Pull in the slack

Posted with permission of American PIE.

Date: 3 January, 2001

Those persons concerned about stewardship of the environment have been told to be patient with the administration about to take office in the United States. We're told we will be pleasantly surprised with the initiatives taken for care of the land and our natural resources. We're told there is a 'honeymoon' offered to new presidents; our president-elect, too, surely deserves to be given a period to develop wisdoms for the execution of his duties. We're told...to give our new leader some slack.

American PIE suggests we forget the honeymoon and 'pull in the slack.'

In past EcoAlerts, American PIE has lamented the fact that the environment was not a central issue in the 2000 presidential campaign. We hope that recent events will join the issue clearly for all American citizens. Key appointments in the U.S. federal government - the head of the Environmental Protection Agency and office of the Secretary of the Interior - have been offered to two people who have demonstrated in their past actions little affiliation with the land and only passing concern for the health of the environment.

Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (NJ), the nominee to take over Carol Browner's job, according to a recent Washington Post report "cut New Jersey's environmental protection budget by 30%...relaxed enforcement of pollution regulations, promoting voluntary compliance and cooperation instead of fines...abolished the state's environmental prosecutor's office and replaced its public advocate with a business ombudsman...and kept her pledge made at her inauguration to make the state 'open for business.'"

Gale Norton, a former protege of James Watt, has been tapped to fill Bruce Babbitt's shoes at the Interior Department. According to a recent New York Times article by Douglas Jehl (12/30/2000), Ms. Norton, as a young lawyer in President Ronald Reagan's Interior Department, was part of an unsuccessful attempt to persuade Congressional Democrats to open Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration. With George W. Bush's determination to allow oil companies access to the wildlife refuge, he has slyly positioned a 'Yes'-person in the office charged with stewardship of American lands.

Contact your federal representatives today. Say "No"... and 'pull in the slack.'

Act today on this EcoAlert, and thank you for your environmental responsibility.

American P.I.E.
Public Information on the Environment
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