Articles in the EHN Events Category
California, EHN Events »

The Environmental Health Network is so excited to return to our summer picnics, after missing them for three pandemic-filled years. For our first one since the summer of 2019, we went to our favorite picnicking spot, Buckeye Point at China Camp State Park in San Rafael, California.
View of San Francisco Bay from Buckeye Point picnic area. A red wooden fence frames the edge of the grounds with a picnic table and an oak tree. A twisty leafless tree grows from the side of the cliff overhanging the water. …
California, EHN Events, Environment »

The Environmental Health Network’s next meeting will feature Beth Terry, author of the popular blog and new book Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too.
What is your plastic footprint? Take a walk through your house and notice how much plastic has infused our way of life. From plastic-packaged food in the kitchen to toothbrushes and shampoo in the bathroom, from the carpet on the floor to the clothes in our closets, and all the gadgets we use each day, our world is full of plastic.
Although some …
EHN Events »

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Family. Friends. Work. Play. Love and support.
For so many of us, our disease robs us of community. We lose our ability to work, even to go out to most places. Friends drift away. Family members leave us or love us from a distance.
That’s why EHN hosts Thanksgiving dinner every year. One evening where we can gather with food and friends, some with our families, in a safe space.
This year was wonderful. With nearly 20 people visiting from all over the San Francisco Bay Area. …
EHN Events »

Every Thanksgiving, the Environmental Health Network hosts a beautiful dinner for our members. We provide the turkey and fixings. The rest is potluck. We hold it in the community room of Ecology House, a HUD housing complex in San Rafael, California, for people with chemical sensitivity. This year we had 17 people.
Food is our medicine! We don’t skimp when it comes to buying organic fresh food. We balance the budget by making everything from scratch. This year, EHN Board President Connie Barker made two turkeys, two kinds of stuffing, gravy, and …
EHN Events »

EHN Meeting February 18, 2012
Our speaker was Dr Ann McCampbell, physician and chemical sensitivity activist from Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Dr. Ann McCampbell trained in internal medicine and worked in women’s health before she became ill with severe multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) in 1989. She has been a leading chemical sensitivity and disability advocate for the past 20 years. She is Chair of the Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Task Force of New Mexico and a founding board member of the Chemical Sensitivity Foundation.
Dr. McCampbell …