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Hazardous Substances

17 May 2008 45,307 views 4 Comments

189 Hazardous Air Pollutants
The 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA)

Hazardous Chemicals, Glossary by Lifekind

Northern Maine Technical College Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
This site only states that they have the MSDS on hand … but you should see the
common products listed as hazardous. — barb


If URL below doesn’t work, search The US Code for “Hazardous Substances” under

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  • Cindy Langendorfer said:

    I was exposed to 2.5 cans of brake cleaner aerosol at my work. 3 of us became ill, 2 of us hospitalized. I would like to know what the heck I can do to make my employer pay for this. I have been off work since Oct. 18th 2008 to present.
    I have no taste buds off an on since this. My body feels like I have been dipped in a vat of aneseptic from head to toe. I have burning in my feet. Pain in my arms and legs and my skin looks all wrinkled like a woman in her 70 or 80s. I am 50. I have trouble concentrating. My internal thermostat is all wacky like I am below my normal 98.6. With the amount of exposure in the hospital I had to get insulin shots and also vitamin D. I am not diabetic. Received oxygen and nebulizer treatments for 6 days.

  • 401.6 said:

    What are you advising people to do? ,

  • Pablo said:

    Fabreze- BEWARE-I changed out a plug-in fragrance and got a little on my arm. I ended up with a third degree burn on my skin (2″ long). That night I ended up in the ER with an irregular heart beat. I’m a healthy 50 year old (no drugs or medication) yet the doctor asked me several times if I do drugs. BEWARE!

  • Dorothy Konrad said:

    I contacted your office back in 1991. Found your letter. I was exposed to carbon disulfide back then spilled it on my legs while working. I did not have a good attorney and did not receive a good comp settlement. I did appeal however my illness caused me not to understand what they were doing to me. Now I have been diangnosed with autonomic neuropathy and cancer in one of my legs that I had the spill on. No one will help me I have tried so much to get help everyone just says too old of a case. I have written a report of my situation over the years are you interested in reading it? Thank you Dorothy KOnrad

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