOU know, please inform.-- barb
http://www.doulton.ca/vol6-11dec76.html - THE USE OF OZONE IN THE PURIFICATION OF SWIMMING POOL WATER
John Towles and H. Banks Edwards P.E.
http://www.supercable.es/~lmarques/piscinas.htm - Wedeco UV Systems
Wedeco Group, the World's Leading supplier of Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment.
Symptoms of EI/MCS & Fragrances -- chemical poisonings --
including those from fragrances in personal care products, cosmetics and cleaning and maintenance products; as well as pesticides,
and other commonly used consumer products derived from petrochemicals are components of same. Pharmaceuticals have lists of side effects, including prematuer death. For some of that information, I recommed you start your search at MedlinePlus Health Information (Drug)
Most likely, with repeated, relatively mild exposures, you will suffer flu- or cold-like symptoms.
This, of course, makes life more interesting, because when you are warned about various
illnesses, say West Nile Virus, you are told about the "flu-like symptoms." You are also warned
about "flu-like symptoms" when taking various pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter or prescribed.
However, the government and therefore the industry sees no need in warning people of "flu-like
symptoms" suffered by users AND SECONDHAND USERS as a result of people using our
modern, products containing petrochemical derived flavors, fragrances and pesticides.Long-term chemical effects can include asthma and other respiratory diseases, cancers, cardiovascular diseases, MCS, Parkinson's, renal (kidney) failure, . . . And remember, just
because you have one disease, it doesn't mean you are spared others. Especially when it comes to
MCS. Doctors diagnose distinct diseases, but they are woefully undereducated when it comes
to recognizing the cause and effects of petrochemical-derived products, which are absorbed and inhaled. And by users, that's 24 / 7 or, day-in and day-out. Environmentally caused diseases exist.
To all who think there are just too many symptoms associated with MCS, or specifically, with
fragrance sensitization, I suggest you take a close look at the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical
Hazards (http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/npg.html).
Look at the types of symptoms and the organs targeted by the chemicals given. The public cannot
easily learn about the chemicals in synthetic fragrances because the industry is SELF-regulated
and further protected by outmoded trade secret laws. The industry has in its repertoire
between 3,000 and 5,000 inadequately tested chemicals. In an article, "Scents and sensitivities"
by Francesca Lyman published Feb. 6, 2002, we learn that the Research Institute for Fragrance
Materials "has begun the first study to examine fragrance inhalation." This, despite an
earlier protestation in that same article that "Products are thoroughly tested before being
marketed to assure their health and safety." I do believe I smell mendacity!
Mirrored by permission at
http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/flscents.htmBut, also keep in mind that our "... health care providers generally receive a very
limited amount of training in occupational and environmental health, and in
pesticide-related illnesses, in particular.1 ..." [emphasis added]
"1. Institute of Medicine. Role of the Primary Care Physician in Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, 1988. "
-- barb
- Acute asthma - acute tachycardia - anaphylactic reactions caused by
Fragrance & Perfume
" In January of 1995 11 young Algerians deceased, following an attempt to get high on
perfume of the international brand name '.............' . They did not have a chance; only a
few toxins are rapidly effective to such an extent, that death comes into effect within 48
hours, as seen in this case.
"According to a recent opinion of the Swiss professor and pediatrician Ottmar T–nz,
breastfeeding mothers and women should boycott scented laundry-detergents. It ist
known from general medicine, that todays common mixture of scents can be (partly)
responsible for any symptom of illness ..."
http://www.tox-doc.de/englisch/duft.htm - Arizona Technology Access Program
Symptoms of MCS
Funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on
Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) Grant #H224A40002.
http://www.nau.edu/~ihd/aztap/mcs.html - Cancer - Cosmetics Connection?
Cancer is most often caused by your environment and lifestyle. -- barb
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/c.htm#Connection - Cardiovascular Toxicants
environmental defense
http://www.scorecard.org/health-effects/explanation.tcl?short_hazard_name=cardio - Chemical Weapons: Nerve Agents
Symptoms of Nerve Agent Poisoning
By Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D. at chudler@u.washington.edu
"Nerve agents attack all synapses that use acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter...this means
both the central and peripheral nervous systems are affected."
Pay attention to section titled, "Symptoms of Nerve Agent Poisoning" and its table of symptoms
and the body systems involved. I recognize my symptoms of perfume and pesticide poisoning! -- barb
http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/weap.html - ChemTox
http://chem-tox.com/- Cosmetic Use in Pregnancy
Potential to Cause Learning Disabilities
Mental Retardation & Behavior Disorders in Children
- Environmental Causes of Infertility
http://www.chem-tox.com/infertility/default.htm - Environmental Causes of Learning Disabilities and child Neurological
Disorders: Review of the Research
- Environmental Causes of Learning Disabilities - Index
- Fragrance Exposure Causes Aggression Hyperactivity and Nerve Damage
Neurotoxicology, Volume 1:221-237, 1979
- Malathion Medical Research
Malathion's Real Name is
Dimethoxy Phosphino Thioyl Thio Butanedioic Acid Diethyl Ester
http://www.chem-tox.com/malathion/research/index.htm - Perfume and Frangrance Exposure During Pregnancy
Links to Learning Disabilities, ADD and Behavior Disorders
- Fragrance Exposure Causes Aggression Hyperactivity and Nerve Damage
- Chicago Wilderness Magazine
The Great Spray Debate: Spring 2003
Could synthetic sprays eliminate our best defenseagainst West Nile virus ã a healthy ecosystem?
by Arthur Melvile Pearson
Let me assure you, that inhaling the residue of pyrethroid pesticides, sprayed in the workplace,
can cause health problems too. My body responded with tinnitus and then spontaneously
cratering sores, that took a good half year or better to heal. Pesticides are NOT safe! -- barb
"... According to the National Pesticide Information Center, inhaling pyrethroids ã
if you happened to be outdoors during spraying, for instance ã can cause its own
flu-like symptoms: "coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, runny or stuffy nose,
chest pain, or difficulty breathing...rash, itching, or blisters." Those most at risk are the
young, the elderly, those with asthma, andx those with chemical sensitivity."As for long-term risks, the EPA has determined that pyrethroids are carcinogenic,
although which risk classification remains to be determined. The No Spray Coalition
reports that the various elements in Anvil are either known or suspected to be toxic to
the liver, kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, and the respiratory tract. ..." [Emphasis added/.]
http://chicagowildernessmag.org/issues/spring2003/spraydebate.html - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, & Chemical Sensitivity
Coalition of Chicago
Formerly known as: MCS Health & Environment
Please go to their site for more information, including distinguishing features. -- barb
Overlapping Symptoms
"The symptoms seen in CFS, FM, and CS frequently overlap, although certain symptoms
predominate in each condition. Each person¼s symptoms are unique, and more than one condition
can occur in an individual."
Symptoms may include:
- persistent fatigue
- difficulty concentrating, memory loss, cognitive dysfunction
- muscle pain
- joint pain
- disrupted or unrefreshing sleep
- sore throat / tender lymph nodes
- respiratory problems
- headache
- dizziness or lightheadedness
- irregular or abnormal blood preassure and heart rate
- gastrointestinal problems
- food and medication sensitivities
http://www.mcshealthenviron.org/ - CIRA of Minnesota
What is EI/MCS?
Their new website seems to be under construction. -- barb
3033 27th Avenue South, POB 6085 Minneapolis, MN 55406 US Contact Deanne Lange (CIRA MemberServices/Outreach Volunteer) Phone (651) 647-0944 E-mail: ciraemail@yahoo.com http://www.ciraofmn.org/Contact Info available at http://www.volunteermatch.org/orgs/org21550.html
Formerly at: http://www.mtn.org/~cira/services.html
Common symptoms of MCS
This is my life! But more so, while I was gainfully employed. Eight years following early retirement, some of my worse symptoms have lessened. Now I'm into stage five renal disease. -- barb
- anaphylactic shock
- difficulty breathing, chest pains and asthma
- skin irritation, contact dermatitis, and hives or other forms of skin rash
- migraine headaches
- "brain fog" (short term memory loss, cognitive dysfunction, including attention deficit)
- digestive difficulties, nausea, indigestion/heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea
- food intolerances, which may or may not be clinically identifiable (e.g., lactose intolerance, celiac disease). Commonly wheat and dairy.
- joint and muscle pains
- extreme fatigue, lethargy and lassitude
- vertigo/dizziness
- abnormally acute sense of smell (which may simply be the result of ridding one's home of strong masking scents, therefore purging olfactory neurons)
- sensitivity to natural plant fragrance, pine turpines
- insomnia
- dry mouth, dry eyes
- overactive bladder
This pretty much covers what causes my reactions. FRAGRANCE products were and are my biggest nemesis. They are ubiquitous and leave the users to affect everyone, regardless of age or stage of llife; including developing embryos and fetuses. The government should demand warnings be affixed to labels for use of artificial flavors and fragrances. I'd also add refineries and chemical plants to the following list. I suggest researchers and doctors think CARBON as opposed to looking at PROTEIN for an explanation of MCS. And, remember, our experts lament the soaring, "UNEXPLAINED" rates of asthma, cancers, alzheimer's Parkinson's, ADD, ADHD, CFIDS, lupus, birth defects, . . . you-name-it! I suggest that these be viewed as "Environmental Illnesses" caused by our reliance on petrochemically derived products, including pharmaceuticals, released to market without full substantiation of safety. -- barb
- bleach, fabric softeners, wool-wash, and detergents
- perfumes, air-fresheners and anything scented or perfumed
- petrol or gasoline, diesel and exhaust fumes
- pesticides, fertilisers, and other agricultural chemicals
- shampoos, hairsprays and personal care products
- dishwashing liquid and detergent (may cause migraine headaches for those without MCS)
- most glues (including carpet glue), varnishes, polishes, paints, solvents and paint-thinners
- petroleum-based products (including petroleum jelly)
- Formaldehyde and aldehyde In particular, offgassing chemicals (some odorless, some not) are suspect. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/multiple+chemical+sensitivity
- Deodorants: a clinical provocation study in fragrance-sensitive individuals.
Johansen JD, Rastogi SC, Bruze M, Andersen KE, Frosch P, Dreier B, Lepoittevin JP, White I, Menne T.
Department of Dermatology, Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. PubMed
"...12/20 (60%) deodorants elicited eczema on use testing in the axilla. 8/12 deodorants
were positive in the axilla on day (D) 7 and 4 both in the axilla and on the upper arm. 2
of the 4 developed a reaction in the axilla before it developed on the upper arm. ..."
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9817220&dopt=Abstract - Ecology House, Inc. - San Rafael, CA
Definition of Disabling MCS/EI
With added info by barb.
http://www.ehnca.org/www/ecologyh/ecohmcs.htm - EI/ES/MCS symptoms
"Common complaints include acute intolerance to light and noise, chemical smells of all
kinds, extreme fatigue, muscle pain, swollen joints, muscle weakness, shortness of
breath evolving frequently into asthma, anemia, chronic urinary tract infections, nausea,
diarrhea, migraines lasting days, tingling in hands and feet, irregular heart beat,
watery and itchy eyes, generalized itching and more. ..." [Emphasis added.]
And, under "more" I'd add, based on my own body's experiences: overactive bladder, bladder
incontinence, feet that feel as if they are swinging out from under my body, falling, swollen
lymph nodes, instant acne and asthma, spiking blood pressure (others suffer a precipitous drop in
blood pressure), bronchial infections and/or sinus infections lasting weeks, recurring cases
of "flu" or "colds," easily bleeding gums, non-healing wounds (skin cratered within minutes
of exposure to pyrethroid pesticides used in former workplace), laryngitis that swung between
gravely voice and inability to speak, and lost thoughts! That was one of the most frustrating parts
for me with trying to work in a perfume-polluted workplace. And there's more . . .
Look to our brains, don't just pronounce "It's all in your head!" We are dealing with neurotoxins,
as well as carcinogens, irritants (think POISONS to lungs and skin), sensitizers and
teratogens. This is a heady brew of toxins to be releasing to market without substantiation of safety
EXCEPT by industry sayso. To use modern scented products is to practice purchasing by
blind faith. And these products affect not only the user, but everyone in breahting distance!
They do not belong in healthcare settings, schools, workplaces, retirement residences, .... -- barb
Government and Medical Science Finally Recognize Crippling Effects of MCS
By Helke Ferrie; Vitality Magazine; October 2003
http://www.vitalitymagazine.com/node/view/112 - envirohealthaction
Emerging Links: Addressing the Links Between Chronic Disease and
Environmental Exposures
http://www.envirohealthaction.org/environment/disease_environment/ - Environmental Illness Society of Canada
EI Questions and Answers.
http://www.eisc.ca/EI_overview.htm - Environmental Protection Agency
"Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals"
Co-sponsored by: The American Lung Association (ALA), The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and The American
Medical Association (AMA) U.S. Government Printing Office Publication
No. 1994-523-217/81322, 1994
(Formaldehyde, Pesticides, Solvents, Cleaning Agents)
Key Signs/Symptoms
conjunctival irritation
nose, throat discomfort
allergic skin reaction
declines in serum cholinesterase levels
nausea, emesis
epistaxis (formaldehyde)
dizzinessAlso see,
Sources of Indoor Air Pollution - Organic Gases (Volatile Organic Compounds - VOCs)
"Organic chemicals are widely used as ingredients in household products. Paints,
varnishes, and wax all contain organic solvents, as do many cleaning, disinfecting,
cosmetic, degreasing, and hobby products. Fuels are made up of organic
chemicals. All of these products can release organic compounds while you are using
them, and, to some degree, when they are stored. ..." [emphasis added]
"...Health Effects
"Eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches, loss of coordination, nausea;
damage to liver, kidney, and central nervous system. Some organics can cause
cancer in animals; some are suspected or known to cause cancer in humans.The ability of organic chemicals to cause health effects varies greatly from
those that are highly toxic, to those with no known health effect. As with
other pollutants, the extent and nature of the health effect will depend on
many factors including level of exposure and length of time exposed. Eye and
respiratory tract irritation, headaches, dizziness, visual disorders, and memory
impairment are among the immediate symptoms that some people have
experienced soon after exposure to some organics. At present, not much is
known about what health effects occur from the levels of organics usually
found in homes. Many organic compounds are known to cause cancer in
animals; some are suspected of causing, or are known to cause, cancer in humans."
http://epa.gov/iaq/voc.html - What is exposure?
"The term exposure means coming in contact with a chemical. There are three ways
you can come in contact with a chemical:
- inhalation - by breathing in the fumes of the chemical
- dermal - having the chemical splash or spill on your skin
- ingestion - eating or swallowing a chemical
"Along with your exposure, "how strong and how long" you come in contact with a
chemical will help determine how harmful a chemical is to you.
"Knowing about your exposure is very important in trying to find out if a chemical
will cause you health problems. It can be tricky because sometimes it can be a long
time after you come in contact with a chemical before you get sick. Or, it can take
repeated contact with a chemical before you get sick or have a reaction, like a rash. ..."
http://www.epa.gov/kidshometour/exposure.htm - inhalation - by breathing in the fumes of the chemical
- What human health effects are associated with indoor air pollution?
"Poor indoor air quality can cause short-term problems, including headaches, fatigue,
dizziness, nausea, and a scratchy throat. But its other effects include cancerãparticularly
from long-term exposures to high ETS and radon concentrationsãand aggravation
of chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma. Exposure to naturally occurring radon
gas is the second leading cause (after smoking tobacco) of lung cancer among
Americans.39 The most sensitive and vulnerable population groupsãolder people, the
young, and the chronically illãtend to spend the most time indoors and may therefore
face higher-than-usual exposures.
You have to dig, but the EPA does list perfume as a VOC and it also lists VOCs as indoor air
pollutants. Perfumes also contain chemicals that are known carcinogens, hormone disrupters
neurotoxins and lung and skin irritants and sensitizers! So a note to the wise, do not use
perfumed products in a public venue ... including your workplace, healthcare facility, school,
place of worship, opera, theater, restaurant, government agencies, . . . Perfumes pollute the air
for user and nonuser and adversely affect the health of untold numbers of people. -- barb
- Environmental Sensitivities
To get directly to the symptoms, go to
- Environmental Working Group
Methyl Bromide is Extraordinarily Toxic
"... The acute effects of methyl bromide exposure include headaches, drowsiness,
lethargy, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, twitching and convulsions,
seizures, psychosis and death. More disturbing, these effects may persist long after
a single poisoning incident (CEPA 1994). The known effects of repeated sublethal
exposure include damage to the brain, the peripheral nervous system, the respiratory
system, kidneys, liver, eyes, nose, throat, lungs and skin. Methyl bromide is also a "direct
acting mutagen" that is toxic to DNA (CEPA 1994). And methyl bromide causes
"treatment related," "biologically significant," developmental (birth) defects including
absence of gall bladders, fused sternebrae (spine), and decreased fetal weight (CEPA 1994)...."
http://www.ewg.org/pub/home/reports/CAMBMemo/Tox.html - Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide
Basic Toxicology and Primary Litigation Issues
By Thomas H. Milby, MD
"Hydrogen sulfide exposure with symptoms
"Mild, transitory symptoms of exposure such as headache, dizziness, and incoordination
can appear within seconds to minutes following exposure to several hundred ppm
of hydrogen sulfide gas. At higher levels, symptoms can include abrupt collapse with or
without apnea.
For the purposes of clarification, acute hydrogen sulfide neurotoxicity characterized by
sudden collapse and loss of consciousness can be considered in three increasingly
severe stages (Milby and Baselt, 1999b) ..."
SULFUR DIOXIDE "Sulfur dioxide fumes are not absorbed into the body and do not penetrate through the
skin. The toxic effects of sulfur dioxide are derived wholly from its ability to directly
irritate the eyes, the moist mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, and
the lung. Acute impairment of lung function associated with toxicologically significant
exposure to sulfur dioxide is obstructive in nature due, at least in part, to irritant-
induced bronchoconstriction. ..."
http://www.calif-legal.com/Articles/oct_article_pg2.html - Increased cardiopulmonary disease risk in a community-based sample with
chemical odor intolerance: implications for women's health and health-care utilization.
Author/s: Carol M. Baldwin, Iris R. Bell Issue: Sept-Oct, 1998
http://www.zeal.com/exit.jhtml?cid=991790&wid=60382230&so=&xr=/website/profile.jhtml%3Fcid%3D991790%26wid%3D60382230 - Internal Guidelines regarding Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness
(MCS/EI) for Disability Services at the University of Minnesota
http://www.disserv.stu.umn.edu/TC/Admin/MCS-Guidelines.html - Kidney Disease . . . it is one of the "silent killers."
From my experience, it seems that doctors warn about hypertension ruining the kidneys. What
they don't seem to get is that the kidneys can be ruined by the superfluous toxins we are forced to
breathe in day by day and that kidney disease can cause the hypertension. Too often the
medical cart is before its horse . . . or, at least, as I view it. But the money is in the drugs and procedures.As I see it, IF you are hep to kidney disease early on, you can do something about slowing down its
progress by carefully selecting safer foods. I'm also taking tincture of stinging nettle SEEDS,
which is reported to improve the glomeruli . . . but per ususal, if it's not a major drug it ain't
researched. Well, on this one, because my body cannot tolerate the petrochemical-derived
pharmaceuticals, I'm your guinea pig.I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease in July 2005, with "check out" time given as end of July 2006
because I refused to consider dialysis or transplant. We'll see for how long I can beat this death sentence. And why have I decided -- at least for now -- against dialysis? Because I am already chemically injured thanks to the day in and day out assault by fragrances used by others in my former workplace. I stupidly kept trying to educate . . . but then, I had three kids and a job seemed necessary. Besides, I'd learned enough from others that to quit and seek safer employment was folly for as soon as someone who loved to use fragrance products, learned of your disease, they'd do everything in their power to assault and harass you -- and in most workplaces, THEY are given carte blanch by the management who also love to wear "their" scents (manufactured by the self-regulated, trade-secret protected, petrochemical industry).But in the meantime, to all of you who have blood tests, be mindful of that creatinine reading,
along with your BUN, potassium and phosphorous readings and urinalysis. Make sure you keep
them as close to normal as possible for you never know when circumstances will suddenly alter
so you are dangerously spiking creatinine readings.By the bye, I'm looking for QUALITY of life, but also QUANTITY of life, therefore, I am not taking
any of the normally prescribed medications for kidney failure. I am using chiropractic and
acupuncture and I'm taking prescribed herbs and carefully controlling my diet, much as one must
if one is instead living with diabetes. Of course, the kidney specialist hastened to warn me about
doing it my way. Only time will tell if I can beat his death sentence. -- barb
- Making Sense of Scents
By Julia Kendall
SYMPTOMS PROVOKED BY FRAGRANCES INCLUDE:- watery or dry eyes, double vision,
- sneezing, nasal congestion, sinusitis,
- tinnitus, ear pain,
- dizziness, vertigo,
- coughing, bronchitis, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, laryngitis, asthma,
- anaphylaxis, headaches, seizures, fatigue, confusion, disorientation,
incoherence, short-term memory loss, inability to concentrate,
- nausea,
lethargy, anxiety, irritability, depression, mood swings, restlessness,
- rashes, hives, eczema, flushing,
- muscle and joint pain, muscle weakness,
- irregular heart beat, hypertension,
- swollen lymph glands, and more.
(Candida Research and Information Foundation, Perfume Survey, Winter 1989-90.)
http://www.ehnca.org/ehnmsofs.htm#SYMPTOMS - watery or dry eyes, double vision,
- MCS Consensus Statement, 1999 - 34 signatories
" ... [S]ymptoms associated with chemical exposures must involve multiple organ
systems, thus distinguishing MCS from specific single-organ system disorders
(e.g., asthma, migraine) that also may meet the first 5 criteria. ..."
http://www.heldref.org/aehmcs.php - MCS Referral and Resources
- BIOMARKERS of MCS -- Abnormal Medical Tests and Physical Signs
Associated with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Compiled byAlbert Donnay
- BIOMARKERS of MCS -- Abnormal Medical Tests and Physical Signs
- MCS: Think "functional impairment," not diagnosis.
by Susan Molloy
"For example, two people could have diabetes. For one, it is a minor
inconvenience. The other person is in line for amputations, blindness,
and kidney failure. Same diagnosis, different degrees of impairment.
MCS works the same way, so does asthma. So does cancer."
- MCS: What It Is, What It Is Not, And How It Is Manifested
By Shelia Bastien, PhD
http://ehnca.org/www/newreact/sbastien.htm - MCS -- What Is It Really?
http://www.mall-net.com/mcs/mcs.html[MCS] Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A 1999 Consensus
http://heldref.org/html/Consensus.html - THE MERCK MANUAL
http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/tables/307tb3v.htm - Methyl bromide
- Methyl Bromide 99.5 %
"Methyl bromide is a soil sterilant injected into soil prior to planting new grapevines.
It is extremely toxic and can kill outright if inhaled. Methyl bromide causes a significant
amount of destruction to the earth's protective ozone layer. Most methyl bromide
evaporates during and after soil fumigation and can drift off site for up to several miles.
It is colorless and odorless ..."Californians for Alternatives to Toxics
http://www.alternatives2toxics.org/tric.htm - Methyl Bromide is Extraordinarily Toxic
Environmental Working Group
"... The acute effects of methyl bromide exposure include headaches, drowsiness,
lethargy, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, twitching and convulsions,
seizures, psychosis and death. More disturbing, these effects may persist long after
a single poisoning incident (CEPA 1994). The known effects of repeated sublethal
exposure include damage to the brain, the peripheral nervous system, the respiratory
system, kidneys, liver, eyes, nose, throat, lungs and skin. Methyl bromide is also a "direct
acting mutagen" that is toxic to DNA (CEPA 1994). And methyl bromide causes
"treatment related," "biologically significant," developmental (birth) defects including
absence of gall bladders, fused sternebrae (spine), and decreased fetal weight (CEPA 1994)...."
http://www.ewg.org/pub/home/reports/CAMBMemo/Tox.html - MSDS Methyl bromide
E X T O X N E T -- Extension Toxicology Network
"... Methyl bromide, labeled with a DANGER signal word, is an extremely toxic vapor.
In humans, methyl bromide is readily absorbed through the lungs. Most problems occur
as a result of inhalation. About 1,000 human poisoning incidents caused by methyl
bromide exposure have been documented, with effects ranging from skin and eye
irritation to death. Most fatalities and injuries occurred when methyl bromide was
used as a fumigant. ...
"Methyl bromide is a dangerous cumulative poison. First symptoms often are due to
damage to the nervous system, and may be delayed from 48 hours to as long as several
months after exposure. This delay, combined with methyl bromide's lack of odor,
means that the victim may not realize that exposure is occurring until much time has passed.
"Symptoms of poisoning vary widely. Soon after inhalation of large doses, symptoms
may include headache, dizziness, nausea, chest and abdominal pain, and a dry throat.
Three to 12 hours after vapor inhalation, symptoms include slurred speech, blurred
vision, temporary blindness, mental confusion, and sweating. More severe symptoms
may include lung swelling; congestion; hemorrhaging of the brain, heart, and spleen;
severe kidney damage; and numbness. Death may occur within 1-30 hours, usually from
respiratory failure.
"Although skin absorption is not an important route for methyl bromide intoxication,
the skin is affected by contact with this chemical. Methyl bromide can cause enormous
blisters that are rarely deep enough to destroy the entire skin layer. Small amounts of
skin or eye contact brings on shortness of breath and itching. If absorbed through the
skin, nausea and vomiting may result. Clothing that can not "breathe" may delay the
evaporation of the pesticide from the skin. Continued contact with skin can cause death.
Ingestion of methyl bromide may cause hand tremors, and convulsions. ..."
- Methyl Bromide 99.5 %
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A 1999 Consensus
- Permethrin, Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids
Please, do not let the authorities, be they your governors, or workplace management or
school or healthcare facilities administrators try to convince you that any of the insecticides
in the synthetic pyrethroids are "safe" or "aren't harmful to humans," or "won't harm you."
That is a ship load of, of ... of STUFF! --barb - Chicago Wilderness Magazine
The Great Spray Debate: Spring 2003
Could synthetic sprays eliminate our best defenseagainst West Nile virus ã a healthy ecosystem?
by Arthur Melvile Pearson
"... According to the National Pesticide Information Center, inhaling pyrethroids ã
if you happened to be outdoors during spraying, for instance ã can cause its own
flu-like symptoms: "coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, runny or stuffy nose, chest
pain, or difficulty breathing...rash,itching, or blisters." Those most at risk are the
young, the elderly, those with asthma, and those with chemical sensitivity."As for long-term risks, the EPA has determined that pyrethroids are carcinogenic,
although which risk classification remains to be determined. The No Spray Coalition
reports that the various elements in Anvil are either known or suspected to be toxic to
the liver, kidneys, the gastrointestinal tract, and the respiratory tract. ..." [Emphasis added/.]
http://chicagowildernessmag.org/issues/spring2003/spraydebate.htmlCypermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid, used in "foggers." Foggers are not "safe" insecticdes.
There are no "safe" pesticides! Buyer beware! And using according to label directions
doesn't make them safe either. -- barb - Cypermethrin - MSDS
E X T O X N E T - Extension Toxicology Network
"It may cause irritation to the skin and eyes. Symptoms of dermal exposure
include numbness, tingling, itching, burning sensation, loss of bladder control,
incoordination, seizures and possible death). Pyrethroids may adversely effect
the central nervous system... "
http://pmep.cce.cornell.edu/profiles/extoxnet/carbaryl-dicrotophos/cypermet-ext.html- "... Cypermethrin (AmmoTM, CymbushTM, DemonTM)
"Cypermethrin, one of a handful of light-stable synthetic pyrethroids, is registered
to control cockroaches, fleas and other indoor pests in homes, restaurants, hospitals,
schools and food processing plants, and also in agriculture to control pests on cotton,
fruits and vegetables."
Is it also registered to sicken people? Read on . . . -- barb
"...Symptoms of cypermethrin poisoning in humans include numbness, burning, loss of
bladder control, vomiting, incoordination, seizures, coma and death. In California,
cypermethrin is the fourth most common cause of pesticide-related illness in pest control
operators. EPA classifies cypermethrin as a class C (possible human) carcinogen
(EPA, 1997). Studies in laboratory animals have shown exposure to cypermethrin to
cause reproductive effects, including abnormal sperm and disruption of sex hormones
(Cox, 1996). Cypermethrin should not be applied near water, because it is very toxic to
fish and other aquatic organisms. ..."
anaphylactic reactions, numbness of the lips and tongue, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea,
ringing in the ears and restlessness; it can also cause convulsions, which is seizures,
incoordination, and death from respiratory paralysis.
"To say that these pesticides are perfectly safe is an outrage. With Resmethrin or
Pyrethroid, it's particularly problematic, because the first death from a Pyrethroid
exposure was reported right here in New York City in 1994, just five years before
the spraying, by the current director of the New York City Poison Center. And that
article has been given to the legislators, and it is in your packet. This death was as a
result of a very brief exposure to Pyrethroid. ..." [emphasis added]
By Dr. Adrienne Buffaloe
Transcript of testimony of Dr. Adrienne Buffaloe on the effects of pesticides
on people, particularly malathion and pyrethroids based on her own evaluations of her
patients, before hearings held by a Congressional panel chaired by Congressional
representative Gerald Ackerman, of Queens NY.
And to Dr. Buffaloe's list of symptoms from pyrethrin/pyrethroid poisoning, from personal
experience, I can add Non-healing Wounds. Had the doctors flummoxed, but there was a pattern
to my spontaneously cratering sores just as there was to the tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
And my symptoms followed weekend pesticiding by my workplace. When they were off a week,
my body was off a week. Cause and effect, but no one in management gave a tinkers damn. I
wonder if that programmed spraying contributed to the cancers and other diseases shared by
other staff. I may have been the only staffer diagnosed, MCS, but I was not the only one working
with an Environmental Illness! -- barb
from the Introduction ...
"... health care providers generally receive a very limited amount of
training in occupational and environmental health, and in pesticide-related
illnesses, in particular.1 ..." [emphasis added]
"1. Institute of Medicine. Role of the Primary Care Physician in Occupational and
Environmental Medicine, Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, 1988. "
- "... Cypermethrin (AmmoTM, CymbushTM, DemonTM)
"The insecticide permethrin (in the synthetic pyrethroid family) ... is a neurotoxin.
Symptoms include tremors, incoordination, elevated body temperature, increased
aggressive behavior, and disruption of learning. Laboratory tests suggest that
permethrin is more acutely toxic to children than to adults. ..."
http://www.safe2use.com/poisons-pesticides/pesticides/permethrin/cox-report/cox.htm - Solvents in the Workplace
American Lung Association
http://www.lungusa.org/occupational/solvents.html - THE SOLVENT CONNECTION
Studies on Central Nervous System affected by solvent exposures
http://www.whis.nzl.org/snftaas/pt17.html - Symptoms of Chemical Overexposure
Many of the effects of toxic chemicals are listed below ....... "Workers, How many Symptoms have you had? When and How Often? Under what
circumstances? Did you report them to your employer? What was the response?
http://www.valdezlink.com/inipol/pages/overexposure.htm - Toxins : How they affect us
By Diana Fairechild
"The following narrative was written in 1991 by James M. Miller, M.D., as part of
Diana Fairechild's legal challenge to United Airlines for toxic chemical poisoning."The U.S. Supreme Court denied the claimant's petition for writ of certiorari on 10-06-97
and a 10-year legal effort ended with no compensation for loss of health and loss of job."
http://www.flyana.com/toxins.html - Woodlife
- Chemically Induced Diseases: Synergistic Effects and Cumulative Injuries
caused by Toxic Chemicals -- Understanding the Gulf War Syndrome and Multiple
Chemical Sensitivity [MCS]
Alexander, Hawes & Audet, LLP; By Richard Alexander, Esq.
This may seem like a stretch, but this article includes info on reactions to Woodlife. - barb
"...Champion International never advised purchasers of Woodlife, or their
employees, to be alert for an evidence of acne that was commonly associated
associated with individuals working in the application of Woodlife, or reports of
rashes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness, excessive perspiration,
conjunctivitis or crusting of the eyes, depression or memory loss, insomnia or
irritability, tingling or numbness in the extremities, blood in the urine or stool,
burning sensation in the trachea or bronchi, nose bleeds, asthma-like symptoms,
altered liver function, kidney or bladder infection or complaints, immune complaints,
ongoing infections, children born with abnormalities, low sperm count, soft tissue
sarcomas, unexplained fevers or night sweats, herpes sores or any skin disturbances
below the eyes, at the temples or at the back of the neck or ears.
"These symptoms are common signs of low level exposure to pentachlorophenol
contaminated with dioxins and should not be confused with common conditions that
have similar symptoms, such as colds or flu. ..."
http://library.lp.findlaw.com/articles/file/00083/006956/title/Subject/topic/Military%20Law_Veterans/filename/militarylaw_1_283 - Chemical Injuries: Dioxin in Pentachlorophenol:
A Case Study of Cancer Deaths in the Lumber Industry
By Richard Alexander
- Chemically Induced Diseases: Synergistic Effects and Cumulative Injuries
To top of page.
Ecology House Please respect the residents and their requests by following the instructions provided on our Ecology House page.EHN's homepage (http://ehnca.org/ehnindex.htm)
Fabric Softeners = Health Risks From Dryer Exhaust and Treated Fabrics
The New Reactor and BEST of Reactor, 1985 - 1995
Twenty Most Common Chemicals Found in Thirty-One Fragrance Products
ehnlinx.htm -- rev 3/6/99 - Cosmetic Use in Pregnancy
- Finally, Reduced Chemical Exposure For Swimming Pools & Spas
See sections: "Children should keep away from perfume" and
"Increasing frequency of perfume allergy among eczema patients"