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Z Clicking on the alpha character will take you to another page of links. Quick clicks to some topics on this page: HABs | Hair | Halifax | Harris Poll | Hate | HCWH | Headaches | Head Lice | Health | Healthy | Heart | Help Fast | Herbs | Hesperia Hoaxes | Holistic | Homeopathy | Hormone | Hospitals | Hotels | Household Products | Housing HR 1947 (SNIFF) | HRT | Hudson Institute | Huffing | Humor
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Outbound to Government LINKS
EHN does not endorse any product, service, or therapy and none is intended or implied. |
Habitat for Humanity [links worldwide]
- Habitat for Humanity, Environmental Initiatives at
Brought to you by Environmental Building News
Care Suggestions and General Information
For the chemically injured . . . and those who wish to be safer
Also see EHN's sections on Organics and Shampoos.
- I use organic Jojoba Oil on my scalp, before shampooing, as well as on my skin, massaging
- BBC News -"Hair dye cancer alert"
Wednesday, 17 April, 2002, 07:29 GMT 08:29 UK
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1934496.stm - Cosmetics and breast cancer -- look for section, "Hair dyes"
Cancer Research Center of America, Inc., By James W. Coleman, Ph.D.
http://www.cancerresearchamerica.org/cosmetics.html - Chemically Sensitive Living Store
Fragrance Free Hair Care - online shopping
http://chemsenlvng.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=TCSLS&Category_Code=FFHC - CNN Health: "Study suggests lead risk in hair dyes"
February 4, 1997; Web posted at: 1:43 p.m. EST (1843 GMT)
http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9702/04/hair.dye/ - Danish Environmental Protection Agency
2002. Survey of chemical substances in hairstyling products
DEPA's search page for "perfume inhalation" . . .
http://search.mem.dk/MSTSearch/search/default.asp?Lang=UK&q1=perfume+inhalation&SearchType=ALL - EPA's EDRI Federal Project Inventory:
63550-01a1 NonHodgkins Lymphoma‚Hair Dye and Other Exposures
http://www.epa.gov/edrlupvx/inventory/NCI-021.html - FDA on hair care products
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-hdye.html - Heading Off Hair-Care Disasters:
Use Caution With Relaxers and Dyes
By Michelle Meadows, FDA
Contains several sections of info, including Hair Color and Cancer. -- barb
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/fdahdye.htmlThe International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients
http://dg3.eudra.org/F3/inci/index.htm- Inventory of ingredients used in cosmetic products, : 1,
Includes CAS Numbers! Just look. You can get your fix for some great chemicals-- barb
- Inventory of ingredients used in cosmetic products, : 1,
- Lead Acetate in Hair Dye Products
- Formalin
Brought to you by Vaccine Information
" Don't forget ...from the Formaldehyde Institute other names it is known as:
'... Ivalon, Quaternium-15, Lysoform, Formalith, BVF, Methylene oxide, Formalin,
Morbicid, Methanal, Methyl aldehyde, Oxomethane, Formic aldehyde, Fannoform,
Fyde, Lofol, Oxymethylene, Formol, and Superlysoform...' "
http://www.vaccinetruth.org/formalin.htm - Ginesis Shampoo - Ginesis Conditioner
Through Safe2Use
http://www.safe2use.com/ginesis/shampoo/shampoo.htm - HAIR CARE -- Recipes using Essential Oils
By Spiceworld
http://www.spiceworld.uk.com/haircare.htm - Hair Products
Michigan State University Extension
http://webdesignandleasing.com/hm_hair_product.html - HealthFinder -- Lead Acetate Used in Hair Dye Products
http://www.healthfinder.gov/docs/doc03621.htm - Healthy Hair, Healthy Body, Healthy Environment poster
"A guide for people who work with hair . . . because beauty is more than skin deep"
"... one study has shown that up to 20% of hair dressers leave the business due to
allergies or dermatitis! After all that time and training, what a waste!"
Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute UMASS Lowel
http://www.turi.org/community/hairshow.html - June Russell's Health Facts - Chemical Sensitivities and Hair Dyes
http://www.jrussellshealth.com/chemsenshair.html - Magick Fragrance-Free Shampoo and Hair Care products
Including styling gel and spray
http://www.simmonsnaturals.com/magfraghairp.html - UN RADIO FEATURE PROGRAMMES: a weekly programme on women's issues
"Women's news and women's views from around the globe"
"Natural henna, which is derived from a plant, is used to enhance hair colour and
increasingly as decoration on the skin. In the Sudan, where women prefer a darker
shade of colour, a chemical form of henna is used. Dr. Iman Abubakr Osman, at the
University of Afhad in Khartoum, talks about the harms of this chemical dye both to
the consumers, as well as those who earn a living from applying the henna.
it in well. I often use baking soda as a shampoo. Otherwise, I find I can use a wide range of
Magick Botanicals products. And, I don't use hair dye, feeling I've earned my gray.
You can find documents telling you hair dye is safe. But until we stop hearing about all of
the skyrocketing rates of "UNEXPLAINED" cancers, and the likely connection with
NonHodgkins Lymphoma, I'll employ the Precautionary Principle. I like my gray streaks. -- barb
For extensive list of articles, regarding the industry-staged "counterattack"
see EHN's General Links, page A, Articles on Halifax (a few appear below)
To learn more about the Halifax "counterattack" see Another Perspective,
which includes statements of those supporting cleaner air for all, and the industry.
- C A S L E - Citizens for A Safe Learning Environment
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/casle.html - Christian Science Monitor
- When in Halifax, spare the deodorant
Ruth Walker (walkerr@csps.com)
Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor; TORONTO
- When in Halifax, spare the deodorant
- Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Councillors
- Mayor Walter R. Fitzgerald
Halifax Regional Municipality
Office of the Mayor
1841 Argyle Street
P.O. Box 1749
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 3A5
Telephone: (902) 490-4010
Fax: (902) 490-4012
E-Mail: fitzgew@region.halifax.ns.ca
- Halifax Regional Municipality
"No-Scent Makes Good Sense
"Halifax Regional Municipality has had a "No-Scent" encouragement program in
effect for the past four years. It encourages people to be aware of others who may
suffer allergies or sensitivities to fragrances found in perfumes, hair sprays,
deodorants, creams and many other personal grooming products."There has been tremendous positive feedback from the public and visitors to this
policy. However, we must emphasize that this is a "public awareness" program
only. It is not a by-law or any other form of legislation; it is not an enforceable
issue, and there are no fines or penalties. ..."
http://www.region.halifax.ns.ca//mediaroom/scents.html - Police
- Citizens for A Safe Learning Environment (CASLE)
- Presentation to the Halifax Regional School Board on the
Proposed Scent Policy; September 15, 1998
- Scent-Free Healthy Schools; September 1998
by K. Robinson
- Presentation to the Halifax Regional School Board on the
- Halifax Regional Municipality Proposed Pesticide Bylaw
- Some of the various articles ... for more, see EHN's General Links, page A,
Articles on Halifax
- Chemical dependency - Environmental illnesses: diseases for the '90s
By Betty Bridges, RN; appearing on FlipSide Alternative Daily
- The Halifax Daily News
- Scents-orship
By Nancy Radcliffe; April 12, 2000
- Environmental Illness? Nonscents!
By Nancy Radcliffe; The Halifax Daily News, April 16, 2000
- Scents-orship
- The Halifax Herald Limited
No one has outlawed the smell of money . . . yet
By Roger Taylor COMMENTARY; Tuesday, May 2, 2000
- The Hittman Chronicle
Absolute Non-Scents
By Dave Hitt
"... and even kicked out of school. ...""And the worst part of it is that MCS does not exist.
"The human body simply doesn't work that way. Exposure to toxins tends to raise
resistance, not lower it. ..."I wish he'd get his facts straight! Synthetic scents contain known irritants and sensitizers as
well as known and suspected carcinogens, teratogens and neurotoxins (adversely affect brain
and central nervous system). These chemical concoctions, sold as sexual attractants have no
place in a school, or other public venue where they can adversely pollutge the air for all.
And then about exposure to toxins . . . WOW, is this guy dangerous! I suggest he begins
Talk about your industry apologist! -- barb
http://www.davehitt.com/june00/sents.html - Mounties punish fragrant offences
By Sandra Jordan; The Observer; Sunday June 4, 2000
- National Post
- Cosmetics industry wafts into Nova Scotia's scent debate
Jonathon Gatehouse; Tuesday, April 25, 2000
- Scents and Sensibility
April 20, 2000
- Smell-sensitive teacher takes no chances, brings antidote
Armed with medication: Police not sure if school scent-policy violator will be charged
By Adrian Humphreys; Friday, April 21, 2000
- Something in the air
"Between 1989 and 1993, 800 workers at Halifax's Camp Hill Medical Centre fell sick
because of chemically contaminated air. More than 100 are still off work--and a fight is
raging over the reasons why. Kim Pittaway explores the modern fears and slippery
truths behind the environmental illness debate
First published in Chatelaine's November 1995 issue.
© Kim Pittaway
- Student may face criminal charge for wearing smelly hair gel
N.S. school has strict non-scents policy
By Shaune MacKinlay and Adrian Humphreys; The Daily News; National Post; Wednesday, April 19, 2000
- Cosmetics industry wafts into Nova Scotia's scent debate
- Nova Scotia Allergy and Environmental Health Association
There's a lot of valuable information available through this site! -- barb
http://www.environmentalhealth.ca/- Fragrance Industry Fights to Regain N. S. Market
UPdate June 2000
" It started with the Wall Street Journal. ..."
http://www.environmentalhealth.ca/june00perfume.html - MCS Would Be Bad Enough Without Derisive Attacks From Skeptical Ignorami
By Charles W. Moore
- Fragrance Industry Fights to Regain N. S. Market
- Scent Censoring Incenses
Critic says Policies are Halifax's Mania
By Shaune MacKinlay; The Daily News; April 16, 2000
- Scents and Senselessness
by Michael Fumento; The American Spectator; April 1, 2000
- For another perspective, see
Senselessness about Scents or
A Wilkie by any other spelling ...
- For another perspective, see
- University of Kings College, School of Journalism
Chemically sensitive people redefine their lives
"... 'Environmental illness is fact, not fiction,' says Dr. Roy Fox, director of the
Environmental Health Clinic in Fall River. Fox was at the Dartmouth General Hospital
on Feb. 17 talking about the illness, its cause its symptoms and treatments.
"People who suffer from environmental illness and chemical sensitivity or multiple
chemical sensitivity (MCS) are people who have a lower threshold to chemicals than
others and experience severe symptoms due to exposure.
"Fox says approximately five per cent of North Americans suffer from environmental
illness and chemical sensitivity, while another 16 -- 18 per cent may get some symptoms
of the disease.
"'As a species,' says Fox, 'all of us are environmentally sensitive -- after all, we all build
houses to escape the elements. Some of us are just more sensitive than others.'
"Fox says some of the symptoms of environmental illness and chemical sensitivity include
inflammation of the nose, sinus pain, coughing, shortness of breath and
even the change in the ability to think clearly. He calls this 'brain fog.'
"'Brain fog is a change in the emotional state,' says Fox. 'A person might experience
shivering spells, hot flushes, blurred vision, one's hearing might become extremely
sensitive to sounds, cramping, diarrhea and an irritated bladder.' "
http://novanewsnet.ukings.ns.ca/stories/99-00/000218/mcs.htm - The Wall Street Journal
One City Turns Up Its Nose Against the Use of Perfumes
By Larry M. Greenberg; Copyright 1999 Wall Street Journal; July 28, 1999
- WSFA, Montgomery, Alabama
Some say a popular perfume is a health danger!!
-- end Halifax links --
- Chemical dependency - Environmental illnesses: diseases for the '90s
- Hanford Health Information Network (HHIN)
The Network was created to provide information on the known and potential health
effects of the radioactive releases from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, located in
south central Washington state, from 1944 to 1972.
- FAQs
- Hanford Health Information Archives http://www.hhia.org/
- FAQs
- History of Hanford Operations -- A Beginning Chronology
- Hanford Nuclear Site: Related Websites
Website by David A. Sonnenfeld, WSU Dept. of Sociology
Feedback & suggestions: sonn@wsu.edu
Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs)- Harmful Algae Blooms - US Distribution
http://www.redtide.whoi.edu/hab/habdistribution/habmap.html - Marine Biotoxins
".... four HAB problems that are under investigation at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center
BR> http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/hab/biotoxins.htm - The Marine Mammal Center?
Hate Crimes
Do the law enforcement officers, school administrators, workplace management teams, health care
administrators, et al., around this country understand the nature of the hate crimes perpetrated
against the already chemically injured? We are disabled by chemicals you may think of as
benign, but believe me, that simply means you have a lot to learn. At least word is now getting out
on the harmful effects of pesticides, but the ignorance that continues to be shown by the
powers that be amazes me.I keep asking myself: If county health officials, members of the local police, doctors, and various
management teams are still clueless about the effects of pesticides, acute and chronic, then how can
I expect them to understand about poisoning someone by perfume? Nonetheless, I fully expect
that they will use EHN's site to educate themselves about the toxins in pesticides and perfumes
and then PROTECT those who have filed complaints against neighbors, colleagues, peers, and
even members of management, who engage in hate crimes against the already chemically injured.
take the form of spraying pesticides on windy days so the chemicals spread, paint without
warning, dump their paint clean-up on the property of the already injured, spray perfume
around the work area of the individual, spray a fellow student in the face with perfume, spray
pesticides or fragrances outside of doors, use fabric softeners at such a time as to adversely
affect the health of the person the hate is directed against,... etc.Frankly, I've come to learn through my own experiences and those of others, that there is no limit
to their imaginative means of further poisoning us. This has got to stop! And, it is up to the
people with authority, to start believing the already chemically disabled people when we
try to report such actions. Please do not dismiss us, further stultify us. We are not insane, but
lack of concern and action by authority is maddening.To those in authority, I plead: Think of us as having a violent act committed against us. As
with others under such circumstances, we become desperate, we may not be seen by you as fully
rational at the moment. That would be a given for anyone suffering a traumatic event. But,
it is more than just the emotional jolt that is normal to any other human being who has been hurt
and intimidated by another, we have become poisoned by the chemicals that include
NEUROTOXINS.Neurotoxins adversely affect the brain and the nervous systems. And knowing that, folks, is how
I got myself through my years of harassment by a very few managers and colleagues -- it only
takes one to pollute air and body. I told myself they were mentally affected by the very poisons
they used and weren't in their "right" minds. Believe me, I had to remind myself of that daily
and I didn't care whether that was a vialble excuse for their heinous actions, it kept me going
in the workplace where I had to remain civil to them. Why not contact a lawyer, you might ask.
I did. Several. A chemically disabled individual, it seems, is fair game. And from the request
for help that I get, I don't see that changing. Yet.For those wishing to deal with toxic tort cases -- ATTORNEYS and clients -- please read,
Chemical Injury and the Courts by Linda Price King
For more information, see EHN's pages:
Take Heart!
Accommodation and access guidelines from cities, police, hospitals, workplaces, schools ...
-- barb
- HateCrimeNetwork
http://hate-crime.website-works.com/overview.htm - Hate Crime Resources
"Hate crime is defined as 'the violence of intolerance and bigotry,
intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race,
ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.' "
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
http://www.ncjrs.org/hate_crimes/summary.html - Definition of a Hate Incident
Anti-Defamation League
"Hate-motivated incidents are defined as behavior which constitutes
an expression of hostility against the person or property of another
because of the victim's race, religion, disability, gender, ethnicity or
sexual orientation. However, hate-motivated incidents include those
actions that are motivated by bias, but do not meet the necessary
elements required to prove a crime. This may include such behavior
as nonthreatening name calling, using racial slurs or disseminating
racist leaflets. "
http://www.adl.org/prejudice/prejudice_hate_crime.html - The Tomato Effect
Film in progress by the daughter of environmental illness doctor, Zane Kime. Did this
great doctor pay the ultimate price of a hate crime? One thing known: He died. -- barb
http://www.rabble-rouser.com/- About
http://www.rabble-rouser.com/about.html - News and Press
- About
- Donate
- X-reme Science
Exploring Oceans, Volcanoes and Outter Space
http://explorers.bishopmuseum.org/xtreme/ - Northwest Hawaiian Island Reserve
Malama Hawaii.
Tyrone Hayes
UC Berkeley Biologist who found Atrazine linked to deformed sexual organs of frogs
- Atrazine-Induced Hermaphroditism at 0.1 PPB in American Frogs (Rana pipiens):
Laboratory and Field Evidence
Environmental Health Perspectives; Volume 111, Number 4;April 2003
http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/members/2003/5932/5932.html - Hermaphrodite Frogs Caused By Popular Weed Killer?
By Bijal P. Trivedi; National Geographic Today
"April 16, 2002 Atrazine, a top selling weed killer in the United States and the world, has
been found to dramatically affect the sexual development of male frogs, turning them
into hermaphroditesãcreatures with both male and female organsãat concentrations
30 times lower than those deemed safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ..."
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/04/0416_020416_TVfrog.html - Minnesota Center for Environment Advocacy
http://www.mncenter.org/p.asp?WebPage_ID=7- Popular Pesticide Faulted for Frogs' Sexual Abnormalities
6/18/2003 Jennifer Lee The New York Times Ý Scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency say there is "sufficient evidence" to conclude that the country's most widely used pesticide, atrazine, causes sexual abnormality in frogs. http://www.mncenter.org/p.asp?WebPage_ID=24&Profile_ID=258
- Popular Pesticide Faulted for Frogs' Sexual Abnormalities
- Profile: Hopping Mad
A frog biologist battles an agrichemical giant
by Kerry Tremain; Sierra Club
http://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/200407/profile.asp - New Study Finds Very Low Levels of Exposure to Common Herbicide Causes
Sex Reversal, Hermaphroditism in Frogs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brandon Adams (919-541-5466); 23 October 2002
http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/press/atrazine.html - The Story of Syngenta & Tyrone Hayes at UC Berkeley: The Price of Research
A Berkeley Scientist Says a Corporate Sponsor Tried to
Bury his Unwelcome Findings and Then Buy His SilenceÝ
By GOLDIE BLUMENSTYK / The Chronicle of Higher Education v.50, i.10, 31oct03
An Introduction to Chemical Hazards in the Workplace
" ... What makes a chemical toxic?"The toxicity of a substance is its ability to cause harmful effects. These
effects can strike a single cell, a group of cells, an organ system, or the
entire body. A toxic effect may be visible damage, or a decrease in
performance or function measureable only by a test. All chemicals
can cause harm. When only a very large amount of the chemical can
cause damage, the chemical is considered to be relatively non-toxic.
When a small amount can be harmful, the chemical is considered toxic.
"The toxicity of a substance depends on three factors: its chemical structure,
the extent to which the substance is absorbed by the body, and the body's
ability to detoxify the substance (change it into less toxic substances) and
eliminate it from the body.
"Are "toxic" and "hazardous" the same? "No. ..."
http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ohb/HESIS/uts.htm?- California's Occupational Health Branch (OHB)
The 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA)
http://www.pprc.org/pprc/sbap/facts/189haps.htmlHazardous Chemicals, Glossary by Lifekind
Northern Maine Technical College Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
This site only states that they have the MSDS on hand ... but you should see the
common products listed as hazardous. -- barb
http://www.nmtc.net/library/msds/msds1.htmHAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES
If URL below doesn't work, search The US Code for "Hazardous Substances" under
Head Lice
Beware of pesticides! Some contain malathion. Following are some suggestions via links for
dealing with head lice. Remember, they do not harm us or our pets . . . pesticides can harm us and
our pets. I believe it is your right AND your obligation, to yourself, to your family and to the
world around you, to investigate alternative methods to pest control. -- barb
American Head Lice Information Center
- Sample of book, Head Lice to Dead Lice
http://www.headliceinfo.com/book_sample.htm - Controversial issues regarding head lice treatmentsä
They sayäwe sayä
"The Lice Ladies at headliceinfo.com respectfully disagree with some of their esteemed colleagues
over some issues in the treatment and prevention of head lice. ..."
An informative AND interesting site! -- barb
Not Nice to Lice® from Get Set, Inc.
Steve Tvedten
Not Nice to Lice® from Safe2Use.
Steve Tvedten
Poisons contained in over-the-counter head lice treatments
World In Action
- Note: click on Quotes when you visit this site.
Toxic Pest Control (stories of the hazards of ...)
Also see Migraines
- American Association for the Study of Headache (AASH)
- Headache FAQ sheet
- Headache FAQ sheet
- The American Council for Headache Education (1.800.255.2243)
- One of their stated goals: "To promote research into potential headache causes and treatments. "
[Why not give them a call or drop them a line via snail if you feel that one of the
easiest ways to avoid a headache is to avoid fragrant products -- personal care and
cleaning? It seems they've yet to learn chemical sensitivity is not "allergy" and that
prevention is an ideal alternative. -- barb]
National Headache Foundation
428 W. St. James Place, 2nd Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60614-2750- National Headache Foundation
Educational Resources - Headache - Frequently Asked Questions
"The cause of migraine is believed to be chemical reactions in the brain." How about all of the volatilizing petrochemical-derived fragrances you are forced to smell? -- barb http://www.headaches.org/consumer/generalinfo/headachefaq.html
- National Headache Foundation
- HeadTalk
- The premonitory symptoms (prodrome): a tertiary care study of 893 migraineurs.
Kelman L.
- Councillors
HEAL (Human Ecology Action League, Inc.)
- CSSS - Chemical Sensitivity Service & Souppor Group - Phoenix
http://www.geocities.com/phxheal/index.htm- Housing Info
http://www.geocities.com/phxheal/housinginfo.htm - Newsletter Archive
- Housing Info
- Fragrance and Health
"One in five Americans may experience harm from fragrance exposures!"
http://hometown.aol.com/healnatnl/myhomepage/index.html - HEAL On-Line - THE Supplement - Index
http://www.pronetisp.net/~jkosta/hsindex.html - HEALinks: Environmental science and health on-line
- HealServices
- The Human Ecologist - recent issue index
http://members.aol.com/heal3/page3/index.htm - The Human Ecologist - back issue index
http://members.aol.com/HEALServic/index.html - HEAL - Southern Arizona
By Miriam Finkel, Kata Orndorff, Ariel Barfield, and Faith Spaulding
Ecologic News, Volume 17, No. 2, Spring 1999 -- in RTF
http://www.cybercil.com/library/mcsBldgMats.rtf - HUD blurb . . . about Twin Cities HEAL
"Persons with Environmental Illness or Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
The Twin Cities Human Ecology Action League (HEAL) chapter is planning to
develop affordable, non-toxic housing for lower income people with El/MCS.
HEAL is working toward increased awareness of the disease, new legislation for
indoor air quality, increased research on the cause, effects and treatment, toxic
housing remedies, development of new non-toxic housing, and a registry of such
housing for use by those with El/MCS. "
Healing Our World
"Dr. Lucas: 'Oh, Victoria, I totally sympathize with you. I have the same triggers.
Sometimes I have to ask patients - they probably think I'm a mean doctor - to quit
wearing certain types of perfumes, ones with flowery scents that are very, very strong . . ."
Also see EHN's section, Bills of Rights
and EHN's Take Heart! / Hospitals
- aHealthyMe
In the News (health facts)
http://www.ahealthyme.com/article/bellhowell/101142648- Artists Face Unique Health and Safety Risks
- Artists Face Unique Health and Safety Risks
- California Citizens for Health
Frank Cuny
- American College of Domiciliary Midwives
"... I am a Mennonite midwife practicing lawfully under the religious exemptions clause
but none-the-less was the object of a 5-month MBC covert operation in 1991. ..."
- California SB 2100 Passes Assembly Health Committee
"July 2000 - California Senate Bill 2100 has passed the California Assembly Health Committee, a
major step that hopefully will lead to final passage of the bill. Previous medical freedom legislation
has not passed this stage. ..."
- Fluoridation -- Call for national hearings!
- American College of Domiciliary Midwives
- Case Management Resource Guide:
Search for health care services, pharmaceuticals, rehab, long term & elder care ...
Children's Environmental Health Coalition
Check out their HealtheHouse and First Steps. Prevention is the name of the game! -- barb
http://www.checknet.org - Citizens For Health
"We expand your health care choices because you have a right to:
Choose your physicians, including naturopaths, homeopaths, chiropractors,
acupuncturists and others providing alternative therapies.Choose treatments, including vitamin supplements, herbs, homeopathy and
other nonconventional modalities.Purchase vitamins, herbs and other supplements easily and in the dosages you
require.Obtain water that is free of toxins and harmful chemicals.
Eat natural foods grown and prepared without pesticides, hormones or antibiotics
Be fully informed if foods for purchase have been irradiated or genetically
engineered.Be fully informed on issues affecting your freedom of choice."
- Colorado Health Site aka Colorado HealthNet
- Health and Habitat
"Health & Habitat's purpose is to promote a holistic approach to life, health, and the
environment, and to help achieve a healthy state of equilibrium through education,
research, conservation of natural resources, and public charity. Health & Habitat has
raised and distributed over one million dollars in support of its projects. ..."
http://www.butterflylodge.org/index.html- Rainforest Preservation in Amazonian Ecuador
http://www.butterflylodge.org/pages/project.html - Butterfly Lodge
- Rainforest Preservation in Amazonian Ecuador
- Health Care Harm to staff and to patients
All doctor's offices, hospitals and other health care facilities that do not have fragrance-free and
pesticide-free faciities are practicing health care WITH harm.The already chemically injured do not have REAL access to facilities that use standard scented
and pesticide products, which includes disinfectants. Safer alternatives are available. They should
be used, as hospitals treat people with with adverse health events which include the upper and
lower respiratory system, heart and blood pressure problems, neurological problems, digestive
problems, cancers, and MCS . . . just to name a few diseases adversely affected by perfumes.Perhaps we should take a closer look at the rising rates of chronic diseases . . . and also look at rising
rates of iatrogenesis -- doctor-caused disease and premature death. Isn't it about time that all
doctor's offices and other healthcare faciliities invoke the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE?People, regardless of health issue, have a right to health care that will NOT make them sicker.
We ALL are stakeholders when it comes to brathing. -- barb - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE
"Scent-Sensitive Nurse Sues LDS"
BY MICHAEL VIGH; Tuesday, October 15, 2002
"LDS Hospital nurse Susan Bell says she suffered for more than a year from daily
headaches, eye irritation, swelling of her face and lips and other symptoms because
her co-workers doused themselves in perfume or cologne.
"Bell, 57, says she became the office laughingstock for supervisors and colleagues,
some of whom continued to bathe in their perfumes even after she told them it made
her sick. She worked at the hospital for more than a decade before she took a disability
leave in March 2001.
"Last week, the Eagle Mountain woman filed a lawsuit against the hospital in U.S. District
Court, claiming supervisors failed to adequately accommodate her and enforce their
own policy prohibiting the wearing of heavy perfumes.
"I have allergic and severe reactions to fragrances and paints," Bell said in a statement to
the Utah Labor Commission's anti-discrimination division. "I complained to my
supervisors . . . and they promised to fix the problem, yet no action was taken and every
day I was sick at work.' ..." ... Annette Green, [former] executive director of the Fragrance Foundation in New York,
has said the restrictions are much ado about nothing, arguing perfume does not
pollute the air and does not contain carcinogens, as cigarettes do."
[Emphasis added as I wonder, who is kidding whom? Analyses prove Green WRONG! -- barb]
- Health Care Industry
- Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)
NOTE: Several people had been working together as members of the Health Affected
Workers (HAW) group. Our energies were directed toward the issues of lessening pesticide
and fragrance pollution in hospitals and healthcare facilities. To support our efforts, which
includes conference calls, and plans for report publishing, please donate by sending
your checks marked, HAW: Pesticides, Fragrances & Cleaners to:
Health Care Without Harm
1755 "S" St., NW, Suite 6B
Washington, DC 20009
Just remember: Every little bit helps. Thank you! -- barb
Now, visit: Pesticides, Fragrances & Cleaners (April 6, 2003)
Share this work with your healthcare providers. -- barb
http://www.noharm.org/pesticidesCleaners/issue - Healthy Communications - Health, Awareness and Harmony
Shelley Kramer
Public Health and Cancer Prevention Educator
Los Angeles Director of the Cancer Prevention Coalition
888 377 8877
310 457 5176
Fax 310 883 2082
email: helthcom@aol.com
http://www.healthy-communications.com/- Cancer Treatments, Preventions and Causes
http://www.healthy-communications.com/pagecancer.html - Cancer Shock in Cosmetics -- This News article appeared in the
UTUSAN - Konsumer - newspaper article, published December 1998
Healthy Communications.com.
http://www.healthy-communications.com/konsumer1.html - Dr. Epstein's releases and quotes
http://www.healthy-communications.com/epstein'spage.html - THE FACTS... AND WHAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT!
What's Really In Your Personal Hygiene and Beauty Products?
- Cancer Treatments, Preventions and Causes
- Healthy Hospitals - Controling Pests Without Harmful Pesticides
Written by Kagan Owens, Beyond Pesticides
A Report by Beyond Pesticides and Health Care Without Harm
HTML: http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:XyGqMbed3cEJ:www.noharm.org/details.cfm%3FID%3D864%26type%3Ddocument+ATSDR,+Interagency+MCS+Paper&hl=en&ie=UTF-8PDF: http://www.noharm.org/details.cfm?ID=864&type=document
- The national office at the Health Care Without Harm
http://www.noharm.org/ - Who We Are
- Aggregate Exposures to Phthalates in Humans -10-Jul-02
A 50-someodd page report as a PDF file, which includes reference to perfume, etc.. -- barb
http://www.noharm.org/details.cfm?type=document&id=662 - CHILDREN, PREGNANT WOMEN NEED IMMEDIATE PROTECTION FROM
Industry accuses agency of trying to „destroy market¾ for toxic phthalate that is
widely used in everyday products
http://www.noharm.org/details.cfm?type=document&id=708 - An Environmental Rx for the Health Care Industry
"[A]n international coalition of nurses,physicians, public health experts, environmental
justice organizations, labor unions, hospitals, universities, breast cancer and
endometriosis activists, religious leaders and food safety advocates working to
reform the environmental and public health practices of the health care industry.
- Health Care Without Harm, The Campaign For
Environmentally Responsible Health Care writes about Steven Milloy ...
"... Milloy is the man who disparaged the memories of Senator John Chaffee and
Dr. David Rall after their deaths and castigated the European Commission for Health
and Consumer Protection for its efforts to use precaution and protect children from
toxic chemicals. Thus, we should not be too surprised that our efforts to protect hospital
patients should be a subject of Milloy's sneering vitriol. But the issue of PVC medical
products is not something to be mocked. ..."
Books -- - Generations at Risk: Reproductive Health and the Environment
http://www.igc.org/psr/gar-proj.htm - In Harm's Way - Toxic Threats to Child Development
http://www.igc.org/psr/ihw.htm - No room to breathe!
http://www.igc.org/psr/nrtb.htm - Highlights of Recent Projects 2002
- The national office at the Health Care Without Harm
- Health Canada
- Cosmetics Programs
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ehp/ehd/psb/cosmetics/kit.htm#policies- Food and Drug Act - Cosmetics
http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/F-27/52692.html#rid-52743 - General Information on the Sale of Cosmetics in Canada
- Food and Drug Act - Cosmetics
- Cosmetics Programs
- The Health Connection
http://www.thehealthconnection.com- Multiple Chemical Sensitvities
The Health Connection; Contributed by Cyndi Norman, M.A.
- Multiple Chemical Sensitvities
- Health and Environment Resource Center
- The Clarion, Edited by Sharon Wachsler
- MSDS - Make the Connection: Health & Environment
- The Clarion, Edited by Sharon Wachsler
- Health Effects of ISOCYANATES,
From: Preventing Asthma and Death from Diisocyanate Exposure
(Irritation, Sensitization and Asthma, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, Cancer)
- Health Effects Notebook for Hazardous Air Pollutants
Provides a lengthy list of chemicals and their CAS numbers -- a few are given below. -- barb
http://www.epa.gov/ttn/uatw/hapindex.html- BENZENECAS# 71-43-2
http://www.epa.gov/ttn/uatw/hlthef/benzene.html - PHENOLCAS# 108-95-2
http://www.epa.gov/ttn/uatw/hlthef/phenol.html - XYLENES(1) CAS# 1330-20-7
- BENZENECAS# 71-43-2
- Health Hazards
- „Where are Environmental Hazards?¾
by Holly S. Anthony
- Health in Hospitals ...
- Jewish Hospital, Louisville accommodates MCS
- Jewish Hospital, Louisville accommodates MCS
- Health House
490 Concordia Avenue, St. Paul, MN, 55103-2441
(877) 521-1791, (800) 642-5864 within MN, Fax (651) 281-0242
- Health Medicine Forum
Len Saputo, M.D. - Director HMF, 1776 Ygnacio Valley Rd, Suite 105
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Phone (925) 934-7311 - Fax (925) 937-9552
E-mail -- hmf@healthmedicine.org
- Attend monthly meetings in Jack London Square!
- Attend monthly meetings in Jack London Square!
- Health links through Yahoo
- HEATH Resource Center
American Council on Education
One Dupont Circle NW, Washington, DC 20036
phone: (800) 544-3284 (V/TTY) … e-mail: heath@ace.nche.edu
http://www.acenet.edu/programs/heath/home.cfm- Students with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness:
An Accommodation Challenge
"... The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) defines a person with a
disability as anyone with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits
one or more major life activities. If a student's functional ability is severely limited by
the symptoms of MCS/EI, he or she would be considered a person with a disability
under the ADA, and campus support staff must provide reasonable
accommodations so that there will be access to the program. ..."
- Students with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Environmental Illness:
- Health Track
Sections for Your Health, Your Community and Your Right To Know -- please take a
minute to inform Health Track that fragrances do cause and trigger asthma.
Trust for America's Health
1707 H Street, NW
7th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
p (202) 223-9870
f (202) 223-9871
http://healthyamericans.org/- Priorities in Prevention - a PDF file
Responding to the Asthma Epidemic … September 2000
Not ONE mention of the words fragrance, perfume, air 'freshener.' They should start looking
under their noses! At least, they are starting to get it when it comes to pesticides: "... A
related, but unproven,17 theory is that high household pesticide levels could be partially linked to
asthma. ..." But that's not the end of my criticism: They use OLD data! They wrote: " ... Overall,
the disease affects about 14.5 million Americans, including roughly 5% of U.S. adults.4, 5 Inhalant
Allergens. ..." In the mid 1990s, it was 14.5, now it's more like 17.3 million and soaring. See
EHN's section on Statistics at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/s.htm#Statistics -- barb
- Priorities in Prevention - a PDF file
Responding to the Asthma Epidemic … September 2000
- Health Watch, Immune Support
- http://www.immunesupport.com/
- Low-Level Chemical Exposures:A Challenge for Science and Policy
- Low-Level Chemical Exposures:A Challenge for Science and Policy
- Healthier Hospitals
Book by Toni Temple, available from EHN
- Healthier Hospitals -- Toni Temple's
Available through ONFCI and also through EHN
- See ONFCI's press release:
- Healthier Hospitals manual is credited as a resource in Mercy Hospitals (California) protocol for MCS
- Healthier Hospitals -- Toni Temple's
Available through ONFCI and also through EHN
- HealthSurfing's story on Lynn Lawson
- Aerosol Hazards: Untested chemicals make some sick by NBC5DFW
A special treat: Lynn Lawson is interviewed. However, NBC5DFW's report is not quite
accurate. Lynn IS safe in her home, which is not more toxic than outdoors, and she doesn't
"prefer spending her days outdoors" (winter in Illinois is pretty cold). Lynn tells us: "What
I am spraying in our kitchen is a bottle filled with vinegar and water, not an aerosol." Also, she
provided the producer a lot of info on fragrances, which wound up on the cutting room floor because
the producer needed to stick to her topic: aerosols and air fresheners.-- barb)
HealthWorld Online - Aerosol Hazards: Untested chemicals make some sick by NBC5DFW
- Healthy Travel
- Traveling with the Family- Hints from an Herbalist Mom
- Traveling with the Family- Hints from an Herbalist Mom
- Melissa Kaplan's Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases
Surgery, Anesthesia and CFS/FM/MCS
http://www.anapsid.org/cnd/drugs/anesthesia.html - Personal Health Zone
http://www.personalhealthzone.com/- Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings About Herbs
Check this out! Talk the herbal info over with your health care practioner. -- barb
http://www.personalhealthzone.com/herbsafety.html- This is just one link of a long list of links to info about herbs used in treatment. . .
- Lemongrass Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings
- Lemongrass Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings
- Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings About Herbs
- Your Own Health & Fitness
Layna Berman
Tapes to order. -- barb
- Healthy Travel
- "A Healthy Tomorrow Begins Today"
Nevada State Health Division
http://www.state.nv.us/health/ - Achieving Healthy Indoor Air
"In 1988, the American Thoracic Society and the American Lung Association convened
an interdisciplinary workshop on improving indoor air quality (IAQ) and health. The
workshop was prompted by the emerging literature on the health effects of air pollution,
and by the need for a critical review of the evidence on control strategies directed at
the adverse health consequences of indoor air pollution. The focus of the 1988
workshop was primarily on specific pollutants; also addressed were source control and
building-related problems. A workshop report was published in 1990 in the American
Review of Respiratory Disease (1). The target audience for the workshop included the
many health professionals providing clinical care to patients with respiratory diseases,
the American Lung Association and its constituents, and the wide range of other
professionals concerned with indoor air quality. . . ...."Control of pollution sources is incomplete if the odors from the occupants are not
minimized. Perfumes are among the most difficult to control since they are perceived by
their users as pleasurable. Personal rights and preferences for perfumed products
must be evaluated against the discomfort that scents cause for some people. The
odoriferous materials are highly volatile synthetic chemicals; in effect, they contribute
to the total VOCs. Scented personal products are not limited to perfumes; they include
residual scents on clothing from detergents and fabric softeners, soaps, shampoos,
deodorants, skin lotions, and cosmetics. The only successful method of control is to
eliminate these odors, either by avoiding their use, as with perfumes, or by using
unscented products. ...""...The particular agents to which persons with MCS allege hypersensitivity vary from
person to person, with the agents to which any patient claims susceptibility frequently
varying over time, and possibly including substances such as fine fragrances that others
may find desirable and pleasurable. The natural history of MCS has not been
described. Anecdotal reports indicate that over long periods of removal from exposure
to offending chemicals, persons with MCS may gradually return to normal. The role
of avoidance in the condition has not been well-characterized."The mechanisms leading to MCS remain uncertain, and exposure reduction may be the
only relief from symptoms for many MCS sufferers. Control measures to improve
indoor air quality for the population generally would also apply to this group of people.
Specific approaches for home environments of persons with MCS would be person-
specific and require individual guidance. Persons with MCS have formed their own
support networks for exchange of information on managing symptoms by physical
control of the environment. Typically, the home environments of many patients with
MCS are sparsely furnished, and rigid dust control is maintained; as well, there is an
absence of chemical products and of fleecy materials. Because of the ambiguous nature
of MCS and the changing spectrum of substances to which the patient with MCS
exhibits symptoms, there is little to make in the way of specific recommendations for
exposures to particular agents. Systematic research using sound methods has been
recommended to define and manage this poorly understood condition. "
http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/cgi/content/full/156/3/S33 - Establishing a Healthy Home
by Bruce M. Small, P.Eng.
http://www.lovepsychics.com/Global_Life_Symposium/bruce_small.htm#healthy - Healthy Building Network
http://www.healthybuilding.net/- Healthy Building Network
CCA (Info Page of Links)
- Healthy Building Network
- Healthy Buildings 2000
Aug 6 -10, 2000; Finland
http://www.hb2000.org/ - Healthy Cabinets
CKD Pioneers Hypoallergenic Kitchen Design
- Healthy Child OnLine
(This site has an extensive search feature ... you'll enjoy using it. -- barb)
- Do Vaccines Disable The Immune System?
by Randall Neustaedter, O.M.D., L.Ac.
- Vaccinations - What You Don't Know Could Hurt Your Children
- Do Vaccines Disable The Immune System?
- Healthy Communications
Shelley Kramer
http://www.healthy-communications.com- Your Right To Know
http://www.healthy-communications.com/rightoknowsidebar.html - Healthy Days Online
"Your source for quality vitamins, minerals,nutitional supplements at discount prices. "
http://healthydaysonline.com/ - Healthy Flying With Diana Fairechild
http://www.flyana.com/ - Healthy Home
Also see EHN's "Building"
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/b.htm#Building- Healthy home brochure by Environmental Health Coalition of Western Mass.
Creating a Healthy Home
10 = $2.25
25 = $5.50
50 = $8.50
100 = 13.50
Checks payable to EHCWM/ISIS
Mail to:
Environmental Health Coalition of Western Massachusetts
P.O. Box 614
Leverett, MA 01054 - Healthy Home Services - Canada
Safer products for every room in the house and your garden too. -- barb
http://www.healthyhomeservices.ca/default.cfm - Healthy Homes - Vermont and Hawaii
http://www.healthy-homes.com/index.html- Healing MCS
http://www.healthy-homes.com/healing.htm - The Most Dangerous Home Toxics
- Healing MCS
- Healthy home brochure by Environmental Health Coalition of Western Mass.
- "Healthy Hotels"
SF Bay Guardian:
- On The Road Healthy Hotels
- Healthy House Institute
http://www.hhinst.com/- A few of their many, valuable links . . .
- Healthy House Institute Archives
http://www.hhinst.com/archives.html - Indoor Air Pollution: It's Time to Clean Up Our Act
Published in Greenkeeping, May/June 1992, p.12.
by John Bower (copyright 1992)
- Selling Homes to Allergic and Chemically Sensitive Clients
Published in Rockwell Report, January 1998, p. 12.
by Lynn Bower (Copyright 1997)
http://www.hhinst.com/ArtRockwell.htmlThe Healthy House Institute ORDER FORM
http://www.hhinst.com/orders.html - The Healthy House Quiz
- Healthy House Institute Archives
- Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes
- Healthy Kids
Suggestions for Accommodation at School
By Ellie Goldberg, MEd
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/mcsschac.htm- Icons/Logos you can use
- Icons/Logos you can use
- HealthyLivingIntl
http://www.healthylivingintl.com/index.htm- if Looks Could Kill
From The Cosmetic Health Report Newsletter
by Judi Vance
"...The deodorant soap has a pH of 9, which removes the protective acid mantle of the
skin making it more alkaline and therefore, more vulnerable to penetration. It also
contains ammonia, formaldehyde and phenol, which are known carcinogens and
triclocarban, which is under suspicion of being a cancer causing agent with daily use...."
http://www.healthylivingintl.com/bath/newsletter.htmWould You... Wash their hair and brush their teeth with brake fluid,
engine degreaser or antifreeze? [picture of two young boys]
You probably are and don't know it!
- if Looks Could Kill
- Healthy People, Healthy Places
New website of Peggy Wolff (3/03)
Do explore! -- barb
http://www.healthypeoplehealthyplaces.com - Your Own Health & Fitness
Tapes to order. -- barb
- Hippocrates - Magazine
"Hippocrates Magazine ceased publication in March 2001." The following links still work 01/03, including the 02/02 announcement of its "relaunch."-- barb
http://www.hippocrates.com/- Healing the Heart
A Columbia cardiac surgeon advocates age-old remedies.
By Nancy Waring
- Massachusetts Medical Society Announces Re-launch of Hippocrates
"Waltham, MA ã February 7, 2000 ã The Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS),
publisher of The New England Journal of Medicine, announces the re-launch of
Hippocrates, the Society's primary care journal. The MMS acquired Hippocrates
last year to further serve the information needs of primary care physicians.
" ' In the year since we acquired Hippocrates, our goal has been to create a forum for
ideas and issues relevant to the practice of primary care,' said Harry Greene II, MD,
Executive Vice President of the Massachusetts Medical Society. 'The March issue reflects
a year of hard work and thought on how we can contribute to the patient/physician
experience.' ..."
http://www.hippocrates.com/running/pressreleases/relaunch.html - Site Map
- Healing the Heart
A Columbia cardiac surgeon advocates age-old remedies.
By Nancy Waring
- The Modern Oath of Hippocrates
The Gersten Institute
"... [O]ath did not originate from the AMA. ..."
http://www.imagerynet.com/hippo.ama.html - The Oath of Hippocrates
The Gersten Institute
- Hippocrates - Magazine
- Healthy Indoor Air for America's Homes
Prepared by: Kathleen Parrott, Ph.D., Associate Professor/Housing Extension Specialist
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Quoting Script for transparency #3
Indoor air quality can be impacted by some chemicals used to clean, protect, maintain, and
decorate the home and its furnishings, for personal care and grooming, and for hobbies.
Products can release chemicals into the air during use, as the product dries or cures, or off
gas as the products age.
Examples of household products that could be an indoor air quality problem:paints cleaning products hobby products varnishes disinfectants cosmetics and personal care products waxes degreasers strippers pesticides caulking adhesives air fresheners
- Write to Surgeon General David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D.
- Press Releases
http://www.healthyschools.org/news.html - Guides and Materials you can order from us
http://www.healthyschools.org/guides_materials.html - What you can do - WHAT PARENTS AND OTHERS
- Traveling with the Family- Hints from an Herbalist Mom
-- end healthy --
By the bye, fragrance chemicals can cause a glich in the heart beat, heart palpitations
and spikes or percipitous drops in blood preassure. I've known of several folks who were
exposed to perfumes, had enough signs of stroking out that they underwent a battery of tests,
only to be told that there was nothing wrong and so therefore, it must have been stress. It
"stresses me out" no end that our medical experts do not even query the patient about exposures
to modern synthetic scents, pesticides (which are also scented) and other high-emitting VOC
consumer products. Our undereducated doctors are helping the pharmaceutical industry
while harming us. No wonder rates of iatrogenic diseases and deaths are also soaring. -- barb
- Air pollution 'can thicken blood'
"Air pollution thickens the blood and increases the likelihood of inflammation, according
to research."The study may help explain why poor air is linked to an increased risk of heart attacks
and stroke, as well as worsening respiratory problems.
So, why pollute your air and your body with petrochemically derived fragrances? -- barb
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4277113.stm - Altered Oils & Heart Attacks
By Bill Patterson
Dr. Donsbach's Newsletters
http://www.donsbach.com/cgi-bin/virtual/webc.cgi/~donsbach/newsletters/id147.htm - BIOMARKERS of MCS
Abnormal Medical Tests and Physical Signs Associated with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Compiled by Albert Donnay, MCS Referral & Resources, adonnay@mcsrr.org,
410-362-6400, 2/1999, rev'd 8/2000
"Cardiac: tachycardia, other arrhythmia, mitral valve prolapse (Ziem 1997), abnormal
echocardiogram (Bell 1998a, Baldwin 1998a)"
http://www.mcsrr.org/resources/biomarkers.html - Cardiovascular Toxicants
environmental defense
http://www.scorecard.org/health-effects/explanation.tcl?short_hazard_name=cardio - The Environmental Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease
By William J. Rea, MD, FACS,
Environmental Control Unit, Brookhaven Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
http://www.aehf.com/articles/A15.htm - Environmentally Triggered Cardiac Disease
http://www.aehf.com/articles/A18.htm - First aid for a Heart Attack
Makes rounds via email . . . see Urban Legends. -- barb
http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/blcpr.htm - Heart attacks 'triggered by air pollution'
By Roger Dobson and Severin Carrell; 27 April 2003
"Small rises in urban air pollution can trigger an increased number of potentially
fatal heart attacks, an international study has discovered. "
Folks, petrochemically derived fragrances and pesticides are known air pollutants! -- barb
http://millennium-debate.org/suntel27ap033.htm - Profile of Patients with Chemical Injury and Sensitivity
By Grace Ziem1 and James McTamney2
Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 105; supplement 2, March 1997
Those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Environmental Illness Build New Lives
- http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed/
- Neat Stuff
- Specific Medication and Specific Medicines
by John M. Scudder, M.D
access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an evidence-based
information resource for professionals, researchers, and general public.
"HerbMedÆ is a project of the Alternative Medicine Foundation, Inc.
The Hesperian Foundation is part of a growing community health movement
which promotes the right to health care for all people.
High Blood Pressure -- one of the Many Chronic Symptoms of MCS
Study the chemicals found in modern flavors and fraagrances . . . -- barb
- Eliminating High Blood Pressure: Just Add Water
http://www.chiroweb.com/find/archives/nutrition/other/pour.html- Tell me about... Coenzyme Q10
- Tell me about... The importance of vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements...
http://www.chiroweb.com/find/tellmeabout/coenzyme_q10.html - Tell me about... The importance of vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements...
- High Blood Pressure - March 2002
Toxic Carpeting by Cindy Duehring
Kaiser requests patients to arrive for appointments fragrance-free -- at least to
many sections of Fabiola Building, Oakland, Calif. -- barb
- Fragrance-Free at Allergy/Dermatology in Oakland, California
Sign on door --
"Please use discretion and avoid wearing scented products,
perfume or smoking right before coming to the Allergy Department.
Many of our patients are very sensitive to scented products,
perfumes and smoke. Thank you for your cooperation."
[Fall 1998, barb]
- Partners in Health
http://www.kaiserpermanente.org/partnersinhealth/ - Kaiser settles lawsuit over disabled access
April 13, 200; By Josh Richman; Oakland Tribune STAFF WRITER
- Kaiser Watch News Archive
"The best-selling medical reference that has sold over 2 million copies worldwide."
Residency Programme at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario,
Canada from 1990-1994. Presently he is a Consultant Pediatrician in Summerside,
Prince Edward Island, Canada. ..."
- Wake Up and Smell the Chemicals
By Merla Zellerbach
Merla Zellerbach didn't know then, what we now know about fragrances since the
FDA Petition 99P-1340 and its analyses. Also, she mentions "permanent-press fabrics"
but there's not a hint about the harmful effects of fabric softeener -- barb
Via The Wayback Machine
- 1001 Herbs
- All Natural Herbs:Information For Your Health
http://www.allnaturalherbs.com/onlineinfo/ - The Ancient Herb Garden
http://www.healthfree.com/herbgarden/ampleherb.htmAubrey Organics
http://www.organicanews.com/news/aubrey.html- More than Skin Deep
(From Winter/Spring 1998)
by Aubrey Hampton & Susan Hussey; Aubrey Organics News
- More than Skin Deep
- Celestial Seasonings
- Connie's Vitamin and Herbal Store
- Elysian Gardents, Inc.
Chemical free Perennials and Herbs
- Enhanced Aesthetics
Skincare & Nutrition & Collectibles
- Frontier! Natural Products
- Healthy Living at HerbsNow
- Henriette's Herbal Homepage
- Neat Stuff
http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed/neat-stuff/neatstuf.html - Bodycare ingredient myths
By Jerry Hight
- Neat Stuff
- Herbal Medicine
- Herbal remedies associated with three areas of special concern to surgeons
and anesthesiologists: coagulation abnormalities, cardiovascular complications,
and sedative effects.
MedCom Resource
"Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) . . . Depletes potassium stores and may
potentiate cardiac glycoside effects"
http://medcomres.com/articles/tables_herbs_surgery.htm - Herbs-N-More
http://user.icx.net/~drherb/index.html - HIMALAYA HERBAL HEALTHCARE
About licorice . . .
Excessive amounts of the root, herbal teas or candy derived from G. glabra may be
harmful. Licorice increases salt retention and depletes the potassium in the body, causing
lack of energy, weakness and even death. People with hypertension or heart
problems should avoid licorice.
Licorice is used for the treatment of asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis and chronic
cough. It is a mild anti-inflammatory for arthritis and rheumatism and is used to treat
gastric, duodenal and oesophageal ulceration or inflammation, heartburn and mouth
- Personal Health Zone - Includes Herbal info
http://www.personalhealthzone.com/- Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings About Herbs
Check this out! Talk the herbal info over with your health care practioner. -- barb
http://www.personalhealthzone.com/herbsafety.html- This is just one link of a long list of links to info about herbs used in treatment. . .
- Lemongrass Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings
- Lemongrass Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings
- Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings About Herbs
- The Physiomedical Dispensatory
by William Cook, MD, 1869
Scanned and Proofread by Charlie Taylor
Indexed and prepared for publication by Paul Bergner and Christine Schubert
Presented by Medical Herbalism and medherb.com
http://medherb.com/cook/home.htm- Table of Contents
- Table of Contents
- Raintree Nutrition
http://www.rain-tree.com/comerce.htm- Bulk Rainforest Botanicals By the Ounce & By the Pound
- Bulk Rainforest Botanicals By the Ounce & By the Pound
- Reference Guide for HERBS
- Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
-- end herb category --
Hesperia Museum and Nature Center
"[T]he first of it's kind in the world, legally permitted to be built totally of earthen construction,
as part of the Desert Village, Rodeo/Arena and other futuristic programs in Hesperia. "
- Hesperian Beliefs
Dr. Gunnar Heuser, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
28240 West Agura Rd, Suite 203
Agura Hills, CA 91 301
Phone: ++1-818 -865- 1858
Fax: ++1- 818 -856- 8814
e-mail: gheuser@ucla.edu
Dr. Alan R. Hirsch
The Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation
Hoaxes: Check them here first!
Viruses? Also see EHN's http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/v.htm#Viruses
- Aunt Edna Virus
If in your email you receive a message with this subject line: You received a postcard!, and you
have opened it and then see something like "35-dodge-treads-aunt," DELETE IMMEDIATELY. -- barb
1001 Postcards Home ª
Aunt Edna Virus
This Is Not A Real Postcard, And No, It Didn't Come From Our Site
If you got here with a pickup code (something like "35-dodge-treads-aunt"), then you
should know that the message you received was not a real postcard from our site.
On December 10th, 2004, some jerk released onto the internet what has come to be known
as the "Aunt Edna Virus." Basically, that person faked one of our notification emails by
switching out the links for links to an infected website. (No, our site is not infected.)
You should delete the email immediately, and, if you clicked on any of the links with
Internet Explorer, use a virus scanner to check your computer for viruses.
Never open up any postcard sent from "Aunt Edna" -- period. (If you actually have an
Aunt Edna, just get her to call you. It's nice to hear her voice.) Postcards sent from anyone
other than Aunt Edna are safe.
The Short Definition Of What Is Safe And What Isn't Safe
Postcards from Aunt Edna: Not Safe!
Postcards from anyone else: Safe!
http://www.postcards.org/postcards/special/aunt_edna_virus.html/Also visit
Warning: "Aunt Edna" email from postcards.org 13th January 2005
"Note: these email messages are not being sent out by postcards.org."
http://www.dynamoo.com/diary/postcards-org.htm - Beta Test Payment Hoax
http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/HBGiveAways.shtml#betapayment - Cola hoaxes
http://www.pepsi.com/Dr. Pepper: Statue of Liberty along with the words "One Nation ä Indivisible."
"The special packaging was designed to reflect our pride in this country's determination
to stand together as one. ... We at Dr Pepper/Seven Up strongly believe that the
message on these cans is a resoundingly patriotic message that we are a united nation. ...
The limited edition patriotic was retired in February and will not be used again."
- Computer Virus Myths
by Rob Rosenberger
- HoaxBusters
http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/- Beta Test Payment Hoax
http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/HBGiveAways.shtml#betapayment - CIAC Hoax Categories
http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/HBHoaxCategories.html - Family Pictures . . . and many, many more hoaxes on this page
http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/HBMalCode.shtml#pictures - Full Hoax Index
- Beta Test Payment Hoax
- HoaxKill, The
[See their list of known hoaxes.]
- How to Spot a Virus Hoax
by Joe Wells, Senior Editor, antivirus online
- Internet ScamBusters
http://www.scambusters.org/- Real Viruses and Worms (and what to do if you've been infected)
WebPosted Sep 5 2001 08:33 AM EDT
"Halifax, N.S. ã Halifax Regional Police are asking people to ignore an
e-mail hoax warning about fake perfume salemen.
"The message says women should be on the look-out for muggers pretending to sell
bargain perfume. It says sniffing the scents makes you pass out. ..."
I check out messages with a look to info in this section and then inform sender of hoax URL. -- barb
http://novascotia.cbc.ca/regional/servlet/View?filename=ns_perfumehoax050901 - Real Viruses and Worms (and what to do if you've been infected)
- Symantec AntiVirus Research Center
- 'Tis the season for urban legends
Net4TV Voice Includes perfume vendor giving out perfumes to knock you out . . . the problem is, for the
already fragrance-sensitized individual, that's a reality! -- barb
http://net4tv.com/voice/Story.cfm?storyID=1738- W95.Babylonia
- WOBBLER Virus Hoax
- W95.Babylonia
- Urban Legends
- U.S. Postal Service and e-mail
"The U.S. Postal Service has no authority to surcharge e-mail messages sent over the
Internet, nor would it support such legislation."
- Viruses
- "Bubbleboy"
"A new e-mail virus named after a "Seinfeld" television episode can
wreak havoc on University of Arizona computers systems - even when
the messages aren't fully opened. ..."
- New Fast-Spreading Virus Takes Internet by Storm
By MATT RICHTEL; March 28, 1999
- "Bubbleboy"
"A new e-mail virus named after a "Seinfeld" television episode can
-- end hoaxes --
Holistic Sites
- 1Healthy Universe
- The Holistic Healing Web Page
Home Grown Green
Rich Kimball
http://homegrowngreen.homestead.com/- ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES DIRECTORY
- Soil And Health Library
Health begins in the soil; Healing begins with hygiene; Liberty begins with freedom.
"This is a free public library offering full-text books about holistic agriculture, holistic
health, self-sufficient homestead living, and personal development. Most of the titles in
this library are out of print. Some of these books can be quite hard to find; many of
them are old enough to be public domain materials. The library also offers a collection
about why globalised society is resistant to changing its food and health systems.
The titles in this library, when comprehended as an inter-related whole, constitute a
self-guided course of study or curriculum that connects agricultural methods to the
consequent health of animals and humans, shows how to prevent and heal disease and
increase longevity. "
http://www.soilandhealth.org/index.html- NATURAL LIGHT AND HEALTH - CHAPTER EIGHTEEN
About our sun and how important it is for health of plants and animals. -- barb
- StopCancer.com
Advanced Holistic Alternative Cancers Library - Answers, Research & Treatment
http://stopcancer.com/book.htm - ThinkTwice
"We offer many excellent publications on holistic health, AIDS, cancer, parenting, natural
childcare, immunizations, homeschooling, spiritual growth, and more. "
Also see their vaccine info site: "We offer the world's largest selection of uncensored
information on childhood shots and other immunizations. Because this is such an
important topic, we believe that parents are entitled to full disclosure of all pertinent data,
and the freedom to choose whether or not to vaccinate their children."
- Jerry Wyker, MD
Board Certified in Holistic Medicine
Holistic Healing Center of Carmel
25530 Rio Vista Drive
Carmel, CA 93923
Fax: 831-625-0467
Phone: 831-625-0911
email: jerry@wyker-md.com
http://www.wyker-md.com- Advanced Testing and Screening
" In addition to the conventional lab profiles, there are a number of advanced testing
procedures now available that can facilitate optimum therapy. ..."
- Advanced Testing and Screening
- eHealthLand.com
http://www.ehealthland.com/ - Boiron
http://www.boiron.com/- HOMEOPATHY TODAY - Yes, Homeopathy has changed
By Christian BOIRON
- HOMEOPATHY TODAY - Yes, Homeopathy has changed
- Boericke and Tafel Inc
2381 Circadian Way
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
tel (707) 571-8202 . . . fax (707) 571-8237
- Products:
Arniflora relieves bruises, minor muscle & joint aches, stiffness & swelling ...
Califlora Calendula Cream - for minor burns, sunburn, wind, burn, scrapes,
abrasions or cracked lips.
Florasone relieves itching and inflammation associated with minor skin irritations and
rashes due to eczema soaps, detergents, cosmetics and jewelry... natural fragrance.
Triflora for relief of arthritis pain. - Homeopathic - Cell Salts
- Homeopathic Medicine - Overview
By The National Institutes of Health
http://webmd.lycos.com/content/dmk/dmk_article_58196 - HomeopathyHome.com
http://www.homeopathyhome.com/index.shtml - OunceofPrevention.com
http://www.ounceofprevention.com/index.htm - The .02 Solution
While critics call homeopathy 'utter nonsense,' two studies may
give the alternative medical practice some scientific validity
by Michael Castleman; Mother Jones; Sept./Oct.1998
Hoover's Company Information
Look up company info, product info ...
- Executive PayWatch from AFL-CIO
- Suzanne's.com
http://www.suzannes.com/ - VitaminProShop
http://www.vitaminproshop.com- Remedies by Boericke and Tafel Inc
- Remedies by Boericke and Tafel Inc
Also see EHN's:
Endocrine [Hormone] Disrupters
- Environmental Estrogens and Other Hormones (EEOH)
http://www.som.tulane.edu/ecme/eehome/- Toxic Wastes Found in Fertilizers
By Cat Lazaroff
- Toxic Wastes Found in Fertilizers
- EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
Also see EHN's Government Links, EPA
"... The hormone disrupters are more evidence that
chemicals can be dangerous even if they don't cause
cancer. In humans, as in animals, hormones have many
communications jobs, affecting mood and memory,
reproduction and development, virtually any biological
process you can name. ..."
- The European Union's Ban on Hormone-Treated Meat - RS20142:
By Charles E. Hanrahan, Senior Specialist in Agricultural Policy
Resources, Science, and Industry Division; Updated December 9, 1999
http://www.cnie.org/nle/ag-63.html - Friends of the Earth
Safer Chemicals Campaign
http://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/safer_chemicals/- Health Threats
http://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/safer_chemicals/issues/health_threats/ - Cutting the Risks
http://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/safer_chemicals/issues/cutting_the_risk/index.html - Retailers pledge action on risky chemicals
Not in this country! This is from the UK. I guess we just aren't worth it here in the USA.
Here, industry fights legislation attempts to make products safer and to inform the public of
known risks. It has happened many times over and again in the fall of 200f in California. -- barb
- Health Threats
http://www.monitor.net/rachel/r380.html - Health Effects of Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) - Effects in Laboratory Animals
Environmental Working Group
http://www.ewg.org/pub/home/reports/beautysecrets/presskit/healtheffects.html - Hormone Disrupting Chemicals
By Dr A. Michael Warhurst, an environmental chemist who works for WWF in Brussels.
- Some chemicals implicated so far
- Some chemicals implicated so far
- Hormone-disrupting Chemicals Found In Household Soaps
World Wildlife Fund, Canada
http://www.life.ca/nl/54/soaps.html - Hormone Heresy - Estrogen's Deadly Truth, Part 1
by Sherrill Sellman
http://www.all-natural.com/estrog-1.html - THE HORMONE SYSTEM AND CHEMICALS
Hormones regulate how the human body functions in many ways. Many chemicals
are known to mimic human hormones or interfere with the body's ability to receive
the messages the body sends via the hormone system.
- HRT Resource
http://www.angelfire.com/fl/endohystnhrt/hrt.html - Hypospadias and Endocrine Disruption: Is There a Connection?
Laurence S. Baskin,1 Katherine Himes,2 and Theo Colborn3
1Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, California, USA;
2Harvard University Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3Wildlife and
Contaminants Program, World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C., USA
"Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies in the United States;
it occurs in approximately 1 in 250 newborns or roughly 1 in 125 live male births (1,2).
Hypospadias can be defined as an arrest in normal development of the urethral, foreskin,
and ventral aspect of the penis. This results in a wide range of abnormalities, with the
urethral opening being anywhere along the shaft of the penis, within the scrotum,
or even in the perineum (3). The more severe forms of hypospadias are associated with
penile curvature. Left uncorrected, patients with severe hypospadias may need to sit
down to void and tend to shun intimate relationships because of the fears related to
abnormal sexuality. Babies born with severe hypospadias and penile curvature may
have "ambiguous genitalia" in the newborn period, making an immediate accurate
sex assignment difficult. ... "
Abstract: http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2001/109p1175-1183baskin/abstract.htmlFull article for members: http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/members/2001/109p1175-1183baskin/baskin-full.html
For more on Hypospadias, see EHN's section, below.
- Introduction to Hormone Disrupting Chemicals
"These pages provide an introduction to the effects of hormone disrupting chemicals on man and the
environment, and the response of Governments and industry to this problem. Other terms used to
describe these chemicals include xenoestrogens, oestrogenic (estrogenic), hormone mimicking and
endocrine disrupting chemicals.
"These pages are aimed at anyone interested in the subject, and include references to other research
and reviews for those interested in investigating the field further."
http://website.lineone.net/~mwarhurst/index.html - Not Too Pretty - Report on phthalates in cosmetics and fragrances
http://www.nottoopretty.org - OUR STOLEN FUTURE --PART 1
http://www.monitor.net/rachel/r486.html - OUR STOLEN FUTURE --PART 2
http://www.monitor.net/rachel/r487.htmlPhthalates -- See EHN's section on Phthalates at
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/p.htm#Phthalates - SafeKidsNow.net
Hormone Disruptors: New Class of Chemicals Can Affect How a Child Develops
http://environet.policy.net/health/products/soutline.vtml?PROACTIVE_ID=cecfcfcdcacacdcec6c5cecfcfcfc5cecfcacbcccbcbcec6c7c5cf - Sierra Club search page --
- Sierra Club--Environmental Disruptors: Where Are They?
Where do we find endocrine disruptors, chemicals that can
disrupt living systems?
- Hormone Impostors
Summary: Hormone Impostors. By Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, and John Peterson
Myers Theo Colborn put the pieces together and shook the world: commonly used
synthetic chemicals may threaten human fertility. From the corner of her eye, Theo Colborn
caught sight of another scientific report shooting across the floor and settling on the carpet.
She didn't even bother to turn her head. In hopes of slowing the tide of paper that was
swamping her office, she had taken to closing her door, but it had done little good.
- Poison Pens
"Summary: Poison Pens. When science fails, try public relations: the chemical industry's
attempt to discredit Our Stolen Future. by David Helvarg In 1962, E. Bruce Harrison and
other PR whizzes working for the Manufacturing Chemists Association made their
reputations coordinating attacks on Rachel Carson after the publication of her landmark
expose of chemical pesticides, Silent Spring. Together with colleagues from DuPont,
Monsanto, Shell, Dow Chemical, and W.R. Grace, they established industry front groups, a
media-outreach program, hostile mailings, and public forums for industry-funded "third
party experts," including doctors and scientists willing to attack Carson's personal and
professional credibility while defending the use of DDT and other toxic compounds. One
chemical company even tried to intimidate Carson's publisher into not printing the book."
- Hormone Impostors
- Time Magazine
"Teens Before Their Time: With budding breasts and pubic hair, girls are developing
earlier than ever. What's causing it? And what are the psychological effects?"
By Michael D. Lemonick; OCTOBER 30, 2000; Vol. 156, No. 18 [in 4 parts]
http://www.time.com/time/magazine/articles/0,3266,58388,00.html- "Teens Before Their Time: With budding breasts and pubic hair, girls are developing
earlier than ever. What's causing it? And what are the psychological effects?"
By Michael D. Lemonick
Whole article available here on one page. -- barb
- "Teens Before Their Time: With budding breasts and pubic hair, girls are developing
- Toxic Bodies: Endocrine Disruption, Our Imperiled Future
By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.
Healing Our World: Weekly Comment; Environment News Service
http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jul2000/2000L-07-31g.html - Tulane University
http://www.law.tulane.edu/events.htm- ENDOCRINE DISRUPTOR NEWS
http://www.som.tulane.edu/ecme/eehome/newsviews/whatsnew/ - Environmental Estrogens and Other Hormones (EEOH).
http://www.som.tulane.edu/ecme/eehome/ - Tulane/Xavier Center for Bioenvironmental Research (CBR)
http://www.tmc.tulane.edu/cbr/tsc/- Biomonitoring
http://www.tmc.tulane.edu/cbr/research/biomonitoring.html - Women's Health/fibroids
- Environmental Endocrinology
http://www.tmc.tulane.edu/cbr/research/endocrinology.html - WWF -- World Wildlife Fund, Canada
[WWF United States seems to concentrate on endangered species --
other than human. -- barb]
- Hormone Copy-Cats video available! ($15 or free on return basis)
Information on hormone disruptors --
List of Known & Suspected Hormone Disruptor
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
I've refused HRT. Was told I should take it even though I was having no symptoms and was
well passed the time that if I were to have hot flashes, I would have had them. As it was, I've
always taken calcium and magnesium and I'm willing to bet that's one of the reasons I got
through life without depending on HRT in any of its manifestations. -- barb
- A Doctor Talks About...
Why researchers stopped the Women's Health Initiative study of
estrogen and progestin and what this means for you.
- Biomonitoring
A roster of Occupational & Environmental Clinics
Also check EHN's Access/Hospitals on "Take Heart!" for Fragrance-FREE Hospitals
Legal Chat Center
- An Environmental Rx for the Health Care Industry
"[A]n international coalition of nurses,physicians, public health experts, environmental
justice organizations, labor unions, hospitals, universities, breast cancer and
endometriosis activists, religious leaders and food safety advocates working to
reform the environmental and public health practices of the health care industry.
- The Association of Occupational & Environmental Clinics
http://www.aoec.org/ClinList.htm - California Department of Managed Health Care
http://www.hmohelp.ca.gov/ - California's Business Resource Efficiency and Waste Reduction
Waste Reduction Activities for Hospitals
http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/BizWaste/Factsheets/Hospital.htm - Colorado HealthNet
- Dealing With Kaiser and Other HMOs
Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases
Melissa Kaplan, 2001.
http://www.sonic.net/melissk/kaiser.html - EHN's links to Fragrance-free Information
Fragrance-Free Hospitals
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/takheart.htm#Hospitals - HEAL of Southern Arizona¼s MCS Accommodations Letter
MCS Hospital Access
http://www.healsoaz.org/hospital%20access.htm - Health Care Without Harm
Also, click out to info on Mercury and waste incinerators
http://www.noharm.org- Pesticides, Fragrances & Cleaners
http://www.noharm.org/pesticidesCleaners/issue - Cleaners and Disinfectants
http://www.noharm.org/pesticidesCleaners/CleanersDis - Fragrances
- Pesticides, Fragrances & Cleaners
- Healthier Hospitals: A Comprehensive Guide to Assist in the Medical Care of
the Patient with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Disability - a booklet:
"Helpful for both patients and hospital adminstration.
Use this book before you need to use the hospital." -- Toni Temple
31 pp, Spiral bound; 1996; available through EHN's BOOK page
- Toni Temple's Healthier Hospitals
Available through ONFCI and also through EHN
- See ONFCI's press release:
- Healthier Hospitals manual is credited as a resource in Mercy Hospitals (California) protocol for MCS
- Toni Temple's Healthier Hospitals
Available through ONFCI and also through EHN
- "Hospitalization for the Chemically Sensitive Patient"
by Selene Anema, RN
Those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Environmental Illness Build New Lives
http://www.citlink.net/~bhima/hospital.htm - Hospitals and IPM (Integrated Pest Management)
- Pest Management in New York State Hospitals: Risk Reduction and Health Promotion
Attorney General of New York State; December 1995
- Pest Management in New York State Hospitals: Risk Reduction and Health Promotion
- Hospitals for a Healthy Environment
http://www.h2e-online.org/ - How to be fragrance-free
by Peggy Munson
- Jewish Hospital Recognizes MCS and Develops Policy
- Kaiser Permanente
- 'Tis the Season for Allergies
"Don't use powders, aerosol sprays, and perfumes, which can irritate your nose. Use household cleaners in well-ventilated areas only . . . "
Come on, Kaiser, YOU can -- or should! -- do better than that! Synthetic fragranc chemicals in
perfumes, as well as all of the other personal care products and cleaning and maintenance
products carrying the benign-sounding word, "fragrance," release a load of petrochemical
pollutants to body, air and wastewater. Fragrances cause, trigger and exacerbate asthma, and the
same can be said for skin conditions like acne, eczema, rashes, hives, flushing, itching and burning.
Fragrance chemicals can cause neurological symptoms and some store in adipose (fatty)
tissue, which makes an astute individual wonder about systemic and long-term effects. Some of
the chemicals are known or suspected teratogens (affecting embryonic and fetal development),
some are carcinogens (capable of causing cancer), some, like phthalates, are hormone disrupters.
The fragrance industry is self-regulated and trade secret-protected. Their focus on testing has
been for the skin conditions of the primary user. There is no concern for the fetus,
infant, child, young, middle-aged or elderly adult who suffer adverse events at secondary and
tertiary levels of exposure. Let's start telling it like it is! -- barb
- 'Tis the Season for Allergies
- MASCO (Medical Academic and Scientific Community Organization, Inc.)
http://www.masco.org/aboutLMA_facts.htm- About the Mercury Work Group
- About the Mercury Work Group
- Partners Program of Excellence in Alzheimer's and Other Neurodegenerative Diseases
http://www.partners.org/cgi-view/cgipy.exe/homepage.py?dept_id=7376 - Pest Management in New York State Hospitals:
Risk Reduction and Health Promotion
Attorney General of New York State; December 1995
Available as hard copy - call 518.474.8096
http://www.oag.state.ny.us/environment/hospital95.html - Sun Sentinel, South Florida
Scented products at hospitals have power to harm
By Counsel.net
http://www.counsel.net/chat/"What is a Pesticide," by U.S. EPA
- Sustainable Hospitals
http://www.sustainablehospitals.org/cgi-bin/DB_Index.cgi - Toxic Chemical Use in Hospitals
Problems Associated With Early Puberty, and Other Issues of Interest to Families
CHEMICAL REACTION CAMPAGIN . . . Reach for a toxics-free future!
HTML-- EHN uses PageSpinner
Hotels - B&Bs - Inns - Motels - Retreats
As more and more establishments are beginning to understand that there are inevitable health
risks* associated with petrochemical-derived fragrances, it is easier to find FRAGRANCE-FREE
accommodation. Nonetheless, I hope this list helps you find something safe for your stay.
I would like to add to this list of places some of us have found to be safe. However, I need YOUR
input. Please email info to me at

Thank you. --barb
*See Symptoms: http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/s.htm#Symptoms
- Air Quality Becomes An Issue With Hotels
Note from barb, For my money, the paragraph that says it all is:
"Air quality just 'wasn't on the industry's radar screen,' says Gus Newbury, vice president
of engineering at Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., which owns the
Sheraton and Westin brands. 'There have been no standards, so it's been difficult to know
what to do.' "
- Breathing Easy In America's First Environmentally-Smart Hotel
By Jennifer Bogo; Jan-Feb 2000; E-Magazine
- Delta Chelsea Inn, Toronto
"... The hotel has ten „environmentally sensitive¾ rooms..."
http://www.life.ca/nl/47/travel.html - Eco Directory - Travel (resources)
From their home page, click on Eco Travel, Bed & Breakfasts. -- barb
http://www.ecodirectory.com/ - El Santuario Eco Retreat Center
Baja California
http://www.El-Santuario.com/noframes/welcome2.htm - Extended Stay America
I know of one of these hotels in the SF Bay Area that will respect the needs of the chemically
sensitive and not clean with scented products while you stay with them. However, they do clean
in between guests with scented products. And, as I reacted to "something" when I stepped
into their lobby, I've learned from desk personnel that they do pipe in air "fresheners" through
their ventilating system. Apparently, this is a corporate, not local, decision. You, too, can
write to corporate headquarters about these practices at extstay@extstay.com -- barb
http://www.studioplus.com/ - EverGreen Rooms by Hartford
Hotel rooms
- Florida Hotels, an article
- Green Hotels Association
Water saving, energy saving, . . . I can't find anything about being fragrance-free. barb
http://www.greenhotels.com/ - GREEN products, according to the US
Dept. of the Interior --
"MUST NOT contain petrochemical-derived fragrances." [emphasis added]
http://www.doi.gov/greening/sustain/trad.html - GreenSuites International
(Provides product list)
- Habitat Suites
http://www.habitatsuites.com/- Our Environmental Side
We do many things in our everyday practice to support our goals; a few of them are:
Grounds are maintained with the use of natural, nontoxic fertilizers and pesticides
Nontoxic, phosphate-free, natural cleansers used in cleaning
Air ozonators/ionizers used for clean air quality in suites
Biodegradable, recycled, unbleached paper products/recycling program
Ladybugs populate our ground for healthy plants, the natural chemical free way
- Our Environmental Side
- Hampton Inns
Now, I cannot speak for all Hampton Inns, nor for everyone living with the effects of chemical
injury. The OBVIOUS stated, I can say that I had no trouble in any of the Hampton Inns in
which we stayed. We always asked to do a "nose check" before accepting a room. In my
particular case, I could sleep on their sheets and use their towels. My son even used their shampoo
and that did not set me off. However, I always travel with my own shampoo and soap . . . even
pillows and sheets, which has come in handy from time to time. Best wishes for safer, greener
travel. And, remember, the Dept of the Interior states that if it is GREEN it MUST NOT
contain petrochemical derived-fragrances. [emphasis added] -- barb
Reserve online or Call 1-800-HAMPTON
http://hamptoninn.hilton.com/en/hp/index.jhtml;jsessionid=TKW4WTLBOVIV2CSGBI1MVCQKIYFC5UUC - "Healthy Hotels", an article
SF Bay Guardian:
- Hotels, Apartments Specializing in Sensitivity Training
Real Estate News And Advice; September 2, 1999
By Stuart Lieberman, Esq
- Jack London Inn
Offering guests a full-service hotel in the heart of historic Jack London Square
for over 30 years has made Jack London Inn an Oakland tradition.
444 Embarcadero West
Oakland, CA 94607
Ph: (800) 549-8780
or (510) 444-2032
Fax: (510) 834-3074
NOTE: A friend stayed here in September 2000. She had asked that they clean
her room with only water, not add soaps, etc. They complied. She was healthy AND
enjoyed the locale. -- barb
http://www.jacklondoninn.com/ - Lake House Bed & Breakfast
"Located on Lake Sammamish in the town of Sammanish, between Redmond and
Issaquah, the Lake House Bed and Breakfast is a private lodge retreat. ...
"We promote a healthful environment, serving local, fresh and organic meals, and using
only allergy-relief bedding and chemical-free cleaning aids. Smoking not permitted
on the premisis."
http://www.lakehousebb.net/ - Lake Tahoe, California
Bed and Breakfast -- The Shore House
"The Shore House at Lake Tahoe, located in Tahoe Vista, CA on the North Shore
of beautiful Lake Tahoe. The Shore House is the ultimate Northern California
vacation getaway, centrally located to all of the lake and mountain activities.
Balconies and decks, offering fabulous panoramic views of our pristine lake and
surrounding snow-capped Sierra Nevada Mountains, surround each floor. ..."
As one may guess when thinking of Tahoe, it ain't cheap. But as a fellow MCSer writes:
"We had a great time in Tahoe, fully accomodated at the B&B there (www.shorehouselaketahoe.com). ..."I highly recommend this place for any one at my level of sensitivity or below. Extremely
sensitive people might have trouble; we did have to take out extra pillows, for
example, and I didn't use their sheets. But they don't use air fresheners, all wood furniture,
and I didn't smell the carpets or drapes. Of course you would have to
speak to the innkeepers in advance!! You are right on the shore of Lake Tahoe, can go
swimming right there, kayaking from there, etc.
- The Natural Place - Environmental Residence and Hotel
For People With Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
http://www.thenaturalplace.com/ - New Life Retreat and Spa - Center for Renewal and Healing
Lanark County, (50 min SW of Ottawa) Ontario, Canada
Phone: (613) 259-3337
Fax: (613) 259-3031
E-mail Us healing@newliferetreat.com
http://www.newliferetreat.com/ - OKOTEL, Hamburg: die komfortable alternative
- Pride and Joy Environmental Resort catering to MCS and EI
- The Safer Travel Directory - Travel accommodation guide for the chemically sensitive person
http://mcstravel.resourcez.com/ - San Francisco Hotels - a Sunset article by Jeff Phillips
Please NOTE: I have not had a chance to research any of the hotels mentioned in the article to
see if they implement "cleaner air" policies. For now (2/23/01) I simply lead you to this
article. IF you do decide to stay in one of these hotels and find that you can breathe, please let
me know and I shall share that info with others. Thanks. -- barb
http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1216/n5_v199/20039397/print.jhtml - Super 8
As in any case, check out for yourself, but I was able to stay in Super 8 motels
in 1997, 1999, and off and on during the 2000s. At every Super 8, we were
allowed to first check the room before signing in. -- barb wilkie
- Travel and MCS - includes hotel references
Household Products
Also see Consumer Products
Consumer Products
- Earth 911
http://www.earth911.org/master.asp - Household Hazardous Products
Household Hazardous Waste Project, University of Missouri
http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/wasteman/wm6003.htm - Household Hazardous Waste
http://outreach.missouri.edu/owm/hhw.htm - Household Hazardous Waste
St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District
http://www.stlouisjeffersonswmd.org/hhw.htm- DESCRIPTION OF HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PRODUCTS
http://www.stlouisjeffersonswmd.org/hhwdesc.htm#DescHHWProds - POTENTIAL HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PRODUCTS
- What is Household Hazardous Waste?
http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/househld/hhw.htm - Commercial Detergent Alternatives
- Facts about household products, The
- Prepared by: Kathleen Parrott, Ph.D., Associate Professor/Housing Extension Specialist
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Quoting Script for transparency #3
Indoor air quality can be impacted by some chemicals used to clean, protect, maintain, and
decorate the home and its furnishings, for personal care and grooming, and for hobbies.
Products can release chemicals into the air during use, as the product dries or cures, or off
gas as the products age.
Examples of household products that could be an indoor air quality problem:paints cleaning products hobby products varnishes disinfectants cosmetics and personal care products waxes degreasers strippers pesticides caulking adhesives air fresheners
- Prepared by: Kathleen Parrott, Ph.D., Associate Professor/Housing Extension Specialist
- Indoor Air Pollution Fact Sheet - Household Products
American Lung Association - ALA
This page contains important information and it surely is worth reading. Unfortunately,
the unsuspecting public is led to believe that the problems given are simply associated with
"Aerosol spray products,... Chlorine bleach and Rug and upholstery cleaners." Again, you
get information on adverse health effects of fragrances from the ALA by innuendo.This page conveniently ignores the fact that our modern petrochemically derived FRAGRANCES
have been crafted to quickly volatilize, and to waft further and last longer on the ambient air.
It matters not whether FRAGRANCES are used as colognes or perfume, or are found in an
enormous variety of personal care products, or in our household and janitorial cleaning and
maintenance products, fragrances can cause the health problems listed. A real hasardous
household polluter is fabric softeners. Not only does its scent and other chemicals pollute the
fabric in the laundry facility and the home or building housing that laundry area, but those
chemicals pollute the outdoor air for blocks around while in use in the laundry. Then they pollute
the air -- AND OUR BODIES -- when the laudered item is worn or used.FRAGRANCES are made to become one with the air we all must breathe, regardless of stage of
development or heath. ONLY YOU can make a difference by purchasing safer, cleaner products. -- barb
http://www.lungusa.org/air/household_products.html - Race,
- Color,
- Religion,
- Sex,
- Handicap,
- Familial status, or
- National origin.
- MCS Safe Shelter USA
To learn more about the mcssafesheltersusa group, please visit, and then join if you care to:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mcssafeshelterusaArizona --
- Snowflake area.
For detailed info, see EHN's special info page
- Northern California
- Realtor/Broker in Berkeley -- check with Carol T. Jekabson before you despair of ever finding an agent.
Carol T. Jekabson Realty
Voicemail: 510.273.9322
Ms. Jekabson has been selling for 18 years and handles both buying and selling of homes.
She has capably served several clients who had hyper allergies.
I received this name from another broker. Other than my brief phone call, I do not know her, nor
does she know me. She graciously allowed me to put up her contact information to help those
of you seeking a realtor who may understand your needs of MCS accommodation.
Ms. Jekabson impressed me by telling me she has learned from her clients. Ahhhh, someone
willing to learn what we need in the form of accommodation so we may have access. Good luck to
one and all! -- barbWell, now, an update as of Apr. 2006 and this fits into SMALL WORLD category. I have just
heard from a friend, who was Googling her sister and came up with EHN's website and couldn't
figure out why until she saw this section. Little did I know. Now, thanks to my friend I have a
website for Carol T. Jekabson Realty . . .
- Corte Madera
Studio Apartment Available (single studio, next to family dwelling)
320 sq ft ~$900; partially furnished; ground level; separate entrance; quiet street
EI conscious landlord, does own repairs; relatively (but not super) safe;
considering accepting section 8
Email Sandy Ross, healthhab@igc.org - San Rafael
Check with SaferBuilding.com folks to see if they have recently remodeled any houses for the already chemically injured. Their press release can be read at:
- 2 bedroom in-law unit in a private, non-toxic home, in cental Marin County.*
Treat yourself to a lifestyle you can only find in a private home. This sunny in-law unit
has a double glass door private entry, separate living space and private bath. Situated in a
non-toxic home, made of all natural materials, it features a cathedral ceiling and
Italian tile floors. The kitchen is all electric, and the unit has it's own washer/dryer. The
unit has a private redwood deck with views of surrounding hillsides and a baby
redwood grove. Enjoy living in an ecology-minded home, constructed with all natural
materials and "green oriented" fragrance free neighbors just like you. No pesticides have
been used on the property since 1991.
Photos online at: _http://naturalhome.org/rental/inlaw_Keep this site in mind when looking in San Rafael, Marin County, California. -- barb
Press release:
- 2 bedroom in-law unit in a private, non-toxic home, in cental Marin County.*
- WANTED: Marin County, particularly
EI/MCS - SAFE(R) Housing wanted Northern California
Laurie Frank has been looking for safe housing in MARIN.
Must accept section 8. If you have any leads, leave a
message at 415-267-6162. (Fall 2001) - Mendocino
Dear Friends,
We are still looking for housing.We must be out of our home by October 10 and we have not been able to find a home
with even the basic "safer housing" needs. These basics include a country property
where no herbicides or pesticides have been used in the home or on the property, no
newer synthetic carpets, no fresh paint (this one has been the most difficult to find!), and
partial wheelchair access (BDR, BA, Kitchen). Please see the attached flyer for information.As our deadline approaches we have increased our geographic parameters to include
Gualala (Mendocino County, CA) to Ferndale (Humboldt County, CA), from the
coast to 8 miles in.ÝWe are willing to consider any "safer" housing including smaller spaces, or 2 separate
spaces as interim housing while we continue to look. Short-term housing is another
stop-gap measure. If we are able to only find housing for one, it is most important
that we find safe housing for Naja. I can camp, or couch surf. Naja is physically unable to.Do you know of anyone with property/housing for sale who may be willing to rent
it out for the winter? Often homes on the market during the Autumn and Winter sit
unsold until the Spring. At least their home could be bringing in a rental income and
providing much needed temporary shelter.Please continue to keep me and Naja in mind. We can be reached at
707-937-2490 or friedaf@mcn.orgAfter October 10, you can still contact me at my email address, or at
P. O. Box 988,
Mendocino CA 95460.
We really appreciate your help, best wishes, and prayers.
Thanks, Frieda---------------------
Office, Kitchen/Dining Area, LR(cathedral ceilings, floor to ceiling windows with garden
and forest views), Foyer/Mud Room, 1800 sq. ft. With a 1BDR, 1 BA, detached cabin.
On 5 acres in Pygmy Forest. Large landscaped garden, and a fenced vegetable garden,
with the remaining acreage Pygmy to transitional Redwood Forest. 1.5 miles from
the ocean and the village of Mendocino.The main house is a Lindal Cedar home. It is approximately 14 years old. The kitchen,
bathrooms, and foyer are linoleum. Allthe ceilings are knotty cedar. The bedrooms, living
room, office, and hallway floors are organic wool carpeting, which is tacked down.
The inside of the house down stairs, has wheelchair access to the kitchen, living room,
dining room, and foyer, the back bedrooms and bathroom are tight through the
doors, and are at difficult angles, the three stairs to the landing at the entry would need
to be ramped. The cabinets contain some particle board and countertops are formica-
like, both are original and seem mostly outgassed.There is a cast iron spiral staircase up to the master bedroom and bathroom, the
remaining rooms are on the first floor. A very ice house in a beautiful setting. No
herbicides, pesticides, freshpaints, or finishes have been used in the main house or on
the property for at least 7 years, no scented or chemical cleaning products for the past
4 years,
the product history prior to that is unknown. The cabin is newer construction, with
commercial carpeting, and newer linoleum. There is an open application for a cell tower
to be built approximately 700 feet from the property, while there is local opposition
to this application, recent developments have compromised Mendocino's wireless
free status. Property is not on the market yet.Landlord is asking $750,000. Anyone seriously interested in buying this home should
contact our buyer's agent for aÝ comparative market analysis of this property. Please
only call or email if you are seriously interested. We are E.I.tenants, we'd like to see
E.I. people in this home. We would be VERY pleased to stay in the home while the
process of selling took place, and beyond if possible, otherwise we will be forced to
move by October 10. Thanks. 707-937-2490 or friedaf@mcn.org.
- San Carlos
2 bd 2 ba apt to share in San Carlos w/view
"suzanne"replace the 2 with an @
- Santa Rosa area
Room in EI safe house will be available in Santa Rosa area for female EI only.
Share house with one other EI woman. Sorry no pets! Please call for more info:
- Wrightwood, in the San Gabriel Mountains
It's a 3-bedroom (one bedroom is a very large loft), 1 3/4 bath house.
Price is $275,000.
It is being handled by Park Place Realty (760-249-1001 or Service.
A virtual tour of the house is available at this website with a click on
"pk974 $275,000 - 2+Bd 1?Ba"
http://desertlink.com/dan-fisher/index.htmlThat should take you to:
For more detailed information, visit EHN's
Florida --
- The Natural Place
Environmentally friendly Residence and Hotel
For people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Since 1992
- No smoking or pets
- Non-Toxic Pest Control
- Filtered Air and Water
- Natural Fragrance-Free Cleaners
- 100% Cotton Bedding and Linen
- Ocean and BeachÝone andÝa halfÝblocks
- Reduced Long Term Rates
1917 NE 5th St., Deerfield Beach, FL 33441
http://www.thenaturalplace.com - No smoking or pets
E-mail: sc246@earthlink.net - Tampa, FL
HOUSE FOR SALE, Tampa, FL 33604. Fantastic buy in North Tampa,
3 bedrooms, 2 baths, two offices, ceramic tile in living areas, carpet in bedrooms,
large all-electric kitchen, large shed & treehouse for the kids.
Price $113,500. Built 1979, 1,386 SqFt
Owner-occupied. MLS: 2000071 (Area 220).
Agent: Alison DiChristopher. Office 813-949-7444, Home 813-961-1188.
Or write to me claire@blazingtattles.com
For more detailed info, including pictures, front and back, see EHN's special info page
Oregon - A public service announcement ...
This is a start-up project. -- barb (12/01)
Environmentally Safer Housing
We are dedicated to providing a community housing facility for the chemically sensitive
in a clean air environment to include rental apartments, a community center, grounds
for trailers, tents and organic gardens. We plan to develop duplexes and/or individual
home sites for sale and/or rent in the future.
Safe Haven Community Housing
8440 SW Canyon Drive
Portland, Oregon 97225
- Entered Dec. 9, 2003 . . . Right now, the family doesn't know when it will become available.
Can be divided into two five acre lots with homes for sale to two people."Celebrated Texas Healthy Home For Sale -- Live wrapped in the arms of nature. Home
full of happiness and good health looking for special new owners! Ideal for people
seeking privacy, space, and good air. Access to Blanco River. ..."
" ... Designed for healthy living, all wood "tree house" on 10 wooded acres with river
access, guest house and large two story garage, rainwater collection and two wells,
tornado shelter; For Sale By Owner $393,000."
- Entered Sept. 20, 2003 . . .
Dallas, Texas -- Specialty Environmental Housing: Apartments for the chemically sensitive
--Located in Dallas, Texas --Very close to EI doctors --Short-term or longer-term --All Electric, safe neighbors --Furnished or unfurnished =>for information, call 214-696-0477
- Entered July 2, 2003 . . . Price reduction: $159,000.00 or best offer
Marfa Texas, 26 miles from college town (Alpine).
Marfa's population is 2,400.
Clean dry air, elevation 4668 ft.
No farming for 65 miles, no industry.
House built 1915.
Brick exterior, renewed cement btwn bricks.
12 yr-old paint, 11 yr.old roof.
Heating ducts to Dr. Rae's specs.
MCSÝowner last 6 years, non-toxic elderlyÝowner prior.
One rampable step up to porch, former owner used wheelchair.
On paved road.
1938 square feet plus porches.
10-foot ceilings.
3 "Casa Blanca" ceiling fans
Patio, grape arbor, fruit trees.
InteriorÝwalls areÝstucco.
Kitchen counters are stainless steel.
Rental unit counter is porcelain.
On 1/3 acre fenced with chain link.
Great health food store in Alpine.
Tucson Coop Warehouse buying club.
Has rental unit attached with own bathroom.
2-car detached garage, wired 220.
Next door neighbor present 2 wks./year.
Dr. William Rea of environmental health center recommends area. About 30 E.I.s
Population 2100 cooperative neighbors. Some furniture plus porch and yard.
All appliances 2-5 years old . Detached garage. 3 phone lines in house, 2 garage
satalite TV system. Good doctors and dentist organic food too.
Call Livingston Real Estate atÝ(432) 729-4306.
safer-air part
of Texas, as depicted on Scorecard. Call 915.729.4916 -- barb
- Snowflake area.
- Virginia, Quantico --
LUSTRON homes "free" to anyone who can arrange
disassembly and removal from Quantico VA military base.
For more information.contact: Elnasgreenhouse$yahoo.com
[Replace $ with the other symbol] Serious inquiries only, please.Website: http://lustronsatquantico.com/
- Alameda County Housing
- Contra Costa Information and Referral
- Marin County Housing
- Marin County CIL
Note: I didn't easily find housing info for the following counties; if you know of links,
please inform (Barb's email is no longer valid, please contact EHN). Thanks, barb
- Napa County Housing
- San Francisco City and County, Mayor's Office of Housing
- San Francisco Rent Board
- San Francisco Rent Board
- San Mateo
- Santa Clara - Community Housing Developers
- Solano
- Sonoma
- Access to Housing
http://www.bazelon.org/housing.html - Build a house!
REALWOOD, a green contractor, is designing an MCS-safe house and is looking for
someone who wants to have one built. We also do consultations, remodels and furniture.
Call Real Lapalme at 510.540.1255. See RealWood website
http://www.realwood.net/ - Building a house in Snowflake, Arizona
You can take a picture tour of Dwight and Kathy's house. -- barb
http://www.asilo.com/house/ - Building Our House (MCS Housing in Snowflake, AZ)
- Our House
http://www.asilo.com/house/our-house.htmlChemically Sensitive Non-Toxic Hacienda in Santa Fe, New Mexico
http://www.chemsenlvng.com/marketplace.html - CIIN (Chemical Injury Information Network)
http://www.ciin.org/housing.htm - CIL - Centers for Independent Living
California ILCs
- Marin County's CIL housing info
- Marin County's CIL housing info
" 'CDBG is sort of like a little kiss on the forehead. It's the local government's way of
sayning 'You know your business.' Even if you can't get all the money you need from
CDBG it's important to get some.' -- Susan Molloy, Environmental Health Network "
http://www.clicd.org/org/chapter4.htm - Colorado Health Net-- click on MCS Library and then use your
browser's FIND command, or scroll, to locate MCS-related Housing Needs
Complementary Information:- Access
http://www.ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/takheart.htm - Books - Safe Housing
MCS: Health & Environment
http://www.mcshealthenviron.org/bksHousing.htm - Building
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/b.htm#Building - Clean
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/c.htm#Clean - Craig's List - links nationwide
Not a sure bet for fragrance-free housing, but let's not leave any stone unturned. When you
to this page, you can adjust your choices with pull-down menus for area, type, price. -- barb
http://www.craigslist.org/sfo/apa/ - EHN's links under Real Estate
- Environmental Community Living
Environmental Web Directory
Some links may not work . . . but you'll have to contact them w/your complaints. --barb
- Green
- Green Affordable Housing Coalition
Click out to Fact Sheets and other intesting pages -- the URL remains the same. -- barb
http://www.greenaffordablehousing.org/ - Healthy or Safe Housing
All the resource information you could hope to find in one spot. -- barb
http://www.sccs.com/sccshhos.htm - The Healthy House Institute
http://www.hhinst.com/index.html - The Healthy Housing Coalition
P.O. Box 1213
Cedar Crest, NM. 87008
http://www.herc.org/hhc/HHCMission.html - Housing Advocate's Resource List - TASH
" Equity, Opportunity and Inclusion for People with Disabilities since 1975."
http://www.tash.org/community1st/housing.htmCarol T. Jekabson Realty
- Carol T. Jekabson Realty
Phone: 510.527.3494 office
Voicemail: 510.273.9322
Ms. Jekabson has been selling for 18 years and handles both buying and selling of homes.
She has capably served several clients who had hyper allergies.
I received this name from another broker. Other than my brief phone call, I do not know her, nor
does she know me. She graciously allowed me to put up her contact information to help those
of you seeking a realtor who may understand your needs of MCS accommodation.
Ms. Jekabson impressed me by telling me she has learned from her clients. Ahhhh, someone
willing to learn what we need in the form of accommodation so we may have access. Good luck to
one and all! -- barb
- Marin's IJ -- Workforce Housing: Hometown Crisis
"Sky-high housing prices are making it almost impossible for Marin County's
workforce to live here. In a four-part series the IJ takes a close look at the problem.
Now, if we could but convince the powers that be that we need SAFER housing . . . -- barb
http://www.marinij.com/special/workforce/ - To learn more about Sick Building Syndrome, visit EHN's SBS
- Sustainable -- links from EHN's site
- Access
- Ecology House - San Rafael, California (on EHN's site)
- May 6, 2006
- Fragrance-Free as Defined by Ecology House Residents
- Q & A
By Connie Barker
Dear Folks,
I am announcing again that the Ecology House waiting list is still open &
accepting applications. I would like to urge everyone to sign up for it
who needs MCS-safe housing. Ecology House is a HUD sponsored housing
complex, so you need to be low income to apply. Call Jose Felix, Manager
to apply: 415-456-4453. He is in on Mondays & Thursdays, but you can
leave a message anytime.
- Fragrance-Free as Defined by Ecology House Residents
- Ecology House (their own website)
http://www.ecologyhouse.org or http://www.consultclarity.com/eh/
- Environmental Building News
Check this site out!!!! -- barb
- Environmental Defense Fund's Scorecard
Check pollution in your area or prospective housing areas. Remember
the districts given are large so the information may not reflect your exact locale.
- Environmental Health Coalition of Western Mass.
- Environmental Illness: Locations for Safety and Health
- Starting Points
- Starting Points
- Environmentally Healthy Metro Areas, Rating Guide to
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rweinhold/ - Escalante House -- EI-Safe Housing in Utah
Tori Woodard, a founding member of the Escalante Wilderness Project
Escalante House, a nonprofit, nonreligious organization, proposes to build a
housing community for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
toriwoodard@scinternet.net http://www.escalantehouse.org
- Tori Woodard's site
http://www.rangenet.org/directory/woodardt/ - The Garden
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/- HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS, COMMUNITIES and SHELTERS for the
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/resources.html#HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS - Overview of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and its relationship to housing
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/mcsoverview.html - Safer Travel Directory
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/safertravel.html - WEB SITES PERTAINING TO HOUSING AND MCS (a resource list)
- HEAL of Southern Arizona's MCS Housing
http://www.healsoaz.org/healaccess/housing.htm - Healthy & Natural Homes for Sale -- International and National
P.O. Box 30085, Santa Barbara, CA 93130, USA
(805) 898.0079 Voice - (805) 898.9199 Fax
"Subscribe -- To the Healthy & Natural Homes For Sale News Letter. It's FREE!"
Just email them your email address from their site. -- barb
http://www.healthyhomesforsale.com/- Information for Real Estate Agents
I know nothing about this site or their work, but it looks promising. -- barb
- Information for Real Estate Agents
- Healthy Home Services - Canada
Safer products for every room in the house and your garden too. -- barb
http://www.healthyhomeservices.ca/default.cfm - Healthy Homes - Vermont
- Healing MCS
- Healing MCS
The Healthy House Institute
- The Healthy House Institute Archives
- Healthy House Links Page
- Quiz
- The Healthy House Institute Archives
- Healthy Housing Coalition of New Mexico
"Because Everyone Deserves a Safe Home"
http://www.herc.org/hhc/Listings.htm- Safe Housing Tips - What to Look for in an Existing House for a Healthier Home
http://www.herc.org/hhc/What2Look4.html - MCS & Less Toxic Living
http://www.herc.org/hhc/MCSfactfict.html - MCS Living in New Mexico
http://www.herc.org/hhc/NMAreaMCSInfo.html - Who We Are...
- Safe Housing Tips - What to Look for in an Existing House for a Healthier Home
- Help for the Homeless - HUD
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/resources.html#HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS- Overview of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and its relationship to housing
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/mcsoverview.html - Safer Travel Directory
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/safertravel.html - WEB SITES PERTAINING TO HOUSING AND MCS (a resource list)
- Overview of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and its relationship to housing
- Housing For People with Disabilities
by Paul Cannaday
- Housing for the MCS/EI
http://www.citlink.net/~bhima/housing.htm - Housing Surveys
Contact: Sharon Wachsler, EHCWM Housing Committee
413-625-9820 or SWachsler@aol.com
http://www.herc.org/hhc/ComingClean.htm - Unmet Housing Needs: Survery of 100 People With EI/MCS
By Susan Molloy, M.A.; 1993
Coming soon to EHN's site
- HUD Homes: FAQs
- Fair housing outreach and assisted housing counseling
- Housing Counseling Clearinghouse (HCC), established by HUD
- Housing in Dolan Springs, Arizona
An MCS/EI Environmental Perspective
http://www.citlink.net/~bhima/housing.htm - The Natural Place - Environmental Residence and Hotel
For People With Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) Located in Florida. -- barb
http://www.thenaturalplace.com/ - "Persons with Environmental Illness or Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
The Twin Cities Human Ecology Action League (HEAL) chapter is planning to develop
affordable, non-toxic housing for lower income people with El/MCS. HEAL is working
toward increased awareness of the disease, new legislation for indoor air quality,
increased research on the cause, effects and treatment, toxic housing remedies,
development of new non-toxic housing, and a registry of such housing for use by those
with El/MCS. "
- section 8 tenant-based assistance for persons with disabilities
- Fair housing outreach and assisted housing counseling
- Immune Web Classifieds - Housing
Cyndi Norman's site brings you
Free Classified Ads for the Immune Community
-- Submit your own classified ad --
Places to rent, to buy; places for rent, for sale. -- barb
http://www.immuneweb.org/classifieds/housing.html - Intentional Communities
"Intentional Community is an inclusive term for ecovillages, cohousing, residential land
trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives and other related
projects and dreams... "
- http://www.ic.org/
- Communities Directory 2000
- Housing
- Living Village
http://www.ic.org/fic/cdir/res/LivingVillage.htmlFound through Wayback Machine . . .
- Communities Directory 2000
- Kentuky - Safer Housing For The Chemically Sensitive To Be Built
http://mcstravel.resourcez.com/ - Living Earth EcoVillage
in Lexington, Virginia
- MCS Housing Resources
For people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity / Environmental Illness / Chemical Injury
- Housing Developments, Communities and Shelters for the Chemically Sensitive
- MCS Housing -- Connecting the Real Estate Community and people with MCS
- Places to Live
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/resources.html#PLACES TO LIVE
MCS Housing - The Safer Travel Directory
http://members.tripod.com/cparkh1001/escalante.htm - Housing Developments, Communities and Shelters for the Chemically Sensitive
- Meadowdance Community Group
- National Fair Housing Advocate Online
- Disability and Housing Discrimination Pocket Guide
by the Metropolitan Strategy Group
- Fair housing agency near you? Try the agency finder
- History of Insurance Redlining
Sarah Pratt's Presentation at the John Marshall Law School
Conference on Mortgage and Insurance Discrimination
- Disability and Housing Discrimination Pocket Guide
- The Natural Place
Environmental Residence And Hotel
"For People With Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
"Individual apartments designed for
health-conscious visitors, the environmentally ill (ei), and people with multiple
chemical sensitivity (msc) looking for an environment that is free of...
Scented products
Chemicals - Places to Live -- MCS
http://www.thegarden.net/mcs/resources.html#PLACES TO LIVE
- Quail Haven - MCS Housing
http://madelinx.tripod.com/quailhaven/ - REALWOOD, a green contractor, is designing an MCS-safe house and is looking for
someone who wants to have one built. We also do consultations, remodels and furniture.
Call Real Lapalme at 510.540.1255. See RealWood website
http://www.realwood.net/ - Safe Haven Community Housing
This is a start-up project. December 2001. -- barb
Environmentally Safer Housing
"We plan to develop duplexes and/or individual home sites
for sale and/or rent in the future." 8440 SW Canyon Drive
Portland, Oregon 97225
http://www.geocities.com/safehavencommunity/ - WEB SITES PERTAINING TO HOUSING AND MCS
This is an extensive resource page. -- barb
- Our House
- Safer Housing For The Chemically Sensitive To Be Built In KY
http://www-members.adept.net/~mcsinfo/saferhous.htm - St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Community Planning and Development
- Snowflake, Arizona
http://www.wmonline.com/cities/snowfpro.htm - Toxic releases in/near the neighborhood?
- e-risk.com
- Environmental Defense's Scorecard
- NearMyHome.com
- e-risk.com
- Tri-County Apartment Association Website
- Fair Housing Information
http://hercules.infomega.com/tcaa/docs/industry/fairhousing.htm - Renters' Resources
- Fair Housing Information
- US Green Building Council (USGBC)
- Vermont - Healthy Homes -
- Healing MCS
- Healing MCS
- WeOwn.Net
If you are looking for information about Housing Cooperatives or
any other type of affordable, resident controlled multi-family housing ...
- Housing for People With Disabilities
- Housing for People With Disabilities
National arm*A*Syst and Home*A*Syst Program
Click on a state's name to learn what information is available in that state.
California has limited information, but Missouri has many links. -- barb
Household Hazardous Waste Products
Housing --
Please remember, I bring you information appearing on this site as a courtesy. It is not a
substitute for your own good common sense, or professional health care or advice gained
elsewhere. Please use only as a tool to assist you in gathering information, which you have every
right to know. A health care practitioner should always be consulted for any health problem
and a lawyer consulted for any legal matter . . . and for this section, I suggest you
contact your own real estate agent, using information available from EHN to educate
those who have never heard of MCS or fragrance sensitization or perfume poisoning or
pesticide poisoning, or poisoning by carpets, paints, and other building materials.
And, to further help you to help yourself and others, I suggest a visit to SaferBuilding at
http://saferbuilding.com/.. -- barb
Remember! Federal Fair Housing Law
HUD- 928.1 (8-93)
1.800.699.9777 (toll free)
1.800.927.9275 (TDD)
- May 6, 2006 -- Ecology House
Dear Folks,
I am announcing again that the Ecology House waiting list is still open &
accepting applications. I would like to urge everyone to sign up for it
who needs MCS-safe housing. Ecology House is a HUD sponsored housing
complex, so you need to be low income to apply. Call Jose Felix, Manager
to apply: 415-456-4453. He is in on Mondays & Thursdays, but you can
leave a message anytime.
EHN's limited attempt at ads
EHN doesn't generally handle housing ads on its website as does Cyndi Norman and her
Immune Web Classifeds -- http://www.immuneweb.org/classifieds/housing.html --
but as housing is so tight in the SF Bay Area, I'll build ads from time to time if the folks
request it of me. PLEASE remember to let me know when the rooms/apartments
or houses have been rented. And everyone, please know/remember that when
I'm not working, or my computer is not working, EHN's site is not updated.
This website is a one-pony show.
try to put extra demands on the individual renting or selling. There are some folks
with MCS who will find the home an ideal setting, without added burdens to the
one offering the space.
IF you do accept the housing arrangement, then do everything in your power to be
the perfect guest and follow "House Rules." (I invoked "House Rules" when
raising my children and when serving as hostess to their friends. It worked well with
the young folks, I hope HOUSE RULES will work with those who can offer space
and for those living with MCS who must seek shelter on either a temporary or
more permanent basis.) Thanks for your cooperation. Remember, the person offering
the home or space may well be living with MCS, CFIDS, FM, GWS, . . . too. -- barb
For information on accommodating those with fragrance sensitization, you may wish to check out:
Fragrance-Free Defined by Ecology House Residents
- May 6, 2006
Dear Folks,
I am announcing again that the Ecology House waiting list is still open &
accepting applications. I would like to urge everyone to sign up for it
who needs MCS-safe housing. Ecology House is a HUD sponsored housing
complex, so you need to be low income to apply. Call Jose Felix, Manager
to apply: 415-456-4453. He is in on Mondays & Thursdays, but you can
leave a message anytime.
Alpha Omega Christian Communities For The Chemically Injured
The Bay Area Homeless Alliance (BAHA)
Housing Listings - being reviewed 3/9/00, but check anyway
Or, you can do an all county search for housing
Legal advocacy for the civil rights and human dignity of people with mental disability
To top of page.
H.R. 1947, SNIFF
The Safe Notification and Information For Fragrances act will be given assigned
a new number when it is re-introduced in the 108th Congress which convenes, 01/03.
Safe Notification and Information For Fragrances act
Introduced by Rep Jan Schakowsky (D IL) and co-sponsored by
Rep Shelley Berkley (D NV) and Rep Chaka Fattah (D PA).
"To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to
require that fragrances containing known toxic substances
or allergens be labeled accordingly. "
NOTE: Clicking on the URL below will take you to Thomas Legislative Information
on the Internet. Enter hr 1947 in the box, "By Bill Number and click the search button. -- barb
" ... The first provision of the Code states that "the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential." Freely given consent to participation in research
is thus the cornerstone of ethical experimentation involving human subjects. The Code
goes on to provide the details implied by such a requirement: capacity to consent,
freedom from coercion, and comprehension of the risks and benefits involved. Other
provisions require the minimization of risk and harm, a favorable risk/benefit ratio,
qualified investigators using appropriate research designs, and freedom for the subject to
withdraw at any time. Similar recommendations were made by the World Medical
Association in its Declaration of Helsinki: Recommendations Guiding Medical Doctors in
Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, first adopted by the 18th World
Medical Assembly in Helsinki, Finland, in 1964, and subsequently revised by the 29th
World Medical Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, 1975, and by the 41st World Medical Assembly,
Hong Kong, 1989. The Declaration of Helsinki further distinguishes therapeutic from
nontherapeutic research. ... " [emphasis added]
Have users or non-consenting secondhand users of our modern synthetic fragrances given
voluntary consent to the petrochemical contents of our modern synthetic fragrances? -- barb
Huber Research
Service Laboratories
"Interpretation of Fred Hayman's Type 273 [TM] Rodeo Drive for women"
Menthol is a commodity widely used in mouth wash or toothpaste, candies, cigarettes,
and many other products.
Under Government listings on EHN's site, but this topic is so important, I decided to
cross-reference here, too. -- barb
"In sum, we conclude that MCS and EI can constitute handicaps
under the Act. Our conclusion is consistent with the weight of
both federal and state judicial authority construing the Act and
comparable legislation, the Act's legislative history, as well as
the interpretation of other Federal agencies, such as the Social
Security Administration and the Department of Education,
construing legislation within their respective domains. The
Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice has also
informed us that it believes MCS and EI can be handicaps under
the Act. In addition, HUD has consistently articulated this
position, and FHEO agrees with our conclusion."
Fresh and smoked King Salmon and other fish in SF Bay Area
The Hudson's are selling their boat and buying a larger one. Pictures available. -- barb
Hudson Institute - Thinking the Unthinkable - Impacting Lives
Hudson River Story
Huffing and fragrance chemical abuse
- Acute asthma - acute tachycardia - anaphylactic reactions caused by Fragrance & Perfume
In January of 1995 11 young Algerians deceased, ...
- Anderson Laboratories
Video on Huffing
http://www.andersonlaboratories.com/alweb23.htm - Dr. Bob Health Report
West Virginia Health Page
OR . . . http://web.archive.org/web/20020213035500/http://www.wvhealth.wvu.edu/DrBob/huffing.htmhttp://www.suntimes.co.za/1998/11/08/news/news13.htm
- British boydied from using too much deodorant, coroner says
By Associated Press - Catalyst
http://wildcat.arizona.edu/papers/92/catalyst/edition11/22_3_m.html - Dr. Greene - The dangers of inhaled aerosols or "huffing."
OR http://web.archive.org/web/20020207053842/http://www.drgreene.com/body.cfm?id=21&action=detail&ref=502 - Huffing -- News 5, Syracuse
OR: http://web.archive.org/web/20000902231723/http://www.wtvh.com/promo/huff.html - 'Huffing' could be taking place right under your nose
Air Force News
- JoinTogether Online
- Inhalant Abuse
http://www.jointogether.org/sa/issues/hot_issues/inhalants/ - Parents, Teachers Can Prevent Abuse of Inhalants, Poisons - 3/12/2002
http://www.jointogether.org/sa/news/features/reader/0,1854,549028,00.html - U.S. Warns Against 'Huffing' - 3/20/2001
http://www.tommyjones.org/- The case against inhalants
"...AEROSOL DEODORANT KILLS BOY OBSESSED WITH SMELLING NICE MANCHESTER, England (AP) -- A 16-year-old boy obsessed with smelling nice died
after months of repeatedly spraying his entire body with deodorant, a coroner ruled
Wednesday. Jonathan Capewell had 10 times the lethal dosage of propane and butane
in his blood when he suffered a heart attack and died July 29, coroner Barrie Williams
said. "His personal hygiene led him to use more than was normal in a confined space,
which limits ventilation," said the coroner, who recorded the death as accidental.
Jonathan's father, Keith Capewell, said his son would cover his entire body with
deodorant at least twice a day. "When we told him he was using too much, he said he
just wanted to smell good," Capewell said. "Even when we were in a room downstairs
we couldn't just smell it, we could taste it," the father said. "You wouldn't have thought
that could have been the cause for someone to die. What a price to pay for smelling nice."
Sue Rogers of the British Aerosol Manufacturing Association said she had never
heard of a similar incident. "It is extraordinarily unusual and terribly tragic," she said.
"The aerosols have warnings about spraying in confined areas and well-ventilated places,
but these are for flammability risks, not about accidental inhalation." The boy's
mother, Louise, called for better warnings on deodorant cans."You just get up in the
morning and spray it on, but who expects it to kill you?" she said. - --- ..."
- Inhalant Abuse
- National Inhalent Prevention Coalition
http://www.inhalants.com/ - This section introduces psychology's approach to consciousness by noting the
elusiveness of its definition and the consequent difficulty of investigating it.
" ... People in various cultures sniff, snort, smoke, and/or swallow substances like fungus,
nutmeg, morning glory seeds, glue, oven spray, Sterno, Aqua Velva, and gasoline. ..."
This files saves as rich text format, so you can open w/word processing program. -- barb
http://www.opentextproject.org/content/files/Psychology/PetersonChap06.rtf - Volatile substance abuse
http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/bulletin/bulletin_1994-01-01_2_page007.htmlVolatile substance abuse throughout the world
" It is said the substances most commonly used by sniffers in Brazil were ålanÁa-perfume¼
(a mixture of chloroform and diethyl ether), acetone, petrol, finger-nail polish, and glue."
Human Ecology Action League, Inc. (HEAL)
(A fuller listing is above, under HEAL)
Human Genome
- doubletwist.com
Humor -- read at your own risk
EHN does not endorse any product, service or therapy -- not even humor! -- barb
- Absolute Humor
- AD Busters
- Barbie Dolls for the holidays (author unkown)
- MCS Barbie by barb wilkie
- Dr. Barbie
By Doctor Bernard
http://ehnca.org/www/humor/DrBarbe.htm - MCS Barbie's Brother Bob
- [NOT funny] Bob's eye following basal cell carcinoma removal
- Bob's Enhanced, Homemade Rocks
- [NOT funny] Bob's eye following basal cell carcinoma removal
- MCS Barbie by barb wilkie
- California Highway Patrol
- Cats
- Pill the cat
- Cat Commandments
- Pill the cat
- Clones R Us
- http://www.d-b.net/dti/intro.html
- Dilbert
- Emotions Online
- English is a Crazy Language
- Holistic Healing Humor
vHumor Archives
Jest for the Health of It!
The Joke Board
- http://www.stumps.org/stumps/wwwboard.html
- stumps R us
"A Whimsical Support Group of Cheerful Cripples
Who Can Answer almost ANY question you might have about life
without one, two or three limbs"
Barb -- Here¼s a joke a friend sent last week. I immediately thought of you
knowing how much you despise the mammogram.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."
... Mahatma Gandhi
Maybe after reading this, you all will start looking into thermography as a safer alternative to
mammograms. For more iformation on mammograms, please visit the website of Dr. Samuel Epstein
professor emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine at the University of Illinois
School of Public Health, and Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition. -- barb
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Chairman,
Cancer Prevention Coalition
http://www.preventcancer.com/about/epstein.htmDangers of Mammography
For years and years they told me,
Be careful of your breasts.
Don't ever squeeze or bruise them.
And give them monthly tests.
So I heeded all their warnings,
And protected them by law.
Guarded them very carefully,
And I always wore my bra.
After 30 years of astute care,
My gyno, Dr Pruitt,
Said I should get a Mammogram
"OK," I said, "let's do it."
"Stand up here real close" she said,
(She got my boob in line),
"And tell me when it hurts," she said,
"Ah yes! Right there, that's fine."
She stepped upon a pedal,
I could not believe my eyes!
A plastic plate came slamming down,
My hooter's in a vise!
My skin was stretched and mangled,
From underneath my chin.
My poor boob was being squashed,
To Swedish Pancake thin.
Excruciating pain I felt,
Within it's viselike grip.
A prisoner in this vicious thing,
My poor defenseless tit!
"Take a deep breath" she said to me,
Who does she think she's kidding?!?
My chest is mashed in her machine,
And woozy I am getting.
"There, that's good," I heard her say,
(The room was slowly swaying.)
"Now, let's have a go at the other one."
Have mercy, I was praying.
It squeezed me from both up and down,
It squeezed me from both sides.
I'll bet SHE'S never had this done,
To HER tender little hide.
Next time that they make me do this,
I will request a blindfold.
I have no wish to see again,
My knockers getting steam rolled.
If I had no problem when I came in,
I surely have one now.
If there had been a cyst in there,
It would have gone "ker-pow!"
This machine was created by a man,
Of this, I have no doubt.
I'd like to stick his balls in there,
And, see how THEY come out!
Author unkown to me. Came in via email. ###
It's no joke, Betty is right when she wrote that I despise mammograms. I have never had one
and will look into sonograms or thermorgraphy, if I feel the need. Otherwise it is the digital
(fingers) breast exam for me and no radiation . . . which is known to cause cancer. For more info,
do visit EHN's section on Mammography. -- barb
- stumps R us
- No Exit
- Pentium jokes
- Humor Space
http://www.humorspace.com/humor/jokes/jpentium.htm - intel outside
Pentium Related Jokes http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/ed.morris/intel/pentium.html - THE PENTIUM FDIV BUG
- Recently heard
- Some Pentium Jokes!
- Humor Space
- Personality Test
- Quoteland: Humor
- http://www.quoteland.com/quotes/leisure/
- Simeon's World of Magic!
- Stupid Quotes
- Simeon's World of Magic!
- The Ultimate Fruitcake Recipe
http://www.snopes2.com/holidays/xmas/fruitcke.htm - Sharon Wachsler
- Sick Humor
http://www.sickhumorpostcards.com/index.htmlIf you wish to see more (serious) work by Sharon, visit EHN's General Links, page W
- Sick Humor
- The W.C. ...
The joke that had Jack Paar walking off over a censorship battle with NBC in 1960. -- barb
http://jewel.morgan.edu/~salimian/humor/humor_179.html- PARR, JACK
U.S. Talk-Show Host
http://www.mbcnet.org/ETV/P/htmlP/paarjack/paarjack.htm - Water Closet Classic
[This is THE joke that caused Jack Paar to walk off The Tonight Show on
February 10, 1960 - one of the early classic moments in television censorship (pre-
Johnny Carson, and post-Steve Allen). He came back a few days later, only after many
meetings with the NBC honchos. The censor had barred him from telling that joke,
and he was incensed. As I recall, they never did let him tell it, but somehow talked
him into coming back to the show...]
And my own recolection is that the joke appeared in our local paper, thanks to Herb Caen.
I laughed my young self silly. Sent it to my dad, who shared with all his patients. My mom could
hear the gales of laughter -- my dad always laughing heartily with his patients as if it were his
first time through the tale. (We lived in a four-family flat, with dad's office downstairs and our
home upstairs of one side of the building.)An English lady, while visiting Switzerland, was looking for a room, and she asked the
schoolmaster if he could recommend any to her. He took her to see several rooms, and
when everything was settled, the lady returned to her home to make the final
preparations to move. When she arrived home, the thought suddenly occurred to her
that she had not seen a "W.C." [water closet - a euphemism for bathroom] around the
place. So she immediately wrote a note to the schoolmaster asking him if there were a
"W.C." around.
The schoolmaster was a very poor student of English, so he asked the parish priest if he
could help in the matter. Together they tried to discover the meaning of the letters
"W.C." and the only solution they could find for the letters was for "Wayside Chapel".
The schoolmaster then wrote to the English lady the following note:
Dear Madam:
I take great pleasure in informing you that the W.C. is situated nine miles from the
house you occupy, in the center of a beautiful grove of pine trees surrounded by lovely
grounds. It is capable of holding 229 people and it is open on Sunday and Thursday
only. As there are a great number of people and they are expected during the summer
months, I would suggest that you come early: although there is plenty of standing room
as a rule. You will no doubt be glad to hear that a good number of people bring their
lunch and make a day of it. While others who can afford to go by car arrive just in time.I would especially recommend that your ladyship go on Thursday when there is a musical
accompaniment. It may interest you to know that my daughter was married in the
W.C. and it was there that she met her husband. I can remember the rush there was
for seats. There were ten people to a seat ordinarily occupied by one. It was wonderful to
see the expression on their faces. The newest attraction is a bell donated by a wealthy
resident of the district. It rings every time a person enters. A bazaar is to be held to
provide plush seats for all the people, since they feel it is a long felt need. My wife is
rather delicate, so she can't attend regularly. I shall be delighted to reserve the best seat
for you if you wish, where you will be seen by all. For the children, there is a special
time and place so that they will not disturb the elders. Hoping to have been of
service to you, I remain,
The Schoolmaster.
- Some of Stephen Wright's lines
- Steven Wright Quotes
-- end humor --
The Hunger Site
Hydrogen Peroxide
68 Year Old Tom Smith Knows
by David Lawrence Dewey
© October 15th, 1998 - All Rights Secured
Hygenaire -- safer products, consulting
Products Designed By & For People with Severe Allergies
Hyperberic Oxygen Treatment
Not listed as a healer for Acute Renal Failure, nor Chronic Renal Failure, but I'm trying it nonetheless. -- barb
- HBOT Online
" ..... HBOT Online is a service designed to provide you with a central source of
information about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy; a foundation therapy for acute and
chronic wounds of all types......we want your news and stories for HBOT Online...contact
us at hbotonline@hbot.com..... "
http://www.netnet.net/mums/HBO.htm - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center of Marin
Dr. Todd S. Kaufmann Clinical Director
21 Tamal Vista Blvd., Ste 210
Corte Madera, CA 94925
(800) 635-4334
(415) 927-0749
(415) 924-6478 fax
And in Sonoma County . . .
2454 West Third Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 541-0749
(888) 655-5757
http://hyperbaric02therapy.com/index.htm - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, and Stroke
This note is not as promising as I'd like, but that qualifier, DO NOT ALWAYS, gives me some hope.
"... The principle that redirecting flow toward ischemic areas can help damaged tissue
recover is well established in cardiology. However, in critical care generally, drugs and
maneuvers that redirect flow to ischemic organs (e.g., brain and kidney) do not always
improve recovery at the cellular level. For this reason, improved blood flow must be
linked to other measures of cellular and organ recovery. ..."
http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/epcsums/hypoxsum.htm - Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics: Research References
http://www.hbot4u.com/renallisting.html- "How does HBOT force more Oxygen into the bloodstream and tissues?"
- "How does HBOT force more Oxygen into the bloodstream and tissues?"
- Richmond Hyperbaric Health Center
Unit #4 - 12180, Horseshoe Way, Richmond, B.C. Canada V7A 4V5
Tel: (604) 277-8608Ý Fax: (604) 277-8628Ý
Toll Free: 1-888-373-0888
Now here are some encouraging words and I thank the author for sharing her kidney experiences!
"... Over the next 10 years, with a vegetarian diet, and lifestyle change, I was able to
forestall dialysis until the age of 45. I firmly believe, that had I known about HBOT
(Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy), I would not probably even need dialysis now and that the
possibility of renal function recovery could have occurred at the onset of discovery of
this current condition, that of kidney disease. For I know of individuals who, with the
levels of creatinine (level of toxin in the body) that I have hadÝ (about 300), have
experienced return of function in their kidneys. ... "
http://www.richmond-hyperbaric.com/case_studies_Kidney%20disease.html- Other Research Studies Ý
- Other Research Studies Ý
- San Francisco Preventive Medical Group's Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Dr. Joel Lopez is my doctor. It could be argued that he's saved or extended my life by telling me
about fish peptides to lower blood pressure, rather than taking the prescribed blood pressure
medicine that further damages kidneys.-- barb
345 West Portal Ave
San Francisco CA 94127
415 566-1000
Fax 415 665-6732
Too little or too much thyroid hormone can elevate blood pressure. Kidney disease can elevate
blood pressure. And, overlooked by the western medical industry . . . petrochemical-derived
FRAGRANCES. "Fragrance" or "Parfum" on the label means the product has been released to
market without full substantiation of safety by an unregulated industry, unleashing unknown
combinations of unknown chemicals upon the market without government supervision or
regulation. (Unless you pay to have an analysis run, or visit EHN or FPIN sites, you'll not have a clue as to
the toxic chemicals found in "fragrance."). -- barb
- Baby Ills from Beauty Aids?
Cynthia Washam / Environmental Health Perspectives v.109, n.5, May01
http://www.mindfully.org/Health/Beauty-Aids-Baby-Ills.htm - Earth Crash - Earth Spirit
Healing ourselves and a dying planet
Documenting the Collapse of a Dying Planet
Pollution: Hormone Disrupters
http://eces.org/ec/pollution/hormonedisrupters.shtml - Health Effects of Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) - Effects in Laboratory Animals
Environmental Working Group
http://www.ewg.org/pub/home/reports/beautysecrets/presskit/healtheffects.html - Hypospadias
http://ibis-birthdefects.org/start/hypospad.htm - Hypospadias -- What Every Parent Should Know
Babies & Children¼s Hospital
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
New York, NY 10032
(212) 305-8510
(212) 305-4421 fax
http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/urology/pediatric/hypospadias.html - Hypospadias and Endocrine Disruption: Is There a Connection?
Laurence S. Baskin,1 Katherine Himes,2 and Theo Colborn3
1Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, California, USA;
2Harvard University Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 3Wildlife and
Contaminants Program, World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C., USA
"Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies in the United States;
it occurs in approximately 1 in 250 newborns or roughly 1 in 125 live male births (1,2).
Hypospadias can be defined as an arrest in normal development of the urethral, foreskin,
and ventral aspect of the penis. This results in a wide range of abnormalities, with the
urethral opening being anywhere along the shaft of the penis, within the scrotum,
or even in the perineum (3). The more severe forms of hypospadias are associated with
penile curvature. Left uncorrected, patients with severe hypospadias may need to sit
down to void and tend to shun intimate relationships because of the fears related to
abnormal sexuality. Babies born with severe hypospadias and penile curvature may
have "ambiguous genitalia" in the newborn period, making an immediate accurate
sex assignment difficult. ... "
Abstract: http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2001/109p1175-1183baskin/abstract.htmlFull article for members: http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/members/2001/109p1175-1183baskin/baskin-full.html
- International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems (ICBDMS)
and National Birth Defects Prevention Network will be organising the NBDPN/
ICBDMS Collaborative Meeting
http://www.icbd.org/symposium.htm - The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Current Research
One wonders when they are going to pay closer attention to the toxic chemical brews
known innocuously as "fragrance"? -- barb
http://www.nichd.nih.gov/about/despr/EPIRSH.HTM - National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals - Phthalates
CDC National Center for Environmental Health ; 21mar01
" This is one section of four including Metals, Tobacco Smoke,
Organophosphate Pesticides, and Phthalates "
http://www.mindfully.org/Plastic/Environmental-Chemicals-CDC-21mar01.htmOur Stolen Future
Male Reproductive Disorders
http://www.ourstolenfuture.org/NewScience/reproduction/testes.htm - P&S Medical Review: August 1996, Vol.3, No.2
True Hermaphroditism: Considerations in the Management of
Patients Presenting in Early and Adult Life
To top of page.
EHN's homepage ehnindex.htm
Our progress may be slow but it is steady. Please bear with us. Thank you.
ehnlinx/h.htm -- rev6/14/99