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Beth Terry to Speak at Jan 31, 2015 EHN Meeting

11 January 2015 89,319 views 2 Comments

The Environmental Health Network’s next meeting will feature Beth Terry, author of the popular blog MyPlasticFreeLife.com and new book Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too.

Beth Terry covered in plastic

Beth Terry covered in plastic


What is your plastic footprint?  Take a walk through your house and notice how much plastic has infused our way of life.  From plastic-packaged food in the kitchen to toothbrushes and shampoo in the bathroom, from the carpet on the floor to the clothes in our closets, and all the gadgets we use each day, our world is full of plastic.

Although some plastics make our lives better, much of it is a problem — polluting our oceans and beaches and harming our health with toxic chemicals. But what can one person do to be part of the solution? Join us for an afternoon of inspiring stories and practical tips about ways to reduce plastic in your home and on the planet.  Author Beth Terry will share her journey from self-confessed plastic addict to empowered plastic-free activist and explain why we can’t just recycle our way out of this mess. 

Plastic use often goes hand in hand with medical care and disability. We use plastic for oxygen and other tubing, to protect items from contamination, for gloves, injections, and in drug or supplement packaging. Beth’s guilt-free approach looks for alternatives when possible. As people with chemical sensitivity, we are often caught in the middle because plastic both protects and harms us. Come add your voice to the discussion.

EHN Meetings are free and open to both members and nonmembers but you must arrive scent-free. This means no synthetic or natural fragrances of any kind in personal care or laundry products or residues of other chemicals (such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, or building materials like fresh paint). We are quite strict about this so all of our members can attend. It’s also a rule of our meeting host, Ecology House. Please contact us if you have any questions. We want you to attend too and will gladly walk you through the process. If you wish, please bring (labeled) food to share.

Saturday January 31, 2015
4-6pm with potluck dinner to follow
Ecology House, 375 Catalina Blvd, San Rafael, CA

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  • Chris Rushworth said:

    I would like to attend the January meeting. Do I need to do anything other than this?

    Thank you,

    Christine Rushworth

  • Meaghan simpson said:

    Grandma Meaghan here just got to say! I was way there with you with Great Spirit in the Light!
    I’m an old beach bum radical long-fin body surfer and improv dancer songwriter who loves mother ocean and land and air and water… I am possessed by a dream that we will clean up our Earth everything clean it from poison PETRO CHEMS and PLASTICS and restore our home. I started in my own home and heaven knows humans have to stop drilling our Earth for black snake oil and turning it into every kind of disposable toxic plastic that pollutes and clogs and kills all living things!

    Go Beth Terry and everyone at EHN, CA!

    I heard of NCCI and Susan Malloy by 1999…and also EHN, CA
    Started by phone and she was already living in Snowflake, AZ
    I had founded Mending Wheel a non-profit 501(c)3 org… For Living, Learning and Leading Beyond Toxics
    Our mission was public education and resources for building an ECO-co-housing demonstration site retreat and learning center for ECO and electro hypersensitive people.

    My friends in Marin County, CA told me about Ecology House and wow did I know how many millions of USA citizens were on your big WISH WAITING LIST! I knew every day more and more people who needed and wanted home and neighborhoods chem free of everything and we knew how to build with straw bale and cob and solar… Here in Humboldt County, CA That’s how I met Susan, she travelled here several times as she had parents and friends who lived here… And we were so blessed to meet several times. She gave me a bound copy of info published in EHN’s journal, THE REACTOR?…and hooked me up with a lot of the network around Ecology House funding sources and or process and protocols for fund raising grants for Mending Wheel…I am eternally grateful for all the people in the EHN
    and MCS/E.I. Community… Oh beyond forever love to one and all!!

    Hope to connect again in Marin!

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