Articles in the California Category
California, EHN Events »

The Environmental Health Network is so excited to return to our summer picnics, after missing them for three pandemic-filled years. For our first one since the summer of 2019, we went to our favorite picnicking spot, Buckeye Point at China Camp State Park in San Rafael, California.
View of San Francisco Bay from Buckeye Point picnic area. A red wooden fence frames the edge of the grounds with a picnic table and an oak tree. A twisty leafless tree grows from the side of the cliff overhanging the water. …
Arizona, California, Presentations, Regional, Uncategorized »

The Arizona Statewide Independent Living Council hosts regular presentations for their Partners in Preparedness Summit Series. What used to be a statewide conference on disability issues for professionals in emergency and disaster preparedness has now turned into a webinar series open to attendees from all over the country (or world).
March 18, 2021Including People who have Environmental Sensitivities in Emergency and Disaster Preparedness.
Environmental Health Members Dr. Ann McCampbell, Susan Molloy, and Cyndi Norwitz each gave presentations then answered questions.
The recording of the webinar will be on the Partners in Preparedness …
California, EHN Events, Environment »

The Environmental Health Network’s next meeting will feature Beth Terry, author of the popular blog and new book Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too.
What is your plastic footprint? Take a walk through your house and notice how much plastic has infused our way of life. From plastic-packaged food in the kitchen to toothbrushes and shampoo in the bathroom, from the carpet on the floor to the clothes in our closets, and all the gadgets we use each day, our world is full of plastic.
Although some …
California, Environment »

The California drought is ending and Petaluma’s beautiful wetlands have turned from mud to lake. This peaceful place alongside the Petaluma River, with a 2 mile walking/biking trail around it, may disappear. An asphalt company, Dutra, plans to establish a plant right next to here. The courts have ruled it valid but the fight is not over yet.
Save Shollenberger Park!
California, Government Regulation, Regional, Scientific Research »

An Introduction to Chemical Hazards in the Workplace
” … What makes a chemical toxic?
“The toxicity of a substance is its ability to cause harmful effects. These
effects can strike a single cell, a group of cells, an organ system, or the
entire body. A toxic effect may be visible damage, or a decrease in
performance or function measureable only by a test. All chemicals
can cause harm. When only a very large amount of the chemical can
cause damage, the chemical is considered to be relatively non-toxic.
When a small amount can be harmful, the chemical …
California, People, Regional, Scientific Research »

UC Berkeley Biologist who found Atrazine linked to deformed sexual organs of frogs
Atrazine-Induced Hermaphroditism at 0.1 PPB in American Frogs (Rana pipiens): Laboratory and Field Evidence Environmental Health Perspectives; Volume 111, Number 4;April 2003
Hermaphrodite Frogs Caused By Popular Weed Killer?
By Bijal P. Trivedi; National Geographic Today
“April 16, 2002 Atrazine, a top selling weed killer in the United States and the world, has
been found to dramatically affect the sexual development of male frogs, turning them
into hermaphroditesãcreatures with both male and female organsãat concentrations
30 times lower than those deemed safe …