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Value of Breast Self Examination
A study to evaluate the efficacy of Breast Self Examination (BSE), recently released to the media, was done by scientists at: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt organization), Seattle, WA; Station for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, Shanghai Textile Industry bureau, Shanghai, China; and Institute of Medical Biology, University of Tromso, Tromso, Norway. The principal investigator and lead author of the study is Dr. David B. Thomas of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Since there was no statistical difference between the death rates of the two groups, the investigators erroneously concluded that BSE has no value and then made the quantum leap that women instead should rely on mammograms for early detection of breast cancers and thereby reduce the death rateÝfrom these diseases. It is faulty science to speculate on a conclusion when the study could have and should have been designed to carry out annual mammograms on approximately the same number of Chinese women in a third group. The investigators missed an opportunity to conduct a credible study by not carrying out such mammograms. Therefore, women are well advised to ignore the intended meaning of this study in its entirety. It is truly disheartening to see that taxpayer funds were used to conduct such a poorly designed study, which was elementary in both character and scope. Public health would be better served if funding would be redirected toward studies aimed at finding the sources and causes of breast cancers. Then, women could make informed choices about what to avoid -- or at the minimum, choose to reduce the frequency of use.
James W. Coleman, Ph.D.
Tel (502) 339-1282
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