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Environmental Health Network |
EHN P.O. Box 1155 Larkspur, California, 94977 www.ehnca.org Support and Information Line (SAIL) 415.541.5075 |
We all are stakeholders when it comes to breathing.©
We'll add to this page as supportive information comes to our attention.
Two other pages you may be interested in visiting are EHN's
- Stuff Happens!
For those who feel as I do, we must know of our decriers.
http://www.ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/stufhaps.htm - Take Heart!
This page tells of access and accommodation acomplishments. Use this info to help yourself.
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Articles below, listed alphabetically (I do hope!), may also appear as links in
EHN's General Links, pages:
A, Articles,
N, Newspapers,
O, OnLine News and References or
P, Publications
Now, a special note . . . If I get zapped by superfluous toxins found in my neighbors' very
fragrant detergents and fabric softeners, I cannot alphabetize anything, no matter how hard I
work at it. So use your find command if you think the topic is covered on this page. -- barbMany of the links to articles are removed by the site holder. You may be lucky enough to find an old article by virtue of the Wayback Machine at http://www.archive.org -- barb
- A 1999 Consensus: (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)
Richard L. Corsi
The University of Texas at Austin
An excellent read on Indoor Air Quality. -- barb
- ABCNews.com
- ABC promotes Stossel to 20/20 Anchor
I kid you not. Now it's my turn to say, Give ME a break! -- barb
- ABC: Organic Food Report Incorrect (Also see John Stossel, below)
By DAVID BAUDER, Associated Press Writer
- Also see John Stossel on EHN's "Stuff Happens!"
- Read messages about Stossel and his reporting at
- Stossel Tampers with the Facts
- Does Stossel Deserve a Promotion?
- Fair on John Stossel
- "Give Us a Break: The world according to John Stossel"
- "The Stossel Treatment: Selective editing and other unethical tactics"
- KPFA FM Flashpoints
"37:00 Celia Alario reports on John Stossel's fabrication of facts and studies for ABC's 20-20, in particular the piece, "How Good is Organic Food". W/Sheldon Rampton of PRWatch, Bill Lockyer of Environmental Working Group, and FAIR - how this reflects a growing disinformation strategy by big business, genetically modified foods companies -59:40 End today's audio" http://www.flashpoints.net/index-2001-05-01to10.html
ABC¼s Stossel Reprimanded for 20/20 Misinformation
- Organics: The Blurred Vision of ABC's 20/20
by J. Robert Hatherill, Ph.D, and Jeff Nelson
- EWG's Stossel's Debacles
http://www.ewg.org/news/news.php?t=6To make sure you get all they've listed, search EWG's site for Stossel. Missing is Ecology
House, but then that happened long ago before folks wanted to sit up and take notice of Stossel's
thrashings. It concerned the already chemically injured who have been fair game for chemical
industry apologists, including the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology -- barb
- FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
Search FAIR for Stossel. -- barb
Main Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association
- A Diagnosis Excess? [RITALIN]
A Lawsuit Alleges Attention Deficit Disorder Is Over-Diagnosed
- A Missing Chemical - New Research On Gulf War Syndrome
ABCNEWS.com; James Fleckenstein, UT professor of radiology, joined us in a
chat to discuss these new findings
- Sick of Chemicals - ALLERGIC TO LIFE?
By Rita Rubin; Special to ABCNEWS.com
- What the nose knows
Perfumes may smell great, seduce and arouse,
but nice doesn't necessarily mean healthy and safe.
by Nicholas Regush
- Opinions on Second Opinion Re: What the Nose Knows
- About's "Fragrance Sensitivity"
A very informative article with active links to even more information. -- barb
- Access
Access Info
- [U.S. Access] "Board Adopts Policy to Promote Fragrance-Free Environments"
- Achieving Healthy Indoor Air
Report of the ATS Workshop: Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 16-19, 1995
MARCH 1997
Other Point Sources in Homes and Offices
" . . . Control of pollution sources is incomplete if the odors from the occupants are not
minimized. Perfumes are among the most difficult to control since they are perceived
by their users as pleasurable. Personal rights and preferences for perfumed products
must be evaluated against the discomfort that scents cause for some people. The
odoriferous materials are highly volatile synthetic chemicals; in effect, they contribute
to the total VOCs. Scented personal products are not limited to perfumes; they include
residual scents on clothing from detergents and fabric softeners, soaps, shampoos,
deodorants, skin lotions, and cosmetics. The only successful method of control is to
eliminate these odors, either by avoiding their use, as with perfumes, or by using
unscented products. ...
Two-bits' worth by barb: Let me assure everyone, it is not mere "discomfort that scents
cause for some people," although, they too, should not have to be forced to inhale another person's
choice of odor. But for the already chemically injured -- POISONED -- it can be a life and death
situation. Now, how can any employer, school administrator, healthcare administrator and
professional or executive of government entities grant the right to odorovect toxic chemicals
from personal care products over another's right to breathe? I ask you. The goal should be
cleaner air for all; not the pleasure of wearing or using toxic synthetic fragrance products for some.
- Acute asthma - acute tachycardia - anaylactic reactions caused by Fragrance & Perfume
In January of 1995 11 young Algerians deceased, ...
- Addicted to fragrances? Years ago -- early 90s -- a co-worker said, I HAVE to wear
perfume! You can imagine tone of voice and look upon face as that was stated. I mentioned it to
Julia Kendall, who responded, "Oh, the poor dear is addicted to fragrances. I'm sure of it, based on
my research!" -- barb
Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 1999 Apr;63(4):743-8
Potentiation of GABAA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes by perfume and ytoncid.
Aoshima H, Hamamoto K
Department of Physics, Biology and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Japan.
" ... Since it is known that the potentiation of GABAA receptors by benzodiazepine,
barbiturate, steroids and anesthetics induces the anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and
sedative activity or anesthetic effect, these results suggest the possibility that the
intake of perfume or phytoncid through the lungs, the skin or the intestines modulates
the neural transmission in the brain through ionotropic GABAA receptors and
changes the frame of the human mind, as alcohol or tobacco does."
- Air Fresheners Really Air Polluters
by Dr. Dean Edell (7/1/98)
(For other, not so supportive comments of Dr. Dean, please see Stuff Happens! -- barb)
For other versions of aerosol/ air "freshener" story, also see
- PlanetArk
- New Scientist
- Aerosol Hazards
- BBC News Online
For much more information see EHN's General Links, page A/Air "Fresheners"
Aerosol Hazards -- NBC5DFW
- Exposure Pathways - EPA's Emergency Response Program
"... Air. When the hazardous substance takes the form of vapors or is absorbed by
particulate matter (e.g., dust), the simple act of breathing can expose people to
contamination. In some cases, a person's skin can absorb a hazardous substance in vapor
form, although inhalation is considered the greater threat. ..."
- Aerosol Hazards: Untested chemicals make some sick
A special treat: Lynn Lawson is interviewed. However, NBC5DFW's report is not quite
accurate. Lynn IS safe in her home, which is not more toxic than outdoors, and she doesn't
"prefer spending her days outdoors" (winter in Illinois is pretty cold). Lynn tells us: "What
I am spraying in our kitchen is a bottle filled with vinegar and water, not an aerosol." Also, she
provided the producer a lot of info on fragrances, which wound up on the cutting room floor because
the producer needed to stick to her topic: aerosols and air fresheners.-- barb)
- Air Quality - A look at Environmental Illness Dan Knight; May 7, 2000
- Airborne pigmented contact dermatitis due to musk ambrette in incense
Hayakawa R, Matsunaga K, Arima Y
Pub Med
- Airliner Air
- Volatile Organics Present in Recycled Air Aboard a Commercial Airliner By Joseph Brady, Santford Overton and John J. Manura; Scientific Instrument Services
- The Albuquerque Tribune
Conference highlights costs of chemical sensitivity
By Nancy Salem; Tribune Reporter; Aug. 2001
CIIN'S MCS Conference in Santa Fe Aug. 13 - 15, 2001. -- barb
- Alcohol Hits Women Harder
NurseWeek 12/17/2004 6:15:00 AM
http://www.nurseweek.com/news/ShowNews.asp?251664I ask for a little deductive reasoning be applied by those who are truly interested in why more
women than men react to the toxins in fragrances. Until such time as our government agencies
charged with protecting public health really study fragrance chemicals as tobacco smoke has been
studied, we have to rely on the case histories of the already fragrance sensitized. And, we must
look at what we know about fragrances. One, fragrances contain a lot of alcohol. Two, women
have been subjected to more products for personal care, as well as cleaning and maintenance
projects, that contain petrochemical-derived fragrances than men over a longer period of time.As more fragrance products are marketed to men, will we see an "unexplained" increase in cases
of male breast cancer and prostate cancers? What about upper and lower respiratory illnesses?
Will those stats rise? What about mysterious headaches? Parkinson's? Alzheimers? IF/When
the men are affected with chronic debilitating diseases as a result of increased fragrance product
use, will they be debased as women have been? -- Just-curious-barb
Denatured alchohol in fragrance . . .
Allergy Info
- EWG's Skin Deep Safety Assessment
Elizabeth Arden; Elizabeth Taylor Fragrance Collection (score: 6.1)
Scores range from 0 to 10, with 10 being of highest health concern
Links may die . . . search the Internet for "Allercare recall" if these links are no longer available.
For more info, please visit EHN's page A / AllerCareTM -- barb
- Exposure Pathways - EPA's Emergency Response Program
"... Air. When the hazardous substance takes the form of vapors or is absorbed by
particulate matter (e.g., dust), the simple act of breathing can expose people to
contamination. In some cases, a person's skin can absorb a hazardous substance in vapor
form, although inhalation is considered the greater threat. ..."
- AllerCare Recall
- EPA: AllerCareTM Product Recall
"On January 14, 2000, S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc., at the urging of the Environmental Protection Agency, issued an immediate voluntary recall of AllerCareÅ Dust Mite Powder and AllerCareÅ Dust Mite Allergen Spray for Carpet and Upholstery. This action was taken after more than 400 consumers reported experiencing medical problems after using these products, including asthma attacks, respiratory problems, burning sensations, and skin irritation. Since the January 14 recall, the company reports that 98 percent of the products have been removed from store shelves. However, some consumers unaware of the recall have continued to report adverse effects from using the products. To ensure protection of public health, EPA again urges consumers, particularly those who suffer from asthma, respiratory conditions or allergies to consult their physician if they have concerns. For information regarding returning the products, consumers should contact
the manufacturer, S.C. Johnson and Son, at their toll-free number: 1-877-255-3722. http://web.archive.org/web/20010607171337/http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/citizens/allercareq_a.htm
AllerCare Dust Mite Powder Recall
- Questions & Answers - AllerCareTMProduct Recall
January 11, 2000. Memorandum. 11 Pages.
Jerome Blondell. Chemistry & Exposure Branch I.
Review of AllerCare (benzyl benzoate) Incident Reports.
- Annual Report 2000 - Office of Pesticide Programs
"Ä Allercare: To avert additional possible harmful effects to consumers, at our urging,
S. C. Johnson and Son, Inc., issued an immediate voluntary recall after more than 400
people reported experiencing medical problems after using one of two products:
AllerCareÅ Dust Mite Powder or AllerCareÅ Dust Mite Allergen Spray for Carpet
and Upholstery. "
January 2000
- AllercareTM Products Recalled Due to Asthma and Respiratory Problems.
Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, Florida Chapter Inc.
"Today S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. issued an immediate recall of AllerCare Dust Mite
Powder and AllerCare Dust Mite Allergen Spray for Carpet and Upholstery. EPA
urged the company to initiate this action based on incidents from consumers who
reported experiencing asthma attacks and other medical problems associated with
the use of these products.
Today¼s action will result in a voluntary stop sale and full recall of these products from
retail store shelves. EPA is conducting an extensive scientific investigation into the
reported reactions to ensure protection of public health, and is overseeing the recall
closely. The products are being removed from store shelves immediately. The Agency
also is working with other government agencies on this issue. Consumers who currently
have this product in their home, especially those individuals with allergies or
respiratory conditions, should consult their physician or allergist before using the
product. If consumers want to return the product, they should contact the company,
S. C. Johnson, toll free at 1-877-255-3722. AllerCare was labeled to control dust mites,
which may contribute to allergic reactions in people. Some of the serious symptoms
that were experienced include: asthma attacks, respiratory problems, burning
sensations and skin irritation.
For further information, consumers may contact the National Pesticide
Telecommunications Network at (800) 858-7378, or visit EPA¼s website at
http://www.epa.gov/pesticides. If consumers need additional information on allergic
diseases or asthma, they may contact the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and
Immunology at (800) 822-2762, or http://www.aaaai.org.
http://www.aafaflorida.org/recall_1_18_00.htmor http://web.archive.org/web/20000615221631/http://www.aafaflorida.org/recall_1_18_00.htm
- AllerCareDust mite spray, powder recalled
WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters)
"S.C. Johnson said that it believed the fragrance of its dust mite spray and powder
was to blame for the allergic reactions in consumers. "
- ReutersHealth
or see http://www.americanmedicalassociation.org/special/asthma/newsline/reuters/01177612.htm
or http://web.archive.org/web/20010413214236/http://www.americanmedicalassociation.org/special/asthma/newsline/reuters/01177612.htmDreamHome.comProduct Recall Info
"Strong fragrance could cause asthma attacks, respiratory problems, burning sensations,
and skin irritation in highly allergic individuals."Products: Alert affects any and all products, most of which have been removed
from stores, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. However, those
still in homes could pose a hazard to people with asthma, other respiratory
conditions, or allergies. The EPA urges consumers with these products to call
their doctors if they have concerns. For more information, contact the National
Pesticide Telecommunications Network at 800 858-7378, or visit EPA's web
site at www.epa.gov/pesticides. For information about allergic diseases or
asthma, call the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology at
800 822-2762, or visit www.aaaai.org.What to do: Call S.C. Johnson at 877 255-3722 for refund information.
- JAMA Asthma Information Center
"... 'A number of consumers, particularly those with severe allergies or asthma, had
reported concerns and reactions related to the level of fragrance in the products,' the
company said. The fragrance, it added, caused allergies in less than 1% of the population.
How can they limit "allergies" to less than 1% of the population? That statement doesn't take
into account all of the folks who would never buy such a product in the first place. Perhaps
their scented pesticide affected about 1% of their purchasing consumers. How many more people
were affected that unwittingly entered a home where this product was used? The rest of us
aren't counted because we don't purchase such poisons in the first place. -- barb
- SC Johnson Voluntarily Removing AllerCareÅ Products From Shelf
Fragrance Too Strong for People with Severe Allergies and Asthma
"JANUARY 14, 2000 (RACINE, WISCONSIN)ääää.. SC Johnson has advised retail
stores across the country to remove AllerCareÅ Dust Mite Carpet Powder and
AllerCareÅ Dust Mite Allergen Spray from store shelves.
"The company's decision came following an analysis of phone inquiries and reports into
its toll-free consumer help line. The analysis revealed a number of consumers,
particularly those with severe allergies and asthma, had reported concerns and reactions
related to the level of fragrance in the products. [Emphasis added.] While the vast
majority of consumers, over 99% of those who purchased. AllerCareÅ, were well
satisfied with these convenient and affordable home allergen control products, the
level of dissatisfaction was such that the products do not meet the high standards of
the company.
"The company has reported these findings to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
who is aware of and supports this voluntary action.
"Dust mites are the #1 indoor allergen, a key factor in the rise in childhood asthma.
AllerCareÅ products were a welcomed alternative to the costly removal of carpet or
upholstery which doctors recommended to help reduce allergen exposure in the homes.
The products were nearly ten years in development, and used in tens of thousands
of homes the year before launch with no indication that fragrance was an issue.
Extensive product efficacy and product safety testing conducted on AllerCareÅ far
exceeded the norm for SC Johnson or other household products. However, following
national introduction, a small subset of the population (less than 1%)* with uniquely
high sensitivities, particularly among those with severe allergies and asthma, was
detected. Unfortunately, the company could not separate these highly sensitive
consumers, who should not use these products, from the general allergy-suffering
public for whom the products were designed. Hence, the company felt that the
appropriate action was to remove these products from store shelves.
"Consumers are being asked to contact the company directly toll-free at
1-877-255-3722 with any questions. If a consumer has purchased AllerCareÅ
products and suffers from severe allergies and asthma, as with any other
household product, they should consult their physician before use.
*Note: I am suspect of information linking such a very small subset of the population with high
sensitivities. I find fault because there is no effort to look at the vast number of people who,
because of recognized pesticide and fragrance sensitization, are smart enough to not even try
such a product. IF we even enter stores that carry them, we certainly avoid the aisles where
they are shelved and we sure as hell do not spend our money on them, to bring them into our
homes to further poison ourselves and our family with fragrance or pesticide chemicals. Dust mites
have been around a lot longer than petrochemical derived fragrances and pesticides. Keep your
home clean with truly fragrance-free products, keep the areas dry, enjoy air flow. -- barb
- TGSC Material Safety Data Sheet for BENZYL BENZOATE FCC --
a fragrance ingredient in AllerCare
The Good Scents Company
I¼ve been told that when you read MSDS info and see „NO,¾ it means they haven¼t tested
for that aspect of the chemical, not that there¼s nothing to be concerned about. -- barb
AllerCareTM Dust Mite Carpet Powder and Dust Mite Allergen Spray Recalled
"Racine, WI (SafetyAlerts) - SC Johnson has today initiated a recall
of AllerCareÅ Dust Mite Carpet Powder and AllerCareÅ Dust Mite
Allergen Spray because some consumers, particularly those with
severe allergies and asthma, have reported reactions related to the
level of fragrance in the products. "
No longer available:http://www.recalls.net/recall/p/00/allercare.htm
The POISON to "stop" allergies causes allergic reactions
Allergies: The Culprit Could Be hiding In Your Cosmetic Bag -
American Academy of Dermatology
Solving Problems Related to the Use of Cosmetics & Skin Care Products
http://www.aad.org/pamphlets/cosmetic.htmlAlso available . . .
"Allergies: Culprit Could be in Cosmetic Bag" http://www.newswise.com/articles/2000/3/ALLERGY.AAD.html Do read this article. The only thing lacking is that all reference is to and about the user of
cosmetic products. What should be acknowledged by AAD is that all of the negative reactions
listed, and more, can be suffered by those just breathing the air that is polluted by synthetic
chemical fragrances. Just as there are negative effects of "secondhand smoke" there are negative
effects of secondhand fragrances.How do I know? Because my EARLY warning sign was "adult onset acne" and a daughter's
eczema flares when she is forced to breathe air polluted by modern synthetic scents in personal
care and janitorial/household cleaning and maintenance products. Some of the other illnesses
triggered are sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, migraines and sinus headaches,
dizziness, tinnitus, muscle pain and joint ache . . . I've been there, done that. Secondhand!It is easy to feel there are a thousand symptoms -- debilitating and disabling illnesses -- by the time
you get sick enough to reach MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). But when you consider
the facts, it is not surprising that these products can and do cause a wide variety of illnesses.
There are around 5,000 chemicals used to create fragrances. Information available for individual
chemicals runs something like this:
And far too many chemicals carry just this information:
- This chemical is in the EPA inventory under TSCA.
- May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption. Vapor or mist is
irritating to the eyes, mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Causes skin
- Irritant, CNS effects
- Irritant, CNS effects, may cause fetal effects.
- Irritant, skin & respiratory sensitizer. The chemical, physical, and
toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.
- Toxic. May cause CNS effects. Irritant, may cause cancer based upon animal
studies. The chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been
thoroughly investigated.
- "The chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated."
And still other chemicals do not have any information readily available.To check the veracity of this for yourselves, use MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)
available on line. Aldrich is one of the sites I use; you must register to use the site,
but it is free. https://www.sigma-aldrich.com/.You can find chemicals used in fragrances through "Analyses" on the FDA Petition at
We don't know enough about most of the individual chemicals that go into fragrance formulations,
let alone the adverse effects of combining tens to hundreds of chemicals as is done to formulate
any one synthetic scent. Add to that, what is known about these individual chemicals is that
they are volatile organic compounds, which means they become one with the air we all breathe;
they are acknowledged sensitizers and irritants; they are known or suspected neurotoxins,
carcinogens and teratogens (adversely affect fetal development).Top that off with the fact that there are new combinations of chemicals formed when various
fragrances volatilize from any one person. That, in turn, is compounded when several scented
individuals gather -- especially in a warm, poorly ventilated area. The warmer it is, the more the
chemicals volatilize ("offgas" or "outgas"). And make no mistake about it, everyone's clothing
and bodies absorb these chemicals, regardless of the individual's underlying state of health.
It is suggested that pregnant women avoid fragrances. How can they avoid these volatilizing
chemicals anymore than can the asthmatics or the migraineurs or the MCSers who are also told
to AVOID fragrances?The oft given message to "avoid fragrances" is a good one, but unrealistic considering synthetic
fragrances are volatile organic compounds. Any scented product used by anyone is also used
by all who come in contact with the air holding those toxins. And that, dear folks, is exactly
why fragrance products should be eliminated from workplaces, including healthcare facilities,
schools, government agencies, public transit conveyances, banks, restaurants ... Restaurants,
now there is one for you: How can any restaurant manager allow staff to wear scents to work?
My goodness, who in the world wants to smell someone's idea of a wonderful scent when eating is
an olfactory pleasure?For the astute individual, there is little wonder as to why there are a wide variety of reactions to
synthetic fragrances. The experts and doctors should even be able to figure out why there are
millions of us living with MCS and its Many Chronic Symptoms. It's the chemicals! And the
more information available proving that point, the more the synthetic chemical fragrance
industry's flacks and appologists work hard to discredit those of us who are already living with
chemical injury. They decry us in poorly written articles written with little to no research. The
shame is on them. Not on us.We ALL are worthy of safe products, proved safe BEFORE marketing. And we ALL should
demand that the FDA follows its regulations and require labeling information on products released
to market without adequate testing. See FDA Petition and analyses of six fragrances at
http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htmWe have the RIGHT TO KNOW. We have an obligation to our children, ourselves, our pets and
our planet to make purchases of safe products. In any case, we should be able to make our
purchases through informed consent, especially when the products contain chemicals that can affect
not only the user but also the inadvertent recipient, regardless of health status. -- barb wilkie
Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Online
- "What triggers vasomotor rhinitis?
"Irritants that can trigger vasomotor rhinitis include cigarette smoke, strong odors and
fumes including perfume, hair spray, other cosmetics, laundry detergents, cleaning
solutions, ... "
- The Chemical Papers: Secrets of the Chemical Industry Exposed
by Don Hazen, AlterNet; March 15, 2001
"Bill Moyers TV special to reveal how the public was kept in the dark about the dangers
of toxic chemicals."
Don't forget to write to the FDA about your adverse reactions to synthetic fragrances. -- barb http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=10600
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Press Releasses, including:
"Asthmatics' reactions to common perfumes"
"SAN DIEGO --Fragrances are often cited by asthmatics as initiating or exacerbating
asthma; and different fragrances vary in the number and intensity of allergic reactions
they cause, researchers said today at the AAAAI Annual Meeting. ..."
"...Samuel B. Lehrer, Ph.D., FAAAAI from Tulane University Medical Center investigated
asthmatics for their responses to fragrances. ..."
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine - HealthWorld Online
- What is Environmental Medicine?
Dogs and Cats OK????? Two down out of the round-up of the usual suspects!!!!!
Of course, the usual suspects include: cats, dogs, cockroaches, dust mites . . . , which can't fight back. Now mind you, I'm NOT saying they cannot or do not cause asthma and allergies. BUT, to never look at the role played by our modern synthetic products, including pesticides and fragrances, I feel is a dereliction of duty. -- barb
- Cats, dogs in the house may cut kids' allergy risk
BY KEITH MULVIHILL ; Reuters -- on Miami.com
- Cats, dogs in the house may cut kids' allergy risk By Keith Mulvihill - Last Updated: 2002-08-27 16:00:10 -0400 (Reuters Health)
- An Allergy Study Clears Dogs and Cats
NY Times; August 28, 2002 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/28/health/28ALLE.htmlPrinter-Friendly
American Chemical Society
- The long arm of the lab laws
Committing fraud in a chemical laboratory can be hazardous to your freedom.
By Roger A. Novak
- Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants
in U.S. Streams, 1999-2000: A National Reconnaissance
Thanks to Environmental Science & Technology
Full article in HTML:
http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/jtextd?esthag/36/6/html/es011055j.htmlFull article in PDF:
The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
"What triggers vasomotor rhinitis?
"Irritants that can trigger vasomotor rhinitis include cigarette smoke, strong odors and
fumes including perfume, hair spray, other cosmetics, laundry detergents, cleaning
solutions, ... "
American Journal of Epidemiology
- Prevalence of People Reporting Sensitivities to Chemicals in a Population-based Survey
Richard Kreutzer, Raymond R. Neutra, and Nan Lashuay; Volume 150 Number 1 - July 1, 1999
- or in French (Go Translator)
Anchorage Daily News
- Hard Aground - 10 years of stories, photos and reference material
- Legacy of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
A special feature published by the Anchorage Daily News. March 21-24, 1999 http://www.adn.com/evos/evos.html
- Still painful 10 years later,
front-line spill workers link physical ailments to cleanup work
By NATALIE PHILLIPS; Daily News reporter http://www.adn.com/evos/stories/T99032316.html
- Trouble In The Air byAnn Potempa
Reporter Ann Potempa can be reached at -- apotempa@adn.com
Letters to the Editor --http://www.adn.com/help/contactus.html
Forum -- http://www.webforums.com/forums/f-read/msa131.25.html
Appalachian News-Express
- Attorney: Proper steps not taken to protect asthmatic
- Our views ä on proposed perfume ban at schools
Arcata, California -- Arcata City Council puts people before poisons
ASTHMA One Reason for the Allergy Explosion and the Increase in Asthma
by Albert F. Robbins, D.O., M.S.P.H., F.A.A.E.M.
Atlantic Monthly Online
- " More than 17 million Americans suffer from asthma, which is the seventh-ranking
chronic condition in America. " © 2000 American Lung Association.
- Assaulted by fragrance
Assurances by fragrance industry that their products are safe
- Occupational acute anaphylactic reaction to assault by perfume spray in the face.
by Lessenger JE.; PubMed
- Stories of Horror Faced by Students and Teachers
- The Fragrant Door - A classroom door sprayed with perfume -- Blistered!
- Halifax, Nova Scotia
Includes articles of incidents of scented products causing adverse events in school.
These are old stories, links might not work, but you've got the info to begin research. -- barb
- Kids' lack of respect threatens teachers
- Pikeville County, Kentucky
Now, for all those who want some hope, a middle school in Faribault, MN
- Family wants perfume, deodorant banned from schools
News-Journal wire services; Thursday, October 03, 2002
and scrolling to the bottom of the page and its form. -- barb
" PIKEVILLE, Ky. -- Kristian Childers cries when she thinks about what she's
missing while holed up in her house."The 16-year-old hasn't been to school since she reported that a campus
bully sprayed her in the face with perfume a year ago, causing a severe
asthma attack that landed her in the hospital."Childers said she is afraid to return to Shelby Valley High School until
administrators ban perfume, cologne, and other smelly aerosol sprays
that could be used as weapons against asthmatics. ..."
Write this newspaper by going to http://www.n-jcenter.com/opinion.htm#letters
and scroll to bottom. -- barb
- Fragrant fracas: Lawyer asks that perfume be banned from schools
MyInky;September 28, 2002
" PIKEVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- The Pike County school board has voted down a
proposal to ban students from bringing cologne, body spray or perfume to
schools in the eastern Kentucky district."The policy was proposed in response to an incident last year in which a
student at Shelby Valley High School was attacked with the smelly products,
causing her to have a severe asthma attack. ..."
Write to: Paul McAuliffe, Editor mcauliffep@courierpress.com;
J. Bruce Baumann, Managing Editor baumannb@courierpress.com -- barb
- Attorney: Proper steps not taken to protect asthmatic
BY PETER W. ZUBATY, STAFF WRITER; Appalachian News-Express
"A local attorney says the Pike County School Board failed to accommodate a
student¼s disability when it voted down a proposed policy prohibiting possession
of cologne, body spray, perfume or other aerosol products by students."And that failure to act, said Elkhorn City attorney Tim Belcher, could potentially
land the school board in a lawsuit to force the issue. The vote was 4-1 against, with
Ravine Ratliff voting in favor of the policy."The policy was proposed in response to an incident last year in which two Shelby Valley
students allegedly attacked another student with such products, causing her to have
an asthma attack. ..."
Write to: David Gross, Editor, E-mail: news@news-expressky.com or
dgross@news-expressky.com -- barb
- Our views ä on proposed perfume ban at schools
Editorial by David Gross; Appalachian News-Express;Wednesday, October 2, 2002
"Even in the face of threatened litigation, the Pike County Board of Education made
the right decision recently when it rejected a proposal to prohibit students from
possessing cologne, perfume and other aerosol products while at school."While we sympathize with the asthmatic teen-age girl whose mother initiated the
proposal, we also understand the majority of school board members¼ concern ã that
such a policy likely would be unenforceable. ..."
Mr. Gross doesn't say one word about the spraying. That's an assault with a deadly weapon,
not a prank! Email: dgross@news-expressky.com-- barb
has banned fragrances, and there are fragrance-free accommodations working in
Jefferson City, MO. -- barb
- "Faribault school bans students' use of perfumes, colognes"
- Jefferson City, Missouri, Public Schools Section 504 Accommodation Plan
"[A]n example of a progressive school that has implemented a comprehensive plan to
provide a student with severe asthma triggered by perfumes a fragrance free
educational environment including:
Fragrance Free school bus
Fragrance Free school
Fragrance Free Basketball team as well as all competing teams,
coaches and officials - the team was 10-0 last season!
Fragrance Free extracurricular activities (dances) including
chaperones and parent volunteers
- Stephanie's (Jefferson City) Plan
-- end of assaults -- I SINCERELY HOPE!!!!!! -- barb
Chronological order:
- Some say a popular perfume is a health danger!!
"... After contacting Calvin Klein for a response to the petition
that the group filled with the FDA the company had this
statement: 'All of Calvin Klein's products meet or exceed the
requirement of the Federal Public Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act.'"Dr. Jacob Offenberger is an Allergist; 'No manufacturer would like to
sell any product that has real toxins in it or real irritants in it because it
won't sell.' Dr. Jacob Offenberger is spokesperson for the Asthma
Foundation of America. He says some people are just sensitive to
perfume chemicals....and they are blowing this issue out of proportion. ..."Write-up following EHN-Cancer Prevention Coalition press release,
"Perfume: Cupid's Arrow or Poison Dart?," Feb. 7, 2000, immediately below
Includes words of Judith Sanderson, Teacher, Culver City High -- barb
- Reference:Perfume: Cupid's Arrow or Poison Dart?, Feb. 7, 2000
Released jointly by Dr. Samuel Epstein of Cancer Prevention Coalition and EHN.
- Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (SPEIAC)
Ad published following their press conference
(http://www.ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/aaprbb.htm) in
Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 20, 2000
In this ad, you are assured that:
- All fragrance ingredients have been tested for safety.
The Research Institute for Fragrance Materials is an international
independent body dedicated to evaluating fragrance ingredient safety.
- Fragrance ingredients are tested to the same standards that
apply to consumer goods like food.
- The composition of perfumes hasn¼t changed much in hundreds
of years. They contain primarily water and alcohol -- of the same
type and purity we drink in beverages -- as well as essential fragrance oils.
- Fragrance formulations do not contain toxic ingredients such as
carcinogens or neurotoxins.*
- Perfumes and scented personal care products are regulated by
Health Canada.
- The safety of an ingredient does not depend on whether it is
natural or synthetic. For example, almost half of the ingredients
no longer used in fragrances are naturals that caused skin irritation.
* Raw Materials of Perfumery
http://www.perfumersworld.com/chems/material.htmNow let's check another source other than the fragrance industry's ads and public relations campaigns.
Acetaldehyde Chemical Backgrounder
From the National Safety Council
Acetaldehyde is just one commonly used flavors and fragrance ingredient
"Health effects:
"Acetaldehyde is a substance which may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen,
according to the Seventh Annual Report on Carcinogens, National Toxicology Program,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is also classified in EPA's Toxic
Release Inventory (TRI) to be a known or suspected carcinogen. When ingested or
inhaled, acetaldehyde can irritate the eye, nose, and throat; cause conjunctivitis,
coughing, central nervous system depression, eye and skin burns, dermatitis, and
delayed pulmonary edema." [Emphasis added.]
- Scents and sensitivities
What to know before buying a Valentine¼s Day perfume
By Francesca Lyman; Feb. 6, 2002; MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR
Notice the duplicity, as first we learn . . .
July 10, 2002: Again, following release of information on phthalates found in fragrances by
"Products are thoroughly tested before being marketed to assure their health
and safety, says Glenn Roberts, spokesperson for the Research Institute for
Fragrance Materials, an industry-sponsored group that does testing of chemicals. "
And then, further along we find:
"In response to the perceived problems of fragrances in the air, Roberts says
that his industry group has begun the first study to examine fragrance inhalation.
'We¼re spending a lot of money on this,' he says, 'to understand the systemic
effects of fragrances on organs and nervous system, what happens when
fragrances are inhaled.' "Emphasis added . . . and notice the dollars whine! The price the already injured
person has paid is beyond measure.
NotTooPretty.org, the industry assures reporters who in turn assure the public that
fragrance products are safe; phthalates are safe. But, synthetic scents are not safe for me
at secondary and tertiary levels of exposure. . . and I am but one of millions of people adversely
affected by these inadequately- tested-before-marketing products. Remember, the FDA does not
require pre-market testing of fragrances! See FDA Authority Over Cosmetics
Following is an excerpt from the latest article in which assurances are given. I don't have
a link to provide to this article.I wish our mainstream medical and government experts would stop using the word
"UNEXPLAINED" when queried about the skyrocketing rates of chronic illnesses and
premature deaths, and start seriously looking into the toxic chemicals which the public
applies daily to their bodies, and releases into the ambient air for all others to breathe as well.-- barbJuly 10, 2002
Groups Seek Ban on the Use Of Phthalates in Cosmetics
"... The cosmetics industry said it believes phthalates in cosmetics pose no
problems. "There is no public-health concern [relating to] its use in
cosmetics," said Gerald McEwen, vice president of science for the Cosmetic,
Toiletry and Fragrance Association. "We think they are safe as we are using
them in our products."
-- end industry assurances -- I hope we'll soon see some REAL assurances. -- barb
Asthma --
Also see EHN's section on Asthma, General Links, page A / Asthma
- Asthma and Perfumes - Research related to the asthma and perfumes
By Betty Bridges, RN
- See EHN's General Links, page A, Asthma
- Why McDonald's Fries Taste So Good
by Eric Schlosser; January 2001 -- in two parts
Avoid Fragrances
An extensive, but not exhaustive, list of august bodies that acknowledge that synthetic scents
in personal care and cleaning/maintenance products can cause and/or exacerbate various
debilitating illnesses. -- barb
Return to top
BBC News Online
Feedback: newsonline@bbc.co.uk
-- end BBC Online, but do search the BBC site! --
- "Aerosols linked with baby illness"
Wednesday, September 1, 1999 Published at 18:56 GMT 19:56 UK
For other versions of aerosol story, also see
- PlanetArk
- New Scientist
- Aerosol Hazards
- Air Fresheners Really Air Polluters
- Allergy warning on cosmetics
Tuesday, 12 December, 2000, 00:35 GMT
"Perfumes are the commonest cause of contact allergy from cosmetics." What they fail to inform folks is that 'contact' can be with the chemicals in the ambient air!
You do not have to use fragrance on your own body to suffer eczema, adult onset acne, rashes, hives ... -- barb
- Anaphylactic shock
Folks, this is about peanuts, which the world easily recognizes. Aanphlylaxis also happens
to people who encounter the noxious vapors of our modern petrochemical scents. -- barb
Tuesday, 22 June, 1999, 07:57 GMT
"The sudden death of champion hurdler Ross Baillie has highlighted the dangers faced" by those suffering from extreme allergies. BBC News Online examines 'Anaphylactic
Shock', the name for any life-threatening reaction to a seemingly innocent substance."Anaphylactic shock is an extreme form of allergic reaction to a particular substance,
and is often life threatening. ..."
- Peanut allergy athlete dies
Friday, June 18, 1999 Published at 17:56 GMT 18:56 UK
"Scottish hurdler Ross Baillie has died in hospital after suffering a severe allergic reaction."Baillie, 21, who was allergic to peanuts, collapsed with anaphylactic shock after eating a
chicken sandwich during a break in training in Bath."The Scottish senior record holder and finalist in the 110m hurdles in last year's
Commonwealth Games, was taken to the Royal United Hospital in Bath where he died
at 1100 on Friday."Baillie was with international swimmer Mark Foster during training on Wednesday and
both chose a sandwich with a coronation chicken filling for lunch.'Minutes after he bit into his sandwich, Baillie realised there were peanuts in it as his
tongue started to swell and he began coughing. ..."
- 'Ante-natal allergies passed on to babies'
Tuesday, November 2, 1999 Published at 04:16 GMT; Health
- Faded bouquets set to bloom
Sunday, May 17, 1998 Published at 11:49 GMT 12:49 UK; Sci/Tech
Scientists found that the presence of a single chemical gave them an
unpleasant medicinal odour.
"But research suggests it should now be possible to breed
particular substances out of plants.
http://news6.thdo.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_95000/95150.stm- Genome probes 'cures that kill'
Sunday, 18 February, 2001, 00:15 GMT
Ahh, DUH, do you think this maybe explains why some of us get MCS and others get
Parkinson's and other folks get cancer, ...??? I hope the medical industry stops listening to
chemical industry flacks and starts listening to the already chemically injured or our
numbers will soar ever higher. Also to be taken into consideration is that various chemicals
cause various symptoms. That's a given. Check the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards! -- barb
- Household chemicals health warning
By environment correspondent Alex Kirby
Wednesday, 15 March, 2000, 02:31 GMT
- Health 'Label perfumes that irritate'
- Japanese men smelling of roses
Monday, 17 April, 2000, 14:54 GMT 15:54 UK
- 'Label perfumes that irritate'
Tuesday, November 2, 1999 Published at 12:11 GMT; Health
- London Underground
And lest you think we don't have enough problems with the ubiquitousness of synthetic fragrance chemicals, take a gander at these stories. Also read "Japanese men smelling of roses." -- barb
-- end London Underground stories on adding to pollution with synthetic scents --
- Perfumed platforms for London Tube
Monday, 23 April, 2001, 08:31 GMT 09:31 UK
- Sniffing out Tube fragrances
Monday, 23 April, 2001, 15:47 GMT 16:47 UK
- Tube scent machine breaks down
Tuesday, 24 April, 2001, 16:12 GMT 17:12 UK
Folks, do we have an "Aw shucks!" here or what? What I don't understand is that they
recognize the Underground as being twice as polluted as the outdoor air, and their answer to the
problem is to pollute it further with synthetic fragrance chemicals. Heavens to Betsy! -- barb
- Underground coming up roses
Thursday, 19 April, 2001, 11:25 GMT 12:25 UK
"London Underground intends to drive out offensive odours by introducing the scents of
rose, jasmine and fruit. "
- ME -- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or CFS -- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
ME research action plan revealed
Tuesday, 17December, 2002, 01:08 GMT
- Nerve poison leaves telltale evidence
- Pesticides 'promote dangerous bacteria'
- Pollutants affect babies' brains
Friday, 9 November, 2001, 00:53 GMT
- Rouge top for second week
Scroll to the bottom for the real kicker -- Swiss movies to get 'Smell-o-Vision' -- barb
Monday, 17 September, 2001, 12:51 GMT 13:51 UK
- Scotland's Court Case:
- Court barred for allergy evidence
You are in: UK: Scotland; Friday, 18 February, 2000, 14:00 GMT
"The doors of a courtroom in Dundee have been locked and two journalists refused
admission in a case involving a woman with a severe allergy.
"Heather's Brown's condition means that coming into contact with perfumed products or
certain foodstuffs causes her severe rashes and can send her into anaphylactic shock. ..."
- Shampoo 'could have killed me'
You are in: UK: Scotland; Friday, 18 February, 2000, 15:45 GMT
- Allergy sufferer denies lying
Tuesday, 22 February, 2000, 20:02 GMT
- Man convicted of shampoo assault
Thursday, 24 February, 2000, 16:59 GMT
- Man jailed over shampoo attack
Thursday, 23 March, 2000, 15:36 GMT
- The scent of things to come
Wednesday, March 11, 1998 Published at 22:39 GMT
"If research shows that these same chemicals exist in humans, why do
we spend so much money on expensive fragrances."Perhaps we should not be concentrating on artificial odours,
instead allowing our natural smells to lead us to the perfect partner. "
- Sunscreens 'may be toxic'
- Unilever axes 25,000 jobs worldwide
Tuesday, 22 February, 2000, 16:27 GMT
Brands include "Lipton Tea, Persil, Vaseline and Magnum ice cream, Birds Eye fish fingers,
Lux, Dove soap and Calvin Klein fragrances, Q-Tips, Popsicle. "
- VDUs 'may cause worker illness'
Tuesday, 19 September, 2000, 11:01 GMT 12:01 UK
"An office full of brand-new computers is thought to boost productivity - but the
chemicals they emit may actually be making workers ill.
"A flame-retardant chemical used in the plastic of computer casings may give off
allergy-causing fumes, say experts. . . ."
- Yardley faces collapse
Business: The Company File; Wednesday, August 26, 1998 Published at 13:02 GMT 14:02 UK
- Yardley sold to Wella
Business: The Company File; Monday, November 23, 1998 Published at 12:31 GMT
"Wella expanding perfume business"
Berkeley, California
- Public Art Forum and Workshop for Bay Area Artists
City to assist local artists in applying for public art projects
(BERKELEY, CA) ‚ Thursday, May 27, 1999 -- fragrance-free event
Birth Defect Research for Children (BDRC)
- Facts Birth Defects Research for Children
- Birth Defect Research for Children (BDRC)
Environmental Fact Sheet Abstracts
- Washington Free Press
A Free Press Investigation: "It's All In Your Head"
"Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Boeing workers say they've been sickened by the
chemicals used at Boeing plants throughout Puget Sound. But instead of giving these
workers the medical and financial help they need, Boeing- with the help of its connections
within state government and the medical establishment- is saying many workers just
have psychological problems. We'll tell you how Boeing has been getting away with
this, and why it should stop."
This link takes you to a series of stories. -- barb
The Boston Globe
Note: Search and pay ... OR you can see spinoff stories through the Chicago Tribune and the Seattle Post Intelligencer
By Colin Nickerson, Globe Staff
This story ran on page A01 of the Boston Globe on 5/26/2000
Go into http://www.boston.com/ and use their search and pay, if you want the entire story.
Note: For more information on Halifax and the Industry-called press conference, see
Brobeck, Attorneys at Law
- Employee with a Heightened Sensitivity to Strong Fragrances May Be Disabled
Under the ADA
BSAEN - British Society for Allergy, Environmental and Nutritional Medicine
The Bug Stops Here by Steve Tvedten -- A MUST read!
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Recognition And Management
- a document on the health effects of everyday chemical exposures and their implications
moderated by KK Eaton and HM Anthony
- Reports
" ... Examples of the How Typical Pest Control Measures Can Hurt Children
"A June l998 study by Philip Landrigan, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai
School of Medicine in the Environmental Health Perspectives compared two culturally
and genetically similar groups of Mexicans/Indians. The amount of pesticide contact was
comparable to what is typically used in the USA for crops. One-half the children who
were exposed to a total of 80 pesticide crop applications twice a year. This group was
drastically different than the similar control group which had virtually no pesticide exposure.
"Four to five year olds that were exposed to "registered" pesticide poisons:
- could not remember what they were told 30 minutes later,
- had less stamina,
- had decreased fine eye/hand coordination,
- could not draw a stick figure, they could only scribble
- had many disruptive behavior problems, particularly aggression.
Business & Health
- Allergies: Sniffles, Sneezes and Suffering
The effects of allergies and their treatment go way beyond sneezing and a
stuffy nose, impacting many aspects of sufferers' personal and professional lives.
By Rebecca Voelker
Business Week
Is Your Office Killing You?
Sick buildings are seething with molds, monoxide--and worse
"...The culprit: a stew of largely undetected dangers--from the carbon monoxide and other contaminants sucked into a building when air-intake vents overhang exhaust-filled loading docks and parking garages, to the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) seeping out of building materials, furniture, office equipment, carpet, paint, and pesticides, to the molds and bacteria funneled through muck-filled heating, ventilation, and cooling systems (HVACs). Even the smoke from those puffing away at entrances gets sucked back into the building, chimney-style, because of the suction from revolving doors (what engineers call ''the stack effect''). ..."... All this may signal the day when owner-operators make it a priority to choose
building materials that are safer, companies demand air-quality reports before signing
leases, and employees are as aware of their office's health as their own. Just like stock
options and signing bonuses, workers are certain to start demanding fresh air and
sunlight once they find out that other employees are getting them. Perhaps one day
the office will even have its own annual checkup. If not, many American workers
may not be around to complain. They'll be at home--sick.
When you read about VOCs (volatile organic compounds), remember that all synthetically
derived fragrances belong in that category. They are created to be highly volatile, to become
one with the air we all must breathe, and to last longer on the ambient air (thanks to phthalates).
NIEHS informs us that fragrance products and pesticides are
"COMMON INDOOR AIR POLLUTANTS." -- barbFrom Business Week, you can click out to other links that pretain to this story.
It is mirrored also, but alas, these don't contain the extra pages linked to from the article.
PDF file: http://www.thesilentkillers.com/Air/Is%20Your%20O...%20You.pdf
- Join the Sick Building discussions -- http://www.businessweek.com/forums/
Return to top
The Calgary Herald
- "Perfume no bed of roses for noses"
Robert Walker, Calgary Herald; Sunday 14 May 2000
Please write and congratulate Calgary on their "Regional Health
Authority's scent-free awareness campaign." E-mail the Herald
letters@theherald.southam.ca -- barb
- "A whine's bouquet"
By Barbara Wilkie; Thursday 25 May 2000
(this URL seems to only work on my Internet Explorer, not on my NetScape)
Canada's Scented Products Education and Information Association of Canada (SPEIAC)
Follow the Directions !!!
" ... Presently, manufacturers can be contacted for ingredient information for
personal care products. However, with the upcoming new Cosmetic Regulations,
ingredient labelling on the package of personal care products will be mandatory."
Cancer Prevention Coalition
If you can't find this, go to the main page and search. -- barb
- "New Initiatives in Personal Care Product Safety," Jan. 2000
Dr. Epstein's Press Releases
- Editorials
- Press Conferences
- Press Releases: By Chronology (1995-2002)
- Groups Call for Labeling of Cosmetics and Toiletries, Citing Cancer and
Other Health Risks
This, in turn, spun these two articles in August 2002:
- EHS - Labeling Cosmetics May Help Prevent Cancers
http://ens-news.com/ens/aug2002/2002-08-15-01.asp- Ascribe - Groups Call for Labeling of Cosmetics and Toiletries, Citing Cancer
and Other Health Risks
Cancer Research America, Inc.
Our investigative study focuses on known carcinogens in cosmetics, personal care
products and other everyday products that are in widespread use by girls and women.
- Cosmetics Linked to the Causes of Breast Cancer and Fatal Breast Cancer
- Editorial by Dr. Coleman, appearing in the Louisville Courier Journal
reprinted with permission granted
(Coming soon . . . soon as I can get it up without crashing! -- barb)
Cancer Shock in Cosmetics -- This News article appeared in the
UTUSAN - Konsumer - newspaper article, published December 1998
Healthy Communications.com.
Also see EHN's Candles on General Links, page C
- Candles: a burning controversy
By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNBC
Ban on certain types proposed as links to toxic emissions emerge
The growth in sales of candles, some say, is presenting new problems in an industry
that has been operating without mandatory standards.
- Candle Dangers - Nov. 18, 1999
- Candle Makers Defend Product - Nov. 19, 1999
Also up on EHN's site under Stuff Happens! -- barb
- Fragrance is regulated?!? response by barb to "Candle Makers Defend Product;" Nov. 19, 1999
- INFORM the Consumer Products Safety Commission!
YOU have until June 12, 2000
Public Citizen's petition
- InnerSelf.com - Health
- Breast Cancer Deception
by Sherrill Sellman
- JAMA: Research Letters -- Lead Exposure From Candles
- Millions of Dangerous Candles Sold Throughout U.S.
Lead Wicks Pose Major Safety Hazard, Especially to Children
by Public Citizen
- Scented Candles and Indoor Air Pollution
Use your browser's find command. -- barb
- Some Candles Emit Dangerous Levels Of Lead
A University of Michigan School of Public Health study of candles purchased from
stores in southeast Michigan shows that some candles on the market today are made
with wicks that have either lead or lead cores that emit potentially dangerous levels of
lead into the air.
- US Scented Candles Study
- YES! and Dear Annie & Doug
...aromatherapy candles burning in an unvented office ...
CBC National -- Canada
CBS News
- Antibacterial soaps may be harmful, U.S. doctors suggest
WebPosted Thu Jun 15 15:45:21 2000
- Anthrax
Reporter:Hana Gartner
- HRM to draft pesticide by-law
WebPosted Apr 5 2000 11:43 AM
"HALIFAX, N.S. - Halifax Regional Council has asked municipal
staff to draft a bylaw that will ase in a partial ban on pesticide
spraying within the regional municipality. ..."
- Military will examine depleted uranium tests
WebPosted Mon Feb 7 21:46:18 2000
- Smoking Up a Storm
An interesting series of links, check them all. -- barb
- The New Polluters
March 13, 2002 USGD scientists found chemicals used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, perfumes ... -- barb
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/03/13/tech/main503598.shtmlor printable: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/03/13/tech/main503598.shtml
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals
- Visit the OLD version of ToxicExposure.org BEFORE it was taken over by PORN.
You can still get to good info on this site . . . why it's not still around, I don't know. -- barb http://web.archive.org/web/20010418154757/http://www.toxicexposure.org/index.cfm?C=1Study Tallies Americans' Exposure to Toxins
CDC Survey Turns Up 27 Chemicals, Including Plastics and Pesticides; Health Effects Are Unclear
By David Brown; Washington Post Staff Writer; Thursday, March 22, 2001; Page A02
Printer Friendly: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A40329-2001Mar21?language=printer
Something in the air
"Between 1989 and 1993, 800 workers at Halifax's Camp Hill Medical Centre fell sick because of
chemically contaminated air. More than 100 are still off work--and a fight is raging over the reasons
why. Kim Pittaway explores the modern fears and slippery truths behind the environmental illness debate
First published in Chatelaine's November 1995 issue.
© Kim Pittaway
Chemical dependency - Environmental illnesses: diseases for the '90s
From the Congressional Record of the United States
Extension of Remarks to the House of Representatives
"Mr. Speaker, I rise today to discuss the issue of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
as it relates to both our civilian population and our Gulf war veterans. . . . "
Chemical Injury Relief Foundation (CIRF)
- CIRF/PEC ‚ Designing Personal Environmental Control
- CIRF/WELL - Web Environmental Lifeskills Library
- Definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Definition of Fibromyalgia
- Definition of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- Eco-eco relations - Why ecology is important to economics
- Environmental Illness Links
- Funding
- Personal Environmental Control (PEC) Protocol
CHEST Journal
- Airway response to hair spray in normal subjects and subjects with hyperreactive airways
DP Schlueter, RJ Soto, ED Baretta, AA Herrmann, LE Ostrander and RD Stewart
Chest, Vol 75, 544-548, Copyright © 1979 by American College of Chest Physicians
"...The hair sprays differed in their content of perfume and plasticizer, and since the
latter is generally considered nontoxic at room temperature, the perfume may be the
responsible agent. ..."
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke Exposure During Childhood Is
Associated With Increased Prevalence of Asthma in Adults*
Matz L. Larsson, MD, FCCP; Margot Frisk; Jan Hallstr–m, MD; Jaak Kiviloog, MD, PhD and
Bo Lundb”ck, MD, PhD
(Chest. 2001;120:711-717.) © 2001 American College of Chest Physicians
"... ETS was the most commonly reported LAWI in the total sample (21%), followed by
exercise in cold air (20%), dust (19%), exercise (16%), perfume (15%), cold air (12%),
pollen (10%), and pets (8%). All LAWIs were more frequently reported by women. "
- Incidence of occupational asthma and persistent asthma in young adults has increased in Finland K Reijula, T Haahtela, T Klaukka and J Rantanen ; Finnish Institute of Occupational
Health, Department of Allergic Diseases, University Central Hospital Social Insurance
Institution of Finland, Helsinki.
Chest, Vol 110, 58-61, Copyright © 1996 by American College of Chest Physicians
The Chicago Tribune
Note: You may have to register for free access to some of the Tribune's stories and for others, you will have to pay!
- IN THE COURTS - Legal tide has turned against the disabled
By Lennard J. Davis. Lennard J. Davis is Professor and
Head of the Department of English of the University of Illinois at Chicago
Published November 25, 2001
Printer-friendly version
Published on 05/28/2000, [Note, another spinoff of the Boston Globe story. -- barb]
(574 words)
"Perfume is meant to provoke passion, but not the sort that's stirring this
historic seaport."To the horror of perfume makers worldwide, Halifax has become the first
major center in North America to prohibit the wearing of all cosmetic
fragrances--from Giorgio to grandmother's lavender soap--in most indoor
public places, including municipal offices, libraries, hospitals, classrooms,
courts and mass transit buses. ..."
By Laurie Cashman; June 3, 2000
By Lynn Lawson, PR Chairwoman Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: Health & Environment; June 6, 2000
The Chicago Tribune
Schools flunk food safety
- One in four city schools cited for rodent infestation in food storage areas.
- When food-handling problems are found, a report is filed but follow-up is rare.
By David Jackson, Tribune staff reporter. Tribune staff reporters Michael Martinez and
Geoff Dougherty contributed to this report; Published December 10, 2001
"Rodents and bugs infest Chicago school kitchens and cafeterias. ..."
Seems to me Chicago school district ought to be introduced to Steve Tvedten of
www.getipm.com and www.safe2use.com -- barb
Children's Environmental Health Coalition
- HealtheHouse
The Christian Science Monitor
- "A plea against perfume"
April Austin
Clean Water Fund's Home-SAFE-Home Guide - online
"Each year, United States industries produce over 250 million tons of hazardous waste
in the manufacture of consumer goods. That equals more than one ton per man, woman,
and child currently living in America, and the numbers increase when we use and
dispose of these products! Convenience items, disposable products, quick-fix household
goods, and an array of non-biodegradable packaging contribute to the pollution of
our air, soil, and water. Over 55,000 chemicals are contained in various household
products and over 1,000 new synthetic chemicals appear on the market each year.
Pesticides, cleansers, chemicals, and hosts of other products may offer instant results,
but many also present health threats and continue to leave their mark on the
environment for hundreds of years!You can help curb the massive tide of pollution threatening our health. Our
Home Safe Home guide will help you make choices that don't expose your
family to toxic chemicals or harm the environment."
I have been able to get this guide in hard copy as an 11x17 folded newsletter format. Both
charts contains ommonly used consumer product, problems caused and a safer solution. - barb
Cleaning Solutions For a Healthier Environment
Clearing the Air: Asthma and Indoor Air Exposures
- Fragrance-free Cleaning Products
- Cleaning Products A to Z: A
Includes fragrance-FREE. -- barb
- Cleaning Products From A to Z: H
Includes fragrance-FREE. -- barb
- Defining Green Cleaning
Committee on the Assessment of Asthma and Indoor Air, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Institute of Medicine
456 pages, 6 x 9, 2000; ISBN: 0-309-06496-1
To read or search online . . . pages 247 and 400 deal with fragrances
To Purchase
http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9610.htmlCleveland Scene
- While The EPA Slept
Years after the agency was put in charge of contaminated Middlefield, the truth came out.
By Sarah Fenske
From clevescene.com
Originally published by Cleveland Scene Nov 15, 2001
©2002 New Times, Inc. All rights reserved.
Conscious Choice
- Health Conscious
- "Smells Can Make You Sick"
Rebecca Ephraim, RD, CCN; April 2002
- Perfume Hazards Ignored
By Betty Bridges, RN
Fragranced Products Information Network (FPIN)
Consumer Reports Online
Cornell author warns about breast milk -- Sandra Steingraber
- Fabric Softeners and flammability
http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf?/newsstories/state/20000422_rpnmilk.htmlCosmetics . . . Reform!
- Crackdown on cosmetic surgery near
Sun Sentinel
By FRED SCHULTE and JENNI BERGAL Staff Writers; Web-posted: 9:03 p.m. Apr. 30, 1999 http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/daily/detail/0,1136,11500000000076986,00.html
- Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D. IL)...
SNIFF - Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act
"107th CONGRESS - 1st Session - H. R. 1947
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.
May 22, 2001 - Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, and Ms. BERKLEY) introduced the
following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled. ...
Go to Thomas, enter 'hr 1947' without quotes, and click search. -- barb
... felt so strongly about labeling and about people's RIGHT TO KNOW about the toxic
products they are buying for their personal care and their cleaning and maintenance projects,
she introduced a bill into Congress -- the 106th -- on 9/21/2000. It was known as HR 5238.
It was co-sponsored by
Rep. Berkley, Shelley (D. NV) - 10/5/2000.
But, it has to be re-introduced into the 107th Congress. So we are waiting for Rep. Schakowsky to
do that this year.
To find all the information on Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act
(SNIFF), go into Thomas and the info on the 106th Congress (URL follows), then, under
word/phrase, you can key in "fragrance" -- without quotes and click on the search button OR you
can go into "Bill/Amendment No.:" and enter "hr 5238" or "H.R. 5238" -- again, without
quotes -- and click on search. -- barb
Sept. 5, 1997
"... [O]ur country's regulation of cosmetics as the fool's gold standard. ..."
"... The FDA has no authority to require manufacturers to register their
plants and products. It cannot require manufacturers to file data on the ingredients
in their products. It cannot compel manufacturers to file reports on cosmetic-related
industries. It cannot require that products be tested for safety or that the results
of safety testing be made available to the agency. It does not have the right of
access to manufacturers1 records. It cannot even require recall of a product. ..."
Cosmetics Unmasked
- News
Perfumes cause allergies
"...The study concluded that the number of eczema patients with perfume allergy has
doubled since 1979 from one in twenty eczema patients to one in ten in 1995. ..."
"Tests by the perfume/cosmetics industry
"The majority of studies have been undertaken by the perfume/cosmetics industry, and
only a minor part are publicly available. Jeanne Duus Johansen suggests that when
the results are made public, they are likely to show better results than those of the
studies she has been involved with. This is because the industry tests perfumes on healthy
persons and so the number of allergic eczema reactions will always be lower than in
the studies at Gentofte University Hospital, where the substances are tested on
eczema patients. This means that the industry's research will not show how the
products affect people with allergy problems. ..."
- Q & A
http://www.cosmeticsunmasked.com/Chronic Fatigue, MCS
- Toxic Causes of CFS: Part One ‚ Recognizing the Symptoms
by Sarah Myhill, M.D.
- Toxic Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Part Two - Treatment Options
by Sarah Myhill, M.D.
ImmuneSupport.com; 01-16-2001
Includes info on MCS. -- barb
Dangerous Lawn Chemicals
Kitty Tucker wears this mask to try to avoid a severe reaction to lawn chemicals. By Shae Crisson; February 23, 2001; Eyewitness News 11
A 'Health Gap' Is Targeted
By DANIEL P. JONES; The Hartford Courant
"Chronic health problems with suspected or known links to environmental causes,
such as asthma, birth defects, cancer and development disabilities, afflict more than
100 million Americans a year at a cost of $325 billion. ... "
Creative Loafing
Return to top
- The Best Science Money Can Buy
By Will Moredock
A looksee into Ronald Gots and the Environmental Sensitivities Research Institute. -- barb http://web.cln.com/archives/charlotte/newsstand/c031498/cover11.htmOr: http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/4415/bestscience.html#Best
- Feminist UNC-C Prof Attacked As Anti-Family
Part of Rightwing Think Tanks' Attacks on Academe
By Will Moredock
"Judy Aulette...'I can speak and write to students, colleagues, listservers and professional
organizations and newsletters and I have tried to keep them informed. But I do not,
and more important, we do not, as intellectuals have a place to make our case to the
national/international public.' "
The Daily Express
Daily Hampshire Gazette
- Shutesbury goes 'fragrance-free'
"Tuesday, September 18, 2001 -- SHUTESBURY - Next Town Meeting, skip the musk aftershave and the flowery cologne. This town is making its public meetings 'fragrance-free.' ..." http://www.gazettenet.com/09182001/news/6550.htm
Dancing in Clean Air: Our Fragrance-free Policy
"The Seattle English country dances are advertised as "fragrance free". This is because
about 15% of the general population and about 20% of our English country dance
community have adverse health effects from perfume and solvents, and become ill
from even small amounts of fragrance products. ..."
Denver Post
Denver Rocky Mountain News
- fragrance foes can smell a fight
Citing health concerns, activists seek restrictions, scent-free areas
By Jenny Deam; Denver Post Staff Writer; June 25, 2000
- Home, sick home
Indoor air pollution is definitely something to sneeze at
Irene Wilkenfeld was the interviewee. -- barb
By Joysa Winter; Special to the Denver Rocky Mountain News;
David Lawrence Dewey
author/syndicated columnist
- Defective Candles Lead Poisoning
- Food For Thought © copyrighted
Colognes - Perfumes - Pesticides
Are They Slowly Killing You?
October 7th, 1999
- Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers
So You Smell Good Using Perfumes and Colognes
However... You Could Be Giving Yourself Cancer and God Knows What Else! 7-24-99
Disability Studies Online Magazine
- MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - Bibliography and Resources
Return to top
Earth Crash Earth Spirit
Documenting the Collapse of a Dying Planet
- Canadian Lawn Care Group Promoting Bubble Gum and Cherry
Artificial Fragrances to Mask Smell of Pesticides. (1/2/2001)
- National Toxicology Program to Consider Listing the Solvent Trichlorethylene (TCE),
Talcum Powder, Chloramphenicol, Steroidal Estrogens, and the Flavoring Agent
Methyleugenol as Carcinogens. (12/11/2000)
- Rare deadly lung disorder in workers at microwave popcorn factories
linked to artificial butter flavoring. (10/03/2001)
- Some Candles Found to Emit Dangerously High Levels of Lead,
Plus Acetone, Benzene, Mercury. (1/31/2001)
- Unlabelled "Inert" Ingredients in Pesticides Includes Asbestos, Formaldehyde, Lead,
Cadmium and Methyl Chloride, Other Cancer and Birth Defect Causing Toxins. (6/9/2001)
East Bay Express
- Waiting to Inhale
"It's a killer we seldom hear about, discriminating by race and locale and
afflicting more people every year. So why don't we even know what causes
http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2002-08-07/feature.html/1/index.html- Letters for the week of August , 2002
Includes responses to Waiting to Inhale -- barb
- Letters for the week of September 4-10, 2002
Includes responses to Waiting to Inhale -- barb
Home sickness.
(health hazards of everyday life in the modern world)
(Statistical Data Included)
Author/s: Martin J Walker
Available through Find Articles . . . references the FDA Petition's findings!
Betsy Rosenberg, CBS radio, SF Bay Area, KCBS
EHN's links to:
- Newspaper articles
- OnLine News and References
- Publications
EHN Petitions FDA to declare Calvin Klein's Eternity 'Misbranded'
Electric Words
By Steven Fist
Mr. Fist is restructuring his site, so some links might not work for a time. -- barb
Who produces the 'junk-science' claims, and who decides what is junk?
On Steven Milloy
by Stewart Fist
- Junk-science, Public Relations and Deliberate Disinformation
- Who Determines what is Junkscience?
The Corporate Corruption of Science.
- Dr George Carlo and the WTR [Wireless Technology Research]
"This is the way the cellular mobile phone industry conducted its health research during
the period 1993 and 1999. Dr George Carlo, a long-term science-entrepreneur for
the tobacco industry, was chosen by PR company Burson-Marsteller for the Cellular
Telephone Industry Association (CTIA) and set up with a pseudo-science funding
organisation (WTR) to waste $25 million, and delay the health regulation by five years.
More Electric Words by Stewart Fist
Cell-phones & Health
- CrossRoads Columns
The Australian newspaper
- The Stewart Fist Collection -- Pipe Dreams http://www.abc.net.au/http/sfist/indexsf.htm
Environmental and Health Assessment of Substances in
Household Detergents and Cosmetic Detergent Products
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Project, 615, 2001
Abstract: http://www.mst.dk/udgiv/publications/2001/87-7944-596-9/html/default_eng.htmTOC: http://www.mst.dk/udgiv/publications/2001/87-7944-596-9/html/indhold_eng.htm
- Breathing Easy In America's First Environmentally-Smart Hotel
By Jennifer Bogo
- Dangerous Beauty: Flower Farms May Threaten Workers and the Environment
By Tracey C. Rembert
- News You Can Use
Rachel's Weekly Provides Information to Empower Activists
Smelling Good But Feeling Bad
- Synthetic Perfumes, Colognes and Scents Are Turning Up Noses
By Damon Franz and Holly Prall
Employee with a Heightened Sensitivity to Strong Fragrances May Be Disabled Under the ADA
Labor & Employment UPDATE
Brobeck - Attorneys at Law
Environmental Causes of Child Cancers and Remission Information
Wayne Sinclair, M.D., Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Cancer Causes Research Index
Environmental Causes of Learning Disabilities - Index
Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP)
Search EHIS
http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/ehpsearch.htmlEnvironews by Topic: Phthalates http://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/topic/phthlat.html
- A 4-Year-Old Girl with Manifestations of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Alan Woolf
- Baby Ills from Beauty Aids?
- Human Exposure:The Key to Better Risk Assessment
by Julie Wakefield
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 108, Number 12, December 2000
" ... In July 2000, [Vice President Al] Gore told the Children's Environmental Health
Network that he supported the establishment by 2004 of a national tracking system for
asthma, cancer, and other diseases afflicting children that are potentially linked to
environmental causes. The system would use the Internet to facilitate information
collection by local public health agencies and health care providers, which would help
focus efforts to address environmental health risks.
"Such a network might have mitigated the tragedy in Libby. "Active tracking of
environmental disease might have picked [the disease cases] up much sooner, and
started preventive activities decades earlier," says Campolucci. "We need an
environmental surveillance system that evaluates human health." Adds O'Hara,
"All too often we haven't had all the exposure information we need to make good
policy." But better coordination and expansion of human exposure assessment
programs at the federal level and by industry should help fill the gaps, leading to
better policies--and healthier people.
- Killer Environment
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Number 2, February 1999
- Like Sugar for Poison: Glucose as a Substitute for Benzene
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 103, Number 6, June 1995
"... Benzene helps make jeans blue--it's the feedstock for indigo dye--and ice cream vanilla
flavored--it's the source of vanillin. It's also the starting point for a number
important industrial chemicals including hydroquinone, used in film developing, phenol,
used to make solvents, and adipic acid, which is used to make nylon. Benzene is also
a potent carcinogen. [emphasis added]
- Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment:
Agents of Subtle Change?
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 107, Supplement 6, December 1999
- Phthalates
- A Variety of Environmentally Persistent Chemicals, Including Some Phthalate Plasticizers,
Are Weakly Estrogenic
By Susan Jobling, Tracey Reynolds, Roger White, Malcolm G. Parker, and John P. Sumpter
- The Estrogenic Activity of Phthalate Esters In Vitro
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 105, Number 8, August 1997
By Catherine A. Harris, Pirkko Henttu, Malcolm G. Parker, and John P. Sumpter
- Identification of Phthalate Esters in the Serum of Young Puerto Rican Girls with
Premature Breast Development Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 108, Number 9, September 2000 By Ivelisse ColÛn, Doris Caro, Carlos J. Bourdony, and Osvaldo Rosario
http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2000/108p895-900colon/colon-full.htmlAbstract: http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2000/108p895-900colon/abstract.html
- Levels of Seven Urinary Phthalate Metabolites in a Human Reference Population
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 108, Number 10, October 2000
By Benjamin C. Blount, Manori J. Silva, Samuel P. Caudill, Larry L. Needham, Jim L. Pirkle,
Eric J. Sampson, George W. Lucier, Richard J. Jackson, and John W. Brock
"... Our study provides an assessment of human exposure to phthalates. Phthalate
monoester levels in human urine vary widely (Table 1); urinary creatinine adjustment
reduces this variation somewhat (Table 2). In this reference population, the phthalate
monoesters with the highest urinary levels found are MEP (16,200 ppb, 6,790 µg/g
creatinine), MBP (4,670 ppb, 2,760 µg/g creatinine), and MBzP (1,020 ppb, 540 µg/g
creatinine), which reflect exposure to diethyl phthalate (DEP), DBP, and BzBP. DEP and
DBP are used extensively in products with volatile components such as perfumes, nail
polishes, and hair sprays, possibly leading to inhalation and efficient absorption through
the lungs. Dermal absorption also occurs at a significant rate for phthalates with short
side chains such as DEP, DBP, and BzBP (28). ..." [Emphasis added. -- barb]
http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2000/108p972-982blount/blount-full.htmlAbstract: http://ehpnet1.niehs.nih.gov/docs/2000/108p972-982blount/abstract.html
Please note: Phthalic acid, diethyl ester; 10.5 percent of fragrance portion of formula;
CAS # 84-66-2 -- found in analyses of fragrances for FDA Petition -- barb- Profile of Patients with Chemical Injury and Sensitivity
By Grace Ziem and James McTamney
Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 105; supplement 2, March 1997
- Scents and Sensitivity
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 106, December 12, November 1998
Environmental News Network Inc. (ENN)
- Flame-retardant chemical could prove as troublesome a pollutant as PCBs or DDT
Friday, February 08, 2002; By Matt Crenson, Associated Press
Environmental News Service
Environmental News Service
Urban Babies Loaded with Environmental Toxins
By Cameron la Follette; NEW YORK, New York, March 30, 2000 (ENS)
EWG - Environmental Working Group
- American Council on Science and Health's Alar misinformation
causes a stir at the New York Times.
Environmental Working Group
See ACSH under EHN's Stuff Happens!
- Show Me The Science ! Corporate Polluters and the
'Junk Science' Strategy; July 1997
Environmental Working Group
Check out Global Climate Coalition in this writeup! -- barb
- Mysterious Turn of Events: Steven "Junkman" Milloy no longer associated with
The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition?
Environmental Working Group
- Safer Schools - June 2001
Environmental Working Group
Portable classroom makers will switch to less-toxic materials to protect kids' health
Science and Environmental Health Network
Asking the Right Questions
By Nancy Myers
Environmental Protection Agency
"Studies have found that levels of several organics average 2 to 5 times higher
indoors than outdoors. During and for several hours immediately after certain
activities, such as paint stripping, levels may be 1,000 times background outdoor levels."
Of course, you'll be hard pressed to find that synthetic scents are recognized air pollutants.
For that information you have to visit NIEHS (below) -- barb
E.P.A. Says It Will Change Rules Governing Industrial Pollution
By MATTHEW L. WALD; NY Times; November 23, 2002
European Union
- Detergents - Results of the Public consultation
NOTE: under "Labelling"
"... There was a significant level of support for additional labelling for perfumes from
government, industry and NGOs. ... "
Everyday Exposure to Toxic Pollutants, Scientific American
Excessive Use of Fragrance Products in Public Places
by the Conservation Committee of the SF Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club
Return to top
FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
Key in Stossel in FAIR's search and you'll turn up a lot of excellent reports.
For more on Stossel, see Stuff Happens. -- barb
- ABC's Junk Science - Victor Neufeld's Anti-Environmental Spin Continues
By Karl Grossman
"Victor Neufeld, 20/20's executive producer, whose wife is a PR agent who
has represented the nuclear, chemical and plastics industries, has
continued to steer the show away from environmental stories. ..."
- ABC's John Stossel
- Give Us a Break - The world according to John Stossel
By Peter Hart; Extra!, March/April 2003
- The Stossel Treatment - Selective editing and other unethical tactics
By Rachel Coen; Extra!, March/April 2003
Family Practice.com
Advocate stresses importance of creating environmentally safe schools
by Claire L. Barnett
- Occupational Acute Anaphylactic Reaction to Assault by Perfume Spray in the Face
by James E. Lessenger, MD, From a private practice.
Trust me! You can suffer asthma -- at the very least -- as well as severe migraines, dizziness,
and an anaphylactic reaction from perfume being sprayed at your doorways, just outside your
room; from scented individuals sashaying through your office space as happened to me --
they had no other reason than to spread their scent; as a result of a highly scented HR manager
determined to "visit" the chemically injured while loaded with her favorite scented product or
call in the chemically injured for a myriad of useless meetings; from staff wearing their favorite
scented products . . . Talk about a hostile work environment! This behavior should not be
tolerated . . . yet it was participated in by management in my former workplace. And in those days,
the EEOC saw nothing wrong with it -- I was told that if I were missing a limb my disability
would be understandable because it would be obvious. Imagine!! MCS is not sufficiently
recognized and, from my personal experience, neither was asthma until it became a drug
moneymaker! -- barb
Faribault Middle School in Faribault, MN -- FRAGRANCE FREE!
"Faribault school bans students' use of perfumes, colognes"
Associated Press
FDA Petition ... see the six fragrances analyzed by two laboratories
- Study Finds That Nitrates in Water May Kill Frogs Even at Low Levels
Chemical Market Reporter; Jan 17, 2000
"FERTILIZER LEVELS that the Environmental Protection Agency consider safe in
drinking water can kill some species of frogs and toads, according to a new study."
Flavour and Fragrance Journal
ISSN: 1099-1026 Print ISSN: 0882-5734
Volume 17, Issue 5, 2002. Pages: 361-371
Fragrance: emerging health and environmental concernsÝ
Articles Available Online in Advance of Print
Published Online: 16 Apr 2002
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
(posted 4/19/02: bw)
"Fragrance: emerging health and environmental concerns"
The entire article is available as a "preprint" from Betty's page -- fall 2002
FlipSide Alternative Daily
Articles by Betty Bridges, RN (FPIN)
Fluoride: Citizens for Safe Drinking Water; Santa Cruz, CA
The Foundation for Taxpayer & Consumer Rights (FTCR)
- Complaint Form
- Fact Sheets
- Goon Squad
"Ever wonder about those people you see on television ads urging you to vote
YES or NO on ballot propositions. . .journalists, elected officials, environmental "leaders,"
"independent analysts," "minority" groups, taxpayer advocates, etc.?"Chances are, they're being paid to lie to you. . . . "
Fragrance . . . manufactured
Chemical formulations volatilize, therefore, the industry-prescribed "scent circle" (your scent
should not reach beyond an arm's length from your body), puts the onus on their customers
to do the impossible. Perfumes pollute. It's the nature of the beast. NIEHS lists them among its
Common Indoor Air Pollutants (http://www.niehs.nih.gov/external/faq/indoor.htm). -- barb
Also see the following EHN pages:Avoid Fragrances
A list of august bodies that suggest people living with asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis,
migraines, . . . AVOID fragrances. Sage advice. Impossible to follow. Synthetic scents
are volatile, they become one with the air we all must breathe! -- barb
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/a.htm#AVOIDFDA Petition with analyses of popular synthetic scents
By December 2001, the FDA received over 1200 letters because of this petition. When will the
FDA start listening to the public and their reports of adverse health events? -- barb
http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htmFragrance free
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/f.htm#Fragrance-freeFragrance Info
- SNIFF - Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act
"107th CONGRESS - 1st Session - H. R. 1947
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.
May 22, 2001 - Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, and Ms. BERKLEY) introduced the
following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled. ...
Go to Thomas, enter 'hr 1947' without quotes, and click search. -- barb
- Fragrance Bill: H.R. 5238; introduced by Rep. Jan Schakowsky
MUST be reintroduced into the 108th (year 2002) Congress -- barb
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
This Act may be cited as the `Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act'.
SUBSTANCES OR ALLERGENS.Section 602 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 362) is amended by
adding at the end the following:
'(g) If it is a fragrance that contains a known toxic substance, unless it bears labeling
stating that fact and the common or usual name of such substance.'(h) If it is a fragrance that contains a known allergen, unless it bears labeling stating
that fact and the common or usual name of such allergen, or the name specified in
any definition and standard of identity for the allergen under section 401, as applicable.'.
COSPONSORS(1): Rep Berkley, Shelley - 10/5/2000Follow through Thomas at http://thomas.loc.gov/
To find all the information on Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act
(SNIFF), go into Thomas and the info on the 106th Congress at
Then, under word/phrase, you can key in "fragrance" -- without quotes and hit search
you can go into "Bill/Amendment No.:" and enter "hr 5238" or "H.R. 5238" -- again,
without quotes -- and hit search and you'll bring up the information on SNIFF
- Fragrances chemicals absorbed through eyes --
Provocations with perfume in the eyes induce airway symptoms
in patients with sensory hyperreactivity.
Allergy 1999 May; 54(5):495-9 (ISSN: 0105-4538)
MEDLINE Search Result on Medscape. Use their search engine; register first. -- barb
"... During the 30-min exposure to perfume, there was a gradual increase in three main
symptoms; i.e., eye irritation, cough, and dyspnea, after both the airway and eye
exposures. The increases were significant compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS:
Asthma-like and other symptoms, such as irritation of the eyes, may be induced by
exposure of both the airways and the eyes in patients with sensory hyperreactivity. This
points to the importance of studying the sensory nervous system, not only in the
airways, but also in other organs. "
You must register, but it is free. -- barb
- The Fragrance Foundation Update - Trends for 2001
By Anita Fontana
"... Work
" Women in the workplace will lean towards lighter, transparent, clean and fresh scents
including citrus notes, florals, muguets, etc. Being confident in the workplace, they
need not rely on overpowering romantic scents, but rather focus on their intelligence.
All-over-body mists that are not overtly fruity or sweet will be sought out as well as
fragrances that use essential oils that aid concentration, to help calm, etc. ..."
Strange bedfellows: Journalists as corporate shills
Why do Americans hate the press?
Maybe it's because so many reporters are in bed with the rich and powerful.
""A pitch for sponsors is generally not what an investigative reporter does," observes
Jeff Cohen, director of FAIR. "But Stossel's reputation preceded him into that room ã
his attacks on environmental, consumer activist, and regulatory agencies got into that
room way before he walked in. He's famous for being the reporter who 'champions
the overdog.'" According to FAIR, two producers on Stossel's specials quit because,
they say, he refused to accept information counter to his thesis about government regulation. "
Return to top
- Study Finds That Nitrates in Water May Kill Frogs Even at Low Levels
Chemical Market Reporter; Jan 17, 2000
"FERTILIZER LEVELS that the Environmental Protection Agency consider safe in
drinking water can kill some species of frogs and toads, according to a new study."
Genetic Engineering
- "You"ll Never Guess What DNA Can Be Found In Potatoes"
hear this Canadian show ... about 1/2 hour
Go down the page to the heading: "Archives" then select the title:
"You'll never guess what kind of DNA can be found in potatoes!
Tune in and find out."
You will need RealVideo software to view the lecture.Ý TheÝ softward is free, and can be downloaded at the site.
The Globe and Mail
To view original Leah McLaren article, visit Stuff Happens!
Rebuttals to Leah McLaren's hateFULL assault by toxic synthetic fragrance chemicals.
McLaren deliberately and pridefully loaded up with superfluous toxins -- fragrances -- and
went to a fragrance-free hospital. How about psychologically analyzing that behavior??? -- barb
- Air Quality - A look at Environmental Illness
By Dan Knight; May 7, 2000"I would certainly call Ms. McLaren an insensitive reporter, at the very least. She's one
of the vocal few who believe environmental illness is 'probably all in their heads,' so she
apparently doesn't think twice about how offensive the actions she reports are. She
not only shows blatant disregard for those who suffer chemical sensitivity, but also of
the law, hospital policy, and those who simply find bad smells offensive."
- Industry Motivation: Personal Rights or Profits
By Betty Bridges, RN; June 20, 2000; Halifax, Nova Scotia
"Columnist Leah Mclaren claims she deliberately applied numerous fragranced products
and went to the waiting area of Halifax Children's Hospital which had a fragrance
ban. This children's hospital serves many asthmatics and others affected by fragrance
chemicals. There should be no debate over fragrance bans in medical facilities as health
care should be accessible for all. Such actions by a few demonstrate how mean-spirited
people can be. It only takes the actions of one person using fragrance to undo the efforts
of many that are willing to be courteous and responsible.(14) "
http://ehnca.org/www/ehnlinx/aaprbb.htm#Industry- The Leah McLaren article Rebuttal by Judy Spence, RN, the Environmental Illness Society of Canada to a
hate-filled Leah Mclaren article in which Mclaren bragged about loading up with various
fragrance products and then deposited herself in a hospital waiting area despite its
fragrance-free policy. To read the article go to EHN's Stuff Happens!-- barb
Ronald Gots, MD
Also see EHN's Stuff Happens!
- Best Science Money Can Buy, The
By Will Moredock; Creative Loafing Online
The following is reportedly, in response to the "May 1996 issue of Our Toxic Times ..."
"Speaking from his office in Rockville MD, Gots denied ever making an
Internet posting concerning the Berlin workshop. "I've never posted anything
on the Internet," Gots said. "I was involved with an organization that may have
posted something on the Internet."
Folks, does the quote above sound similar in intent to the one from the Dateline expose?
"Dr. Gots: 'It was our report, but someone else did the calligraphy.' ¾ -- barb
464 - Cigarette Science at Johns Hopkins, 10-19-95
" The problem isn't chemicals, it's the environment. Executive director and founder of
ESRI is Ronald R. Gots, who openly scoffs at MCS patients and the physicians who
treat them. For example, Dr. Gots has said MCS is 'a peculiar manifestation of our
technophobic and chemophobic society.' [7] In other words, MCS patients aren't really
sick --they're just irrationally frightened by technology and chemicals. "
(Gotten through RACHEL'S search engine -- just incase this link doesn't work -- barb)
- Junk Science - Junk Journalism Or Tabloid News
by Earle Phillips, NC Chem Member, former Radio News and Publisher
.(Proud of Broadcast News as it used to be)
- Not "Junk Science" but "Junk Journalism"
By Albert Donnay; MCS Referral & Resources
Gots got by Dateline
barb's favorite line:
"Dr. Gots: 'It was our report, but someone else did the calligraphy.' ¾
"The Resource Center on Business, the Environment, and the Bottom Line." http://www.Greenbiz.com/
- Governments Agree on National Criteria for 'Green' Cleaning Products
The Guardian
- A brush with pollution - Fumes from paint can be bad for your health and the
planet. Simon Birch finds alternatives
- Make-up kit holds hidden danger of cancer
New study claims legal loopholes allow beauty products to contain deadly toxins
By Amelia Hill; Sunday April 7, 2002; The Observer
- Scandal of scientists who take money for papers ghostwritten by drug companies
Doctors named as authors may not have seen raw data
Sarah Boseley, health editor; Thursday February 7, 2002; The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/medicine/story/0,11381,646078,00.html
Gulf War
Also see EHN's General Links, page G, Gulf War Syndrome
Return to top
- A Missing Chemical - New Research On Gulf War Syndrome
ABCNEWS.com; James Fleckenstein, UT professor of radiology, joined us in a
chat to discuss these new findings
- Brain Damage Found in Gulf War Syndrome Victims By Cat Lazaroff
"DALLAS, Texas, May 25, 2000 (ENS) - Brain scans of veterans who became ill after
serving in the Gulf War show evidence of significant brain cell loss, a new report reveals.
Using a sophisticated scanning technique, researchers have linked exposure to
pesticides and nerve gas to debilitating brain damage. ..."
- Environmental Illness Society of Canada
La sociÈtÈ canadienne pour les sensibilitÈs environnementales
Who Within the DND Will Watch Out for the Gulf War Veterans
When Minister Eggleton Is No Longer Minister of Defence
Press Release; November 14, 2000
- Gulf-Chat mailing list
- MCS Information Exchange - Alison Johnson
Book: Gulf War Syndrome - Legacy of a Perfect War
Video: Gulf War Syndrome - Aftermath of a Toxic Battlefield
- Senators, Perot: Continue Gulf War illness research
The Birmingham News
News Washington correspondent; 10/12/00
HALIFAX -- See EHN's General Links, page A, Articles
Health Care Without Harm, The Campaign For Environmentally Responsible Health Care writes about Steven Milloy ...
"... Milloy is the man who disparaged the memories of Senator John Chaffee and
Dr. David Rall after their deaths and castigated the European Commission for Health
and Consumer Protection for its efforts to use precaution and protect children from
toxic chemicals. Thus, we should not be too surprised that our efforts to protect hospital
patients should be a subject of Milloy's sneering vitriol. But the issue of PVC medical
products is not something to be mocked. ..."
The Hartford Courant
A 'Health Gap' Is Targeted
By DANIEL P. JONES; The Hartford Courant
"Chronic health problems with suspected or known links to environmental causes,
such as asthma, birth defects, cancer and development disabilities, afflict more than
100 million Americans a year at a cost of $325 billion. ... "
- A Scent of Trouble
By MAURICE TIMOTHY REIDY; December 04, 2000
"Carolyn Wysocki worries about opening her mail. It's not those letters from the credit
card companies that bother her. It's the catalogs. One whiff of those perfumed
department store ads can trigger an asthma attack. ..."
- Wheezing Kids and Mice
Another RED HERRING! Now make no mistake, I'm not saying that protein-based
allergens shouldn't be considered as sources for asthma. But what I am saying is that for the
experts to continue to ignore the role played by the chemicals used to formulate modern, synthetic
fragrances should be viewed, in my opinion, as a serious dereliction of duty. The fragrance
industry is unregulated. Not even the FDA has full disclosure about the chemical formulations,
and those discovered through the FDA Petition process ( http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htmshows that commonly used fragrances in personal care and in household and
janitorial cleaning/maintenance products contain known sensitizers and irritants, as well as
or suspected neurotoxins, carcinogens and teratogens. It is time our experts broadened their horizons, for to continue to think the same they always thought will be to get what they always got. And in the meantime, asthma cases continue to soar!-- barb
HealthWorld OnLine
- "Pollutants May Pose Greater Danger to Women"
c. c.1998 Medical Tribune News Service
- What Every Parent Should KnowAbout Controlling Head Lice
by Michael Alan Morton, Ph.D.
Herald-Mail Online
"At odds with his world"
By TERRY TALBERT; Staff Writer; December 01, 1996 "On March 23, 1988, Hagerstown resident Jacob B. "Jack" Berkson breathed fumes meant
for termites, and it changed his life forever...."
Return to top
if Looks Could Kill
From The Cosmetic Health Report Newsletter
by Judi Vance
"...The deodorant soap has a pH of 9, which removes the protective acid mantle of the
skin making it more alkaline and therefore, more vulnerable to penetration. It also
contains ammonia, formaldehyde and phenol, which are known carcinogens and
triclocarban, which is under suspicion of being a cancer causing agent with daily use...."
In Harm's Way - Toxic Threats to Child Development
Facts of Concern:
Fact: According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17% of
children under 18 in the U.S. have one or more developmental disabilities.Fact: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is considered a
common syndrome that affects 3-6% of all school children. Ongoing studies suggest
the incidence may be much higher.Fact: Some commonly used pesticides cause lifelong hyperactivity in
rodents exposed to a single small amount on a critical day of brain development.Fact: Fetal mercury exposure may impair learning, memory, and
attention in children as they grow older.Fact: IQ deficits in adolescent children are linked to fetal PCB exposure.
Fact: Studies suggest there are both genetic and environmental components
to autism.
Independent Living Research Utilization
by Bob Michaels
Independent Media Center (IMC)
- Organizations urge public to tune in to "TRADE SECRETS: A BILL MOYERS' REPORT"
Indoor Environment Connections
U.S. Access Board Adopts Fragrance Free Policy; Volume 1, Issue 10, August 2000
Scientists Track Pollutant's Course
By By MATT CRENSON; AP National Writer; 10/03/00
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
"Study Finds Strong Evidence That Exposure to Some Indoor Substances Can Lead to
or Worsen Asthma
"For biologic or chemical contaminants that could worsen asthma symptoms, limited or
suggestive evidence exists regarding exposure to material shed by domestic birds;
certain types of pneumonia and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV); secondhand tobacco
smoke in older children and adults; formaldehyde fumes from furniture and building
materials; and fragrances in personal care and household products."
Institute of Science in Society
GM Foods:
- Beyond Bad Science and Big Business
Lecture for åBig Money Bad Science¼ Teach-in on globalisation and genetic engineering,
Vogue Theatre, Vancouver, November 10, 2000.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
- Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
- Doubts Deepen over Safety of AIDS Vaccines
ISIS Report - 1 May 2002 "Another key AIDS vaccine is abandoned before phase III trial. This latest setback comes
at the end of a string of failures in developing vaccines that may be worse than useless.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reports.
Integrity in Science
A CPSI Project
Return to top
Integrity in Science database (May 23, 2001)
Keyed in "Gots" and got:
"Ronald E. Gots, M.D., Ph.D., International Institute for Toxicology and Medicine.
President, National Medical Advisory Service, Bethesda, Maryland.
Consultant to DowElanco (J. Am. Med. Asso., 8/6/97, letter).
ACSH-Advisory Board (1999). "
- Telling the Truth: What Drug Companies Don¼t Want You to Know
by Thomas Bodenheimer & Ronald Collins
- Lead Exposure From Candles - Research Letters http://jama.ama-assn.org/issues/v284n2/full/jlt0712-6.html
- Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Mortality, and Long-term Exposure to
Fine Particulate Air PollutionÝ
By C. Arden Pope III, PhD; Richard T. Burnett, PhD; Michael J. Thun, MD;
Eugenia E. Calle, PhD; Daniel Krewski, PhD; Kazuhiko Ito, PhD; George D. Thurston, ScD
- "Treatment" Cosmetics: Hype or Help?
Lynne Lamberg; JAMA contributor
© 1998 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
"...John Bailey, PhD, director of the FDA's Office of Cosmetics and Colors, said in an
interview. Cosmetics are defined by law as products not intended to affect the body's
structure or functions, and drugs are defined as products that do so. ..."... But most studies of cosmetics, he [Bailey] stressed, have only short-term safety end
points. More than 5000 ingredients are used in cosmetics, and for most of them, no long-
term safety data exist, alone or in combination."Physicians will find a list of cosmetics associated with adverse reactions on the
FDA Web page on the Internet at http://www.fda.gov and may report adverse
reactions to their local FDA office, listed in the blue pages of their local phone
directory. If there is a need for follow-up, Bailey said, it will be at the local level."
Okey-Dokey folks, anyone who suffers an adverse reaction to synthetically scented
products, take the information regarding the chemicals used to make fragrances --
available on EHN's website and on Fragranced Products Information Network --
to your doctor. Have your doctor report your adverse reactions to your local FDA office.
Of course, if your experience is anything like mine had been, your local FDA will not take any
reports of adverse reactions suffered at the secondary and tertiary levels of exposures. -- barb
Jefferson City News Tribune
- Environmental Ills Typically Misdiagnosed, doctor says
- Middle school completes first year as model for indoor air quality
by David Fults
- Capitol Caroling concernt to be presented Tuesday [fragrance-free!]
But it helps the singers, too! Good choral groups require fragrance-free attendance.
Read a related article from the perspective of actors. -- barb
- Success Smells Sweet to 'Phantom's' Vroman
JERRY CARROLL, SF Chronicle Staff Writer; Thursday, December 12, 1996
"The San Francisco company of the enormously popular 'Phantom of the Opera' marks
its third anniversary and its 1,260th performance at the Curran Theatre today,
pleasant enough milestones. But the actors are bracing for one not so nice, the annual
New Year's Eve performance.
"The house is always packed that night, and therein lies the problem. 'Everyone dresses
up big time,' said Lisa Vroman, who plays the virginal Christine in the Andrew Lloyd
Webber musical. 'And everyone wears a different scent.' Some really pour it on."As the play unfolds, body heat in the theater builds and, as it unleashes powerful waves
of perfume and cologne, the term 'the smell of the crowd' takes on new meaning for
folks on the stage. By the time the action has moved to the roof of the Paris Opera
House at the end of Act 1, co-star Franc D'Ambrosio, playing the Phantom, buries his face
against the fumes as he waits to reveal himself in the nest of gilded nudes high above
the footlights.
" 'Individually,' said Vroman, 'the scents might be nice, but in combination you literally
gag. Some people are allergic and it wreaks havoc with sinuses. Sometimes I can't get
my breath. So on behalf of the company, I beg people to go easy on the scent.' ..."
So, folks, have a care for the air. If you want to hear a great performance, leave the scented
products for your own enjoyment in your own home, among consenting, non-pregnant adults!
We ALL are stakeholders when it comes to breathing. -- barb
Printer friendly: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1996/12/12/DD15845.DTL&type=printable
- School administrators seek 'fragrance free' attendance at meeting
Jefferson City News Tribune; Monday, May 8, 2000
JUNK - the REAL word is out on Junk Science
Return to top
- Electric Words (Scroll down the main index - barb)
By Steven Fist
- Junk-science, Public Relations and Deliberate Disinformation
- Not "Junk Science" but "Junk Journalism" By Albert Donnay, MCS R&R http://www.mcsrr.org
Ken Keyes Jr.
- The Hundredth Monkey
Dan Knight's work
Dr. Koop
- Soapbox: Air Quality- A look at Environmental Illness
By Dan Knight; May 7, 2000
- Reformed.Net:Scents in the Workplace
By Dan Knight; October 1999
"This article is adapted from one submitted to my employer's company newsletter.
Permission is hereby given to adapt it in your own efforts to raise awareness of
fragrance problems in the workplace. Dan Knight"
Note from barb: Also see Stuff Happens!
- Sanford J. Lewis - Strategic Counsel on Corporate Accountability
Recent Accomplishments
environmental and medical coalition Health Care Without Harm, we discovered a
major conflict of interest issue that made breaking news. We found a million dollar
contract by former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop with a latex glove
company. Koop had not disclosed the contract when he testified before Congress
against latex glove guidelines by OSHA. The story appeared in the NY Times of
Oct. 29, 1999. Email us for a copy of the article. ..."
- ThomasPaine.common Sense
DRKOOP.CON? America's Family
Doctor and His Conflicts of Interest
The Doctor in Need of Doctoring
Sidney Wolfe M.D. is director of Public Citizen's Health
Research Group, and the co-author of Worst Pills,
Best Pills (www.worstpills.org)
http://www.tompaine.com/features/2000/03/28/Return to top
Las Vegas Review-Journal
'Lectric Law Library
Lemon-scented products spawn pollutants
Janet Raloff; Science News; Week of Dec. 9, 2000; Vol. 158, No. 24
Contains a terpene called limonene. Check MSDS for Limonene!
Please learn about lemon- or orange-scented products. They can trigger asthma. Something so
"natural" as peeling an orange can trigger asthma in some people. -- barb
Life Media
- Spraying Yourself With Toxic Chemicals is Not Sexy
by Wendy Priesnitz
Los Angeles Times
Note: The LA Times has old stories for sale. -- barb
- Chemicals in Home a Big Smog Source
Cleansers, cosmetics and other products pump 100 tons of pollutants daily
into the Southland's air, ranking second to tailpipe emissions, studies show.
By Gary Polakovic; Times Staff Writer; March 9, 2003
"Ordinary household products such as cleansers, cosmetics and paints are now the Los Angeles region's second-leading source of air pollution, after auto tailpipe emissions, air quality officials say." Regulators have long known that smog-forming chemicals escape with every squirt of antiperspirant, each bubble of detergent and every spritz of aerosol hair spray. And they have been controlling some products' emissions for years, with mixed success. But new research shows that products common in kitchens, bathrooms and garages contribute more to Southern California's smog problem than previously thought.
" 'It's the same stuff that comes out of a tailpipe or a smokestack,' said Jerry Martin, a spokesman for the California Air Resources Board. 'We're talking hundreds of different kinds of products, stuff everyone uses. It's almost one secret area of emissions that you don't hear about and no one talks about.' " http://www.latimes.com/templates/misc/printstory.jsp?slug=la%2Dme%2Dhomesmog9mar09§ion=%2Fnews%2Fprintedition%2Ffront
Excuse me all to hell and back, but we've been talking. A plenty. Do the PTB (Powers That Be)
listen? The reason I ask:
It's Personal! A conversation with an air quality
district's representative at Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
regarding fabric softeners on the ambient air
http://ehnca.org/www/newreact/itspersl.htmConsumer Products, VOCs, Ozone and Smog
-- barb
- District to Ban Insecticide, Weedkillers
Health: Parents, activists spur school officials to approve less toxic methods.;
Wednesday, March 24, 1999
U.S. Will Use Once-Banned Human Tests
Pesticides: EPA says it will accept industry data gathered by giving paid subjects chemical doses.
By ELIZABETH SHOGREN, Times Staff Writer; Nov. 27, 2001
Good grief, our government should look at the data from all of its unpaid, unwilling guneia pigs.
Those of us who are already chemically injured should be believed. -- barb
- Brockovich Working on Valdez Claims
By MARY PEMBERTON, Associated Press Writer; November 6, 2001
- Exxon Oil Spill's Cleanup Crews Share Years of Illness
Health: Workers say chemical exposure left them debilitated.
Firm insists toxicity was low. (Soooo, what else is new? -- barb)
"..."Stubblefield hasn't worked since. He gasps when he breathes, gets
spasms when he is exposed to perfume, cigarette smoke, truck exhaust.
'He'll never breathe right again. Never,' said his former wife,
Melissa Stubblefield. 'If he even starts to laugh, he gets to
coughing so he gasps for air.' ... "
PERFUME caught my eye. Stubblefield and others with the Valdez clean-up, how many more
with the Pentagon and World Trade Center horrific events? Remember, our government gave
false air assurances and the mayor of New York, rushed people back into that area. And
remember all the earlier scense of rescue workers with no masks or masks hanging on their
chests. MCS in the making! -- barb
Louisville Courier-Journal
Return to top
- Solvent risks found at home, work
The C-J would have been really doing a public service had they added, "in your cosmetics,
personal care products and household and janitorial cleaning and maintenance products". By
not adding that information, the reader isn't informed of his/her possible 24 hour around the clock
contact . . . whether or not s/he is the primary user. -- barb
- Index: http://www.courier-journal.com/cjextra/csx/index.html
- Hundreds of rail workers blame solvents for illness
Sunday, May 13, 20011; Day 1
- Doctors link illness to solvents - Some disagree that exposure causes brain damage
Monday, May 14, 2001; Day 2
By James Bruggers, The Courier-Journal
- Sick workers win payments after long, difficult battles
Settlements with CSX total about $35 million
Tuesday, May 15, 2001; Day 3
By James Bruggers, The Courier-Journal
- Claims Pursued Under 1908 Law
Tuesday, May 15, 2001; Day 3
By James Bruggers, The Courier-Journal
"... FELA [Federal Employers Liability Act] allows compensation if the railroad is judged
responsible for even a ''scintilla'' of negligence and workers can be compensated by
juries for pain and suffering. ..."
http://www.courier-journal.com/cjextra/csx/day3/ke051501s23414.htm- TOXIC ENCEPHALOPATHY DIAGNOSIS
Testing for brain damage can be long, expensive process
Wednesday, May 16, 2001; Day 4
By James Bruggers, The Courier-Journal
Maine Environmental Policy Institute (MEPI)
Conference highlights costs of chemical sensitivity
By Nancy Salem; The Albuquerque Tribune Reporter; Aug. 2001
CIIN'S MCS Conference in Santa Fe Aug. 13 - 15, 2001. -- barb
- MEPI releases report OVERKILL: Using pesticides to control West Nile Virus
mosquitoes in Maine may do more harm than good
- Changing the climate- June 14, 2001
" President Bush¼s offer this week to further study climate change rather than do something about it looks a lot like President Bush¼s offer made in 1990 to study climate change. The difference between the son¼s offer and the father¼s, however, is that a decade ago there was legitimate uncertainty on the issue that outweighed the understanding of it. Now, the reverse is true, and the time to act has arrived. ..." http://www.bangornews.com/cgi-bin/article.cfm?storynumber=36193
- Family fearing chemical exposure moves - Sept. 14, 2000
"HOPE -- A family has moved after spending years fighting to keep a chemically sensitive daughter safe from what family members considered to be exposure from a nearby blueberry farm. ..."...Codey is tutored at home, because exposure to perfume or ink in a new book can
make her violently ill. ..."
Marin Independent Journal
- Fairfax prepares for court
By Rebecca Rosen Lum
"... The California Department of Pesticide Regulation slapped the Fairfax Town Council
with a letter last month demanding it rescind the ordinance or be sued. Councilman
Lew Tremaine said the town would mount an aggressive legal defense against the
state, "but not on the taxpayer's dime."
"Today we are launching an initiative we call Fairfax's right-to-know legal defense
fund," Tremaine said. "It's ridiculous for the state to step in, especially since they're not
stepping forward to defend its citizens."
Tremaine quoted two lines from a song by Don Henley: "We will not go quietly/We will
not lie down."
"As for the pesticide industry puppets in Sacramento, I say, 'Gentlemen, we have a date
with the mat, and we will meet you there,'" Tremaine added. ..."
It's more than just politics that make strange bedfellows . . . Has the state of California
hopped into bed with the pesticide industry? Sure looks that way . . . there's more info under
GWSS and Pesticides on EHN's site. -- barb
MCS Would Be Bad Enough Without Derisive Attacks From Skeptical Ignorami
By Charles W. Moore
This is such a worthwhile read! And then, after reading this to get the full appreciation of
Moore's comments about reporters, go to EHN's page on Halifax. -- barb
Medical College of Wisconsin
- Nasal Discomfort May Be Caused By Irritants on the Job
"...Non-allergic causes of OR include many substances, such as sulfur dioxide
(from burning coal or oil), fluorine, paint fumes, flower fragrance, pesticides,
cleaning agents, toluene and perfumes. ..."
http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/968782294.html[See Perfumers World and check those two right-hand columns
http://www.perfumersworld.com/chems/material.htm -- barb]
Medline finds
- Occupational asthma to perfume. Allergy 1999 Dec;54(12):1334-5 (ISSN: 0105-4538)
Register to use. -- barb
- Provocations with perfume in the eyes induce airway symptoms
in patients with sensory hyperreactivity.
Allergy 1999 May; 54(5):495-9 (ISSN: 0105-4538)
MEDLINE Search Result on Medscape. Use their search engine; register first. -- barb
"... During the 30-min exposure to perfume, there was a gradual increase in three main
symptoms; i.e., eye irritation, cough, and dyspnea, after both the airway and eye
exposures. The increases were significant compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS:
Asthma-like and other symptoms, such as irritation of the eyes, may be induced by
exposure of both the airways and the eyes in patients with sensory hyperreactivity. This
points to the importance of studying the sensory nervous system, not only in the
airways, but also in other organs. "
Dr. William J. Meggs
Department of Emergency Medicine, East Carolina University School of Medicine,
Greenville, North Carolina; Environ Health Perspect 105(Suppl 2):473-478 (1997)
Hypothesis for Induction and Propagation of Chemical Sensitivity Based on Biopsy Studies
MILLOY, Steven -- the word IS out . . .
- Health Care Without Harm, The Campaign For
Environmentally Responsible Health Care writes about Milloy ...
"...Milloy is the man who disparaged the memories of Senator John Chaffee and
Dr. David Rall after their deaths and castigated the European Commission for Health
and Consumer Protection for its efforts to use precaution and protect children from
toxic chemicals. Thus, we should not be too surprised that our efforts to protect hospital
patients should be a subject of Milloy's sneering vitriol. But the issue of PVC medical
products is not something to be mocked. ..."
(Part 3a) by Stewart Fist
- Steven Milloy
Also see EHN's Stuff Happens!
- EWG - Environmental Working Group
- American Council on Science and Health's Alar misinformation
causes a stir at the New York Times.
Environmental Working Group
See ACSH under EHN's Stuff Happens!
- Show Me The Science ! Corporate Polluters and the
'Junk Science' Strategy; July 1997
Environmental Working Group
Check out Global Climate Coalition in this writeup! -- barb
- Mysterious Turn of Events: Steven "Junkman" Milloy no longer associated with
The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition?
Environmental Working Group
- Tobacco industry efforts subverting International Agency for Research on
Cancer's second-hand smoke study; The Lancet,p 1253-1259 April 8 2000
Ann McCampbell, MD
- MCS Under Siege
By Dr. Ann McCampbell
Chair, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Task Force of New Mexico
- Recommended Approach to Care of Hospitalized Patients With Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
- Rebuttal to a column written by Dr. Garrey Carruthers, chairperson of the
Advancement of Sound Science Coalition and by well known anti-MCS
advocate Dr. Herman Staudenmayer]
U department's scent ban garners national attention By Dan Robrish, Staff Reporter; Publish Date: 11/09/1994 http://www.mndaily.com/daily/gopher-archives/1994/11/09/%3CMJ239%3EU_department's_scent_ban_garners_national_attention%3CD.txt
Missouri-SMPL Jr.
(Safer Management of Pests and Landscapes)
Questions Prepared by and for Elementary School Children On Pesticides
MIT News
MIT researcher recommends national research into multiple chemical sensitivity
illnesses - Could have implications for veterans with Gulf War Syndrome
Mother Jones
- Danger in the Air.(pesticide use in US airliners) Author/s: Karin Winegar; July-August, 1998
" ... Several major U.S. airlines, including American, Continental, Delta, TWA, and
US Airways, confirm that they use pesticides regularly or occasionally, but would not
disclose what types they use. ..."
Bill Moyers
- The Chemical Papers: Secrets of the Chemical Industry Exposed
by Don Hazen, AlterNet; March 15, 2001
"Bill Moyers TV special to reveal how the public was kept in the dark about the dangers
of toxic chemicals."
Don't forget to write to the FDA about your adverse reactions to synthetic fragrances. -- barb
- Organizations urge public to tune in to "TRADE SECRETS: A BILL MOYERS' REPORT"
- Trade Secrets transcript
See many MSNBC articles pertaining to the World Trade Center on EHN's page Sept. 11
- Allergies often misdiagnosed: study
Two-thirds of those taking allergy drugs may not need them
Lifeline with Robert Bazell; seen May 29, 2001, SF Bay Area on KRON-TV
NOW, if MSNBC can see that "colds" are often adverse reactions to chemicals and that to
simply say "chemicals" is not enough to clue people in to the fact that they are loading up their
bodies with superfluous toxic chemicals in the form of scented personal care and household and
janitorial cleaning and maintenance products, maybe folks won't need to take so many other
superfluous synthetic chemicals in the form of drugs . . . thereby, cutting down on the escalating
cases of MCS; not to mention, asthma, cancers, Parkinson's, eczema... .
Do I dream or what??? -- barb
- Dateline June 23, 2000
Email your thanks for Paper Chase to: Dateline@NBC.com
Ronald Gots, MD and State Farm Insurance
The Paper Chase by John Larson, NBC Correspondent
barb's favorite line: "Dr. Gots: ' It was our report, but someone else did the calligraphy.' "
If this report doesn't expose the industry biases of Dr. Gots, not to mention his obfuscation of
facts, I don't know what does. Ronald Gots has been well known for years in MCS circles for
his chemical industry front organizations with environmentally-friendly sounding names.,
Remember, Dr. Gots is one of the men hauled out as an expert witness on [against] MCS and
whose opinion, of course, appears in the Interagency Report on MCS -- barb
- Feedback -- includes email addresses for Dateline, Tom Brokaw ...
- Francesca Lyman's work
Be sure to do a "save as" when you find Ms. Lyman's articles that are extremely important
to you, as they have a very short "shelf life" on MSNBC. I believe Lyman's work is timeless
and I wish MSNBC would keep it always available, but alas, that is not the case. -- barb
- Be sprayed -- or be evicted? Can you deny exterminators home access for health reasons?
Tenants' rights regarding pesticide spraying differ from state to state. By Francesca Lyman, SPECIAL TO MSNBC; Sept. 20, 2000
- Candles: a burning controversy
By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNBC
Ban on certain types proposed as links to toxic emissions emerge
The growth in sales of candles, some say, is presenting new problems in an industry
that has been operating without mandatory standards.
- Concerns over chemicals in cosmetics
Are åplasticizing¼ substances causing health woes?
By Francesca Lyman
- Flunking the lead test -- Many kids still at risk
Lead-based paint, used before 1978, continues to pose a threat to children. By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNBC
- 'Greener' pest control in schools
Growing number of districts now rely on fewer chemicals
By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNBC; July 5, 2000
- Gauging impact of a nuclear shootout
South Asian Armageddon, but limited fallout elsewhere
By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNBC; June 5, 2002
- Is your child going to a sick school? Classrooms plagued by dust, mold, chemicals
By Francesca Lyman, SPECIAL TO MSNBC
- Poisoned minds? Pesticide use in schools
By Francesca Lyman SPECIAL TO MSNBC; June 21, 2000
"June 21 ã A school is sprayed for weeds while classes are
in session and has to be evacuated after students and staff
are treated by paramedics. Another school reports dozens
suffering from the effects of ant killer, and one staff
member describes the odor as being 'like nothing he had
experienced since tear gas in the military.' "
- Scents and sensitivities
What to know before buying a Valentine¼s Day perfume
By Francesca Lyman; MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR; Feb. 6, 2002
Notice, the industry says it tests its products . . . and then states it has BEGUN testing.
Can't have it both ways, me thinks! -- barb
- Toxic gardens?
Concerns raised on health risks of green grass By Francesca Lyman; MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR; Sept. 18, 2002
"Sept. 18 ã It¼s one of America¼s top pastimes ã a great
source of fresh air and exercise, not to mention stress relief.
Gardening may not be so healthy, however, for the
three-quarters of households that use lawn and garden
chemicals. Experts explain the risks and suggest some
greener tactics to start using this fall. ..."
- Yearning to breathe in a toxic zone
By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNB; Jan 11, 2002
"Four months on, WTC attacks still haunting New Yorkers -- and their health
"Half of the occupants of Battery Park City have moved out. Its sprawling playgrounds
teem with debris, not children.
- Uneasy Breathing
By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNB; Jan 11, 2002
"As the dust settles in New York, concerns linger about health risks in the air."
- Pesticide Poisoning Report - California HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE
"105200. Any physician and surgeon who knows, or has reasonable cause to believe,
that a patient is suffering from pesticide poisoning or any disease or condition caused
by a pesticide shall promptly report that fact to the local health officer by telephone
within 24 hours and by a copy of the report required pursuant to subdivision (a) of
Section 6409 of the Labor Code within seven days, except that the information which
is available to the physician and surgeon is all that is required to be reported as long as
reasonable efforts are made to obtain the information. . . .
" In no case shall the treatment administered for pesticide poisoning or a condition
suspected as pesticide poisoning be deemed to be first aid treatment. ..."
- Pesticide rules shaped by politics, not science
Four-part series looks at how Guthion got through
By Brent Walth and Alex Pulaski
- Suit contends cell phones responsible for brain cancer
- More info on EMF/EMR
- What are the health risks? Children are extra susceptible to the effects of pesticides
By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNBC; June 21, 2000
"June 21 ã Children spend much of their young lives in
school ã as much as three-quarters of their waking
hours. In that time, they may be exposed to weed killers
used on school grounds, insecticides used to kill ant
infestations, and various other pesticides and
disinfectants without their parents or teachers even
knowing about it."
- Yearning to breathe in a toxic zone By Francesca Lyman; SPECIAL TO MSNBC; Jan 11, 2002
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity -- In Support
- Chemical Sensitivity - It's a Serious Problem More Often
Than You Think!!! " by Adrienne Buffaloe, MD
- MCS: A 1999 Consensus
(Heldref Publications)
- MCS Referral & Resources
Recognition of MCS as a Legitimate Disease and/or Disability
- Mounties punish fragrant offences
By Sandra Jordan; The Observer; Sunday June 4, 2000
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Recognition And Management
a document on the health effects of everyday chemical exposures and their implications
moderated by KK Eaton and HM Anthony http://www.bsaenm.org.uk/mcsrm.html
By Dr Mark Donohoe MB BS
A MUST read! -- barb
- Welcome to Mark's World (Dr Mark Donohoe)
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Recognition And Management
A document on the health effects of everyday chemical exposures and
their implications
moderated by KK Eaton and HM Anthony
Synopsis of the Third Scientific Report of the
British Society for Allergy Environmental and Nutritional Medicine
- Organizational Statements Relating to MCS
- Blockbuster Hopes Scents Help Customers Choose Movies
Action Films Given Faint Smell Of Gunpowder
Posted: 10:44 a.m. EST December 12, 2001
Return to top
Follow the GE issue, and the GWSS plus beneficial bugs, people and their pets poisoning here. -- barb
- Davis should answer grape question
By JEANNE MERRILL; Tuesday, April 9, 2002 (GE grapes)
http://www.NapaNews.com/templates/index.cfm?template=story_full&id=E5DF057A-E4E2-455C-B924-09B7AEE45B38printer: http://www.NapaNews.com/templates/printurl.cfm?id=E5DF057A-E4E2-455C-B924-09B7AEE45B38
- Davis replies to a question
DOUG ERNST | From the Editor; Sunday, April 7, 2002
http://www.NapaNews.com/templates/index.cfm?template=story_full&id=E752144C-C826-46A9-ACFB-2A34BF856C16printer: http://www.NapaNews.com/templates/printurl.cfm?id=E752144C-C826-46A9-ACFB-2A34BF856C16
- California beekeepers lead country, but worry about future
Wednesday, April 3, 2002; Associated Press
Interestingly, NOT a word about the adverse effects of pesticiding! -- barb
And who defends Gov. Davis?
- Beekeepers are worried about pesticide rules
By Kate Campbell, Assistant Editor; Issue Date: March 20, 2002
Robert Mondavi defends Davis; Wednesday, March 27, 2002
- Michael Mondavi defends Davis; Wednesday, March 27, 2002
- Gov. Davis defended
[by Robert E. Steinhauer, senior vice president of vineyard operations for
Beringer Blass Wine Estates.]; Sunday, April 7, 2002
The Nation
- Food Fight
- A Teflon Correspondent
All roles of journalists must be played by journalists (duh!).
--David Westin, president of ABC News, discussing Leonardo DiCaprio's interview of Bill Clinton
- The Right in the Classroom
- FULL COURT PRESS | October 2, 2000
The Right Whines
- Stossel's Heroes
- The Joy of Women's Sports
by RUTH CONNIFF; August 10, 1998
"John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 offered one tale of the ravages of what he called 'the equality police.'"
National Institute of Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Common Indoor Air Pollutants
Includes fragrances and pesticides! -- barb
National Post Online
- Global bug shortage could end up costing shoppers
Michael Friscolanti, National Post, June 7, 2001
National Public Radio (NPR)
"FAIR's four-month study of National Public Radio found that All Things Considered
and Morning Edition devoted less than 2 percent of stories -- 45 out of 2,296 -- to the
environment. This parallels commercial broadcasting trends, where coverage of the
environment has been declining since 1990 (Tyndall Report, 1/92)."
Opinions on NPR and Halifax from EHN's Action Letters
Natural Life Magazine
"Spraying Yourself With Toxic Chemicals is Not Sexy"
by Wendy Priesnitz; Sept-Oct2002
Natural Resources Defense Council
Toxic Chemicals & Health: Health Threats & Effects: In Brief: News
Pet Products May Harm Both Pets and Humans
Products intended to kill fleas and ticks can also poison pets and the people who handle them.
Net 4 TV -- More Informed Choices: Fragrance Testing
Barbara Wilkie (August 1, 1999)
New England Journal of Medicine
NEJM leads media hysteria
What really happened ...
To learn what the NEJM article wrought, see "Stuff Happens!"
(Use the following info in "In Opposition to Journalistic Errors" to educate your local
Also write to the papers carrying the NEJM article without doing the
requisite testing.)
Also visit Conflict at New England Journal of Medicine
- Hysteria article angers school officials
The Tennessean
By Anne Paine / Tennessean Staff Writer; Monday, 2/7/00
- "In Opposition to Journalistic Errors"
by Nancy McFadden, BURNT; Mon, 24 Jan 2000
includes the letter written by Thomas W. Hatfield,
Supervisor, Department of Plant Maintenance
- Ozone Generators -- learn more about the harm they can cause
New Scientist
- Chemical warfare at work
Don't trust anything or anyone--not your computer, your colleagues, the phone, the faxor
the furniture. They're all out to get you.
By Howard Baker; NewScientist; 21 June 1997
"... Humans are contributing to the problem in a big way."For example, freshly dry-cleaned clothes emit a stream of trichloroethane, the solvent used by dry-cleaners. On a more personal note, after a good wash and freshen-up our bodies give off the scent molecules and other chemicals left by shampoos and soaps, as well as the pleasant smelling chemicals in deodorants and perfumes such as limonene, terpinene, camphene and alpha-pinene. Some perfumes contain as many as 100 different ingredients providing potent additions to the office soup. On top of this, we contribute acetone and isoprene which our bodies produce naturally. ..."
But, with all of those VOCs affecting your breathing and thinking, do you think for one
moment that they are concerned about the health of you, the worker? Think again. -- barb
http://www.newscientist.com/OR, http://www.geocities.com/fragranceallergy/NewScientist21061997.html
- Far from fragrant
by Rob Edwards
"FREQUENT USE OF AEROSOLS and air fresheners in the home may make babies and pregnant women ill. ..."
New York Times
Register to use.
- - [Airplanes] Little Progress Seen on Quality of Air in Planes
By LAURENCE ZUCKERMAN; December 7, 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/07/national/07AIR.htmlprint version:
- Canada Sniffs and Dislikes the Smell
By JAMES BARRON; August 15, 1999
- E.P.A. Reconsiders Human Tests of Pesticides By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE; December 15, 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/15/politics/15PEST.htmlprint version:
- E.P.A. Says It Will Change Rules Governing Industrial Pollution
By MATTHEW L. WALD; NY Times; November 23, 2002
"Richard Blumenthal, the attorney general of Connecticut, said at a news conference
here that the administration was saying 'the Northeast can drop dead, and the rest
of the country can go with it.'"
"The president of the American Chemistry Council, Greg Lebedev, said the 'long-awaited
improvements" will "encourage better energy efficiency and help chemical makers
further improve air quality.'"
E.P.A.'s Right to Set Air Rules Wins Supreme Court Backing
NATIONAL DESK | NY Times; February 28, 2001, Wednesday
"Environmental Protection Agency must consider only requirements of public health
and safety and may not engage in cost-benefit analysis that coalition of industry groups
sought to import into statute..."
EPA and its Christie Whitman have just sent public health down the tubes . . . this is the same
Christie Whitman who had stated when governor of New Jersey stated in a speech in October 2000
before the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.:
"[P]olicymakers need to take a precautionary approach to environmental
protection.... We must acknowledge that uncertainty is inherent in managing
natural resources, recognize it is usually easier to prevent environmental
damage than to repair it later, and shift the burden of proof away from
those advocating protection toward those proposing an action that may
be harmful." (Source: Californians for Pesticide Reform (CPR))
- Health in the News Forum ... starting w/#1821
- In Lott's Life, Long Shadows of Segregation
By DAVID M. HALBFINGER; December 15, 2002
- A Muscular Lobby Tries to Shape Nation's Bioterror Plan
By LESLIE WAYNE and MELODY PETERSEN DRUG INDUSTRY; November 4, 2001 "With anthrax spores turning up all over Washington, plenty of people are heading out of town.
Not those in the drug industry."http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/04/business/04PHAR.html?searchpv=past7days&pagewanted=print
- She's Not Really Ill . . . By MAUREEN DOWD
Printer-friendly format http://www.nytimes.com/2001/06/10/opinion/10DOWD.html?ei=1&en=05a74e732dabd0a0&ex=993803731&pagewanted=print
- Sick of Paperwork? Some Office Workers Say It's the Paper
- Study Sets Off Debate Over Mammograms' Value
By GINA KOLATA; HEALTH; December 9, 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/09/health/womenshealth/09MAMM.htmlPrint version - http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/09/health/womenshealth/09MAMM.html?pagewanted=print
- Time to Review Your Cosmetics, Under Bright Light
" ... As of July 1997, the Food and Drug Administration reports on its new Web site
(vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/cos-toc.html), the agency had received about 100 reports of
adverse reactions to products containing A.H.A. The reactions ranged from mild
irritation and stinging to blistering and burns.
"Although 100 reports may not sound like much, you can be sure they represent
the very tip of a large iceberg since fewer than 1 percent of problems involving such
over-the-counter products are ever reported to the agency. [Emphasis added.]
The agency estimates that it receives only one in 50 reports of cosmetic-related
complaints made to the industry. ..."
Is that interesting or what? By mid-December 2001, the FDA heard from
over 1200 people regarding EHN's FDA Petition and adverse effects
of perfumes due to the chemicals used to concoct each and every synthetic scent,
but the FDA is silent . . . and so has been the NY Times.
See the FDA Petition, replete with analyses, at
http://www.ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htm-- barb
- U.S. Reports Disease Link to Gulf War
By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG; December 11, 2001
http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/11/health/anatomy/11GULF.htmlPrint version
MMR Vacine
- Exposed: MMR experts' cash link to vaccine firms
e-mail: cfracassini@scotlandonsunday.com
- Cynicism, fear and panic as measles returns By CAMILLO FRACASSINI, HEALTH CORRESPONDENT e-mail: cfracassini@scotlandonsunday.com
You can also go out to their Mednews at http://www.newswise.com/menu-med.htm
- "Allergies: Culprit Could be in Cosmetic Bag" http://www.newswise.com/articles/2000/3/ALLERGY.AAD.html
- Allergy Symptoms But No Allergies?
"...With nonallergic rhinitis, the lining of the nose is simply more sensitive to
temperature changes or strong or unpleasant odors, like perfume or smoke.
These triggers cause nasal membranes to swell, resulting in congestion. The best
treatment is avoiding irritants. ..." [emphasis added]
- Asthma Medication Misusage Rampant
I thought this would be on OVERuse of asthma medication, but it is about underuse.
And underuse would surely be the problem if one PREVENTS asthma by avoiding to the
extent possible all synthetically scented personal care products and cleaning and maintenance
products. Is it the business of the medical industry to help people, or make money? (YES, that is
a rhetorical question!) Check out drug reactions at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/-- barb
- NHLBI Supported Study Finds Inhaled Steroids Accelerate Bone Loss in
Women with Asthma Treatment Still Recommended for Persistent Asthma
"...Premenopausal women who use inhaled corticosteroids to treat persistent asthma
may experience accelerated bone loss in the hip compared to those who do not use
inhaled steroids ..."
- Dermatologic Conditions in Veterans of the Persian Gulf War
How to Protect Yourself When Going Abroad
"...Travelers should consider the following precautions when traveling abroad to avoid
returning with any unintended souvenirs:
-- Avoid perfumes and scented lotions
which may serve as an attraction to insects. ...
- Holiday Safety Tips from UCSD Medical Center
Near bottom, warning about kids & the alcohol content of cologne, perfume, aftershave. -- barb
- Increase in Children's Risk of Accidental Injuries
" ... Bug Safety -- Don't use scented soaps, perfumes or hair sprays on your child ..."
This is sound advice, but for more reasons than just "bug safety." L@@K at the chemicals
used in concocting our modern fragrances. Then when the industry apologists and possibly your
doctor accuses you of "chemophobia," ask them for an explanation to the soaring rates of
asthma, cancers, reproductive problems, fetal development problems. And when that expert
gives you the standard one-word non-explanation explanation, "UNEXPLAINED" you reply:
"That is unacceptable! Start studying the respiratory, neurotoxic, teratogenic, carcinogenic
systemic and long-term effects of our modern fragrances, which appear in a myriad of persoal
care products, as well as in household and janitorial cleaning and maintenance products.-- barb
- Most People With Allergy-Like Symptoms Don't Have Allergies
"...'Millions of people suffer unnecessarily because they really don't have allergies,'
said Sheryl Szeinbach, a study co-author and a professor of pharmacy at Ohio State
University. 'They're often prescribed antihistamines that don't help the problem. ...'
"The subjects in the current study first completed a questionnaire on the severity of
their allergy symptoms. The researchers followed the questionnaire with a blood test
for common external allergens. All patients in the study had previously been diagnosed
with allergies and were taking prescription antihistamines."Sixty-five percent of the patients tested negative for allergies; the blood samples from
only 35 percent of the subjects showed true allergic reactions. 'This means that two-thirds
of the patients were on the wrong kind of medication to start with,' Szeinbach said.
'And this led to other problems, such as an increased use of anti-depressants." 'As a population, people with allergies or allergy-like symptoms tend to use
antidepressants at a higher rate, and we found that this rate was even higher in the
group of patients that tested negative. These same patients also visited their doctor
more often.' ..."...Almost anything can cause allergy-type symptoms - perfumes, sinus infections,
exercise, dust, cold air - whether it's an allergy or not. ..."
Perfumes can also cause those sinus infecttions! Laryngitis, chronic asthma, bronchitis ...
And, just guess how patients get those prescriptions for anti-depressants! From doctors who
are inadequately trained in medical school to recognize symptoms of chemical poisonings from
pesticides, fragrances, carpets, paints and other high-emitting VOC (volatile organic compound)
products. It is time to adequately train the doctors, regulate the fragrance industry, reduce
the levels of VOCs being emitted by consumer products, and stop blaming the patients. -- barb
- Nausea in Pregnancy Connected to Sense of Smell
" 'Women have told us this for eons,' said Heinrichs. 'They say they can't stand the smell
of cooking foods, particularly meats, bacon. They often state that the smell of coffee,
perfumes, cigarette smoke, petroleum products -- anything volatile -- triggers their
nausea.' "
It is the wise body that warns the pregnant woman! RE: Harmful effects of phthalates, a
common fragrance ingredient, see Not Too Pretty at nottoopretty.org
- Physicians Miss Opportunities to Improve Care for Oldest Asthmatics
"... Twenty percent did not use an inhaled corticosteroid. Taken once or twice daily
to quiet lung inflammation, this drug reduces the likelihood of an asthma attack before
it begins, helps change the course of the disease, and is considered the first line of
defense against the disease. Underuse of the drug increases the risk of an asthma attack
triggered by allergens such as dust, cockroaches, pets, perfume or pollution.
I wonder if any consideration is given to keeping the residences and healthcare facilities
serving our elderly CLEAN, and NOT SCENTED? My bet is if there weren't such a heavy
reliance on fragranced products, there wouldn't be such a high rate of asthma. Of course, if
that's the case, then the need for drugs goes down . . . and sales go down . . . -- barb
- ProtectingYour Skin as the Snow Flies
"[I]f you find your skin becoming dryer in the winter months, look for a milder soap
that is fragrance-free."
Good advice anytime of the year! -- barb?
- Solving Problems Related to the Use of Cosmetic & Skin Care Products http://www.newswise.com/articles/2002/8/SENSKIN.AAD.html
- Travelers at Risk for Tropical Skin Diseases
"...Berloque dermatitis is a skin condition which mimics sunburn. Since it is caused by a
reaction between sunlight and certain plant extracts which may be found in perfume or
fruit, it commonly affects travelers who visit beaches where they enjoy tropical fruits
or beverages. ..."
- Winter Health Tips 2002
"If your skin is the least bit sensitive, use creams that are simple and without perfumes
and apply generously and repeatedly. "
Remember perfumes -- fragrances -- in lotions adversely affect the air for others, not just
the skin of the users!!!!!!!! -- barb
NHLBI Supported Study Finds Inhaled Steroids Accelerate Bone Loss in
Women with Asthma Treatment Still Recommended for Persistent Asthma
"...Premenopausal women who use inhaled corticosteroids to treat persistent asthma
may experience accelerated bone loss in the hip compared to those who do not use
inhaled steroids ..."
No Scents Is Good Sense
From the January/February, 1998, issue of OHS Canada
By Brenda Marsh
http://www.ohscanada.com/virtual-issue/artucle/health.htmReturn to top
Oakland Tribune
- County Board calls for fewer pesticides
by Donna Horowitz, May 11, 2001
"...[Supervisor Keith Carson, Alameda County, California] ... asked department heads
how much pesticide they use to kill weeds and rats in January after a Berkeley constituent
who was active in Marin on
the issue contacted his office. ..."
NOTE: There seems to be a problem with this link ONLY if you use NetScape!
Open Explorer and it works fine. I've consulted their webmaster & haven't heard back 5/18/01 -- barb
- Emma's creates jobs for women
Cleaners use nontoxic products
By Tim Simmers; Thursday June 24, 1999
- Experts check risks of common chemical
By Suzanne Bohan
STAFF WRITER; April 16, 2001
"Americans soap up with it, spritz it on hair, paint it on nails and smooth it on hands.
It's a chemical also found in many types of flexible plastics, as well as solvents, lubricating
oils, vinyl flooring and wood finishes, among many other products. Called phthalate,
it's a type of plastic that has become ubiquitous in modern life. Billions of pounds are
now produced annually, according to the Environmental Working Group.
And now, with last month's federal study revealing that phthalates (pronounced
"thalates") have gotten under Americans' skin to a degree that surprised federal
researchers, research is revving up to find what -- if any -- health risks the chemical poses. ..."
- Folks, PHTHALATES are commonly used in the formulations of synthetic fragrances!
See Analyses, part of the FDA Petition. -- barb
- School board plans new war on vermin
Strategy reduces use of pecticides
By Paul T. Rosynsky, STAFF WRITER; June 15, 2001
- X-rays may kill, Berkeley professor says
He cites own nationwide radiation study
November 22, 1999
By William Brand; STAFF WRITER
(Frankly, I do not have dental xrays made, nor do I have mamograms. -- barb)
Find through search:
NEJAC's Resolution on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Optimal Wellness Center, Dr. Mercola
- Doctors Go on 'Strike' and Death Rates Plummet
- Medical Mistakes Kill 100,000 Americans A Year
- "Doctors Are the Third Leading Cause of Death In the US"
This Site Will Help You Discover How You Can Avoid Dying Early
- Blunders By Doctors Kill 40,000 people a Year In Britain
By Lois Rogers
Our Planet
- Women's war against cancer
By BELLA S. ABZUG; March 1997
"... Women's exposure to chemicals is great - but the odds
against those working to establish connections between
the environment and health are greater. Industry giants
and chemicals manufacturers continue to resist the
precautionary principle: a willingness to take protective
action without waiting for scientific proof because delay
may cause irreparable harm. ..."
OUR Stolen Future
Recent press coverage
Return to top
- Background information on common endocrine-disrupting compounds
- Levels of Seven Urinary Phthalate Metabolites in a Human Reference Population.
- Organics have fewer pesticides
Palantir Information Systems of Canada Limited
- PDF Files:
- Allergy and MCS Distinguished, C. S. Miller, N. A. Ashford
- Controlling Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, B. Hack
- Environment and Equity, Rhonda J. DeForest
- Moving Toward Sustainable Development, B. Hack
- CIRF/PEC ‚ Designing Personal Environmental Control
- Chemical Injury Relief Foundation (CIRF)
- CIRF/WELL - Web Environmental Lifeskills Library
- Eco-eco relations - Why ecology is important to economics
- Funding
- Personal Environmental Control (PEC) Protocol
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity ‚ recognition and management British Society for Allergy, Environmental and Nutritional Medicine,
K Eaton & H Anthony
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Recognition And Management
A document on the health effects of everyday chemical exposures and
their implications
moderated by KK Eaton and HM Anthony
Synopsis of the Third Scientific Report of the
British Society for Allergy Environmental and Nutritional Medicine
PANNA's Recommendations: Controlling the Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter and
Pierce's Disease--Alternatives to Pesticides and Genetic Engineering
http://www.panna.org/panna/campaigns/docsSustCA/docsSustCA_011103.dv.html"The California Department of Food Agriculture (CDFA) has endorsed the use of the nerve toxin carbaryl and other synthetic pesticides to control glassy-winged sharpshooter, an insect that spreads Pierce's disease to grapes. Meanwhile, with financial support from the USDA, growers in Southern California are using a wide variety of insecticides to attempt to knock down sharpshooter populations to manageable levels in areas where it is already established. "These chemically based approaches are flawed because:
- Pesticides endanger human health and the environment.
- Insecticides are unlikely to bring the sharpshooter below its economic threshold because it damages crops by spreading disease rather than consuming the plant.
- Broad-spectrum insecticides kill beneficial insects, including parasites and predators of sharpshooters and other pests. This creates an ecological vacuum that will create more pest problems in the future. ..."
Peoria Journal Star - PJStar.Com
Many share stories of sensitivity by Terry Bibo;7/11/2000 http://www.pjstar.com/frontpage/bibo/pjs7998a.html
- Perfume triggers reaction via the eyes
NEW YORK, Jun 18 (Reuters Health) [1999]
- Perfume triggers reaction via the eyes
Also available through HealthCentral
- Provocations with perfume in the eyes induce airway symptoms
in patients with sensory hyperreactivity.
Allergy 1999 May; 54(5):495-9 (ISSN: 0105-4538)
MEDLINE Search Result on Medscape. Use their search engine; register first. -- barb
"... During the 30-min exposure to perfume, there was a gradual increase in three main
symptoms; i.e., eye irritation, cough, and dyspnea, after both the airway and eye
exposures. The increases were significant compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS:
Asthma-like and other symptoms, such as irritation of the eyes, may be induced by
exposure of both the airways and the eyes in patients with sensory hyperreactivity. This
points to the importance of studying the sensory nervous system, not only in the
airways, but also in other organs. "
http://www.medscape.com/- Perfumers World - "Materials Used In Perfumery"
Check the last two columns on the right of Perfumers World 's "Aroma Chemicals - 70-100%"
Compare that with what the industry states through a Canadian ad. See SPEIAC at
http://www.scentedproducts.on.ca/hdnad.jpg-- barb
- Pesticide
Also see EHN's section on Pesticide Information
- Pesticide Poisoning Tied to Asthma Symptoms Reuters Health
Thursday, February 27, 2003
"FOZ DO IGUA?U, Brazil (Reuters Health) - Pesticide poisoning substantially increases
the risk of developing asthma symptoms, or having existing symptoms worsen,
according to a study presented here this week at the 27th International Congress on
Occupational Health. ..." 'We found a clear association between asthma symptoms and a history of pesticide
poisoning,' Fara told Reuters Health." People who'd been poisoned by pesticides in the past had a 72%-greater risk of having
asthma symptoms, even after the researchers accounted for other factors that could
play a role, such as smoking and socioeconomic level."Other recent investigations, including the American Agricultural Health Study, have
reached similar conclusions."The chemical category of unhealthy pesticides was not examined in the study, but the
most dangerous ones appear to be organophosphates and pyrethroids, Fara noted. ..."
Pyrethroids! Used in my former workplace. Time and again I was most impatiently told how
SAFE they were. Yeah? Explain that to my ears and their tinnitus, my lung and their asthma,
my legs and feet and their spontaneously cratering, deep, non-healing wounds. -- barb
- Phoenix Times
- Buzz Kill Crop dusters spray pesticides on homes, animals and people while the Arizona Department of Agriculture does little to stop them
By Jennifer Markley; June 14, 2001
Why is it that the high burden of proof always falls on the public whose lives have been
ruined or taken? Where is the moral fiber of the mainstream medical industry? Of our government
agencies charged with protecting public health? Of industry, itself? Perhaps it's time for more
of the Powers That Be to read The Man in the Glass. -- barb
- Placebo-controlled challenges with perfume in patients with asthma-like symptoms.
Allergy 1996 Jun;51(6):434-9 (ISSN: 0105-4538)
MEDLINE Search Result on Medscape. Use their search engine; register first. -- barb
Help us grow out this list of cities -- send info to (Barb's email is no longer valid, please contact EHN). Thank you.
- Arcata, California -- Arcata City Council puts people before poisons
Philadelphia Inquirer Magazine
Allergic to modern life: At least that's the way it seems to people with the
Pilot Online - North Carolina
extreme form of multiple chemical sensitivity. (Mary Lamielle...)
By Debra Nussbaum
- Letters
Scents and sensitivity
by Barb Wilkie and Elizabeth M.T. O'Nan
- Woman's chemical sensitivity sours dream home
By Alan J. Heavens, The Philadelphia Inquirer; Friday, September 17, 1999
- N.C. woman didn't die from equine virus, test shows
By ERIN HEATH ; August 1, 2000
© 2000, The Virginian-Pilot
http://www.pilotonline.com/news/nw0801mos.htmlPioneer Planet
- Study finds body absorbs common, risky chemicals
"Phthalates from makeup, solvents highest in women"
- Pollution's ill effects on learning increasingly clear
By TimothyE. Wirth, Commentator
- FEATURE - Asthma research provides insight but not answers; USA: September 1, 1999
- Study links aerosols to headache, depression[and ear infections in infants!]
Also see BBC News Online above for another version of the aerosol story.
Poisoning Case May Lead to Test for Chemical Exposure
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -Tuesday April 25 1:23 PM ET
PR Newswire
- Perfume: Cupid's Arrow or Poison Dart
"Precautionary Principle"
- Also see EHN's page P / Precautionary Principle
Pregnancy and fragrance use
See alerts to pregnant women - fragrances and learning disabilities
Pretty Nasty: Phthalates in European Cosmetic Products
- Ending the cosmetics cover-up
Pride and Joy Environmental Resort [MCS safe resort opening Sept 1, 1998]
Querying PubMed for "fragrance effects on brain" brings up these among others. -- barb
- 1: Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 1997 Dec;61(12):2051-7 Modulation of GABA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes by
13-L-hydroxylinoleic acid and food additives. Aoshima H, Tenpaku Y.
Department of Biology, Physics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Japan.
Then effects of various kinds of food additives on GABA receptors were also examined; perfumes such as alcohols or esters potentiated the responses strongly, while hexylamine, nicotinamide, or caffeine inhibited the responses, mainly in a competitive manner, and vanillin inhibited the responses noncompetitively. These results suggest the possibility that production of LOOH and LOH, or intake of much of some food additives, modulates the neural transmission in the brain, especially through ionotropic GABA receptors and changes the frame of the human mind, as alcohol or tobacco does. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=9438986&dopt=Abstract
- Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 1999 Apr;63(4):743-8
Potentiation of GABAA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes by perfume and ytoncid.
Aoshima H, Hamamoto K
Department of Physics, Biology and Informatics, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Japan.
" ... Since it is known that the potentiation of GABAA receptors by benzodiazepine,
barbiturate, steroids and anesthetics induces the anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and
sedative activity or anesthetic effect, these results suggest the possibility that the
intake of perfume or phytoncid through the lungs, the skin or the intestines modulates
the neural transmission in the brain through ionotropic GABAA receptors and
changes the frame of the human mind, as alcohol or tobacco does."
Return to top
- Asthma Increasing In Younger Danes
WESTPORT, CT Oct. 23 (Reuters Health)
- Mixed Findings On Lung Disease Treatment
By Gene Emery
Opinion by Tim Bolen
http://www.castle.net/~mystic/pages/watquack.html#quackbusterReturn to top
Jill Rabe's Home Page
Through about.com
Return to top
- Exxon Valdez Effects on Animals
- Exxon Valdez and the Court Room
- Exxon Valdez and Ecology
- Exxon Valdez Effects on Jobs
Read this! And then tell me that the ATSDR report on MCS was unbiased and that OSHA
knows what it's talking about when it states, "MCS is clearly not occupationally related." . -- barb
- Exxon Valdez Effects on People
http://homepages.about.com/jillrabe/ExxonPeople.htmlRANT Magazine
„Hey, your car stinks!¾
"W hat is the deal with CAR AIR FRESHENERS? Are these people using CAR
deodorizers the same demographic that use HOME air fresheners? Things have got
to be pretty bad for someone to use an air freshener in their house... think about this. ..."
- Real Estate News And Advice - Realty Times
- The Fluoride Debate: Should It Be Added To Our Water?- August 10, 2000
By Stuart Lieberman, Esq.
- Fragrances Make Some People Very Ill - Especially Those With MCS - October 5, 2000
By Stuart Lieberman, Esq.
- Hotels, Apartments Specializing in Sensitivity Training - September 2, 1999
- Indoor Air Pollution's Unusual Suspects - February 18, 1999
Unfortunately, this is really a roundup of the "usual suspects" -- cats, cockroaches and the
dreaded dust mites. Too bad this article didn't include the superfluous toxins found in all
synthetic fragrances used in personal care and cleaning/maintenance products. Synthetic
fragrance chemical formulations contain known sensitizers, irritants, VOCs ... -- barb
By Courtney Ronan
- Survey Finds Consumers More Environmentally Focused Than Builders - October 4, 2000
Written by Realty Times Staff http://realtytimes.com/rtnews/rtcpages/20001004_environment.htm
- That New Home Aroma May Disguise Bad Air - June 29, 1999
By PJ Wade, The Catalyst, http://www.thecatalyst.com.
- Want cleaner air? Don't go Home - March 19, 1998
Includes such interesting info as:" An engineer was wearing an air pollution monitor while touring theBut this article, too, ignores the superfluous toxins in fragrances used in personal care and
Los Angeles freeway system. He forgot to turn the monitor off when he arrived home
and was surpried to find that the air inside his home was 10 times more polluted than
the freeway air.' "
cleaning/maintenance products. -- barb
By Courtney Ronan
- RedFlagsWeekly.com
By Meryl Nass, MD ; April 15, 2002
Jeff Rense
- Sundays That Stink
By John Knight
- Believing You're Young Can Make It True Deepak Chopra - 12-19-1
- Chemicals Formed During Food Irradiaton Can Be Harmful - 12-19-1
- Estrogen Therapy - Where Does The Estrogen Come From?
By Alisa Mullins and Kathy Guillermo; PETA.org - 11-15-1
"What would you do if your doctor told you to swallow horse urine every day
for the rest of your life? You'd think he lost his marbles, right? ...
- Garlic Blasts Worst Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria - 12-19-1
- Kitchen Air Pollution Risk From Gas Ranges Revealed
By Rob Edwards; NewScientist.com - 12-18-1
- 'New Car Smell' Can Make You Sick Warn Australian Scientists - 12-19-1
- Reuters Health Information
(Free search for 10 days only)
- Allergy sufferers may also be at risk for asthma
By Suzanne Rostler
(Again, no mention of fragrance chemicals and their irritants and sensitizers that can make allergies worse, and can also cause and/or trigger asthma. When will they wake up? -- barb) http://www.reutershealth.com/archive/2000/05/18/midday/links/20000518elin005.html
- AllerCareDust mite spray, powder recalled
WASHINGTON, Jan 14 (Reuters)
"S.C. Johnson said that it believed the fragrance of its dust mite spray and powder
was to blame for the allergic reactions in consumers. "
- TGSC Material Safety Data Sheet for BENZYL BENZOATE FCC --
a fragrance ingredient in AllerCare
The Good Scents Company
- Experts urge study of chemicals and children's health
- Gulf Vets More Chemical-Sensitive Than Other Vets
By Merritt McKinney; Thu Mar 7,10:22 AM ET
"NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - British soldiers who served in the Gulf War are
twice as likely as other veterans to report a sensitivity to at least one chemical, UK
researchers report. ..."
- Perfume triggers reaction via the eyes
NEW YORK, Jun 18 (Reuters Health) [1999]
OR: http://www.aerias.org/news_article.asp?article=309
- Self-copying paper, photocopying linked to health problems
NEW YORK, Dec 24 (Reuters Health)
- GM food ban at Monsanto staff restaurant - papers
LONDON, Dec 22 (Reuters)
- Chemical Sensitivity "Surprisingly" Common in California
WESTPORT, Jun 28 (Reuters Health)
UK Trade Unions Urged to Investigate Workplace Disease
LONDON, Aug 25 (Reuters Health)
- Mystery of Blood-Brain Barrier Unlocked
By Merritt McKinney;NEW YORK, Jan 07 (Reuters Health)
St. Louis Post Dispatch
Clearing the air about chemical sensitivity
By Lisa Jones Towsel
San Francisco Chronicle
- An Eco-Friendly S.F.
City plan calls for auto-free zones, beehives -- and higher taxes to pay for it all
"-- Limit the use of perfume and other scented items, like deodorant. "
- Environmental Groups Win Big Court Victory
Justices uphold use of citizen suits to enforce federal pollution laws
Henry Weinstein, Los Angeles Times; Thursday, January 13, 2000
- Mauling Death Victim's Fault, Lawyers Say
Rambling letter to police says she placed self in harm's way
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff Writer
"... The attorneys say that Whipple, a 33-year-old college lacrosse coach, may have also
been using steroids or had a pheromone-based fragrance that drew the dog to her.
They said that experienced dog trainers say such substances could provoke aggressive
behavior in dogs. ..."
- Success Smells Sweet to 'Phantom's' Vroman JERRY CARROLL, SF Chronicle Staff Writer; Thursday, December 12, 1996
Folks, this story says it all! REALLY, synthetic scents should not be used for public venues. -- barb
- See Sierra Club's resolution regarding the ...
"Excessive Use of Fragrance Products in Public Places"
http://tamalpais.sierraclub.org/chapters/sanfranciscobay/policy/december1998.htmToxins in Familiar Places
Arsenic and old waste
Jackie Hunt Christensen; Sunday, September 15, 2002; ©2002 SF Chronicle http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/09/15/ED1334.DTLprinter version: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/09/15/ED1334.DTL&type=printable
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health Airway allergy and worklife.
Malmberg P
They state, "strong scents." -- barb http://www.occuphealth.fi/cgi-bin/sjweh/abst_testi.pl?key=2001|6|422--|1
Scents and Sensitivity
Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 106,
December 12, November 1998
"Scents and Sensitivity "
Sick-building syndrome can cause some serious workplace woes
By Julyne Derrick
Scents and sensitivities
What to know before buying a Valentine¼s Day perfume
By Francesca Lyman; Feb. 6, 2002
The Science and Environmental Health Network
Science, Action and Ethics in the Public Interest
- Article II. Phthalates: Asking The Right Questions
By Nancy Myers
"[Dr.] Schettler's informed guess is that the gravest new concern may be about
phthalates used in cosmetics, personal care products, and fragrances."
- Pollution is Personal
Science News Online
- Common pollutants undermine masculinity
- Girls may face risks from phthalates
By Janet Raloff; Sept. 9, 2000
- Lemon-scented products spawn pollutants
Janet Raloff; Week of Dec. 9, 2000; Vol. 158, No. 24
Note: for more information on fragrances and flavors, visit EHN's page F
- New Concerns about Phthalates - Ingredients of common plastics, may harm boys as they develop
By Janet Raloff; Sept. 2, 2000
Scientific American
Everyday Exposure to Toxic Pollutants
The Scientist
Neurotoxin Concerns, Controversy Escalate [sic]
The Scientist 4[3]:1, Feb. 05, 1990
By Elizabeth Pennisi
"Scientists are realizing that substances in the environment can have devastating
effects on the human nervous system."
"...Those substances are everywhere: organic solvents in the workplace, chemicals in
perfumes, pesticides used on lawns, natural and added chemicals in foods, or prescribed
or illegal drugs. The brain is the body's kingpyn organ; yet, once damaged or
destroyed, nerve cells cannot be replaced. ..."
This report is 12 years old, yet we continue to hear, "more research needs to be done." -- barb
Scots study may link deodorant to breast cancer
By Sue Leonard; October 31 1999; SCOTLAND; The Sunday Times
Seattle Post Intelligencer
City's perfume ban is no-non-scents, but some say it smells like Big Brother
- Janine Ridings Writes ...
"Problems from fragrances are genuine and very serious"
Seattle Times
- Troubling chemicals detected in people
Saturday, August 26, 2000, 12:00 a.m. Pacific
Background, Related Info & Multimedia:
by Daniel P. Jones
The Hartford Courant
"Chemicals commonly used in everyday plastic products and beauty aids
- everything from nail polish and perfume to garden hoses and food
wrap - are being detected in people at levels that concern federal health
"The family of chemicals, called phthalates, includes some that can cause
birth defects and disrupt hormonal functions, which control normal cell
development and reproduction. ..."
- Report cites side effects seen after drugs get OK By Lindsey Tanner; The Associated Press; Wednesday, May 01, 2002 - 12:00 a.m. Pacific
SF Gate
- Sick Building Syndrome Part 1
Victims Of Mysterious Illness Suffer From Public Ignorance -
By David Bragi, Special to SF Gate
- Sick Building Syndrome Part 2
Tips For Keeping Your Home Healthy
By David Bragi, Special to SF Gate
- Sick Building Syndrome Part 3
Sufferers Start To Raise Voices, Take Action
By David Bragi, Special to SF Gate
- Supervisors Tackle Mold Issue At Hunters Point Apartments
Two call for cleanup of subsidized housing
Silent Spring Institute
Researching the environment and women's health
- Associations Between Selected Risk Factors and Breast Cancer
But there is no hint of the carcinogenic properties of synthetic fragrances. -- barb
- Selected Publications by Silent Spring Institute's Staff
Includes PDF file for "Cape Cod Breast Cancer and Environment Study" and
"Social Differences in Women's Use of Personal Care Products ..." -- barb
SNIFF - Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act
"107th CONGRESS - 1st Session - H. R. 1947
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.
May 22, 2001 - Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, and Ms. BERKLEY) introduced the
following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled. ...
Go to Thomas, enter 'hr 1947' without quotes, and click search. -- barb
SNIFF - Fragrance Bill: H.R. 1947; reintroduced by Rep. Jan Schakowsky, 5/22/2001
(SNIFF was first introduced September 21, 2000.)
A BILLTo amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require that fragrances
containing known toxic substances or allergens be labeled accordingly.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled,SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
This Act may be cited as the `Safe Notification and Information For Fragrances act.'
SUBSTANCES OR ALLERGENS.Section 602 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 362) is amended by
adding at the end the following:
'(g) If it is a fragrance that contains a known toxic substance, unless it bears labeling
stating that fact and the common or usual name of such substance.'(h) If it is a fragrance that contains a known allergen, unless it bears labeling stating
that fact and the common or usual name of such allergen, or the name specified in
any definition and standard of identity for the allergen under section 401, as applicable.'.
Rep Berkley, Shelley [D NV] - 5/22/2001;
Rep Fattah, Chaka [D PA] - 7/18/2001Follow this bill via Thomas at http://thomas.loc.gov/
To find the historical information on Safe Notification and Information for Fragrances Act
(SNIFF), go into Thomas and the info on the 106th Congress at
Then, under word/phrase, you can key in "fragrance" -- without quotes and hit search
you can go into "Bill/Amendment No.:" and enter "hr 5238" or "H.R. 5238" -- again,
without quotes -- and hit search and you'll bring up the information on SNIFF
Society for Occupational and Environmental Health (SOEH)
An International Society
6278 Old McLean Village Drive
McLean, Virginia 22101
Telephone: (703) 556-9222
Facsimile: (703) 556-8729
Email: soeh@degnon.org
SOEH 2002 Annual Conference
International Aspects of Pesticide Exposure and Health
NEW DATE - July 8 - 12, 2002 (Old date - December 17 - 21, 2001)
Natcher Center, NIH, Bethesda, MD
Will stress topics of pesticide exposure in the home, school, workplace (agricultural,
military, etc) and in public health situations. There will be an attempt to incorporate
participation/presentations by colleagues from less industrialized countries. Will
include definition on what is a "pesticide".
The Texas Two-Step
" George W. and Laura Bush's new Crawford, Texas home boasts a stunning array of eco-friendly
featuresãperhaps not what you'd expect from one of the least environmentally friendly
administrations sinceäum, creation.
By Rose Marie Berger
Some say a popular perfume is a health danger!!
Judith Sanderson, Teacher, Culver City High
- Dr. Jacob Offenberger
Quoted from Some say a popular perfume is a health danger!!, above:
"Dr. Jacob Offenberger is an Allergist; 'No manufacturer would like to sell any product
that has real toxins in it or real irritants in it because it won't sell.' Dr. Jacob Offenberger
is spokesperson for the Asthma Foundation of America. "What? Dr. Offenberger hasn't heard of the tobacco industry?
On his own website Dr. Offenberger states ...
"The worst disease in the world is ignorance. Anything that can alleviate ignorance will
contribute to the wellness of society." -Jacob Offenberger, MD-
(Go to About Dr. Offenberger.)
- FDA's statement:
"Neither cosmetic products nor cosmetic ingredients are reviewed or
approved by FDA before they are sold to the public. FDA cannot require
companies to do safety testing of their cosmetic products before marketing. If,
however, the safety of a cosmetic product has not been substantiated, the
product's label must read 'WARNING: The safety of this product has not been
- Yet the FDA does not bother to enforce its own rules already on its books! Hence was born the FDA Petition.
- Judith Sanderson, Culver City High teacher
- ASSAULT BY SCENT! OR: Keeping Smelly Students at Bay
Aired February 1, 1998 - 1:45 p.m. ET
CNN EARTH MATTERS; Anne McDermott explains.
- Fragrant door - BLISTERED!
- Judith Sanderson, "Teacher with chemical sensitivity"
Scroll to bottom to read:
ADAM NEWSLETTER-Bureau of National Affairs
July 9, 1998, Vol. 7, No. 13
Vol. 7, No. 13 July 9, 1998
SF Weekly
- Poisoned Gods
As museums return stolen religious artifacts, Native Americans are learning that their
most sacred objects may kill them
"... Federal law compels institutions to return artifacts only if they are
used in religious ceremonies, leaving tribal leaders like Hostler in a conundrum:
Their regalia, after being stolen by whites, contaminated in museums, and
returned at great expense to the tribes, are too poisoned to use and too
precious to pack away. If they bury the items, they risk contaminating the
soil and poisoning their ground water; if they burn them, they risk scarring
their lungs by inhaling the pollutants. In short, Hostler's initial excitement
about repatriation, envisioned as a means to reopen long-lost connections
with his most sacred beliefs, has been displaced by the fear that
communicating with his God could wind up killing him. ... "
The story is in four-page format:
http://www.sfweekly.com/issues/2002-09-04/feature.html/1/index.htmlPrinter Friendly, one-page version:
John Stossel
Promoted! Now co-anchor to Barbara Walters on 20/20, May 23, 2003 . . . instead of being kicked out, he's been kicked upstairs. Give ME a break! For more on Stossel, see
Stuff Happens. -- barb
I guess I've just arrived from another planet . . . for look what I've failed to recognize in one, John Stossel. -- barb
"Mr. Stossel openly questioned why Americans are routinely jailed for voluntarily
participating in the so-called "consensual crimes" in "Sex, Drugs and Consenting Adults."
Such projects have consistently rated among the top television news programs, as
reflected in his 19 Emmy Awards. In addition he has been honored five times
for excellence in consumer reporting by the National Press Club, and has
received the George Polk Award for Outstanding Local Reporting and the
George Foster Peabody Award.
- Does Stossel Deserve a Promotion?
- Ecology House and MCS with John screw the facts Stossel
This report did more to undo small gains in workplace accommodation than anything else I know of . . . and certainly my experience was no different than so many others I heard from. Too damn bad,
too, for cleaner air gains made for the already chemically injured help EVERYONE! - barb
- Julia Kendall's opinion of ABC's John Stossel
08 Jan 1997
"The chemical industry has billions to spend on false advertising and planting
'news' items, and obviously paying Stossel, who, by the way, showed up at
Ecology House, low cost, subsidized housing, for the disabled, in a stretch limosene,
hidden behind dark windows and dark sunglasses, to verbally abuse the residents.
If Stossel had wanted an accurate, honest report, he had the scientic data. I gave it to
him along with names and phone numbers of respected physicians and scientists. He
chose to ignore the truth. There are honest journalists. I've worked with quite a few.
Stossel has chosen to sell his credentials to the highest bidder, the Chemical
Manufacturer's Association."
- EWG Investigation Finds ABC News Fabricated One Lab Test And
Distorted Another In Story Critical of Organic Food
- Apology Highlights ABC Reporter's Contrarian Image
- New Developments as of August 9, 2000
- ABC: Organic Food Report Incorrect
By DAVID BAUDER, Associated Press Writer; Monday August 7 7:45 PM ET
"NEW YORK (AP) - ABC News admitted on Monday that a ''20/20'' report by
John Stossel questioning the safety of organic produce was wrong and that the
reporter would apologize on the air for his mistake on Friday.
"The network wouldn't say whether Stossel or any ''20/20'' staffers would be
disciplined. An environmental watchdog group is calling for Stossel to be fired. ..."
http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000807/us/abc_stossel_1.htmlAlso see 20/20 and John Stossel on EHN's Stuff Happens!
- As I see it: Truth lost in ABC's claim kids were `scared green'
John Borowski / Corvallis Gazette 19jul01; OP-ED on ABC's John Stossel
- FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
- A Failure of Skepticism in Powell Coverage
Disproof of previous claims underlines need for scrutiny
February 10, 2003
http://www.fair.org/press-releases/un-powell-iraq.htmlMuted Response to Ashcroft's Sneak Attack on Liberties
February 12, 2003
- FAIR on the Environment
- Stossel Tampers with the Facts
ACTION ALERT: July 17, 2001
"John Stossel plays by a different set of rules than other journalists, as demonstrated
most recently by "Tampering with Nature," a one-hour special that aired on
ABC on June 29.
- The Washington Times¼ Hair-Raising Tall Tale
Lynx fur "hoax" story shows the power of right-wing media
By Paul Tolme
- FAIR on Stossel
- ABC's John Stossel
" 'I started out by viewing the marketplace as a cruel place, where you need intervention by government and lawyers to protect people. But after watching the regulators work, I have come to believe that markets are magical and the best protectors of the consumer. It is my job to explain the beauties of the free market.'
"--ABC News correspondent John Stossel (Oregonian, 10/26/94)"
- ACTION ALERT: Stossel's Shoddy Reporting on Government Waste:
ABC's Free-Market Booster Needs Some Competition
February 7, 2001
- Stossel's Distortions Finally Catching Up With Him?
- In Attack on Public Schools, Did ABC's Stossel Do His Homework?
- Stossel Fabricated Data on Organics, Researchers Say
- Stossel Offers Nothing But Junk Journalism - Defending Cigarette ScienceAgainst MCS
By Cynthia Wilson
- Stossel Tampers with the Facts
- FAIR Responds to ABC's John Stossel: Stossel's New Mistakes and Evasions
November 11, 1999
- Will Stossel Endorse Phony "Lynxgate" Story?
August 2, 2002
- Julia Kendall (1935 - 1997) on Stossel
08 Jan 1997
"The chemical industry has billions to spend on false advertising and planting
'news' items, and obviously paying Stossel, who, by the way, showed up at
Ecology House, low cost, subsidized housing, for the disabled, in a stretch limosene,
hidden behind dark windows and dark sunglasses, to verbally abuse the residents.
If Stossel had wanted an accurate, honest report, he had the scientic data. I gave it to
him along with names and phone numbers of respected physicians and scientists. He
chose to ignore the truth. There are honest journalists. I've worked with quite a few.
Stossel has chosen to sell his credentials to the highest bidder, the Chemical
Manufacturer's Association.
- The Nation
- Food Fight
- A Teflon Correspondent
All roles of journalists must be played by journalists (duh!).
--David Westin, president of ABC News, discussing Leonardo DiCaprio's interview of Bill Clinton
- The Right in the Classroom
- FULL COURT PRESS | October 2, 2000
The Right Whines
- Stossel's Heroes
- The Joy of Women's Sports
by RUTH CONNIFF; August 10, 1998
"John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 offered one tale of the ravages of what he called 'the equality police.'"
- Not "Junk Science" but "Junk Journalism"
By Albert Donnay, MCS R&R (http://www.mcsrr.org)
- Junk Science
Junk Journalism
Or Tabloid News
by Earle Phillips, NC Chem Member, former Radio News and Publisher.
(Proud of Broadcast News as it used to be)
- Prime-time propagandist
Is ABC's John Stossel a reporter or a right-wing apparatchik?
By David Mastio; salon.com; Feb. 25, 2000 | WASHINGTON
- Report on Organic Foods Is Challenged By JIM RUTENBERG; NY Times
- Responses to [Stossel's] Allergic to the World from CSDA
- 20/20 distortions
by Evan L Petee
- Junk Journalism - Using MCS as an example of junk science
by Cynthia Wilson
- Letter sent to Sponsor (Warner Lambert)
Strange bedfellows: Journalists as corporate shills
Why do Americans hate the press?
Maybe it's because so many reporters are in bed with the rich and powerful.
""A pitch for sponsors is generally not what an investigative reporter does," observes
Jeff Cohen, director of FAIR. "But Stossel's reputation preceded him into that room ã
his attacks on environmental, consumer activist, and regulatory agencies got into that
room way before he walked in. He's famous for being the reporter who 'champions
the overdog.'" According to FAIR, two producers on Stossel's specials quit because,
they say, he refused to accept information counter to his thesis about government regulation. "
- "Students get suspension for cologne in classroom "
By STEVE POWELL Herald Writer; March 21, 2000
- Study links aerosols to headache, depression (03 Sep 99)
[ infants exposed had ... "30 percent more ear infections and a 22 percent increase in diarrhoea."]
Planet Ark
- Sun Sentinel - South Florida
Scented products at hospitals have power to harm
By BOB LaMENDOLA Health Writer
Return to top
The Tennessean
Termites - Home Buyers Alert: What May Be in the Home You Are Buying?
- Choosing prudence over pesticides
By BILL SNYDER; Staff Writer
- Hysteria article angers school officials
The Tennessean
By Anne Paine / Tennessean Staff Writer; Monday, 2/7/00
http://www.getipm.com/products/toxicology.htmThe Terrible Touch-Me-Nots... Ingredients to AVOID in personal care products
" What you put on your skin can go into your body to affect your health and sense of
well-being - either negatively or positively. You can choose which . . . if you know the
facts (which the "cosmetic conspiracy" wants to hide from you).
- TestedOnHumans.com
It's All Good! is from BC, Canada
- What are you buiying?[in your cosmetics]
http://www.testedonhumans.com/alert.html- The Toledo Blade
(Many of Michael Woods stories regarding fragrances and pesticides seem to be pulled
not to be readily found by me again. However, you do have titles and dates, so perhaps
they could be looked up in a library if you are really interested. They are putting in a new search
system, so you'll be able to retrieve articles and then if you want the entire archived document,
you'll have to pay for it. -- barb)
Tobacco -- also see EHN's General Links, page T / Tobacco
- Entryway rug traps more than just dirt
June 14, 1999; By Michael Woods
- Environment may damage immunity
November 29, 1999; By Michael Woods
- Pesticide risk reported in pet flea collars
August 23, 1999; BY MICHAEL WOODS
- Synthetic musk linked to environmental risks
March 24, 1999; BY MICHAEL WOODS
NOTE: This story was pulled in rather short order by the Blade. When I asked if
they could reload it, I was told to get it at my local library. You'll be interested to know that
in Synthetic musk, Michael Woods wrote, in part,
"ANAHEIM, Calif. - Synthetic fragrances used in perfumes, soaps, laundry detergents,
fabric softeners, cosmetics, and scores of other consumer products have become a new
and unexpected group of environmental contaminants, scientists said.
"The chemicals are accumulating in human fat tissue, blood, breast milk, drinking water
supplies, lakes and streams, fish and wildlife, and elsewhere in the environment,
according to scientists interviewed here. They are presenting scientific reports at a
national meeting of the American Chemical Society.
" 'I think there is reason for public concern about possible effects of these fragrances,'
said Dr. Sebastian Kevekordes of the University of Gottingen in Germany.
"One compound, musk xylene, has carcinogenic, or cancer-causing, effects in laboratory
mice, Dr. Kevekordes said. Another, musk ketone, damages genes in animal
experiments and has other worrisome effects.
"Many of the studies identifying synthetic musk compounds in human tissue and the
environment have been done in Europe and Japan. Dr. Kevekordes said that synthetic
musks are used just as widely, or more so, in the United States, where fragrances have
been used even in trash bags and product packaging.
"Dr. Gerhard G. Rimkus, another German expert interviewed at the meeting of scientists,
estimated that 8,000 tons of synthetic musk fragrances are produced annually.
" 'Oh, absolutely they are used in the states,' said Dr. Rimkus, who is with the Official Food
and Veterinary Institute in Neumuenster. 'Use is probably more extensive than
in Europe or Japan. These are high-volume global chemicals. It's very hard to avoid
them in consumer products.' . . . "
(Oh-OH! -- barb)
- Technology gain means fresh underwear
August 24, 1999: BY MICHAEL WOODS
- Dr Stanton A Glantz, Division of Cardiology, UCSF
Tobacco industry efforts subverting International Agency for
Research on Cancer's second-hand smoke study.
Elisa K Ong, Stanton A Glantz ; Lancet 2000; 355: 1253‚59
- TomPaine.commonsense
- Collateral Damage In The Pesticide Wars - The Troubling Story of Dr. Omar Shafey
Karen Charman is an investigative journalist specializing in agriculture, health and the environment.
- Topeka Capital-Journal
"What the nose doesn't know
Fragrance isn't always a pleasant experience for those with allergies."
By LISA M. SODDERS; The Capital-Journal; Dec. 13, 1999
- ToxicExposure.org A web resource for learning more about the toxic chemicals
in our bodies and promoting the public's right to know.
Toxic Trail
A documentary broadcast on BBC World as part of the 'Earth Report' series. -- barb
"The pesticide industry is big business. Annual Sales are over 30 billion US dollars.
Major manufacturers say they try very hard to encourage responsible use of the
chemicals ‚ they call it 'Product Stewardship'. Despite this, an estimated 25 million
cases of pesticide poisoning occur each year. Nearly all the victims are in developing
countries. ..."
Produced by the Television Trust for the Environment (TVE)
http://www.toxictrail.org/Return to top
United Kingdom
- Ministry of Defence
British Chemical Warfare Defence During the Gulf Conflict
False Alarms ... Chemical Agent Monitor ...
"Chemical Agent Monitor " ... 93. In 1990/91 a number of harmless substances were known to give a false
response on CAM. These included aromatic vapours, such as some brands of
aftershave and perfume, and breath tainted by peppermints and cough lozenges;
cleaning compounds; and fumes from the Challenger Armour Piercing Discarding
Sabot (APDS) round or ammunition for the Mark VIII Naval 4.5 inch gun. ..."
During the early 90s, fire alarms at Clorox headquarters in Oakland, California were most likely
set off by perfumes, colognes and aftershaves. Building engineers were having to track down
the reason for false alarms, and upon exiting an elevator, exclaimed about the strong odor of
perfumes. Shortly after that, it was noticable that the use of heavy scents, heavily applied, decreased
. . . and so did the false alarms. -- barb
- UK Trade Unions Urged to Investigate Workplace Disease
LONDON, Aug 25 (Reuters Health)
- [US Access] "Board Adopts Policy to Promote Fragrance-Free Environments"
Three listings . . . for perfume, etc in waste water.
For more info on this same subject, see EHN's POPs
- Beauty aid chemicals taint U.S. waterways
By Joseph B. Verrengia
The Associated Press
Tri-Valley Herald Online; March 13, 2002
" A government analysis shows the nation's waterways are awash in traces of chemicals used in beauty aids, medications, cleaners and foods.Among the substances: caffeine, contraceptives, painkillers, insect repellent, perfumes and nicotine.
Scientists say that the substances largely escape regulation and defy municipal wastewater treatment. The long-term effects of exposure are unclear, they say.
The compounds are sold on supermarket shelves and found in virtually every medicine cabinet and broom closet, as well as farms and factories. And they are flushed or rinsed down the drain every day. But they do not disappear, researchers warn.
Hydrologists with the U.S. Geologic Survey tested water samples in 30 states for 95 common compounds, an emerging class of contaminants known as pharmaceutical and personal care pollutants, or PPCPs. The results of the three-year analysis appear in the March 15 issue of Environmental Science and Technology. ... "
http://search.newschoice.com/ArchiveDisplay.asp?story=d:\index\newsarchives\ang\anghe\fpg\20020313\1407990_h4as413.txt&source=www%2Etrivalleyherald%2Ecom&puid=557&paper=Tri%2DValley+Herald+OnlineCold cream and caffeine tainting U.S. waterways
Chemicals defy wastewater treatment
By Joseph B. Verrengia
The Associated Press
Argus Online; March 13, 2002
- Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants
in U.S. Streams, 1999-2000: A National Reconnaissance
Thanks to Environmental Science & Technology
Full article in HTML:
http://pubs.acs.org/cgi-bin/jtextd?esthag/36/6/html/es011055j.htmlFull article in PDF:
- US News & World Report
- Assessing children's toxic risks
- Heavy metal fish: New warnings about mercury tell seafood buyers to beware
US News and World Report; 17 March 2003
- How to protect your kids
- In the air they breahte
- Kids at Risk
By Sheila Kaplan and Jim Morris
- USA Today
- Drug could cut asthma therapy
March 6, 2000; By Steve Sternberg, USA TODAY
"Roughly 50 million people have allergies; about one-sixth of those have allergic
asthma. About 6 million have non-allergic forms of asthma caused by exercise,
chemical pollution [ THINK: FRAGRANCES, too! -- barb]
or smoking and would not benefit."
- Dust mites may promote asthma
01/19/00- Updated 06:07 PM ET; WASHINGTON (AP)
- Tracking chemicals throughout childhood
March 20, 2000; By Anita Manning
- USDA Says Yes to Terminator; 8/3/2001
RAFI - Rural Advancement Foundation International
Click out to and read their news release:. -- barb
http://www.rafi.org/web/index.shtmlReturn to top
- Vaccines during deployment linked to Gulf War syndrome
By Patricia Reaney
- Also see EHN's links out from Vaccines
- The Village Voice
Return to top
- Artists Document the World Trade Center's Demise
The Witnessing Eye
by C.Carr
- From Celebrity Chefs to Gourmet Guerrillas, Americans Confront the Hazards of the Food World
Feeding Frenzy
by Joy Press; Week of March 20 - 26, 2002
- The Flack Catchers
by Chisun Lee "Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber's Trust Us, We're Experts! How Industry
Manipulates Science and Gambles With Your Future delivers both delight and dismay
to the hypochondriacs and conspiracy theorists among us. "Ha!" we can crow. "We were
right!" The Fortune 500 do employ a vast underground army of twisted manipulators
and elite mercenaries to win greater profit at the expense of our minds and bodies! ..."
- Mutant Malathion
" For months, the malathion sat in Deep South warehouses and outdoor storage tanks,
baking in the summer sun. Destined for mosquito-control programs, the insecticide
was supposed to be stored at temperatures no higher than 77 degrees Fahrenheit to
avoid conversion to a more deadly poison. But there it was, unrefrigerated in parts of
the country where the mercury can climb toward 100 day after day. ... "
Sharon Wachsler
How the American Ideology of Progress Fuels the Oppression of People with MCS
By Sharon Wachsler © 2000
Appearing in Disability Studies Online Magazine
- Cartoon --Clip 'n' copy
Appearing in Ragged Edge
- Wall Street Journal
"Air Quality Becomes An Issue With Hotels"
By THOMAS GOETZ - Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL; May 22, 2000
"Neicei Degen walked into her hotel room at Hilton Washington & Towers looking
forward to a relaxing week in the capital."And then she walked right out again.
"The problem, the Peabody, Mass., administrator says, wasn't the glitzy decor or
the limited view. It was the air, which she describes as a musty blend of stale air
and cleaning fumes. "I didn't know what the blazes hit me," the admittedly
chemically sensitive Ms. Degen says. "It was a beautiful hotel room, but I had to
get out of there. . . ."
- Warner Bros Online
- Allergic to Everything
Weekend January 6/7, 2001
" Cynthia Wilson says, 'I've been close to death about 60 times. I've probably been to
the emergency room 100 times. It's like waking up into a nightmare.' "
Note, look for Previous News Archives, near upper right of page and click on January 2001. -- barb
- Washington Free Press
A Free Press Investigation: "It's All In Your Head"
"Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Boeing workers say they've been sickened by the
chemicals used at Boeing plants throughout Puget Sound. But instead of giving these
workers the medical and financial help they need, Boeing- with the help of its connections
within state government and the medical establishment- is saying many workers just
have psychological problems. We'll tell you how Boeing has been getting away with
this, and why it should stop."
This link takes you to a series of stories. -- barb
- Washington Post
Articles may be withdrawn by the paper, but you have title, date and author. -- barb
- A Win for Clean Air
Friday, March 29, 2002; Page A22
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A33877-2002Mar28.htmlPrinter: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A33877-2002Mar28?language=printer
- Ann Landers
Wednesday, May 10, 2000; Page C13; Creators Syndicate Inc.
Dear Ann: "... I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. This means I have become so sensitive
to so many chemicals that I am like that canary in the coal mine. ...
And Ann responds: "...Speak up, readers. The consumer really is king."
- Cancer Study Deemphasizes Genes' Role
by Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 13, 200 Page A01
"The vast majority of cancers are caused not by inherited defects in
people's genes, as many have come to believe in this age of
genetics, but by environmental and behavioral factors such as
chemical pollutants and unhealthy lifestyles, according to the
largest cancer study ever to enter the "nature versus nurture"
- Drug Wastes Pollute Waterways
Washington PostBy Eric Pianin; 03/13/02
"... Antibiotics and other prescription and nonprescription drugs and personal care
products used widely by Americans inevitably turn up in wastewater ..."
Note: CBS coverage above, lists "cosmetics, perfumes." -- barb
Appearing just three days later:
- Washington Post
Saturday, March 16, 2002; Page B
Samantha Snyder Turner
Nurse Practitioner
Samantha Turner, 52, a nurse practitioner who specialized in obstetrics and
gynecology for the Kaiser Permanente HMO in Reston, died Feb. 28 at Inova
Fairfax Hospital. She died of complications from an allergic reaction to perfume.
I commend Samantha Turner and her loved ones for listing the reason for her premature death.
Should I die as the result of one of my many types of reactions to perfume, cologne, aftershave,
air "freshener," fabric softeners, disinfectants, pesticides (scented so one doesn't object to the
couple of toxic chemicals one is allowed to know about) etc., I have asked my love ones to make sure
that information about the fragrance product is included in my death announcement. -- barb
- Get a Whiff of What's Next
by Skip Singer
"...Now a handful of start-up companies are trying to bring the sensory
dimension of smell to your PC, using new technology to spray all
sorts of aromas, odors and scents out of your computer.
"... How will scents be turned on and off? How can you get rid of the
aroma afterward? ("You've been playing Quake again! I can
smell it on your clothes!") How far will these scents disperse? What
programs will we find sold in "smell-enhanced" versions? Will the
selection be mostly games, or will Windows someday emanate an
appropriate smell to convey the deletion of your last two hours
of work? The mind boggles."
- Smokers Told to Fetter Their Fumes
Montgomery Plans $750 Fine if Tobacco Odors Bother Neighbors
By Jo Becker; Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 21, 2001; Page A01
- Study Tallies Americans' Exposure to Toxins
CDC Survey Turns Up 27 Chemicals, Including Plastics and Pesticides; Health Effects Are Unclear
By David Brown; Washington Post Staff Writer; Thursday, March 22, 2001; Page A02
Printer-friendly version
- What the Nose Knows
Health and Medical Issues in the News
By Nicholas Regush; ABCNEWS.com
- Whistle Blower Report Area (Let's let them know about fragrances -- barb)
"Report illegal or questionable uses of chemicals at this web site -
including suspicious health effects observed after chemical exposure.
http://www.tampareads.com/guest/guestbook.htmlWife arrested in aroma assault
Note, See Scotland, above, for story of husband assaulting wife with scented products. -- barb
STUART, Florida (AP) -- A woman was arrested for dousing herself with perfume,
spraying the house with bug killer and disinfectant, and burning scented candles in an
attempt to seriously injure her chemically sensitive husband, prosecutors said."Police charged Lynda Taylor, 36, with aggravated battery Thursday.
"David Taylor, 46, is disabled due to allergies that resulted from exposure to toxic mold
and hazardous chemicals as a construction worker, his doctors say. That exposure
netted him $150,000 in a recent workers compensation settlement."The fragrant incident occurred April 4 during a conversation the couple were having
about separating after three years of marriage. ..."
- Women.com
Maintain Your Home- Naturally Clean By Claire Whitcomb
Use vinegar and olive oil to dust the furniture?
Lemon juice to brighten brass? Annie Berthold-Bond shows
how to clean house without resorting to chemicals
- And without the name, but the same healthy cleaning tips ...
Cleaning & Household Tips from MCS Barbie's Mom
This is how I've cleaned for 43 years and counting ... I'd say my avoiding
cleaning chemicals and drugs down through the years has kept me as
healthy as I am. I cannot imagine what my life would be like if I had been
a heavy user of scented products, drugs, anesthesia, etc. -- barb
- Women's Environmental Network (WEN)
United Kingdom
- Pretty Nasty: Phthalates in European Cosmetic Products
- Ending the cosmetics cover-up
- World Trade Center
- 9-11: The Toxic Aftermath
Facts and Protection for Rescue Workers and Residents
Cyndi Norman's great efforts. Crucial information -- a MUST read!
- Firefighters WTC Cough
Firefighters to be checked for 'WTC cough'
October 29, 2001 Posted: 1:05 PM EST (1805 GMT)
http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/10/29/rec.wtc.cough/index.htmlColumbus Dispatch
By Joe Hallett, Dispatch Senior Editor, Thursday, November 1, 2001; NEWS 01A
What are the possible health hazards posed by the dust and
debris from the World Trade Center's (WTC) burning and collapse?
http://health.discovery.com/expert/qa/general/dust.htmlNote: Don't be swayed by a diagnosis of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.
Start researching Environmental Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
Visit EHN's section on books for starters. -- barb
- September 11, 2001 ... EHN's page
- What's ailing school near World Trade Center?
CNN; October 19, 2001
- WRAL News Investigates
Sick Buildings: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
By Stuart Watson; ; March 2, 1996
- WSFA - Montgomery, Alabama
This seemingly is a write-up of the KNBC-TV Los Angeles Valentine's Day 2000
11 p.m. news coverage. Note Dr. Offenberger's comments: " 'No manufacturer would like to
sell any product that has real toxins in it or real irritants in it because it won't sell.'
Dr. Jacob Offenberger is spokesperson for the Asthma Foundation of America. He
says some people are just sensitive to perfume chemicals....and they are blowing this
issue out of proportion."
Note below Dr. Offenberger's belief that "The worst disease in the world is ignorance."
I'd like to know: Why are some doctors so interested in protecting the unregulated
synthetic fragrance industry? Why not listen to what patients are telling you, rather
than what you assume to be true based on industry hype? And what happened to:
FIRST DO NO HARM?Also, totally misleading, and yet never questioned by the reporter, is the Calvin Klein statement:
"All of Calvin Klein's products meet or exceed the requirement of the Federal Public
Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act."There are no regulations. The FDA does NOT regulate the fragrance industry.
Products are not approved before marketing. Why, the FDA does not even require the
warning labels according to its own regulations, already on its books. By all means,
do not take my word for it. See for yourself by visiting FDA's site. Also, visit EHN's Citizen's
Petition currently before the FDA. Take this golden opportunity to inform the FDA of your first
or secondhand negative health effects due to modern synthetic fragrances. -- barb
Some say a popular perfume is a health danger!!
Return to top
- Dr. Jacob Offenberger
Quoted from Some say a popular perfume is a health danger!!, above:
"Dr. Jacob Offenberger is an Allergist; 'No manufacturer would like to sell any product
that has real toxins in it or real irritants in it because it won't sell.' Dr. Jacob Offenberger
is spokesperson for the Asthma Foundation of America. "What? Dr. Offenberger hasn't heard of the tobacco industry?
On his own website Dr. Offenberger states ...
"The worst disease in the world is ignorance. Anything that can
alleviate ignorance will contribute to the wellness of society."
-Jacob Offenberger, MD-
(See about Dr. Offenberger. -- barb)
- FDA's statement:
"Neither cosmetic products nor cosmetic ingredients are reviewed or
approved by FDA before they are sold to the public. FDA cannot require
companies to do safety testing of their cosmetic products before marketing. If,
however, the safety of a cosmetic product has not been substantiated, the
product's label must read 'WARNING: The safety of this product has not been
- Yet the FDA does not bother to enforce its own rules already on its books! Hence was born the FDA Petition.
http://ehnca.org/www/FDApetition/bkgrinfo.htmJudith Sanderson, Culver City High teacher
- ASSAULT BY SCENT! OR: Keeping Smelly Students at Bay
Aired February 1, 1998 - 1:45 p.m. ET
CNN EARTH MATTERS; Anne McDermott explains.
- Fragrant door - BLISTERED!
- Judith Sanderson, "Teacher with chemical sensitivity"
Scroll to bottom to read:
ADAM NEWSLETTER-Bureau of National Affairs
July 9, 1998, Vol. 7, No. 13
Vol. 7, No. 13 July 9, 1998
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- YES! and Dear Annie & Doug
...aromatherapy candles burning in an unvented office ...
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The URL for this page is: http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/takheart.htm -- 1/3/00
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The Environmental Health Network (EHN) [of California] is a 501 (c) (3) non profit agency and offers support and information for the chemically injured. Learn from the work of Julia Kendall, get The BEST of the Reactor, join EHN and receive The New Reactor. See what influence the Chemical Manufacturers have had against those of us with EI. The URL for this page is http://ehnca.org/www/ehnhompg/takheart.htm