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Alphabetical Listings – E

26 April 2010 479,177 views No Comment

Earth Day | Earthquake | Connie Eash

Ecology | Ecology House | EDF | EHCWM | EHP | EI Briefing Paper

Electric Words | Electrical-EMF-EMR | E-Mail | Emphysema

Endocrine | Endometriosis | Environment | Environmental

EPD | Dr. Epstein | Escalante | Essential Oils | EYES

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Two bits’ worth from barb: Honest! You can get FREE voicemail and e-fax service!


E — The Environmental Magazine (E Magazine)


  • Environmental Health Policy Committee

  • Environmental Health Project

    The Environmental Health Project (EHP) is sponsored by the

    U.S. Agency for International Development (http://www.info.usaid.gov/).


    Environmental Health Questions and Answers; NIEHS

    Alphabetical Listing of Health Topics


  • Environmental Illness — also see the complete subcategory,

    EHN’s outbound MCS links (ehnlinx/mcs.htm),

    as well as General Links, page D, Doctors


  • Environmental illnesses assaulted by everyday smells, People with

    by L. J. Latkoczky; WINNIPEG (CUP)


  • Environmental Illness

    Steen Hansen Hviid


  • Environmental Illness/MCS Louisvile Style

  • Environmental Illness or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity by Julie May

  • EI-Safe Housing in Utah – Escalante House

    Escalante House, a nonprofit, nonreligious organization, proposes to build a

    housing com-munity for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

    “…Participate in the architectural charette on August 11-13, 2000. This is your

    chance to see if the Escalante area works for you and, if it does, to help plan your future
    community. If you wish, you may arrive early or stay afterward. Because we will try
    to accommodate everyone’s dietary needs during the charette, we would appreciate
    your contacting us as soon as possible if you are interested in attending. Contact
    Escalante House, P.O. Box 652, Escalante UT 84726. Phone/fax: (435) 826-4778.

    E-mail: toripat@color-country.net.”


  • Environmental Justice – Toxic Empire

  • Environmental Justice Advisory Council, National (NEJAC) [EPA]


  • Environmental Justice Resources

    UT Community Partnership Center


  • Environmental News Network (ENN)


  • Environmental and Occupational Health, New York State


      From the state of New York’s Department of Public Health —

        “Risk is the possibility of injury, disease or death. For

        example, for a person who has measles, the risk of death is

        one in one million.

        Risk assessment

        “A process which estimates the likelihood that people who have

        been exposed to chemicals may have health effects. The four

        steps of a risk assessment are: hazard identification (Can

        this substance damage health?); dose-response assessment

        (What dose causes what effect?); exposure assessment (How and

        how much do people contact it?); and risk characterization

        (combining the other three steps to estimate risk).

        Risk management

        “The process of deciding how to reduce or eliminate possible

        health effects by considering the risk assessment, engineering

        factors (Can engineering procedures or equipment do the job, for

        how long and how well?) and social, economic and political concerns.”


    • What You Know Can Help You– An Introduction To Toxic Substances

        ” ** Potency: Potency (strength) is a measure of a chemical’s

        toxicity. A more potent chemical is more toxic. For example,

        sodium cyanide is more potent than sodium chloride (table salt)

        since swallowing a smaller amount of cyanide can poison you.

        “The potency and, therefore, the toxicity of a chemical can be

        affected by its breakdown within the human body. When a substance

        is absorbed into the body, its chemical structure may be changed or

        metabolized to a substance that is more toxic or less toxic. For

        example, carbon tetrachloride, once a commonly used solvent, is

        changed by the body into a more toxic chemical that causes liver

        damage. For some other chemicals, metabolism changes the chemical

        into a form that is more easily eliminated by the body.”


  • Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI)

    170 Frelinghuysen Road

    Piscataway, NJ 08854

    (732) 445-0200

    If you would like any additional information on anything contained on this site please contact:


    Email questions and comments about this website to: (webmaster@eohsi.rutgers.edu)


    • Environmental Factors in Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms

      and Related Syndromes: January 10-12, 2001

      Folks, check out this — the program is a PDF file. If you need Adobe Acrobat you can

      download it from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/

        “FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 …

        ” 8:30 – 12:00 Special Program – Treatment Symposium for Medically

        Unexplained Symptoms

        “Patients with somatic symptoms not explained by organic illness are a challenge for

        physicians and therapists, alike. This treatment symposium will focus on cognitive

        behavioral interventions designed specifically for the patient who presents with

        somatic symptoms and who may be resistant to behavioral treatment strategies.

        This workshop combines didactic and experiential exercises to clarify the myths and
        facts about these illnesses and to offer treatment approaches currently being

        applied with this patient group.”

      I wonder if anyone has bothered to “focus on cognitive behavioral interventions designed
      specifically for the” doctor who presents with resistence to learn about the adverse effects of
      70,000 – 80,000 chemicals in commerce today. Most chemical products are released with no
      understanding of longterm effects! And, if you get a look at deaths associated with prescribed
      medicines, you may wonder if anyone knows any of the shortterm or immediate adverse effects of
      drugs we are supposed to turst. Add to that other synthetic products like fertilizers,
      pesticides, fragrances, various cleaning and maintenance products, including the latest fad:
      antibacterials. We’re all sitting on a chemical timebomb. It IS ticking. — barb


  • Environmental, Occupational Hygiene, Health & Safety Specialist – Mary


  • Environmental Organization Web Directory


  • Environmental Organizations, National

    (Ventana Chapter, Monterey Bay area)

  • Environmental and People Safe Products

    Jen-Par Enterprises

  • Environmental Protection Act for Children, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D – CA)

    Senate bill 599; including introductory text, status and contact information

  • Environmental & Preventive Health Center of Atlanta

    Stephen B. Edelson, M.D., F.A.A.F.P., F.A.A.E.M

  • Environmental Reauthorizations and Regulatory Reform:

    From the 104th Congress to the 105th

    John E. Blodgett; Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division

    Updated February 10, 1998


  • Environmental Science Center

    Proctor & Gamble AND the US Environmental Protection Agency. (No joke! — barb)


  • Environmental Science and Technology

    Low-Level Chemical Exposures: A Challenge for Science and Policy


  • Environmental Search Engine, UC Santa Barbara

  • Environmental Sensitivities Research Institute (ESRI — Ronald Gots)


    “The problem isn’t chemicals, it’s the environment. Executive director and
    founder of ESRI is Ronald R. Gots, who openly scoffs at MCS patients and the
    physicians who treat them. For example, Dr. Gots has said MCS is ‘a peculiar
    manifestation of our technophobic and chemophobic society.’ [7] In other words, MCS
    patients aren’t really sick –they’re just irrationally frightened by technology and
    chemicals. ” from RACHEL’S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY #464


    Environmental Studies: Prof. Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

    On teaching, activism and an archive of over 100 of his articles


  • Environmental Support Center

    “Since 1990, the Environmental Support Center (ESC) has assisted more than

    1,000 local, state and regional organizations working on environmental issues.

    ESC’s goal is to improve the environment in the United States by enhancing the

    health and well-being of these organizations. Our Training and Organizational

    Assistance Program, Technology Resources Program , Workplace Solicitation

    Program, and new Environmental Loan Fund help these vital environmental

    groups become better managed, funded and equipped. “

  • Environmental & Toxicology International – ETI


    Environmental Toxicology Newsletter
    (Published since 1980)

  • Environmental Working Group

  • Enviro$en$e

    US EPA


  • EnvirPure

    The Basic elements needed for life are air and water . . . Do you know what’s in yours?


      Following is a link to a series of articles, starting with “UV Lights may fight ‘sick building’
      syndrome; 5/26/99.” Also look for “Dust, cats and other indoor irritants contribute to asthma; 1/20/00.”
      In there you will read:

        ” . . . Other factors that fit in this category are formaldehyde fumes and fragrances

        found in personal care and household products.

        “As for pesticides, houseplant spores or material from domestic or wild rodents,

        the research is still inadequate to determine if they are a major cause or

        aggravator of asthma. . . .”

      — barb


  • The EnviroVillage

  • GreenLink

    Grassroots Advocates for the Ohio Environment focused on Clean Water,

    Toxic Chemical Reductions, Urban Sprawl, and Public Participation.


  • IAQ in Schools

  • Links from 1Healthy Universe

  • MapCruzin.com

    Environmental concerns, right to know …


  • Mosquitos and your environment

  • Mosquito and Vector Control District

    Marin and Sonoma counties, SF Bay Area

  • Master Home Environmentalist – Seattle


    “The Master Home Environmentalist Program at the American Lung Association of
    Washington can help you find out — you can ask for a trained Master Home
    Environmentalist to come to your home to do a free home assessment, or you can
    become a Master Home Environmentalist (MHE) yourself by participating in our

    40 hour training and doing 40 hours of community service. “


  • The National Center for Environmental Health Strategies, Inc. (NCEHS)

    The National Environmental Health Association


  • National Environmental Policy Commission


  • National Environmental Trust


  • National Institute for the Environment

  • The Nature Conservancy


  • Office of Environment, Health and Safety, U. of California, Berkeley


    Richard’s Pages on EI/MCS/CFS

  • Slide Ranch

    Educational Programs


  • Sustain – The Environmental Information Group


  • Sustainable Communities

    See, EHN’s General Links, page S, Sustainable

  • „Where are Environmental Hazards?¾

    by Holly S. Anthony


  • Your Child and the Environment

    American Academy of Pediatrics

    End Environmental topics — return to top

    Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD)



      John Hopkins Public Health

      “Epidemiology is the study of the distribution of diseases and of the determinants of
      health and disease risk in human populations. Epidemiologic methods are used to gather
      unbiased evidence for characterizing the health of populations and for testing
      hypotheses by gathering and using data from populations or groups of people.
      Epidemiology is one of the quantitative foundations of public health and clinical research;
      it provides a basis for preventive approaches in medicine and public health. …”


    • Epidemiology –

      Illnesses Associated With Occupational Use of Flea-Control Products California, Texas,

      and Washington, 1989-1997; Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report; JAMA

    • The Adverse Effect of Low Levels of Ambient Air Pollutants on Lung Function
      Growth in Preadolescent Children

      Wieslaw Jedrychowski, Elzbieta Flak, and Elzbieta MrÛz
      Chair of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Collegium Medicum in Jagiellonian University, KrakÛw, Poland

      Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 8, August 1999


  • Samuel S. Epstein, M.D

    Samuel S. Epstein, M.D., Chairman, and Professor Emeritus of Environmental and

    Occupational Medicine, University of Illinois School of Public Health, Chicago


    Also see EHN’s section on Mammography

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