Articles Archive for July 2011
In Memoria »

In honor of our past president and dear friend, Barbara Wilkie (1938-2011), EHN is hosting a memorial service, August 7, 2011 in Berkeley, California. For more details, please CLICK HERE.
A brief history of Barb
Born July 18, 1938. Grew up on the southside of St. Louis.
1951, moved to the Arcadia Valley.
June 1957, married Bill Wilkie.
Mid-July 2005, diagnosed with stage 4 (later stage 5) kidney disease (out of the blue at age 67; no symptoms).
“Something I’ve found very interesting is that the list of symptoms for kidney failure
is curiously close to my …
In Memoria »

Barbara Jean Wilkie was born on July 18, 1938 and passed away on Tuesday, May 31, 2011, due to kidney failure secondary to chemical injury.
To share memories of Barb, please CLICK HERE.
For Wilkie Wages War, Barb’s writings, please CLICK HERE.
The Environmental Health Network is hosting a memorial service and dinner in Barb’s honor.
August 7, 2011 (Sunday)
2:30 pm
Dinner will be provided
Live Oak Park
1275 Walnut St, Berkeley, California 94709
We welcome everyone, including children. Barb’s family and friends, EHN members, and anyone who knew either her or her work. The site is pesticide/smoke/scent …