![]() We all are stakeholders when it comes to breathing.© Government LINKS Section 1: A - F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Slowly scroll through this site using the outbound links as time allows, or click on an alpha character above to quickly reach the agency in alpha order. Or, use quick clicks to: ABAG | Access Board | ADA | ATSDR | BAAQMD | California
California Building Standards Commission Gov't links G - Z | HUD | JAN | NIEHS | NIOSH | OSHA
General Questions about USA Government?
NOTE: This section has been divided to speed loading. You should be able to use it as if it were all one document.
Please also visit our General Links pages, where each letter of the alphabet represents a separate page. For example, if you are looking for a link to ALA or AMA and their acknowledgement that fragrances can trigger asthma, or perhaps American PIE (Public Information on the Environment), go to page A. For information on fragrances or perfume, see Fragrances. If you are interested in the work of Julia Kendall, visit page K. Page M will provide links to other MCS sites. Page S will take you to SAFE Schools as well as an international site pertaining to MCS: SaferWorld.
Links are cross-referrenced as time allows.
ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments)
- Earthquake -- ABAG's comprehensive information
- Worker's Comp Q & A: Ask Julie
Access Board -- U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
- "The Board, created in 1973, has served the nation as the only independent federal agency
whose primary mission is accessibility for people with disabilities ."
Keep abreast of Access Board activities ... they may be coming to a city near you. Join them! --barb
- Because you cared enough ... Look at what your efforts wrought.
Take a moment to applaud the Board, and then you, too, take a bow! -- barb
"Board Adopts Policy to Promote Fragrance-Free Environments"
http://www.access-board.gov/news/fragrance.htm- ACCESS BOARD MEETING POLICY
- To see the importance of having the Access Board finally begin to recognize the
chemically injured as part of the disabled community, check out -- "DOT Moves to
Update its ADA Standards - Effort coincides with Board's Development of a
New ADAAG " -- barb
http://www.access-board.gov/news/dot.htm- Strong Recommendations for Future Action on
MCS for FY 2001
By Mary Lamielle, Executive Director
National Center for Environmental Health Strategies, Inc.
- Other MCS Issues Considered by the Access Board
By Mary Lamielle, NCEHS
- Strong Recommendations for Future Action on
- Read the letters and comments sent to the Access Board by
May 15, 2000. Thank you for taking the time and the energy to write!
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and
Facilities; Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Guidelines
View/use EHN's sample letter to the US Access Board
http://ehnca.org/www/actnletr/abgenlet.htmTESTIMONY BEFORE THE U.S. ARCHITECTURAL AND TRANSPORTATION
MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2000 9:40 A.M.
- Public Meetings were held
1. January 31, 2000, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles Airport Marriott, 5855 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90045.
2. March 13, 2000, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Arlington, VA
Arlington - Sheraton Crystal City, 1800 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.
- Public Meetings were held
- Access Board's EITAAC (Electronic and Information Technology Access Advisory Committee) Work Space
- Published Rules and Notices [including Meetings]
- Trace Research & Development Center -New Items
ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act)
Also see GENERAL Links (http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/a.htm#ADA)
- ADA from DOJ
- Industrial Hygiene
- Resources on the www
- Resources on the www
- District Supervisors
- Clean Water Program (ACCWP), Alameda County-wide
http://www.co.alameda.ca.us/pwa/water.htm- Bay Area Gardeners Can Weed Out Water Pollution
Many Gardeners Use Pesticides up to 20 Times the Rate of Farmers
- Clean Up Bay Area Waters By Shopping For
Environmentally Friendly Household Products http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/PW/storm/house.html - Pollution Prevention Tips for the Dedicated Boater
http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/PW/storm/boater.html - REMODELING YOUR HOUSE? DON'T LAY A FOUNDATION FOR WATER
Home Improvement Tips That Won't Jeopardize Local Creeks and the San Francisco Bay
http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/PW/storm/improve.html - Superior Court
- Bay Area Gardeners Can Weed Out Water Pollution
- Environmental Health
http://www.co.alameda.ca.us/health/environmental/environ.htm - Alcohol Programs
http://www.atf.treas.gov/alcohol/index.htmSpecially denatured alcohol (SDA)
Alcohol used for cosmetics/fragrances. -- barb
http://www.atf.treas.gov/about/service/sda/- 27 CFR Part 21 - FORMULAS FOR DENATURED ALCOHOL AND RUM
- Act at all times in the best interest of the public health.
- Treat the public respectfully and courteously and respond promptly to
requests with accurate, up-to-date information. - Minimal Risk Levels (MRLs) for Hazardous Substances
http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls.html - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) Report
Barb's two bits' worth: This report reflects industry bias; it is not a document that can help
the person forced to live with MCS. This document does not serve the still-working who are trying
desparately to be able to breathe while working . . . let alone think, or have hopes of being a
productive employee. And, ATSDR did not see fit to print public comments in their entirety. -- barb
http://www.health.gov/environment/mcs/index.htm- Links to some rebuttals, including EHN's
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/action.htm#InteragencyChemicals (ATSDR)
Hazardous Substances, Top 20
Females Report More Adverse Health ...
FRAGRANCE / PERFUME ... not among ATSDR's concerns
Search for "fragrance" . . .
- ATSDR -The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Announces: The International Congress on Hazardous Waste:
Impact on Human and Ecological Health
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia; June 5-8, 1995
In searching ATSDR site for "fragrance," the following is the only item that came up. -- barb
" Fragrance Alert
"Congress attendees are requested to be mindful of attendees with
fragrance allergies."
Notice that date, folks. 1995 And you'd think this agency would be interested in
diseases caused by our modern scented products, but an exchange -- one of unsolicited snottines
by one of ATSDR staff -- put me straight on that score. I was told ATSDR practices SOUND
SCIENCE, not something like an analysis of several perfumes to see their chemical make-up
and then learn how much is known about individula chemicals, as in the FDA Petition, 99P-1340. -- barb
http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/cong95.html - ATSDR- COMPARISON OF DIOXIN SUBREGISTRY BASELINE
"... In a study of U.S. workers exposed to dioxin, Fingerhut et al. (136) found statistically significant reductions in the mortality rates for diseases of the circulatory system, primarily because of fewer deaths from stroke; however, the authors noted that the low mortality from circulatory disease could be a reflection of the "healthy worker" effect. Other worker studies have also reported negative findings (66,135,137).
66. Alavanja MC, Merkle S, Teske J, Eaton B, Reed B. Mortality among forest and
soil conservationists. Arch Environ Health 1989;44:94-101.
135. Bond GG, McLaren EA, Lipps TE, Cook RR. Update of mortality among
chemical workers with potential exposure to higher chlorinated dioxins. J Occup Med
1989;31: 121-3.
136. Fingerhut MA, Sweeney MH, Halperin WE, Schnorr TM. The epidemiology
of populations exposed to dioxin. IARC Sci Publ 1991;108:31-50.
137. Thomas TL. Mortality among flavour and fragrance chemical plant workers
in the United States. Br J Ind Med 1987;44:733-7.Search for "perfume" . . .
- National Alert -- A Warning About Continuing Patterns of Metallic Mercury Exposure
"Incidents involving religious practices
"Persons who use metallic mercury in ethnic folk medicine and for religious
practices are at risk. Metallic mercury is sold under the name "azogue" in stores
(sometimes called botanicas), which specialize in religious items used in Esperitismo
(a spiritual belief system native to Puerto Rico), Santeria (a Cuban-based religion
that venerates both African deities and Catholic saints), and voodoo.
"The use of azogue in religious practices is recommended in some Hispanic
communities by family members, spiritualists, card readers, and santeros.
Typically, azogue is carried on one's person in a sealed pouch prepared by a
spiritual leader or sprinkled in the home or automobile. Some botanica owners
suggest mixing it in bath water or perfume and placing it in devotional candles.
http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/alerts/970626.html - Petitioned Public Health Assessment -- Carolina Solite Corporation
EPA ID#: 980557730; Aquadale, Norwood, North Carolina; September 12, 2001
"Rhinitis can be complicated by allergies, humidity, cold air, alcohol, and perfume." http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/NEWS/solite.htmlMinimal Risk Levels (MRLs) for Hazardous Substances
Hazardous Substances Newsletter --
http://atsdr1.atsdr.cdc.gov:8080/HEC/hsphhome.htmlMCS Report
- Links to rebuttals, including EHN's
Congress '95 Poster Presentations " ... MCS subjects were not more sensitive to odors as defined by odor- detection
threshold. However, they exhibited more symptoms in response to odors regarded
as pleasant."
Popular Documents -- quick links
http://atsdr1.atsdr.cdc.gov:8080/popdocs.htmlScience Corner
http://atsdr1.atsdr.cdc.gov:8080/Science Corner Links
Toxicology, Division of
- ATSDR -The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
- BAAQMD's Website Index
- Episodic Control Program Profile -- San Francisco Bay Area, CA
Basic Information
- Health Benefits
- Maintain AQ status
- Public Education
- Limit use of consumer products (hair sprays, perfumes, furniture polish)
Program Name: Spare the Air Area of Coverage: San Francisco Bay Area Main Pollutant(s)
Targeted: Ozone
Attainment Status (CO / PM10 / O3):Attaiment - ozone
Implementing Agency: Bay Area Air Quality Management District Start Date: Summer, 1991
Program Goals (Ranked)
Is the program enforceable? No
- Health Benefits
- It's Personal! -- A conversation [about fabric softeners] with an air quality district's
representative at Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
By Barb Wilkie
http://ehnca.org/www/newreact/itspersl.htm - Vector Control Team
- TAX AND FEE RATES (federal)
http://www.atf.treas.gov/alcohol/info/faq/subpages/atftaxes.htm - Governor Davis's home page
- E-mail Governor Davis
Aug 1999 response to my query regarding an email link to Gov. Davis
- Search for Bills -- Assembly, Senate, Both
http://www.assembly.ca.gov/acs/acsframeset2text.htm - changes in standards
- proposed changes
- 2001 Code Adoption Cycle
- Division of the State Architect - Access Compliance
- CBC - Express Terms (pdf)
- Go to Section #1117B.5.12
- Cleaner Air and
California Building Standards
ADOPTED! in Sacramento, November 28th ... for details, see below
1117B.5.12 Cleaner Air Sign
2001 Code Adoption Cycle as described in
pages 90-91 of Monograph, pictured in Figure 11B-40.
- Language of the "Cleaner Air Sign" and EHN's letters to the Building Standards Commission (BSC)
- Language of the "Cleaner Air Sign" and EHN's letters to the Building Standards Commission (BSC)
- California Building Standards Code
- Monograph of Code Change Submittals for 1999
- CBSC Newsletters
http://www.dgs.ca.gov/bsc/nltoc.htm - Delta Energy Center
- Delta Energy Center (Calpine/Bechtel Pittsburg) Power Project
- Delta Energy Center (Calpine/Bechtel Pittsburg) Power Project
- About CDFA
http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/aboutcdfa/index.html - GLASSY-WINGED SHARPSHOOTER (GWSS)
http://plant.cdfa.ca.gov/gwss/ - GLASSY-WINGED SHARPSHOOTER (GWSS) UPDATE; Thursday, August 31, 2000
http://plant.cdfa.ca.gov/gwss/gwmreCurrent.htm - Toxics Directory
Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)
http://www.oehha.org/docs/tdhomsc2.htm - Prop 65 - toxic chemical list
http://www.oehha.org/prop65/prop65_list/Newlist.html - Environmental Health Investigations Branch
http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ps/deodc/ehib/ - Who do I contact for information about ...
California Dept of Health and Human Services
http://www.hhsdc.ca.gov/- FAQs plus Comments/Complaints form
http://www.dhs.ca.gov/- California Morbidity Information
http://www.dhs.ca.gov/ps/dcdc/html/calmorb.htmI'll say California's info on control of head lice is MORBID!
California recommends a a synthetic pyrethroid.
Let me assure you, synthetic pyrethroids are not safe.
For a safer approach visit Steve Tvedten's "A Near Perfect
Pest Control for Head Lice"
And for more info on Pyrethroids, visit
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/p.htm#Pyrethroids-- barb
California legislative information
- California Law
California Law consists of 29 codes, covering various subject areas, the State Constitution
and Statutes. Information presented reflects laws currently in effect.
http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html - California Environmental Law
To get to this report, you'll need Adobe Acrobat 5.0. -- barb
http://www.dhs.ca.gov/deodc/ehib/ehib2/topics/California_Health_Indicators.html - California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Chpt 3: Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act
http://ceres.ca.gov/topic/env_law/ceqa/guidelines/ - CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE
http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=hsc&codebody=&hits=20 - CHAPTER 6. CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS .................. 119150-119160
http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=hsc&group=119001-120000&file=119150-119160 - CHAPTER 6.6. SAFE DRINKING WATER AND TOXIC ENFORCEMENT ACT OF 1986..
"25249.5. Prohibition On Contaminating Drinking Water With Chemicals Known to
Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity. No person in the course of doing
business shall knowingly discharge or release a chemical known to the state to cause
cancer or reproductive toxicity into water or onto or into land where such chemical
passes or probably will pass into any source of drinking water, notwithstanding any
other provision or authorization of law except as provided in Section 25249.9.
Newsweek: "...fluoride may be a carcinogen." Citizens for Safe Drinking Water (http://www.nofluoride.com/)
25249.9. Exemptions from Discharge Prohibition.
(a) Section 25249.5 shall not apply to any discharge or release
that takes place less than twenty months subsequent to the listing of
the chemical in question on the list required to be published under
subdivision (a) of Section 25249.8.
(b) Section 25249.5 shall not apply to any discharge or release
that meets both of the following criteria: (1) The
discharge or release will not cause any significant amount of the
discharged or released chemical to enter any source of drinking
water. (2) The discharge or release is in conformity with
all other laws and with every applicable regulation, permit,
requirement, and order. In any action brought to enforce Section
25249.5, the burden of showing that a discharge or release meets the
criteria of this subdivision shall be on the defendant.
CalPERS (Calif. Public Employee Retirement System)
- Disability Retirement
CalRehab (Calif Dept of Rehabilitation)
- ADA overview
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Home Page
- Mission Statement
"California's Role In Cancer Research And Awareness"
California State Association of Counties
CARB (California Air Resources Board)http://www.arb.ca.gov/homepage.htm
- FAQs plus Comments/Complaints form
Current Rules in Each of the 35 Air Districts, List of the
"This page updated May 1999 "
Note: A new page will open ... close it to return to EHN's page. -- barb
http://www.arb.ca.gov/drdb/drdbltxt.htm- BAAQMD: 1-301 Public Nuisance:
"No person shall discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities of air
contaminants or other material which cause injury, detriment, nuisance or
annoyance to any considerable number of persons or the public; or which
endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such persons or the public, or
which causes, or has a natural tendency to cause, injury or damage to business or
property. For purposes of this section, three or more violation notices validly
issued in a 30 day period to a facility for public nuisance shall give rise to a rebuttable
presumption that the violations resulted from negligent conduct.
(Adopted 3/17/81; Amended 5/2/90)"
- BAAQMD: 1-301 Public Nuisance:
- Air Quality
- 50 Things You Can Do for Cleaner Air [outdoor air]
- Air Pollution Sources, Health Effects, and Controls
- ARB Settles Kiwi Brands and COSTCO Corporation
Consumer Products Enforcement Cases
"...These settlement agreements illustrate ARB's commitment to cleaning up emissions
from consumer products in California. ..."
http://www.arb.ca.gov/newsrel/nr060498.htm - Consumer Products Program
Contact CARB's Comsumer Products unit to get your two cents' worth in on the
harmful effects of consumer products suffered at not only primary, but secondary
and tertiary levels of exposure. Do you HATE having to breathe your neighbor's fabric softeners? Tell it to CARB (this section) and CPSC (below). -- barb
- Consumer Products Enforcement Program
"Consumer Products emit about 267 tons per day of VOCs during 2000 in
California alone. These emissions represent approximately 8% of the total
man-made VOC emissions in California. ..."
For questions or comments, please contact Manager Steve Giorgi at (916) 322-6965.
E-mail: sgiorgi@arb.ca.gov - CONSUMER PRODUCTS REGULATIONS
"There are five existing consumer product regulations in California. The first regulation
(Article 1) covers only one category called antiperspirants and deodorants. The
second regulation (Article 2) covers 44 categories and is simply called the "general
consumer products regulation." The third regulation (Article 3) covers 35 categories of
aerosol paints and coatings. For compliance flexibility, the fourth regulation (Article 4)
is a voluntary emissions trading program for consumer products, and aerosol paints and
coatings, called the Alternative Control Plan (ACP) regulation. The fifth regulation
(Article 5) is a voluntary program that provides an incentive for early or over compliance,
called the Hairspray Credit Program Regulation." June 21, 2001
Note: The available files can be downloaded as MSWORD or as PDF files. -- barb
http://www.arb.ca.gov/consprod/regs/regs.htm - Consumer Products Test Method
http://www.arb.ca.gov/testmeth/cptm/cptm.htm- ARB Consumer Products Test Method 310 - Standard Operating Procedures
- ARB Consumer Products Test Method 310 - Standard Operating Procedures
- Consumer Products Enforcement Program
- Consumer Products and Smog -- the brochure
- Mission and Goals
- MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether)
- South Coast AQMD
"...the smog control agency for all or portions of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and
San Bernardino Counties, California, where 15 million people breathe the dirtiest air
in the US. "
CDE (California Department of Education)
DFEH (Department of Fair Employment and Housing)
Contact them regarding: Employment/Public Accommodations/Hate Violence and Housing.
CDHS (California Dept. of Health Services)
October 7, 2002; CONTACT: Ken August (916) 657-3064
http://www.applications.dhs.ca.gov/pressreleases/store/pressreleases/02-52.html"State Issues Warning About Ozone Air Cleaning Devices" News release
DDMV (California Dept. of Motor Vehicles)
Site map
CDPR (California Department of Pesticide Regulation)
- Pesticide Questions
http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/dprpquest.htm- Pesticides in and Around Schools - Time for Change
By Lyndon Hawkins
http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/factshts/lharticle.htm - School IPM Program (IPM or Integrated Pest Management)
AB 2260 signed into law by Gov. Davis
- Pesticides in and Around Schools - Time for Change
- Earthworks Group and the California Department of Conservation --
40 Tips to Go Green
California Fish and Game
http://www.dfg.ca.gov/dfghome.html- Contact info
- Just 4 Kids
CHFA ( Calif. Housing Finacne Agency
County Health Officers, Registrars and Recorders
CWCS (Calif. Workers' Compensation System)http://www.dir.ca.gov/DIR/OS&H/CHSWC/navigate/navigate.html
Doing business with the state government
Legislative Information
- California Law
- California Health and Safety Code
SECTION 25249.5-25249.13
Prohibition On Contaminating Drinking Water With Chemicals
Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity.
OAL - Office of Administrative Law
OEHHA - Office of Environmenal Health Hazard Assessment
- Prop 65 Information
- Environment
prepared by the former Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Rights of the Disabled
on nearly four years of examining access issues for people with Environmental
Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (EI/MCS). Since work was begun on this issue it
has become increasingly apparent that people with allergies, asthma, emphysema, other
respiratory diseases, immunological and neurological conditions also can be seriously
affected by chemicals in the home, work and outdoor environment and in the foods we
ingest. This report addresses only the issues related to access to public places, services
and employment. (Stock #876-S; $2.96 -- includes tax, s/h) (9/96)
For online version, see EHN's http://ehnca.org/www/books/eimcsf1.htm
~How to Order~
- 1.Prepayment is required before shipping.
2.Make check or money order payable to Senate Rules Committee.
Federal Express is available at your expense with the proper information.
3.Prices include shipping, handling and current California sales tax.
4.Send request to:
Senate Publications 5.Please include stock number when ordering.
1020 N Street, Room B-53
Sacramento, CA 95814
6.Computer printout on particular subject available upon request.
7.If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call 916/327-2155.
The Senate Publications Catalogue is available free of charge upon request by
calling 916/327-2155 or sending request to Senate Publications at the above address.
Toxics Directory
Vector Control Agencies, California
http://mosquito.lmi.net/directory/list.html - 50 Things You Can Do for Cleaner Air [outdoor air]
- Canada
- Department of Justice of Canada
Consolidated Statutes - Stable URL Links
- Education Canada
- Global Climate Change
- Health Canada
- Health Canada's Cosmetics Program
- Nova Scotia ... See http://ehnca.org/ehnglnx2.htm#Nova
- Health Canada's Cosmetics Program
- Health Information -- Index
http://www.cdc.gov/health/diseases.htm- Health Statisitics
Asthma in Children
- Bees, et al. -- Reducing the Risk of Being Stung
"1.Wear light-colored, smooth-finished clothing.
"2.Avoid perfumed soaps, shampoos, deodorants. Don't wear cologne or perfume.
Avoid bananas and banana-scented toiletries."3.Wear clean clothing and bathe daily. Sweat angers bees. ... "
Benzaldehyde - RTECS #: CU4375000 - CAS #: 100-52-7
The Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances
"Used in dyes, perfume, and flavor "
http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/rtecs/cu42c1d8.html - Brain Injury -
"Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States
"Of all types of injury, those to the brain are among the most
likely to result in death or permanent disability. Estimates of
traumatic brain injury (TBI) incidence, severity, and reflect the
enormous losses to individuals, their families, and society from
these injuries. These data demonstrate a critical need for more
effective ways to prevent brain injuries and care for those who
are injured.
(When will chemical injury to the brain be included? -- barb)
- Breast Cancer Related Projects
- Chlorobenzene
"... Chlorobenzene is principally used as a chemical intermediate in the production of chemicals such as nitrochlorobenzenes and diphenyl oxide. It also is used as a solvent in degreasing processes (e.g., in metal cleaning operations), the dry cleaning industry, paints, adhesives, waxes, and polishes; it has also been used as a heat-transfer medium and in the manufacture of resins, dyes, perfumes, and pesticides. In 1984, 116,000 tons of chlorobenzene were produced in the United States. Consumption is increasing at an estimated average annual rate of 1%-2%. ..." http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00025210.htm - Chronic Fatigue Sydrome
"... Tips for Scripts -- REMIND people with asthma to: adhere to their doctor's asthma management plan; never take over-the-counter medications without a doctor's consent; stay away from smoke, perfume, talcum powder or hairspray; minimize exposure to roaches, molds, dust, pets with fur, and strong household chemicals (e.g., cleaners); and stay inside on high-pollution days. ..." [empahsis added] -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/communication/tips/asthma.htm- CDC Mission Statement
"To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling
disease, injury, and disability "
- CDC Pledge
- CDC pledges to the American people:
- To be a diligent steward of the funds entrusted to it.
- To provide an environment for intellectual and personal growth and integrity.
- To base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data, openly and objectively derived.
- To place the benefits to society above the benefits to the institution.
- To treat all persons with dignity, honesty, and respect.
- The Health Impact of Chemical Exposures During the Gulf War
A Research Planning Conference
http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/meetings/1999/gulfwar/default.htm - INDOOR AIR QUALITY AND WORK ENVIRONMENT
This survey even asks about perfume . . . -- barb
- Kids' version - August 1997
- National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
This report contains info on heavy metals, tobacco smoke, organphosphate pesticides and on
phthalates. While phthalates are commonly used in fragrance manufacture, the report does NOT
touch on all of the other toxic chemicals used to concoct fragrances . . . not even commonly
used courmarin and musk ketone and musk xylene. Coumarin moves swiftly through the skin
into the blood system. It is a known blood thinner, which taken as an anticoagulant can harm
developing fetuses. What if it is "taken" daily, several times throughout any given day as a
fragrance chemical? Musk xylene has been found stored in adipose (fatty) tissue, which includes
the breasts, and it is found in mother's milk. Musk xylene has also been found downstream
affecting fish and wildlife. When will CDC investigate fragrance chemicals? This is a PDF file. -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/dls/report/PDF/CompleteReport.pdf - National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
Wouldn't it be wonderful if CDC[P] would finally begin to look at the harm fragrance products
have caused to users and nonusers? Talk about environmental chemicals! You inhale these
whether you use them or not, you absorb them whether you use them or not, they pollute the
air in remote areas and are affecting fish and wildlife downstream because fragrance chemicals
aren't washed out in wastewater treatment practices. So when will that scale tip away from
industry protection and in favor of protecting public health? How many have to become disabled or
die prematurely for out government agencies charged with protecting public health, actually look at
the proliferation of fragrances in connection with the soaring rates of various chronic diseases. -- barb
http://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport/ - Pesticides and Public Health: Integrated Methods of Mosquito Management:
http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/eid/vol7no1/rose.htm - Phthalates
Mono-ethyl phthalate. People exposed to diethyl phthalate will excrete
mono-ethyl phthalate in their urine. The amount of mono-ethyl phthalate is an
indicator of how much contact with diethyl phthalate has occurred. Diethyl phthalate
is an industrial solvent used in many consumer products, particularly those containing
fragrances. Products that may contain diethyl phthalate include perfume, cologne,
bar soap, shampoo, and hand lotion. return to top [emphasis added. -- barb]
Mono-butyl phthalate. People exposed to dibutyl phthalate will excrete mono-butyl phthalate in their urine. The amount of mono-butyl phthalate is an indicator of how much contact with dibutyl phthalate has occurred. Dibutyl phthalate is an industrial solvent used in many consumer products. Products that may contain dibutyl phthalate include nail polishes, cosmetics, and insecticides. [emphasis added. -- barb]Mono-benzyl phthalate. People exposed to benzylbutyl phthalate will excrete mono-benzyl phthalate in their urine. The amount of mono-benzyl phthalate is an indicator of how much contact with benzylbutyl phthalate has occurred. Benzylbutyl phthalate is an industrial solvent used in many consumer products such as adhesives, sealants, cosmetics, and car-care products. [emphasis added. -- barb]
- Population Estimates
http://www.census.gov/population/www/estimates/popest.html - Subjects A - Z
CFR (Code of Federal Regulations)
Code of Federal Regulations - Retrieve CFR by citation
Helpful Hints for Searching The Code of Federal Regulations
CIAC (U.S. Department of Energy's Computer Incident Advisory Capability)
CIAC homepage http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/CIACHome.html
CIAC Hoaxes http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/CIACHoaxes.html
CIC Consumers Information Center
- Search on "fragrance"
- Indoor Air Hazards
- Bees, et al. -- Reducing the Risk of Being Stung
- Activist from Earthlaw -- the eaiest way to get email addresses
- House of Representatives: Alaska - Montana
House of Representatives: North Carolina - Wyoming
- Senators
- House of Representatives: Alaska - Montana
- Library of Congress
- Consumer Information Center
Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC)
- About CPSC
- Letters about IAQ (Indoor Air Quality)
- CPSC Spells Out Petitions Policy
September 24, 1976; Release # 76-060
http://www.cpsc.gov/CPSCPUB/PREREL/prhtml76/76060.html - Questions?
- Recalls
- Statistics
- Success Stories
- Talk to CPSC -- Report UNSAFE Products
- Technical Reports on Carpet (PDF format)
- Who We Are - What We Do for You
Consumer, US Gateway
- http://www.consumer.gov/index.htm
- Federal Links to participating agencies
Return to top of page. Go to section G - Z.
Departments of the US Government, page of links from Lycos:
http://www.lycos.com/wguide/network/net_94046337.htmlDHS California Dept. of Helath Services
DOD (Dept of Defense)
The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country. The department's headquarters is at the Pentagon (http://www.defenselink.mil/).
- Environmental Exposure Reports
http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/envexp.html - GulfLINK Medical Information
http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/medical/ - GulfLink: Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses
DOE (Dept of Energy)
http://www.doe.gov/- Dept. of Energy At a Glance
- continuous improvement in developing effective programs and policies;
- strong and independent oversight of environment, safety, health, safeguards, and security performance; and
- effective and "value-added" technical assistance provided to customers.
http://tis-hq.eh.doe.gov/welcome/mission.html DOE's Environmental Quality:
Mission: The Office of Environment, Safety and Health is the Departmental advocate for excellence in programs to protect the environment, as well as the health and safety of workers at Department of Energy facilities and the public. The Office's central role as a Department-wide resource has been developed with the participation of a wide range of Stakeholders, and reflects the Office's statutory and regulatory mandates.
This commitment to excellence in environment, safety, and health is demonstrated by striving for:
DOE Information Security Server (DOE-IS)
DOE -- Links to other energy related federal sites
DOE -- Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs
- Causes of Indoor Air Quality Problems in Schools:
Summary of Scientific Research (available in PDF Format 423KB)
http://www.eren.doe.gov//buildings/building_equipment/pdfs/iaq.pdfDOJ (Department of Justice)
Disability Rights Task Force
Discrimination Complaint Form
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
"Futile Gesture"
Susan Molloy thinks this is the most important piece of info I've uncovered. Thanks!, Susan.-
Section 308(a)(1) further states that,
Nothing in this section shall require a person with a disability to engage in a futile
gesture if such person has actual notice that a person or organization covered by this
subchapter does not intend to comply with its provisions.
Is there a lawyer out there who might be able to explain "futile gesture" to us as it might apply
to the chemically injured and access ... e.g., restrooms with fragrance emission devices/systems
(FEDS), or a workplace that is outgassing chemicals from pesticides or mold or personal care
products, or a neighbor's outgassing pesticides, fabric softeners? ETC. -- barb
- To: Honorable Robert C. Byrd
- The Honorable Robert C. Byrd
- To: Ms. Leonora L. Guarraia
- RE: Complaint Number XX
- To: The Honorable Pete V. Domenici
- To: The Honorable Orrin G. Hatch
- RE: Complaint Number XXXXXXXXXXXX
- RE: Complaint Number xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- To: The Honorable Bill Paxon
- To: Honorable Robert C. Byrd
- Mission Statement
- National Sellers List
DOL (Department of Labor)
DOT (Department of Transportation)
- http://www.dot.gov/
- Air Travel
- Air Travel Problems
- Comments, Questions, Feedback
- Contacting DOT
- DOTBOT (Transportation Library)
- Federal Railroad Administration
Return to top of page. Go to section G - Z.
ED (Education, US Dept. of)
- Office for Civil Rights
"The mission of the Office for Civil Rights is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through vigorous enforcement of civil rights." http://www.ed.gov/offices/OCR/aboutus.html
EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Mission Statement: Our mission is to promote equal opportunity in employment by enforcing
the federal civil rights employment laws through administrative and judicial
actions, and education and technical assistance. [EEOC homepage]EEOC Homepage
The ADA: Your Employment Rights as an Individual With a Disability
Facts About the Americans with Disabilities Act [including Q&As]
Filing a Charge
EEOC Press Releases
http://www.eeoc.gov/press/3-1-99.htmlEnforcement Guidance:
Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
- About CPSC
- Fragrance Illness Accommodation - Roberts v. U.S. DOT
EEOC and an MCS ruling
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/eroberts.htmEnergy, Dept. of (DOE)
- Dept. of Energy At a Glance DOE's Environmental Quality:
- continuous improvement in developing effective programs and policies;
- strong and independent oversight of environment, safety, health, safeguards, and security performance; and
- effective and "value-added" technical assistance provided to customers.
Mission: The Office of Environment, Safety and Health is the Departmental advocate for excellence in programs to protect the environment, as well as the health and safety of workers at Department of Energy facilities and the public. The Office's central role as a Department-wide resource has been developed with the participation of a wide range of Stakeholders, and reflects the Office's statutory and regulatory mandates.
This commitment to excellence in environment, safety, and health is demonstrated by striving for:
DOE Information Security Server (DOE-IS)
Environmental Health Policy Committee
- http://web.health.gov/environment/
- Other Environmental Health Web Sites
Environmental Protection Act for Children
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D - CA)
Senate bill 599; including introductory text, status and contact information
If the site given above is not opening properly, try searching from within Thomas:
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
"The mission of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is to protect human health and
to safeguard the natural environment -- air, water, and land -- upon which life depends."
EPA's info on Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and the efficacy of testing indoor air.A non-EPA page: EPA's Dirty Little Secrets - Top 10 Pesticide Perils
- Sources of Indoor Air Pollution - Pesticides
EPA states: Use non-chemical methods of pest control when possible.
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pesticid.htmlAnd, on the same page . . .
- Air "fresheners"
"... Paradichlorobenzene is also the key active ingredient in many air fresheners
(in fact, some labels for moth repellents recommend that these same products be
used as air fresheners or deodorants). Proper ventilation and basic household
cleanliness will go a long way toward preventing unpleasant odors. ."
Amen! You will find this near bottom of this page on Pesticides, under
Keep exposure to moth repellents to a minimum. -- barb
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pesticid.html - Asthma in Schools
"Each day, one in five Americans occupies a school building and the majority of these
occupants are children. Environmental asthma triggers commonly found in school
buildings are cockroaches and other pests, mold resulting from excess moisture in the
building, and dander from animals in the classroom. Secondhand smoke and dust mites
are other known environmental asthma triggers found in schools. In addition, some
literature suggests children with asthma may be affected by other pollutants found
in schools from such sources as un-vented stoves or heaters and common products
such as cleaning agents, perfumes, and sprays. [Emphasis added.]
Last updated on Friday, July 23rd, 2004
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/schools/asthma/asthma_in_schools.htm- About Asthma Triggers
"... Irritants such as cold air, cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals, perfume, and paint
and gasoline fumes can trigger asthma. These irritants probably trigger asthma symptoms
by stimulating irritant receptors in the respiratory tract. These receptors, in turn, cause
the muscles surrounding the airway to constrict, resulting in an asthma attack. ..."
Last updated on Monday, July 26th, 2004
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/asthma/introduction.html - EPA's FAQs . . . Shared air in apartment buildings . . .
"... What this means is that many activities (fragrant cooking, applying perfume or
cologne, smoking, etc.) occurring in one apartment can be shared with other apartments
for many different reasons. ..."
Last updated on Tuesday, July 13th, 2004
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/ets/frequent_questions.html - I-BEAM Text Modules: Fundamentals of IAQ in Buildings
"This module provides the fundamentals to understanding indoor air quality. It provides a
rudimentary framework for understanding how indoor and outdoor sources of
pollution, heat and humidity, together with the ventilation and air conditioning systems
affect the indoor air quality in buildings. It also begins to address methods of
controlling those factors in order that the quality of the air which occupants experience
provides for their health, comfort and performance."
Table 1.1 Indoor Pollutants and Potential Sources
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) . . . "Paints, stains, varnishes, solvents, pesticides, adhesives, wood preservatives, waxes, polishes, cleansers, lubricants, sealants, dyes, air fresheners, fuels, plastics, copy machines, printers, tobacco products, perfumes, dry cleaned clothing." [Emphasis added.]
Table 1.2 Indoor Sources and Tips for Mitigation
Occupant-Related Sources personal products (e.g., perfume) [Emphasis added.]
- About Asthma Triggers
- What human health effects are associated with indoor air pollution?
"Poor indoor air quality can cause short-term problems, including headaches, fatigue,
dizziness, nausea, and a scratchy throat. But its other effects include cancer‹particularly
from long-term exposures to high ETS and radon concentrations‹and aggravation
of chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma. Exposure to naturally occurring radon
gas is the second leading cause (after smoking tobacco) of lung cancer among
Americans.39 The most sensitive and vulnerable population groups‹older people, the
young, and the chronically ill‹tend to spend the most time indoors and may therefore
face higher-than-usual exposures.
You have to dig, but the EPA does list perfume as a VOC and it also lists VOCs as indoor air
pollutants. Perfumes also contain chemicals that are known carcinogens, hormone disrupters
neurotoxins and lung and skin irritants and sensitizers! So a note to the wise, do not use
perfumed products in a public venue ... including your workplace, healthcare facility, school,
place of worship, opera, theater, restaurant, government agencies, . . . Perfumes pollute the air
for user and nonuser and adversely affect the health of untold numbers of people. -- barb
http://www.epa.gov/indicators/roe/html/roeAirInd.htmI've searched EPA from time to time over the years for word of perfume pollution. I admit
I do not do regular checks, certainly not daily, nor even monthly. But, I must say, I am so very
pleased to see that at least one government agency charged with protecting public health is starting
to let the public know that perfume pollutes. What we need is for the FDA to inform the public of
the various adverse health events that can be associated with the using of perfumed products
or breathing perfume used by others. Until such time, think of perfume as a timebomb in a
bottle . . . for you and those around you. There are safer alternatives. Be a wise shopper. -- barb; 9/25/04
- Draft Report on the Environment
"Researchers do not understand completely why children develop asthma or
why asthma prevalence has increased in the past two decades."
L@@K at the proliferation of fragranced products during those two decades.
The answer may be right there under your nose! Let's PREVENT asthma, rather
than load kids up with drugs to help them over asthmatic attacks. -- barb
http://www.epa.gov/indicators/roe/html/roeHealthSt2.htm - E.P.A. Says It Will Change Rules Governing Industrial Pollution
By MATTHEW L. WALD; NY Times; November 23, 2002
"Richard Blumenthal, the attorney general of Connecticut, said at a news conference
here that the administration was saying 'the Northeast can drop dead, and the rest
of the country can go with it.'"
"The president of the American Chemistry Council, Greg Lebedev, said the 'long-awaited
improvements" will "encourage better energy efficiency and help chemical makers
further improve air quality.'"
E.P.A.'s Right to Set Air Rules Wins Supreme Court Backing
NATIONAL DESK | NY Times; February 28, 2001, Wednesday
"Environmental Protection Agency must consider only requirements of public health
and safety and may not engage in cost-benefit analysis that coalition of industry groups
sought to import into statute..."
EPA and its Christie Whitman have just sent public health down the tubes . . . this is the same
Christie Whitman who had stated when governor of New Jersey stated in a speech in October 2000
before the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.:
"[P]olicymakers need to take a precautionary approach to environmental
protection.... We must acknowledge that uncertainty is inherent in managing
natural resources, recognize it is usually easier to prevent environmental
damage than to repair it later, and shift the burden of proof away from
those advocating protection toward those proposing an action that may
be harmful." (Source: Californians for Pesticide Reform (CPR)) - ASTHMA RESEARCH STRATEGY
"In individuals susceptible to asthma, common aeroallergens can cause airway
inflammation marked by episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, mucus secretion,
chest tightness, and cough. While there is a definite genetic component to asthma,
triggers include house dust mites, animal secretions, molds, tobacco smoke, and
other air pollutants.
"Other air pollutants" includes FRAGRANCE & PESTICIDE CHEMICALS.
NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) recognizes that!
(http://www.niehs.nih.gov/external/faq/indoor.htm) -- barb
- Browse EPA's Topics
- A Summary
Enforcing the ADA -- A Status Report
Civil Rights Division
Contact Information
Mailing Address
Disability Rights Section
P.O. Box 66738
Washington, D.C. 20035-6738
Fax Number
(202) 307-1198
ADA Information Line
800-514-0301 (voice)
800-514-0383 (TDD)
"ADA Specialists are available to provide ADA information and answers to technical questions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. or on Thursday from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. (Eastern Time). . . . Site last updated February 13, 1998."
"Futile Gesture"
Susan Molloy thinks this is the most important piece of info I've uncovered. Thanks!, Susan.
Section 308(a)(1) further states that,
Nothing in this section shall require a person with a disability to engage in a futile
gesture if such person has actual notice that a person or organization covered by this
subchapter does not intend to comply with its provisions.
Is there a lawyer out there who might be able to explain "futile gesture" to us as it might apply
to the chemically injured and access ... e.g., restrooms with fragrance emission devices/systems
(FEDS), or a workplace that is outgassing chemicals from pesticides or mold or personal care
products, or a neighbor's outgassing pesticides, fabric softeners? ETC. -- barb
Hot Links [through JAN]
Information On-Line
Agriculture, also see USDA
- USDA Regional Research - NC-170 (links)
Over 200,000 people responded by April 30, 1998 regarding the proposals geared to taking ORGANIC out of organic.
AMS National Organic Program (NOP) Proposed Rule Home Page
- http://www.ams.usda.gov/nop/
USDA AMS National Organic Program Proposed Rule
While it is to late to submit comments to
Eileen S. Stommes, Deputy Administratorit is not to late to write to your representatives and senators. Contact your congressmembers through Thomas -- Legislative Information on the Internet
Room 4007 - So., Ag. Stop 0275
P.O. Box 96456
Washington, DC 20090-6456
Air Quality, see
Also see EHN's General Links, page A / Air Quality
ARB (Air Rresources Boards)
(see CARB, below, for California's ARB)
U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion & Preventive Medicine http://chppm-www.apgea.army.mil/
QuickFind Services
ATF (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry)
home page -- http://atsdr1.atsdr.cdc.gov:8080/atsdrhome.html
ATSDR Glossary of Terms
ATSDR Mission
"As the lead public health agency responsible for implementing the health-related
provisions of Superfund (the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
and Liability Act of 1980), ATSDR is charged with assessing health hazards at specific
hazardous waste sites, helping to prevent or reduce exposure and the illnesses that
result, and increasing knowledge and understanding of the health effects that may result
from exposure to hazardous substances.
Go to section G - Z.
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
"The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is Committed to Achieving
Clean Air to Protect the Public's Health and the Environment."
(Oh yes? Then what about fabric softeners that pollute the ambient air for blocks?
Remember, Julia Kendall told us to tell it to our air resources board. If YOU, too, suffer from
fabric softeners and their fragrance chemicals, AND you live in the San Francisco Bay Area,
please take a moment to inform BAAQMD at 'Air Pollution Complaints, 1 (800) 334-ODOR' [6367] -- barb)
"Bay Area Gardeners Can Weed Out Water Pollution Many Gardeners Use Pesticides up to 20 Times the Rate of Farmers" http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/pw/storm/gardener.htmlCommission on Disability
Fragrance-free meeting statement
" SMOKE-FREE AND FRAGRANCE-FREE MEETINGS -- Attendees at public meetings
are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various odors, whether natural or
manufactured, in products and materials. Please help the City respect these needs.
http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/commissions/disability/disabilitydocs/bcdisho.htmlHealth and Human Services
Tree butchering
If your street's trees have been brutalized by the city trimming program, go to this site to register your complaints.
Sen. Barbara Boxer
Kids resources: http://www.dnai.com/~children/links.html
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Go to section G - Z.
California, state of
From this page you get to pick the type of site you prefer. -- barb
- http://www.ca.gov/
Not really a California site, yet very important to Californians ...
California Anti-SLAPP Project - Dedicated to First Amendment Rights
- Agencies
Building Standards Commission
California Building Standards Code - CBSC
2001 CYCLE -- At this homepage you need to select :
Cal/CDE (Dept of Education)
Cal/Dept of Energy
CDFA - California Department of Food and Agriculture
-- end California listings --
(Also see listing under Canada in General Links section)
Notice how CDC leaves out the most important part of its name when giving its initials?
PREVENTION! Of course, there's no money in PREVENTION. But, seeing just CDC, leaves
many to joke, Center for Disease Creation. -- barb
Text version: http://www.cdc.gov/cdctext.htm
Definition and cost burden
Graphics version:
Code of Federal Regualtions
Congressional Members -- both houses -- contact information
Browse EPA's Publications
Consumer Products and Common Microenvironments
- Hazardous air pollutants
TSCA Section 8(c); 40 CFR Part 717
"Under TSCA Section 8(c), companies can be required to record,
retain and in some cases report 'allegations of significant adverse
reactions' to any substance/mixture that they produce, import,
process, or distribute. EPA's TSCA Section 8(c) rule requires
producers, importers, and certain processors of chemical
substances and mixtures to keep records concerning significant
adverse reaction allegations and report those records to EPA upon
notice in the Federal Register or upon notice by letter. The
TSCA Section 8(c) rule also provides a mechanism to identify
previously unknown chemical hazards in that it may reveal patterns
of adverse effects which otherwise may not be otherwise noticed
or detected.
"An 'Allegation' is defined as 'a statement, made without formal
proof or regard for evidence, that a chemical substance or mixture
that a chemical substance or mixture has caused a significant
adverse reaction to health or the environment.'
" 'Significant adverse reactions' are defined as 'reactions that may
indicate a substantial impairment of normal activities, or long
lasting or irreversible damage to health or the environment.' "
"Of the 3,000 chemicals that the US imports or produces at more than 1 million lbs/yr,
a new EPA analysis finds that 43% of these high production volume chemicals have no
testing data on basic toxicity and only seven percent have a full set of basic test data. This
lack of test data compromises the public's right to know about the chemicals that are
found in their environment, their homes, their workplace, and the products that they
buy. Industry must do more to ensure that basic information is available on every
high-production chemical they manufacture."
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics: Fact Sheets
- Green Chemistry Program
http://www.epa.gov/greenchemistry/ - Learn about the chemicals around your home
62902 -- Watch it here, folks. The EPA does not have the air "freshener" as an interactive,
and it claims that baby oil and petroleum jelly are not the least toxic. Check out MSDS to see
for yourself. By the bye, according to American Heritage Dictionary, toxic means "Capable of
causing injury or death, especially by chemical means; poisonous." And that, certainly includes
synthetic fragrances which are in baby oil AND air "fresheners." -- barb
http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/kids/hometour/index.htm- What is exposure?
The term exposure means coming in contact with a chemical. There are
three ways you can come in contact with a chemical:
- inhalation - by breathing in the fumes of the chemical
- dermal - having the chemical splash or spill on your skin
- ingestion - eating or swallowing a chemical
- What is exposure?
Inventory of Research (CHEHSIR)
"CHEHSIR is a publicly accessible database created and maintained in response to
United States Presidential Executive Order 13045 (Protection of Children) . It was
created to ensure that researchers and Federal research agencies have access to
information on all research conducted or funded by the Federal Government that is
related to adverse health risks in children resulting from exposure to environmental
health risks or safety risks. This information is available to the public, scientific, and
academic communities, as well as all Federal agencies. "
Page of links on food, pesticides, bacteria ... -- barb
- Data Collection and Development on High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals
[OPPTS-42213; AR-201; FRL-6754-6]
http://www.epa.gov/chemrtk/ts42213.htm - Chemical Right-to-Know Initiative
When known as The Cleaning Products Pilot Project , it carried this line:
"A basic principle of pollution prevention is to avoid additives
that are unnecessary." Fragrances are such additives! For more
information on synthetic scents, see EHN's FDA Petition.
- Benefits of Buying Green
http://www.epa.gov/oppt/epp/documents/clean/cleaning2.htm - Product Attributes
http://www.epa.gov/oppt/epp/documents/clean/cleaning3.htm - Resources
http://www.epa.gov/oppt/epp/documents/clean/cleaning5.htm - Success Stories
I suggest they enhance pollution prevention by moving to fragrance-FREE products! -- barb http://www.westp2net.org/Janitorial/jp4.htm
"After 28 years at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and being close to
retirement, I decided to try to gather all the things I have written about EPA and my
experience as a whistleblower in one place. I will continue to add to these pages until
they are complete or I die, whichever comes first. I welcome your comments. - William Sanjour "
Phase I Report; September 30, 1996
- What is a Pesticide?
http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/whatis.htm - Use of Chlorine Compounds as Disinfectants -- SafetyNet #68 -- UC Davis
Drinking Water Glossary
- Local Drinking Water Info (click-on map)
http://www.epa.gov/safewater/dwinfo.htm - Occurrence and Contaminant Selection
- Where Does My Drinking Water Come From?
Web Site is now under the Office of Science Coordination and Policy (OSCP).
- The Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program and Testing Advisory Committee (EDSTAC)
Historical - Archived
- Final Report - August 1998; PDF
- Chpt 7; Compilation of EDSTAC Recommendations
EPA databases on Air, Chemicals, Facility Information, Grants/Funding,
Hazardous Waste, Risk Management Plans, Superfund, Toxic Releases, and
Water Permits, Drinking Water, Drinking Water Contaminant Occurrence, and
Drinking Water Microbial and Disinfection Byproduct Information
Environmental Sciences Division
- Dr. Christian G. Daughton Investigates the After-life of Everyday Personal Care Products
http://www.epa.gov/epapages/epahome/people_0713.htm - Exposure Assessment Tools and Models
http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/exposure/- Publications Available, including Healthy Indoor Painting Practices
http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/exposure/docs/publication.htm - Frequently Asked Questions from the Public, Media, and Scientific Communities
by Dr. Christian Daughton
.http://www.epa.gov/esd/chemistry/pharma/faq.htm - Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products
(PPCPs) as Environmental Pollutants
Pollution from Personal Actions, Activities, and Behaviors
Database on Environmental Information for Products and Services
"The Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Database is a tool to make it easier
to purchase products and services with reduced environmental impacts. The database
is organized like a shopping mall with environmental information for selected products
and services located within each store. ..."
(Use CAS number to look up on MSDS sheets)
- Modifications To The 112(b)1 Hazardous Air Pollutants
http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/atwsmod.html - Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
http://www.epa.gov/oar/oria.html - Air Toxics Website: Source Category List and Promulgation Schedule
- Household Hazardous Waste
Funding provided in part by
The John Merck Fund
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
The American Nurses Association
- Data Collection and Development on High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals
[OPPTS-42213; AR-201; FRL-6754-6]
http://www.epa.gov/chemrtk/ts42213.htm - Chemical Right-to-Know Initiative
"... The hormone disrupters are more evidence that
chemicals can be dangerous even if they don't cause
cancer. In humans, as in animals, hormones have many
communications jobs, affecting mood and memory,
reproduction and development, virtually any biological
process you can name. ..."
This education also might benefit the community by reducing the quantity of HHW
collected in subsequent programs. Information about HHW also should reach public
officials, civic groups, solid waste personnel,and the business community to encourage financ
EPA: "Studies have found that levels of several organics average 2 to 5 times higher
indoors than outdoors. During and for several hours immediately after certain activities,
such as paint stripping, levels may be 1,000 times background outdoor levels."
"... Air. When the hazardous substance takes the form of vapors or is absorbed by particulate matter (e.g., dust), the simple act of breathing can expose people to contamination. In some cases, a person's skin can absorb a hazardous substance in vapor form, although inhalation is considered the greater threat. ..." http://www.epa.gov/superfund/programs/er/hazsubs/pathways.htm
- Asthma in Schools
"Each day, one in five Americans occupies a school building and the majority of these
occupants are children. Environmental asthma triggers commonly found in school
buildings are cockroaches and other pests, mold resulting from excess moisture in the
building, and dander from animals in the classroom. Secondhand smoke and dust mites
are other known environmental asthma triggers found in schools. In addition, some
literature suggests children with asthma may be affected by other pollutants found
in schools from such sources as un-vented stoves or heaters and common products
such as cleaning agents, perfumes, and sprays. [Emphasis added.]
Last updated on Friday, July 23rd, 2004
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/schools/asthma/asthma_in_schools.htm- About Asthma Triggers
"... Irritants such as cold air, cigarette smoke, industrial chemicals, perfume, and paint
and gasoline fumes can trigger asthma. These irritants probably trigger asthma symptoms
by stimulating irritant receptors in the respiratory tract. These receptors, in turn, cause
the muscles surrounding the airway to constrict, resulting in an asthma attack. ..."
Last updated on Monday, July 26th, 2004
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/asthma/introduction.html - EPA's FAQs . . . Shared air in apartment buildings . . .
"... What this means is that many activities (fragrant cooking, applying perfume or
cologne, smoking, etc.) occurring in one apartment can be shared with other apartments
for many different reasons. ..."
Last updated on Tuesday, July 13th, 2004
http://www.epa.gov/iaq/ets/frequent_questions.html - I-BEAM Text Modules: Fundamentals of IAQ in Buildings
"This module provides the fundamentals to understanding indoor air quality. It provides a
rudimentary framework for understanding how indoor and outdoor sources of
pollution, heat and humidity, together with the ventilation and air conditioning systems
affect the indoor air quality in buildings. It also begins to address methods of
controlling those factors in order that the quality of the air which occupants experience
provides for their health, comfort and performance."
Table 1.1 Indoor Pollutants and Potential Sources
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) . . . "Paints, stains, varnishes, solvents, pesticides, adhesives, wood preservatives, waxes, polishes, cleansers, lubricants, sealants, dyes, air fresheners, fuels, plastics, copy machines, printers, tobacco products, perfumes, dry cleaned clothing." [Emphasis added.]
Table 1.2 Indoor Sources and Tips for Mitigation
Occupant-Related Sources personal products (e.g., perfume) [Emphasis added.]
I do not do regular checks, certainly not daily, nor even monthly. But, I must say, I am so very
pleased to see that at least one government agency charged with protecting public health is starting
to let the public know that perfume pollutes. What we need is for the FDA to inform the public of
the various adverse health events that can be associated with the using of perfumed products
or breathing perfume used by others. Until such time, think of perfume as a timebomb in a
bottle . . . for you and those around you. There are safer alternatives. Be a wise shopper. -- barb; 9/25/04
- About Asthma Triggers
Notice the second paragraph! -- barb
Do look at this! -- barb
"A basic principle of pollution prevention is to avoid additives that are unnecessary."
- Cleaners Sorted by Product Name -- chart . . . see #4
I have not reviewed this publication. -- barb
- Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse (IAQINFO) -- Hotlines
You may call the toll-free number (800) 438-4318 to speak to an information specialist,
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time. After hours, you may leave a
voice message, or you may make inquiries by fax [(202) 484-1510] or via e-mail:
iaqinfo@aol.com anytime.
For those of you who need this information at a glance, it is copied from the fact sheet you can link
to (immediately below). I believe the sentence of note, if you have had a "clean air report"
used aganist you by your employer, is: "Contaminant concentration levels rarely
exceed existing standards and guidelines even when occupants continue to report health
complaints." Remember, standards are often set by the industry -- with healthy,
strapping, young males in mind. --barb
"Although air sampling for contaminants might seem
to be the logical response to occupant complaints, it seldom
provides information about possible causes. While certain basic
measurements, e.g., temperature, relative humidity, CO2, and air
movement, can provide a useful "snapshot" of current building
conditions, sampling for specific pollutant concentrations is often
not required to solve the problem and can even be misleading.
Contaminant concentration levels rarely exceed existing standards
and guidelines even when occupants continue to report health
complaints. Air sampling should not be undertaken until
considerable information on the factors listed above has been
collected, and any sampling strategy should be based on a
comprehensive understanding of how the building operates and the
nature of the complaints."
and available through ...
What is MCS? http://www.epa.gov/iedweb00/pubs/hpguide.html#faq1
and available through ... http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/hpguide.html#faq1
- Ozone Generators
- A Look at Household Products
- Tools for Schools Indoor Air Kit
"... The kit, which costs $22, contains general indoor air quality
information, sample policies and memos, checklists, a
management plan, and an indoor air quality problem-solving
wheel. [Request forms for ordering] via phone: 1-800-438-4318
or by writing to:
Radiation and Indoor Air Section (AE-17J)
U.S. EPA Region 5
77 West Jackson Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60604"
" Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health but may not know that indoor
air pollution can also have significant effects. EPA studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate
that indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasion more than 100 times, higher
than outdoor levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants are of particular concern because it is estimated
that most people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors.
"Over the past several decades, our exposure to indoor air pollutants is believed to have increased due to
a variety of factors, including the construction of more tightly sealed buildings, reduced ventilation rates
to save energy, the use of synthetic building materials and furnishings, and the use of chemically
formulated personal care products, pesticides, and household cleaners. . . ." For more, click out to:
-- end indoor air --
- http://www.epa.gov/lead
- Lead [Pb]: Basic Facts taken from
The Inside Story - A Guide to Indoor Air Quality
- The EPA's Dangerous Lead Standard (SF Chronicle, 12/4/98)
by Blake Brown
- National Lead Information Center
- Residential Lead Hazard Standards -- TSCA Section 403
- MTBE and Underground Storage Tanks
http://www.epa.gov/swerust1/mtbe/- Drinking water advisory
- Underground storage tank (UST) regulations
- Other sources of MTBE releases
- Other sources of MTBE releases
- Drinking water advisory
"This workshop was conducted at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency. This volume
contains the papers prepared and presented by individual workshop participants; the papers
have not undergone peer review."
"...For more information contact Pilot Study Co-Director, Daniel J. Murray,
Director, Technology Transfer & Support Division at: 513-567-7522 or email at: murray.dan@epa.gov
[Federal Register: September 11, 1998 (Volume 63, Number 176)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 48819-48847]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]
- Antimicrobial Pesticides
http://www.epa.gov/oppad001/ - What Are Antimicrobial Pesticides?
(formerly: Office of Mobile Sources)
How much air pollution comes from vehicles and equipment, and why should we be concerned?"
What can you do to help control the pollution?
What is EPA doing to control the pollution?
How is air pollution from vehicles, engines, and fuels measured?
- 2000 TRI Data
- OPPT Newsbreak
- Common Indoor Air Pollutants
- Dursban, Other Pesticides. Notice:
Kindly circulate/publish/respond to EPA, NPTN
- Office of Pesticide Programs
- Inerts
Federal Register and Pesticide Registration Notices on Pesticide Inerts
- Organophosphate Pesticides: Documents for Chlorpyrifos
- Organophosphate Pesticides in Food: A Primer on Reassessment of Residue Limits (OPs)
- Pesticides and Food
- Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisonings
- Inerts
- Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS)
". . . We promote pollution prevention and the public's right to know about chemical
risks. We evaluate pesticides and chemicals to safeguard all Americans, including
children and other vulnerable members of the population, as well as our most
threatened species and ecosystems from environmental harm. Dealing with emerging
issues like endocrine disruptors and lead poisoning prevention are top priorities.
The Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances promotes the use of safer chemicals,
processes, and technologies; promotes life-cycle management of
environmental problems such as asbestos; advances pollution prevention through
voluntary action by industry; and promotes the public's right to know. . . . "
- Organophosphate Pesticides in Food: A Primer on Reassessment of Residue Limits
- Pesticides and National Strategies for Health Care Providers
- Search EPA's catalog
- Asthma
- Asthma, Air Quality, and Environmental Justice -- EPA's Role in Asthma Education and Prevention
- Carpet and Indoor Air Quality
- MCS, What is?
- Asthma
- Annual Report on Reinvention, March 1998
- Brownfields
- Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER)
- Superfund Publications
- TRI 1998 Data Release; released: May 2000
- Chemicals In the Environment: OPPT Chemical Fact Sheets
"Major Source -- Any source (i.e., a contiguous area under common control) of toxic air
pollution that emit or has the potential to emit 10 tons per year of any listed hazardous air
pollutant, or a combination of listed hazardous air pollutants of 25 tons or more.
- Rules & Implementation
--end EPA --
EREC (Department of Energy)
EREC is your source for information and technical assistance on many energy technologies. Along with this EREN Web site, EREC and EREN are the primary components of the Department of Energy's Customer Service Center. ...
EREC offers information and assistance to a broad audience (consumers, educators and students, builders, businesses, government agencies, entrepreneurs) on a wide range of topics by providing publications, customized responses, and referrals to energy organizations.
European Commission
- Agriculture, Foodstuffs and Health
- Health and Consumer Protection
Opinion concerning Lithium Hydroxide and Calcium Hydroxide, Modification to entries n° 15b and 15c in Annex III to Directive 76/768/EEC on Cosmetic Products adopted by the SCCNFP during the 12th Plenary meeting of 3 May 2000
- Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
- The EEC Cosmetics Directive - Official texts of the Directive and its official amendments (PDF - 64 pages)
- The EEC Cosmetics Directive - Official texts of the Directive and its official amendments (PDF - 64 pages)
- Scientific Committees
- Y2K Bug and the Consumer
- Also see Y2K under Gov't Links, Y, Y2K
Go to section G - Z.
Federal agencies on the net, various links --
Federal Government Agencies, Directory
Federaly Highway Administration
- Feedback
- National Traffice and Road Closure Information
- Federal Web Locator
- Online via GPO Access
FCC (Federal Communications Commission
Workers' Compensation-OWCP-Disability Retirement-EEO-MSPB-NLRB-Etc.
There's so much on this page, do visit it ... barb
"The gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies."
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
What does the FDA know about synthetic scents and the products with "fragrance" on the label?
The FDA Modernization Act of 1997 (PL 105-115) affirmed FDA's
public health protection role and defined the Agency's mission
" 1.To promote the public health by promptly and efficiently reviewing clinical
research and taking appropriate action on the marketing of regulated products in a
timely manner; [which, of course, excludes the chemical synthetic fragrance formulations - barb]
" 2.With respect to such products, protect the public health by ensuring that foods
are safe, wholesome, sanitary, and properly labeled; human and veterinary drugs
are safe and effective; there is reasonable assurance of the safety and effectiveness of
devices intended for human use; cosmetics are safe and properly labeled, and;
public health and safety are protected from electronic product radiation; . . ."
Note: Regarding safety of drugs ... see EHN's General Links pages:
Page D, Drugs
Page V, Vaccines
Re: safety AND proper labeling of cosmetics, go immediately to FDA Petition
If YOU (or your children or elderly parents) are among the millions who suffer
adverse reactions to synthetic scents, TELL IT TO THE FDA. If the FDA
does not hear from you, they sure as heck won't believe us! See the Sample Letter
and adjust to suit your needs. -- barb
- FDA Homepage
- Asthma: Breathing Better: Action Plans Keep Asthma in Check
"...Common asthma triggers include dust, pollen, cockroaches, cold air,
smoke, and other strong odors, such as paint, cleaning fluids, perfume,
hair spray, and powder. ..." [emphasis added]
http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2003/203_asthma.html - HOW TO OBTAIN FDA REGULATIONS
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/ob-reg.html - The Story Of The Laws Behind The Labels
The Long Struggle For The 1906 Law
- The Food and Drugs Act, Part I
- 1938--The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, Part II
- 1962 Drug Amendments, Part III
- FDA's Food and Cosmetics International Activities
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/intl-toc.html- 1st Cosmetics Harmonization and International Cooperation Meeting (CHIC)
Brussels, Belgium - Summary
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-ch99.html - 2nd Cosmetics Harmonization and International Cooperation (CHIC) Meeting
Washington, D.C.; May 8-9, 2000 - Summary
- 1st Cosmetics Harmonization and International Cooperation Meeting (CHIC)
- FDA Recall Policy for Cosmetics
"FDA has no authority under the FD&C Act to order a recall of a cosmetic, although
it can request that a firm recall a product. However, we do have an active role in recalls. ..."
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/recall3.html - Center for Devices and Radiological Health
- Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (FDA)
"Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association
"MR. KAVANAUGH: ...' We support a vigorous CFSAN program for cosmetics. We
want to strengthen our long-standing cooperation with FDA through our industry
voluntary programs. .... We recognize that cosmetics are not, and clearly should not
be, CFSAN's top priority. '"
Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors Association
"MS. JOHNSON: ... 'There are too few employees to monitor safety questions when they
occur. Consumers trust the FDA to protect them from unsafe cosmetic products.
Cutbacks in the Office of Cosmetics and Colors directly and irrevocably undermines
this trust.'"
But, the FDA cannot really protect the consumer . . . certainly not from inadequately tested
chemicals used to concoct synthetic scents used in a wide array of products. And, have you ever
wondered why fragrances (cosmetics) are not a high priority for the FDA? -- barb
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cfsa698b.html#_B7_1 - Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products
Reporting Problem Products to FDA
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-comp.html- Problem Reporting
(Web page created by tg 2000-OCT-30. Last updated by tg 2003-JAN-23.)
" Send reports about adverse reactions to cosmetics, as well as problems
such as filth, decomposition, or spoilage, to:
FDA, Office of Cosmetics and Colors (HFS-106)
5100 Paint Branch Parkway
College Park, MD 20740-3835. "
- 1995 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/costop95.html - 1996 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/costop96.html - 1997 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/costop97.html - 1998 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/costop98.html - 1999 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/costop99.html - 2000 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/costop00.html - 2001 Annual Report
Note: When you go through these reports, make note of codes, in the 04 series. For example,
04A designates cologne and toilet water. If you see 04B, you know it is perfume. Further to the
right, IN is for injury and PA is for the body part suffering the injury. -- barb
- 1995 Annual Report
- Problem Reporting
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-lab3.html- Fragrances and Flavors
- Fragrances and Flavors
- Cosmetics and Colors
Stakeholders Meeting - Washington, DC - January 22, 1999
Why is the FDA so quick to consider costs to the industry, but not costs to health and life --
costs which are beyond measure -- that are suffered by people because of the chemical concoctions
known as fragrances that are in widespread use without the benefit of adequate testing ?
Betty Bridges, RN and Dr. Lawrence Plumlee testify. -- barb
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos0199.html - Cosmetics Compliance Program
Issued July 31, 2000
"...Cosmetics are defined in the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as articles intended to be
applied to, or introduced into, the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting
attractiveness or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or
function. Articles intended for use as components of cosmetic products are also considered
cosmetics. Soap meeting the parameter of 21 CFR 701.20(a)(1) and (a)(2), is
excluded from the term 'cosmetic'. ...""...It has been estimated that consumer expenditures for cosmetics exceed *35 billion*
dollars annually. It is further estimated that the marketed cosmetics are being produced
in more than 1400 domestic manufacturing and repacking establishments and
represent more than 25,000 product formulations. About *10,500* different cosmetic
ingredients and a similar number of fragrance ingredients are being used by the cosmetic
industry. ..."
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~comm/cp29001.html - Cosmetics and drugs defined
Is It a Cosmetic, a Drug, or Both? (or Is It Soap?)
"The legal difference between a cosmetic and a drug is determined by a product's
intended use. Different laws and regulations apply to each type of product. Firms
sometimes violate the law by marketing a cosmetic with a drug claim, or by marketing
a drug as if it were a cosmetic, without adhering to requirements for drugs.
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-218.html- FDA does not have a premarket approval system for cosmetic products or
ingredients, with the important exception of color additives.
- FDA does not have a premarket approval system for cosmetic products or
- Cosmetic Handbook
" ... A cosmetic is misbranded if its labeling is false or misleading, if it does not bear the
required labeling information, or if the container is made or filled in a deceptive manner. ..."
"...If the safety of a cosmetic is not adequately substantiated, the product may be
considered misbranded and may be subject to regulatory action unless the label bears
the following statement: "Warning - The safety of this product has not been
determined." See 21 CFR 740.10.
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-hdb1.htmlHave you seen that warning on the label of synthetic scented products? I haven't either.
Do see EHN's FDA Petition, requesting the FDA require that warning as fragrances are
released to market without adequate testing for effects upon inhalation, absorption, neurotoxic
and systemic effects, or effects upon long-term use. -- barb
FDA Petition, with Analyses
http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm- 3. Cosmetic Product-Related Regulatory Requirements and Health Hazard Issues
Ingredient Labeling
- 3. Cosmetic Product-Related Regulatory Requirements and Health Hazard Issues
- Databases on the FDA Website
Danged if I could find Cosmetics or Fragrances in this list. They've got drugs, including
animal drugs, and food and medical devices, but not something for products you apply to your
body and breate into your body 24 hours arund the clock. -- barb
http://www.fda.gov/search/databases.html - Dockets Mangement
From here you can see peoples' response to FDA dockets. If you enter "Eternity" it will
bring up EHN's petition -- 99P-1340. -- barb http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/- Dockets for 2004
http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/dailys04.htm - Dockets for 2003
http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/dailys03.htm - Dockets for 2002
http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/dailys02.htm - Dockets for 2001
http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/dailys01.htm - Dockets for 2000
http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dailys/dailys00.htmAlas, they have stripped away access to 1999 records, which was the year EHN filed its petition, assigned Docket Number 99P-1340. You might try requesting they re-instate that database;
I've had no success. -- barb
- Dockets for 2004
- FDA's Food and Cosmetic Regulatory Responsibilities
A summary of the legal requirements affecting manufacture and distribution of food
and cosmetic products within and imported into the United States
"... Approval by FDA is not required to market a cosmetic in the United States. With the
exception of color additives and a few prohibited or restricted ingredients, cosmetic
manufacturers may, on their own responsibility, use essentially any raw material as a
cosmetic ingredient and market the product without approval. [Emphasis added -- barb]
"Therapeutic claims, either actual or implied, are not appropriate in the labeling of
cosmetics. Products that are cosmetics but are also intended to treat or prevent disease,
or affect the structure or functions of the body, are considered to be both drugs and
cosmetics, and must comply with both the drug and cosmetic provisions of the law. ..."
- Cosmetic Safety: More Complex Than at First Blush
by Dori Stehlin
"Allergic Reactions
"Do the preservatives themselves pose any safety risk?
"According to a study of cosmetic reactions conducted by the North American Contact
Dermatitis Group, preservatives are the second most common cause of allergic and
irritant reactions to cosmetics. Fragrances are number one. Although the study is more
than 10 years old, the results can still be considered valid today, says Harold R. Minus,
M.D., an associate professor of dermatology at Howard University Hospital. (For
more information on this study, see "Cosmetic Allergies" in the November 1986 FDA
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-safe.html - Databases on the FDA Website
http://www.fda.gov/search/databases.html - FDA AUTHORITY OVER COSMETICS
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-206.html- Pure Food and Drugs -page 112
"Cosmetics were not subject to the 1906 law, but some beauty products like Mme. Yale's
Hair Tonic were considered drug preparations. The courts determined that they
were misbranded by their claims to cure falling hair and dandruff, remove wrinkles,
and feed the skin. The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 expanded the 1906 law
to include all cosmetics. "
http://lhc.nlm.nih.gov/M3W3/phs_history/phs_history_112_content.html - Pure Food and Drugs -page 113
The 1938 law considerably expanded consumer protection, but consumers continued
to be guinea pigs for the many new chemicals that were being added to food and
cosmetics. The law prohibited poisonous substances but did not require showing that
food or cosmetic ingredients were safe. In 1951-52, a select committee of the House,
chaired by Rep. James Delaney of New York, held extensive hearings on how to handle
problems arising from chemicals in food and cosmetics. From these and later
hearings came 3 major amendments to the drug law: the Pesticide Amendment (1954),
the Food Additives Amendment (1958), and the Color Additives Amendment
(1960). This cartoon expresses public concerns about color additives in cosmetics and the
need for scientific investigations to establish safety. The caption reads: "No,
Doris, lips that touch Fire Plug Pink shall never touch mine."
http://lhc.nlm.nih.gov/M3W3/phs_history/phs_history_113_content.html - The Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program
- Pure Food and Drugs -page 112
- Food, Nutrition, and Cosmetics Questions & Answers
Set up as frames
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/qa-cosq.html- Are cosmetics safe?
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/qa-cos1.htm - Do cosmetics cause allergies?
- Are cosmetics safe?
Fragrance and Flavor Declarations
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-lab3.html#clgl4 - INSPECTION OF COSMETICS
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-214.html - On the Teen Scene - COSMETICS AND REALITY
by Laura Bradbard
Teens and Others, if you don't know about the chemicals used to concoct synthetic fragrances,
you'll never learn about them from the FDA. Look to EHN's information on the FDA Petition,
Docket Number 99P - 1340 for chemical analyses. -- barb
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-813.html - The Office of Women's Health Scientific Research Program - Abstracts
CFSAN: Cosmetics initiatives: Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) - John E. Bailey(94)
http://www.fda.gov/womens/scienceprogram/report2000/abstracts.htm#cosmetics - SOAP
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-215.htmlStakeholders' Meetings and Consumer Complaints
The FDA IS aware of adverse health events due to fragrances! -- barb
- Consumer Complaints:
- Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products - 1995 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/coscom95.html - Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products - 1996 Annual Report
This contains a complaint about a fragrance-free product . . . but we know why!
Fragrance-Free and "Unscented" are allowed to contain synthetic scents to mask
other odors! How few toxic chemicals are few enough???? -- barb
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/coscom96.html - Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products - 1997 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/coscom97.html - Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products - 1998 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/coscom98.html - Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products - 1999 Annual Report
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/coscom99.html - Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products - 2000 Annual Report
when I first learned just WHY fragrances WORN BY OTHERS IN MY WORKPLACE were
making me sick. At that time, the FDA had absolutely no interested in hearing from me as I was
not a user who found contaminates in the bottle. I couldn't convince them that the very
chemicals used to create the toxic brews were contaminating the air I had to breathe.At first I thought it was just ignorance on the part of the FDA. I tried valliently to educate, but that was much like banging my head against a brick wall. But I'm a tenacious individual by nature -- genetically coded for tenacity, I'm sure! The more formal step was exercised through the FDA Petition, 99P-1340, still open and accepting public comments and documentation.
After three years and no action despite nearly 1,300 letters officially logged by early August 2002,
I began thinking in terms of negligence, which means there is not intended wrong-doing.
However, these days, I'm so sick and tired of learning of all the people and their infants who are
getting sick that I'm thinking beyond negligence into dereliction of duty, and/or malfeasance.
According to American Heritage Dictionary:
negligence - "3. Law. Failure to exercise the degree of care considered reasonable
under the circumstances, resulting in an unintended injury to another party."dereliction - "1. Willful neglect, as of duty or principle."
malfeasance - Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official
- Stakeholders Meeting - Washington, DC - January 22, 1999
Betty Bridges, RN and Dr. Lawrence Plumlee testify. -- barb
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos0199.html - TALKING WITH STAKEHOLDERS ABOUT FDA MODERNIZATION
"...Ms. Karen Truskowski of a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity organization raised concerns about fragrances. ..." - May 11, 1999: EHN's FDA Citizens' Petition is officially accepted by FDA and
assigned docket number 99P-1340
http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm - Then the FDA publishes on it's website under "Food," and at page bottom. . .
Why, so it's not quite so likely to be found? For your convenience, I shall quote with a
direct copy. Betty SuperSleuth Bridges, RN has done it again. -- barb
"Q. Inhalation of fragranced products is known to trigger asthma and migraine headaches in some individuals. The EPA names "the use of chemically formulated personal care products" along with pesticides and household cleaners as contributors to indoor air pollution. How do you propose to raise public awareness of possible health risks from use of these products? "
"A. FDA has little or no information that would support actions to raise public awareness of possible health risks associated with the use of fragranced products. Current regulations do require that products that contain added fragrance ingredients must be labeled in the product ingredient statement as containing "fragrance." FDA is aware of concern about this issue and encourages continued participation by its stakeholders in gathering data to address the possible health risks associated with the use of fragranced products. FDA is committed to fostering such participation by its continued sponsorship of stakeholder outreach initiatives, e.g. public meetings. These public forums not only provide interested persons with an opportunity to comment on the potential health risks associated with fragranced products, but also help identify possible solutions to address these risks."
http://www.fda.gov/oc/fdama/fdamawebcast/stakeholdersquestions/foods.htmlWouldn't it be just ducky if everyone who has become debilitated and disabled were to receive a
multibillion dollar settlement? That still would not pay back our lives, our health, or make amends
for the disruption to our families, or in too many cases, the loss of our families, and it couldn't
give us back our jobs, our chance for an education, . . . but it might, just might, start to make
amends. Of course, it could never happen, but IF it could, you could bet your very last dollar
out of those very few you have, that the FDA sure as hell would move on the information it
has! And, maybe, just maybe, John Bailey, PhD, would have long ago moved to the CTFA
(Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association). -- barb
1) L@@K at this! Thanks to Betty Bridges, RN for the heads up . . . she found word about Bailey's move in a document other than CTFA's. -- barb
- Take a look back in time to the very early 1990s and Julia Kendall's compilation of
information, including two John Bailey statements. Am I surprised to find him with CTFA? -- barb
Making Sense of Scents
Includes John Bailey comments . . . remember him from the FDA???? Now with CTFA. -- barb
Former FDA Cosmetics Head Joins CTFA - press release
" Washington, D.C. - Dr. John Bailey, former Director of FDA's Office of Applied Research and Safety Assessment, is joining the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) as Director, Cosmetic Chemistry in mid January 2002."CTFA President Ed Kavanaugh, in making the announcement said, 'I am delighted that John will be joining CTFA. He brings to CTFA excellent scientific credentials and
a great understanding of our industry and its issues based on his many years with FDA.' ... "
http://www.ctfa.org/viewpage.cfm?id=1543 - Take a look back in time to the very early 1990s and Julia Kendall's compilation of
information, including two John Bailey statements. Am I surprised to find him with CTFA? -- barb
- Consumer Complaints About Cosmetic Products - 1995 Annual Report
- What is FDA's authority over cosmetics?
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/qa-cos3.html - Prohibited Ingredients and Related Safety Issues
"By law, FDA does not have the authority to approve cosmetic products or ingredients,
except for color additives. However, regulations prohibit or restrict the use of several
ingredients because of safety concerns."In addition, cosmetic and fragrance trade associations have recommended avoiding or
limiting the use of some substances. Contaminants raise additional concerns. The
following is an introduction to special safety and regulatory issues related to cosmetic
"Substantiation of safety"It is the responsibility of the manufacturer and distributor to assure the safety of each
ingredient and finished product. Without substantiation of safety, Title 21 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (21 CFR), Part 740.10 requires that the product carry the following
warning on the label:"Warning: The safety of this product has not been determined."
- The Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program - Forms and Instructions
"Cosmetics are not subject to FDA pre-approval or mandatory establishment
registration or ingredient reporting. However, FDA's Office of Cosmetics and Colors
(OCAC) maintains the Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP), which was
established at the request of the cosmetic industry. The VCRP helps FDA in its mission
to protect consumers, while also helping cosmetic manufacturers and distributors
make informed decisions. ..."
http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-regn.html - CODES: Search the United States Code
For example, if you wished to locate code dealing with adulterated or misbranded
cosmetics, you would go to the URL given above and the enter "21" in the box marked
"Title" and you would enter the number "361" or "362" in the box marked "Section" to
bring up:
Sec. 361. Adulterated cosmetics or Sec. 362. Misbranded cosmetics
Then do read the text ... Do you also wonder where our FDA has been? If so, please
support EHN's Citizens' Petition. Write to the FDA about your adverse reactions to
synthetic fragrance chemicals, referencing "Docket Number 99P-1340/CP 1" and
emailing your comments to fdadockets@oc.fda.gov.
For more info on the petition, please see
http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm - Cosmetics Q & A
- "Claims made in advertising but not on product labeling are regulated by the
Federal Trade Commission. Room fragrance systems (deodorizers, odor control) are
the Consumer Product Safety Commission's responsibility."
- Cosmetic vs. Over-the-Counter Drug
- "Claims made in advertising but not on product labeling are regulated by the
- Color Additives
- Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines
- Prohibited Ingredients and Related Safety Issues (Updated by the FDA, March 30, 2000)
We've learned from and FDA staff person: "A good FDA information
site on the web is: FDA Web Site Index
This site has an alphabetical listing which should include most
categories you might be interested in.
Contact Dermatitis: Solutions to Rash Mysteries
Includes a little info on fragrances. However, they don't recognize that airborne dermatitis
can ressult from another person's use of synthetically scented personal care, household and/or
janitorial cleaning and maintenance products. -- barb
by Evelyn Zamula
(See specifically, 21CFR 740.1, 740.2, and 740.10)
Washington, DC; January 22, 199
Note from barb: Near the bottom of the document, you'll find ...
" The Agency also received written comments from thirty-seven (37) individuals
concerning fragrance sensitivity, the adverse effects exposure to fragrances has created
and how such chemicals should be regulated. Summaries of the texts for these
comments follows: ..."
Dockets Management
- Adverse Reactions and Other Problems -- Report to FDA
http://www.fda.gov/opacom/backgrounders/problem.html - Aromatherapy
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-826.html - Authority Over Cosmetics
Also see EHN's Fragrance Info at
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-206.html - CFSAN 2000 Program Priorities -- Thanks to all who supported the FDA Petition!
Strategy 2.5 - Cosmetics; "A" List
"a. Develop strategy for issuance of 740.10 warnings for products formulated with
ingredients that lack adequate safety.
" b. Develop strategy for issuance of untitled letters for cosmetic products with labeling
- CFSAN 2001 Program Priorities
Strategy 2.5 - Cosmetics; "A" List
2.Cosmetic Enforcement and Surveillance
" a.Prepare MOU with CDER that allows the Office of Cosmetics and Colors to manage
enforcement actions for cosmetic products that do not contain active drug ingredients
but whose label or labeling contains structure/function or disease claims.
" b.Publish draft guidance for issuance of § 740.10 warnings for products formulated with
ingredients that lack adequate safety substantiation."Strategy 2.5 - Cosmetics; "B" List
"3.Cosmetic Labeling: (a) Develop proposal to amend §701.3(c)(2) to update sources for
naming cosmetic ingredients; (b) Develop guidance for issuance of General Industry
Letters and Untitled Letters for cosmetic products with labeling violations."
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cfsan101.html - EHN's petition before the FDA:
Warning labels on fragrances released to market without adequate testing
http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm- Laboratory 1: Compounds in Perfumes
- Laboratory 2: Analysis Summary of Eternity eau de parfum
- Laboratory 1: Compounds in Perfumes
- Fragranced Products Information Network
If your health, or that of a family member, is adversely affected by
fragrance products -- even those used by others -- PLEASE inform:
Mr. Lark Lambert (LZL@cfsan.fda.gov)
Office of Cosmetics and Colors
Cosmetic Adverse Reaction Monitoring Program
200 C St. SW
Washington, DC 20204
or phone or fax to:
ph: 202/205-4706
fax: 202/205-5098
From FDA's site: "Consumers experiencing an adverse reaction
from a cosmetic should call their nearest FDA office (listed under
the US Government section in the white pages) or call our Cosmetic Adverse
Reaction Monitor (CARM) coordinator at 202-205-4706. "
Contact info for:
CA (Northern), NV, HI
1431 Harbor Bay Parkway
Alameda, CA 94502
(510) 337-6700
Consumer Complaints for Cosmetic Products
Reporting Problem Products to FDA
[and clickable reports: 1995 Annual Report; 1996 Annual Report]
- Clearing Up Cosmetic Confusion
This article originally appeared in the May-June 1998 FDA Consumer.
- Cosmetics Handbook
"This handbook contains valuable information on FDA's requirements and policies
for safe production and accurate labeling of cosmetics. The material in it has been
carefully selected for use in the production and distribution of cosmetic products."
or, see: Law Library
- Cosmetic Information for Industry
- Cosmetic Label (scroll down to bottom)
- Changes/Reductions in the Cosmetic Program, March 30, 1998
- Cosmetic Label (scroll down to bottom)
Consumer Complaints
Contact Dermatitis: Solutions to Rash Mysteries
by Evelyn Zamula; FDA, May 1990
NOTE: This page does not give a clue about airborne contaminants such as those from the
fragrances worn and used by others in personal care and cleaning/maintenance products. -- barb
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/probfda.html "Report products that contain filthy or harmful substances, are decomposed or spoiled, or have caused an injury." [This doesn't leave much room for stating that a particular brand of fragrance, used by another, has caused "xyz" symptoms in one's body, but why not let the FDA know anyway? -- barb] Clearing Up Cosmetic Confusion by Carol Lewis http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/fdconfus.html
"FDA cannot require companies to do safety testing of their cosmetic products before marketing." http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-206.html Cosmetic Safety: More Complex Than at First Blush "The agency can't do much about isolated allergic reactions or irritation problems. It's up to the individual to avoid the product that caused the reaction and any other products that contain the offending ingredient. (See 'Contact Dermatitis: Solutions to Rash Mysteries' in the May 1990 FDA Consumer.)" http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-safe.html
The health problems are many, chronic, systemic.
"What's 'Natural'?" "There are no standards for what natural means," says Bailey. "They could wave a tube [of plant extract] over the bottle and declare it natural. Who's to say what they're actually using?"
"The Meaning of Makeup"
"* fragrance-free
To learn first hand of some of the chemicals that make up your favorite fragrance products, visit: Citizens' Petition; Analyses http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm#Analyses Twenty Most Common Chemicals Found in Thirty-One Fragrance Products http://ehnca.org/ehn20.htm Fragranced Products Information Network http://www.ameliaww.com/fpin/fpin.htm
Also see EHN's
"Everything" Added to Food in the United States (EAFUS)
EAFUS: A Food Additive Database
- The List of "Indirect" Additives Used in Food Contact Substances
FDA Feedback
"Please use this form to give us your comments about the FDA Internet site (ease of use, problems, other information you'd like to see, etc.)"
FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition
Bio-Integrity -- Summary of LAWSUIT CHALLENGING FDA
Kids Page
National Center for Toxicological Research (FDA)
News and Publications
- Federal Register
FDA Glossary of Pesticide Chemicals; June, 1999
Adobe Acrobat pdf format (471 KB). http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~frf/pestglos.html
Food Safety & Applied Nutrition, Center for
200 C Street SW; Washington, DC 20204 USA
- Fish - General Fish Consumption Advice The Michigan Department of Community Health
- Fish - Woman's Guide to Eating Fish and Seafood (Department of Health, New Jersey)
- National Food Safety Information Network
An Overview
Petitioning the FDA
- Filing a Freedom of Information Request
"Copies of comments on any given issue may be obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to FDA. The request is best made by letter, specifying exactly what material is sought. Requesters usually should be specific about what comments they want, instead of asking for "all comments" received on a certain proposal, which in some cases can run thousands of pages. (Indexes of comments are available by FOIA request as well.) "FOIA requests should include an address and phone number and be sent to: Food and Drug Administration, Freedom of Information Staff (HFI-35), 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857. Requests also can be faxed to (301) 443-1726. For more information, call (301) 443-6310." |
[The following quoted information appears on the FDA site. There is no system available to register complaints with the FDA unless you use the product. But it gets even worse -- just wait until you read the first sentence of the bottom paragraph! --barb]
"Have you had a problem with a food, drug, cosmetic, medical device, radiation-emitting electronic product, or veterinary drug? Did it cause you an injury or was it insanitary or improperly labeled? Perform a public service and report the problem to the Food and Drug Administration.
"FDA welcomes reports from the public alerting it to problems with products that it regulates. The reports help FDA ensure that products on the market are safe, effective, and properly manufactured, stored and labeled.
"Each report is evaluated to determine how serious the problem is and what follow-up is needed. Depending on the seriousness of the problem, FDA will either investigate it immediately or during the next inspection of the facility responsible for the product.
"What to Report
"Before you report a product that you suspect caused an illness or injury, ask yourself the following:
Did you use the product for other than its intended use?
Did you fail to follow carefully the instructions for the product?
Was the product old or outdated?
Do you have an allergy or other medical condition that might have something to do with the suspected harmful effect?
"If you answer yes to any of these questions, it's unlikely that reporting the problem to FDA will be of any benefit. Nevertheless, you should, of course, get proper medical care for your injury, if necessary. ..."
- What FDA Doesn't Handle
http://www.fda.gov/opacom/backgrounders/problem.htmlReports and complaints about the following should be made to the agencies listed.
Phone numbers can be found in your local phone directory:
- Restaurant food and sanitation--Local or state health departments
- Unsolicited products in the mail--U.S. Postal Service
- Accidental poisonings--Poison control centers or hospitals
- Pesticides or air and water pollution--U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Hazardous household products (including toys, appliances, and chemicals)--
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1-800-638-2772 - Alcoholic beverages--Department of Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
- Drug abuse and controlled substances--Department of Justice's Drug Enforcement Administration
- Hazardous chemicals in the workplace--Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Warranties--Federal Trade Commission
- Dispensing and sales practices of pharmacies--State board of pharmacy
- Medical practice--State certification board
"The names, addresses, phone numbers and other information below are not
intended to be a comprehensive list. For more information, contact the reference
section of your local library system.
Remember, "Adverse Event" can mean your child is dead or disabled for life. Also see
EHN's links on Vaccines at http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/v.htm. -- barb -- end FDA links--
Federal Codes
Federal Government, Executive Branch
Federal Government, Judicial Branch
Federal Government, Legislative Branch
Federal Register
Federal Regulations (see Code of Federal Regulations)
Federal Trade Commission
- "Ozone Generators' Consent Agreement Press Release"
First Ladies of the United States of America, The
(The welcoming greeting by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and the biographies of the preceding first ladies of the United States of America.)
First Lady, Office of the
- http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/First_Lady/html/HILLARY_Home.html
Note: If your browser does not support forms, send mail directly to first.lady@whitehouse.gov instead.
White House for Kids:
Helping young people become more active and informed citizens
White House -- text version
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
- FEMA for Kids
Freedom Of Information Act
http://www.epa.gov/foia/ - FOIA: USGS
http://www.usgs.gov/foia/ - New Attorney General FOIA Memorandum - October 12, 2001
Go to section G - Z.
You are at the bottom of the first section of EHN's Gov't Links -- A - F
Ecology House: Evaluation and List of Building Materials
Ecology House - Fragrance free means ...
Please respect the residents and their requests by following the instructions provided on our Ecology House page.
EHN's home page
Fabric Softeners = Health Risks From Dryer Exhaust and Treated Fabrics
General Interest E-mail and WWW Links -- historical
General Links -- current
The New Reactor
Twenty Most Common Chemicals Found in Thirty-One Fragrance Products