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Wilkie Wages War: So, you’d like to learn more about . . .

3 August 2011 62,122 views No Comment

Wilkie Wages War: So, you’d like to learn more about . . .


Environmental Health Network leader Barbara Wilkie discovered in July 2005 that her chemical injury/multiple chemical sensitivities had suddenly manifested as stage 4 (later stage 5) kidney disease (kidney failure). Despite dire warnings of death within a year, she eschewed dialysis and Western Medicine drugs and took a route of alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and strict dietary changes. She lived well for six years, far beyond the doctors’ predictions.  Barb died at home, surrounded by friends and family, on May 31, 2011.

During this time, Barb documented her journey. From diagnosis through June 2008, she created one huge website page packed with details, plus some side documents on diet and other topics.  We have divided these works into smaller pieces, by date or topic, to make it easier to read and find things.  For dates after June 2008, we have letters, online posts, and other documents.

Barb intended her work to be read and used. We hope this presentation will help you do just that.

Wilkie Wages War on Kidney Disease
(aka Renal Disease or Failure)

OR, AS I SEE IT: Life with yet another facet of living with MCS.
I want to live life while dying.

So, you’d like to learn more about . . .

  • Coenzyme Q10
    Yes, I am taking CoQ10 . . . 100 mg, three times a day. The easily absorbable type. — barb

    • Coenzyme Q10 Good for People with Kidney Failure
      “Supplementing with coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) can improve kidney function and reduce
      the need for dialysis in people with severe, chronic kidney (renal) failure, according to a
      study in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (2003;13:13-22). If this
      study is confirmed, CoQ10 therapy will represent a major breakthrough in the
      treatment of a disorder that is both debilitating and a significant drain on our healthcare
      resources. In severe, chronic renal failure, the kidneys lose their capacity to excrete
      waste products of metabolism and other toxins. Consequently, these substances
      accumulate in the body, leading to various problems such as fatigue, loss of appetite,
      anemia, disorders of the nervous system, heart disease, and ultimately death. …”
    • CoQ10 Insufficiency and Renal Failure
    • Health Encyclopedia
      “The maximum safe dosages of CoQ10 for young children, pregnant or nursing women,
      or those with severe liver or kidney disease have not been determined. ”
    • Kroger Health Guide – Coenzyme Q10
    • What Is CoQ10 and How Can It Benefit You?
      Solanova – The Heart Health Company
      [Note 8/2/11: This article appears to no longer be on the site but they have a similar one here. Plus a sales pageon CoQ10.]
  • Cordyceps
    I had taken this early on . . . and my numbers were lower. I’m hoping to start on it again
    this January 2007. We’ll see what happens come February blood work. Of course,
    first on my list of No-NOs, is Cashews. I shall not again be tempted. At least by them. — barb

    • Cordyceps
      The Super Kidney And Lung Tonic

    • Effect of Cordyceps sinesis on T-lymphocyte subsets in chronic renal failure
      “… Administration of Cordyceps sinesis might improve their renal function and as the
      same time enhance the cellular immune function in CRF.”
      PMID: 1421972 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
    • Study on effect of Cordyceps sinensis and artemisinin in preventing
      recurrence of lupus nephritis

      ” … In the treated group, C3 level was stabilized at above 1.21 +/- 0.20 g/L, which was
      over the normal range, CCr was unchanged as compared before and after treatment,
      which was significantly different from that in the control group. Moreover, the side-effects
      occurred in the treated group was less. CONCLUSION: Cordyceps and artemisinin could
      prevent the recurrence of LN and protect kidney function.”


  • Creatinine
    • Definition of Creatinine
      “… Muscular young or middle-aged adults may have more creatinine in their blood than
      the norm for the general population. …”
      Well, folks, I’m “elderly” by chronological age, but not by how my body looks nor responds.
      I am muscular; always have been. I am very active; always have been. Even so, I do push that
      creatinine margin more than I should. But I can’t help wonder: Am I as sick as docs say I am?– barb

  • Cystatin C
    Blood test, reportedly more accurate than creatinine readings

  • Dialysis — homestyle
    Everyone thinks of dialysis as performed in a unit. Well, that is not necessarily the best
    thing for the already chemically injured, what with all the disinfectants, drugs, perfumed
    staff and patients, etc. Sooooo, a cousin sent me an article on home dialysis and here
    are some websites for you to explore. In the meantime, I’m trying to last as long as possible without even thinking of dialysis. — barb

  • Diet for renal patients — roughly speaking, avoid foods high in:
    • “Grocery List” I was given by first Kaiser Nephrologist
  • Fish Peptides (for assisting blood pressure control)
    Normally I do not make recommendations, and I’d rather you not think of this as one, either. Please think of it as passing along information from one to another, for YOU to check out with YOUR doctor. I have to take something to help control blood pressure as kidney disease causes high blood pressure and the medical doctors have me pretty much convinced that that causes faster kidney deterioration. As I’m trying to last without harmful side effects from drugs or dialysis, I’m trying my damnedest to stay as healthy as possible without pharmaceuticals. Hence, my trying, and so far, successfully, Vasotensin fish peptides, available to me from my alternative health care providers– barb

    • Amazing Fish Peptides Lower Blood Pressure
      By Dr. Michael Murray
      High blood pressure directly kills over 50,000 people in the United States each year and
      contributes to another 200,000+ deaths. Obviously it is a HUGE problem. Compounding
      the matter is that the various drugs used to treat high blood pressure often make
      patients feel worse because of side effects. Fortunately, there is an amazing new natural
      approach that is both safe and effective in helping to lower blood pressure.
    • What are Anti-ACE Peptides?
      This natural supplement is composed of a purified mixture of 9 small peptides (proteins)
      derived from muscle of the fish bonito (a member of the tuna family) and is also free
      from heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury, etc.), pesticides, and other contaminants. …
    • VasoTensin Natural Blood Pressure Support – 120 Capsules
      Vasotensin supports healthy vascular function for optimal blood flow and healthy blood pressure
      levels by supplying bioactive peptides from bonito fish.Helps prevent the formation of angiotensin IIa potent vasoconstrictor through their
      interaction of bonito peptides with angiotensin converting enzyme.Fast-acting formula that provides a clinically effective dose in just 2 tablets twice daily.
      Carried by Environmental Health doctors and acupuncturists (from my experience)– barb

    GFR calculation:

  • Glomerulonephritis

    • Chronic glomerulonephritis
      “Chronic glomerulonephritis occurs when there is slow, progressive destruction of the
      glomeruli of the kidney, with progressive loss of kidney function. In some cases, the cause
      is found to be a specific attack to the body’s immune system, but in most cases, the cause
      is unknown (it is generally thought that a still-unidentified abnormality of the immune
      system is to blame). This condition causes high blood pressure (hypertension) Ýand
      chronic kidney failure.”
      [Note 8/2/11: This link is no longer on the site but there is a mirror of it here.]
    • Rapidly progressive (crescentic) glomerulonephritis
      “Many conditions are known to cause or increase the risk for developing this syndrome.
      These include vascular (blood vessel) diseases such as vasculitis or polyarteritis,
      abscess of any internal organ, collagen vascular disease such as lupus nephritis and
      Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Goodpasture’s syndrome, IgA nephropathy, membrano-
      proliferative GN, anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease, a history of
      malignant tumors or blood or lymphatic system disorders, and exposure to hydro-
      carbon solvents.
      [Emphasis added.] The symptoms are similar regardless of the cause.”
      [Note 8/2/11: This link is no longer on the site but there are mirrors here and here.]
  • High Blood Pressure Medicines, Including Diuretics
  • Himalayan Salt
    We get ours at Berkeley Natural . . . or Whole Foods but here are some writeups for you to read
    as you search for your answers . . . barb

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
    Not listed as a healer for Acute Renal Failure, nor Chronic Renal Failure, but we’re trying it nonetheless.

    • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, and Stroke
      Not as promising as I’d like, but that qualifier, DO NOT ALWAYS, gives me some hope.
      “… The principle that redirecting flow toward ischemic areas can help damaged tissue
      recover is well established in cardiology. However, in critical care generally, drugs and
      maneuvers that redirect flow to ischemic organs (e.g., brain and kidney) do not always
      improve recovery at the cellular level. For this reason, improved blood flow must be
      linked to other measures of cellular and organ recovery. …”
    • Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics: Research References

    • Richmond Hyperbaric Health Center
      Unit #4 – 12180, Horseshoe Way, Richmond, B.C. Canada V7A 4V5
      Tel: (604) 277-8608Ý Fax: (604) 277-8628Ý
      Toll Free: 1-888-373-0888
      Now here are some encouraging words and I thank the author for sharing her kidney experiences! – bw
      “… Over the next 10 years, with a vegetarian diet, and lifestyle change, I was able to
      forestall dialysis until the age of 45. I firmly believe, that had I known about HBOT
      (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy), I would not probably even need dialysis now and that the
      possibility of renal function recovery could have occurred at the onset of discovery of
      this current condition, that of kidney disease. For I know of individuals who, with the
      levels of creatinine (level of toxin in the body) that I have had (about 300), have
      experienced return of function in their kidneys. … ”
      [Note 8/2/11: This link no longer works but hereis another copy of the article.]

    Animal Chronic Renal Failure (CRF)
    Chemical Exposure and Disease
    by Janette D. Sherman, M.D.

    Kidney anatomy
    Picture with description. — barb

    Kidney biopsy
    Picture with description. — barb

    Kidney blood and urine flow
    Picture with description. — barb

    Kidney Disease
    List of links out to more info, depending on type of kidney disease. — barb

    Kidney Disease: When Those Fabulous Filters Are Foiled
    by Ken Flieger
    “… If the kidneys falter or fail, we lose an internal pollution control system without which
    virtually every other bodily process becomes awash in potentially toxic wastes. And
    that’s not all. Besides purifying blood, the kidneys synthesize hormones and vitamins
    that control growth and help control blood pressure, regulate the production of red
    blood cells, and maintain the right balance of minerals and chemicals in the body. …”

    “… As the disease progresses, hypertension becomes persistent and difficult to treat. With
    severe loss of kidney function, patients experience diminished appetite, nausea and
    vomiting, extreme fatigue, difficulty sleeping, itching and dry skin, and muscle cramps ….”
    [Note 8/2/11: This article is no longer on this site but there is an archive here.]

    Kidney Failure: Choosing a Treatment That’s Right for You
    This write-up includes pros and cons of the various dialysis options AND of choosing to not
    undergo dialysis or transplant. Right now, I’m still choosing NO treatment. At least not that way.
    I’m currently trying to alkalize my diet, hoping that will eliminate acid crystals thereby
    improving kidney function. Time will tell. So far, I’m more than a year beyond my “dead”line.– barb


    Your Kidneys and How They Work
    National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse


  • pH Blood
    • pH Miracle Living Center
      Dr. Robert O. Young
    • Justin Schmidt
      Practicing in the SF Bay Area; Oakland and San Rafael
      Trained at The pH Miracle Living Center by Dr. Robert O. Young
      Member: International Microsopy Association-New Biology
      Justin_schmidt -at- hotmail.com
      This is the young man that my hubby and I are working with . . . — barb
  • Qigong
    I have been taught a few Qigong exercises and it was also strongly suggested I get a tape. — barb

    Welcome to the Kidney Stem Cell GAP website
    Towards renal regeneration: isolation and characterization of potential renal stem cell
    populations and secreted regulators of renal differentiation.
    The University of Queensland

    • Renal Regeneration Group
      Hope for mice, how about hope for people? — barb
      “Research Plan: The overall aim of this project is to define, isolate and expand renal stem
      cells such that they can be used to either repair or regenerate a kidney. …”
      [Note 8/2/11: This link is no longer available.]
  • When to start dialysis
    By James Tattersall
    “… There have been no randomised, prospective controlled trials designed to provide
    evidence on when to start dialysis. Dialysis is currently started when GFR is at a mean of
    around 6 mL/min but there are wide variations with some groups advocating starting
    with a GFR of 15 mL/min. …”
    I, for one, am thankful to have not started dialysis yet. Who knows how my already chemically
    injured body will handle the surgery for implant and the chemical exchanges? — barb (06/06/06)



  • Zeolites – Waiora
    As always, I am not recommending anything, but in this section I am providing
    information. I have taken Zeolites for one week and then I’m off for a while before
    eventually starting up again.
    ALWAYS talk over everything with your own healthcare and legal
    professionals. — barb

All best wishes to you! — barb

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